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Sold my first art commission, learned as much Kanji, etc. as a japanese first grader, won third place fencing medal.
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Hellsing and Violinist of Hameln
To learn 1,500 Kanji, become a great artist, a renown writer, and, most of all, to be able to represent Christ better.
Fencing, drawing/painting, writing fiction, reading, playing DDR, snowboarding
Drawing, writing, uncommon strength(?), decorating . . .
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
Well, well!
Up to 625 hits now. More than I expected to get for a long time. Thanks, friends! 
Well, I've got four more pictures being sent in. If they're not accepted, wouldn't know why! Ah well... Still learning how to utilize Photoshop 7, and moving gradually that way. 
But thanks to Jeice (once again), for loaning Glin and I his Wacom tablet, progress on everything art related goes 10x faster! 
Well, let's see what else I can get done...and how soon I can get my doujinshi-thingy put together. 
-odaiji ni!
-Aerio |
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Friday, May 7, 2004
There We Go!
Added another fan art. I hope it gets uploaded soon! Still have many, many more being worked on...some still in my imagination. LOL!
Well, hnn, thanks to my good buddy Jeice Barton, I've just been inspired to draw endlessly. Wonder why he doesn't post some of his art...Forgot to ask. But I will soon! *e-mail!*
Odaiji ni!
*still listening to endless German music and Hellsing OST:RAID* |
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
Alright, so....
I thought I should update.
Yes. So, here it is.
I'm still working on tonnes of art. But today I sketched something and coloured it just for the heck of it. Perhaps it's good enough to submit--so look for it, a'ight?
Other art I'm working on is a crazy collaboration with two friends including these characters:
Alucard and Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing, Spike from Cowboy Bebop, Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha, and Krillin from DBZ. Funny...
Also working on my first Those Who Hunt Elves fan-art.
And have to finish coloring my first Kenshin...
Finish coloring my funky-looking D imitating Alucard...
Finish/perfect my "self-portraits" and color them...
Finish the Rurouni Kenshin/Inuyasha/Kare Kano/Ranma 1/2 crossover poster...
Etcetera, etcetera.
Odaiji ni!
*Whooo Lacrimosa!* |
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Well, while I've been silent for several days, maybe weeks (I forgot to look at when I last posted), I have been drawing just about to my heart's desire. For there is still more desired, and I will get to them straightway.
But, anyroad, the problem with all this drawing is that I start one, get it close to done, maybe wanna color it or summat, then start another, promising myself I'll finish both of them, and eventually get them stacked up to about 15 drawings waiting to be shaded, colored, or get a background. -_- Oh well. I'm having so much fun.
If you read this, Nick...well, I devote my Integral picture to you, for giving me Photoshop.
YES! This is my first Photoshop'ed picture, and my very first pic of Integral, surprisingly drawn in an original pose. O.O
Anyroad, odaiji ni (take care)!
-Aerio |
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Monday, April 12, 2004
That It Is
Well, I've been having difficulties with Otaku lately... Hopefully that will clear up soon--maybe even for a minute, so I can post, eh?
If you read this, obviously if started to work again.
Anyroad, I didn't reply to anyone who commented me, because, well, I couldn't on account of the problems with Otaku. Spent too much time trying...So, sorry, you didn't get a personal message from me, dudes.
The question answers are: Yes, I did get that one pic I was talking about accepted, and I called it Resting Agent. Devoted to a good friend of mine, Erin the Hobbit, that it is.
And, Kuceitu, I can't remember all of the different types of religion or whatever, either. But I'm a Christian. :D
Well...Let's see, still have the group pic to finish, a Kenshin pic to elaborate, maybe (or re-do)...and a Hunter D pic to finish coloring, along with probably some more original anime, and soon an FLCL- or Bebop-something.

Odaiji ni.
-Aerio |
Comments (8) |
Friday, April 9, 2004
Ho, ho, ho!
Come on...come on. One more hit till five hundred!
P.S. Finally have a couple pics finished! However, only one will be submitted. Hoping to get more actual fan art completed soon... |
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Monday, April 5, 2004
Moshi moshi.
Well, got lots of art being worked on. For the first time in my life, I'm coloring something on the computer using Photoshop. It's so fun...but, gee-golly-whiz, does it take talent to get the things right or what?! lol
Let's see, there are a lot of things I could say, but I guess I won't.
Odaiji ni(take care)!
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Stole these little questionaires from Kurceitu, so go check 'im out.
..snow?: -boarding
..rain?: gardens
..tornado?: 4:00a.m. incident
..summer love?: a highschool girl's conversation
..Jon?: Garfield and Odie
..Mike?: Meyers..or a guy from church
..Shea?: O_O N/A
..banana?: squishy
..dizzy?: fainting
..Laura?: AppleBee's
..Juan?: Spanish kid MINI COOPER!!
