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Sold my first art commission, learned as much Kanji, etc. as a japanese first grader, won third place fencing medal.
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Hellsing and Violinist of Hameln
To learn 1,500 Kanji, become a great artist, a renown writer, and, most of all, to be able to represent Christ better.
Fencing, drawing/painting, writing fiction, reading, playing DDR, snowboarding
Drawing, writing, uncommon strength(?), decorating . . .
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
YAY! I have a new pic in my gallery now. n_n;; Got others being worked on, and some that are finished, but cannot post them right now.
Odaiji ni, minna.
-Aerio |
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Ore no Hitsugi kara Hanareru!
1.First Heinkel Drawing
2.Heinkel or Seras? Aimlessly started this pic this morning...Heinkel does look like Seras without her sunglasses on. Don't like Yumiko's face, though...can't ever draw that angle...>_<
3.Wake up! Don't know what this is, and debated whether or not to put it in the gallery. ^_^
Well, the sequel I spoke of did not turn out. Nevertheless, I posted the sketch, as crappy as it is, in the gallery. ^_^
Thanks for all the well-wishes, though.
Methinks I shall try to draw either Zorin from Hellsing, or Chestra or someone else from Violinist of Hameln. Any other suggestions?
Alrighty--take care!
P.S. Hopeing this post doesn't have too many errors in it. V_v
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
CHIGA WAI!~!!11one!!one1!!!!1!!!!
Got another fan-art up. Sadly, methinks it looks better in person.... Ah me! Working on sequel to it--maybe will finish it...?
Got to run. ^_-'
Odaiji ni, minna!
-Aerio |
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
One more
Just one sketch for now. I couldn't find any more.
1. Anderson Opens Alucard's Coffin Just guess what he's saying!
And, yes, I know, it's not Anderson without the to add those in there somewhere. n_o
Oh well, that suffices, eh?
Take care, all/odaiji ni, minna!
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Hope this update works ***
August 8th, Sunday Update!
So...I notice I'm backsliding in popularity--that's okei. I haven't added any fan-art in a long time, I think. Hmmm....It's just really hard to know which ones to continue working on--or whether or not to just start a new one!
So see, if you're interested. I'd like to know which ones are worth finishing.
And because I'm wondering if there's any progress goin' on, I put the pics relatively in chronological order. ^_^
1. Uhm, cheap coloring, just to show that he's got a black eye.
2. I drew this falling asleep...supposedly it's Alucard
3. Wha-ha-ho! Not cool, Alucard!....>_< It was going to be a gun there before I gave up
4. It's another very distorted Alucard. Currently, I'm coloring this...:P
5. Alucard with cigar-ette and funny hat. ^_^
6. 'nother distorted Alu pic, which I'm definitely not finishing.
7. ^_^ Alucard with a tare Integra in his mouth
8. Cheap coloring job again, just to show @_@
9. Ain't Integral cuu~~~te?
10. Okei, this didn't go here...It was sometime before those last pics, I think, but this was, I suppose, getting the yuckies out of my drawing system. O_O 'kei.
11. Wait a second! this looks a lot like a Solid&Etc. pic....>_< ! Stoopid photographic memory....
12. Gonna finish this worm one day... (I think this pic's out of sequence, too)
13. Alucard's now pretty, that he is
14. Uhm...was falling asleep again-'kei.
15. My excuse for this one is that I can't draw doggies. ^_^
16. Just testing something out and took it all the way, sort of.
17. Okei, here's the real version of the previous, if you can believe it.
18. WAI~~~! Hamel and Flute. Methinks me likes it....
19. Was just working on this--felt like drawing Pip (without reference, where's that photographic memory when you need it?)
Well, you see a trend? Hellsing, Violinist of Hameln, Hellsing, Hellsing, Hellsing, dragon, no-bodies, etctera, Hellsing, Violinist of Hameln, Hellsing--Helling!
Eeto, odaiji ni, minna!
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Bored without My Human!
Hai, hai! Updating for the sake of updating.
Uber-excited now ^_^ m' girlfriend's gonna spend the night. X_x *sigh--jumpjumpjump--sigh*
Well, let's see, I've got so many options when it comes to coloring now, PS7, pencils or Copic markers or just B&W pencil. *maniacal chortle*
Books are so good (manga included). And it helps nonetheless to enjoy books to try to write in emulation of a book.
