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myOtaku.com: Addsapaz

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

   Peace out home dawgs!
Yo! Sorry I havn't updated in awhile!! I've started school agian... after a week of having off for Thanksgiving. And that, my friends, is something to be thankful for!!!

Well, yay, Basketball season has started agian, and I am rebounding once more!! I'm really good at rebounding (maybe it's because I'm 5 ft. 5in. and a half...) and I'm also really good a stealing the ball from people. OMG.... I'm the only person on our team who's in the five foot range!! Even Kelsey Welsey is on my team, and she's TINY, man!! And there are four people on the otaku who should know because we all went to the same elementary school. But she's accually pretty good at Basketball already, even though this is her first year at playing.

Who here can't wait until the winter holidays? I can't because my grandma is coming over for Christmas, I'm having a Christmas party, and I am having another week off of school! I also can't wait until New Year!

Well, I gotta go, please don't kill yourself during school (even though it's hard not to), and have a nice day!

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