I've always wondered what the authors' version of ze evil 'pose-copy' is, haven't you? I guess it would be literary plagerism, which is, I think, far more obvious than visual plagerism.
But enough of that sore subject (as I dislike it thoroughly, in light of advice from former art teachers ^_-).
Let's see, I have a milleniu--million, yes, a million sketches. (not literally) But I am yet frustrated, and happy, all at once because it's so delightfully challenging and disparaging to draw! ^_^ Lovin' it, lovin' it.
And I haven't got nuthin' ta say.
Going to put up sketches another day... 
Odaiji ni!
-Aerio |
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Just updating to update! Er, I don't much like those other sketchies, so I wanna get 'em off my main page. n_o
And I don't have enough sketchies ready now to post 'em. Me-sa thinkin' that I sun get 'em all colored and such before postin'...but me-sa dunno real well.
Anyroad, odaiji ni!
-Aerio |
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Friday, July 23, 2004
First of all, I wanna thank all those who looked at my sketches and left comments, very uplifting comments mind you. Gratias to Panda, Kyuuketsuki, anime girl67, Maarii, and Jeice. *~wink emoticon insert~*
Well, caffine surely does the trick.
Last night, started at 10 pm and kept drawing till about 3:30 am.
And these sketches, plus two supposedly complete artworks in my gallery, are what came of it:
(In random order)
Hamel reading Supposedly the start of lil mini-doujinshi I wanna do. :">
Hamel playing volleyball? The half-hearted attempt at single-person swimsuit contest of AnimeX
Isis 2 Because I like Isis (Pu's char.) in purple. >_<
Dubbed Mr. Cheesy
Sizer in a swimsuit! Group swuimsuit contest attempt
Vocal, just 'cuase I felt like it...
Crappy Hamel sketch -_^
Well, that's it for now!
Odaiji ni.
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Monday, July 19, 2004
It works now!
According to a promise of sorts, here be the pictures, not only sketches, though the majority of them are and will be, but also pictures unrelated to anime and/or simply shouldn’t be submitted.
So, enjoy. Hope any of ye who look don’t mind having to press on a link, not knowing what you’re waiting all the time to load, as I don’t know how to do thumbnail previews.
Oh yeah, included are a few pictures I don’t really plan on finishing. So, without further ado, the list:
In alphabetical order:
Aerio sketch
Alucard and Vocal in a photo-booth Note that it’s scanned, and because it took 6 times to cover the whole pic, that’s why the sections don’t mesh. Big pic, yesh.
Intended D doing Alucard Imitation
Pu’s char. Mystic as a child
Crummy Aerio sketch
Disney char’s, done for little Jennifer, entertaining girl
Duo of Gundam Wing
Dragon of Frustration!
Hamel...I think >_<;;
Holocaust Dude
”I’m sorry,...” Crazy Kitty/self-portrait
Jack Sparrow–a commemoration to Pirates of the Caribbean
Link (Ocarina of Time) better scan
Rip of Hellsing with her umbrella
Peter Jackson (director of Lord of the Rings) with J.R.R. Tolkien, author
Freaky Alucard head-shot *doesn’t seem to be going in alphabetical order any more, ne?*
Illustration for an Easter story, which you can find here.
A plainer, yet more appealing version of that illustration
Ooh, Alucard and Integra
Seiji Date of Samurai Troopers
Ship-guy, sitting on a ship *brilliant!*
Ski Group from Ski Trip of 2004 February
Vocal Raging
And this is the detailed Vocal pic that was removed from the official Otaku...
Well, odaiji ni!
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Friday, July 16, 2004
Busy again, sort of; hence lack of updates
Well, eh...been drawin', drawin', drawin', but no finished pics. Just a tonne of sketches. Alas! And I wish I could just upload 'em to this part of "myOtaku", where it's not official, just to show some fandom progress going on. :P
Alas! Too paranoid or lazy or something to go get a space with photobucket or somesuch site.
Hnnnnnnnnn.... Well, I do have good news, though!
Plus I've got lovely markers now. And a new idea for a doujinshi. O_O >.>
Odaiji ni!
-Aerio |
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