..white?: hakama/samurai pants
..peppermint?: altoids
..New Found Glory?: song?
..placebo?: biology? juice?: refrigerator
..candid camera?: ugly babies
..sister?: nuns! ani/older brother(wish I had one)
..hate?: hate what? everyday, that I do
..President?: boring Thanksgiving
..rap?: wish they'd play the old stuff on the radio--modern rap is crap
..pop?: soda! that is, up north...
..rock?: radio
..punk? somebody from church chickens
..death?: reminds me of song 'Don't Fear the Reaper' annoying
..duuude?: Derek!
..the end?: to be continued
1. List in order, your top 5 most desired super-human powers: invisibility, telepathy, ability to create things instantaneously or make them disappear, teleportation, wisdom
2. What do you like best about yourself, emotionally?: hyper attitude
3. What do you like best about yourself, physically?: hands, good strong hands, that they are (reminiscence of Never-ending Story)
4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: only when I didn't have time the previous evening or I want my hair to air-dry really well
5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: usually
6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: like, in the shower? eh...4
7. Do you flex in the mirror?: don't we all?
8. Do other people find you attractive?: I doubt it
9. Do you find yourself attractive?: some days, yeah, but others, no.
10. List 5 things you hate about yourself: afraid of people/crowds, I'm not a cartoon, I get scatter-brained at the worst times, I'm not cool, ore wa otoko ga nai da yo.
11. List 10 things you like about yourself: lol! ten things? 1)good, average height, 2)above average strength, 3)I'm saved, 4)I'm individual, 5)I don't look like any of my family members *according to most people*, 6)long hair, 7)in good health, 8)can draw, 9)can write, 10)can understand
12. List 5 people you care about online: Cel, Sev, Erin, Nellas, Gam, Deby, Ben, Silli, Pippin, ParanoidPerson, XoXKyraXoX, Imogi Jira, primechaos, and many more.
13. List 5 people you care about in real life: derek, jess, missy, stephen, kristin, Mr. Brain & Mrs. Cathy, etcetera, etcetera
14. Overall, do you love yourself?: 50%,50%...
15. Are you more happy, than not?: definitely yes
16. Have you ever been hit before?: many times
17. Where were you hit?: probably everywhere
18. By what?: inanimate objects, Mum, myself, friends, siblings, especially walls
19. Did it hurt?: It all depends...
20. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: it has liquid in it, thank the Lord!
21. In what color do you see the world?: everything from black/white to neon hues
22. Why?: duh, the colors are there
23. How often do you swear?: Don't know...
24. How often do you swear at other people?: probably never
25. How does this make you feel?: no different than ever before
26. Are you on some kind of medication?: never
27. Do you think you need it?: never
28. Right now, who/what do you feel like hugging?: *I like this question* A lot of cartoons, and a couple people I put on the real-life care-about list
29. Name 3 songs you'd listen to right now: I'm Too Sexy, Jesus Freak, *that screaming song Steve Taylor did*, LukeSki's Stealing Like a Hobbit or Cleaning out My Closet
30. List 3 people who's voices you'd like to hear right now: Derek's, J. Shannon Weaver's, and Hunter D's (don't know voice actor's name)
31. What is your favorite noise?: certain music
32. What is your favorite word?: K'so
33. What is your favorite color?: Phthalocyanine/cerulean blue
34. What is your least favorite noise?: any child screaming
35. Least favorite word?: Pout
36. Least favorite color?: Pink
37. Do you value your friends?: no duh, of course I do
38. Do you value your family?: very highly
39. Do you value your stuff?: also very highly (which is not a good thing)
40. Do you self-mutilate?: not intentionally, lol!
41. Do other people mutilate you?: They wouldn't--they're scared of me
42. Have you ever been beaten up before?: nope (however, maybe verbally inveighed)
43. Have you ever beaten anyone else up before?: no...
44. What's your favorite animal?: the leviathan
45. What's your favorite desert?: chocolate covered raisins
46. How old are you... mentally?: ?? 17?
47. What's your favorite "smiley face": lifting eyebrow
48. People most often refer to you as: everybody
49. What is your favorite quote?: "The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards"--Faramir, The Two Towers book
50. What will you do now??: go to bed
Oyasuminasai to odaiji ni! (good night and take care!)
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
Well, hey. I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestions, to everyone who commented. n_o I'm very grateful. I have finished a picture of Inuyasha/Kagome, Kenshin/Kaoru, Ranma/Ranma-ko, and Akima/Yukino (from Kare Kano). It's black and white right now, not worth it to post. Waiting until it's colored. Also working on my first pic of Hunter D. Get that up soon....
Will work on a pic of teen-age Kenshin, I think. He's cool in Trust/Betrayal. I know someone whose voice is a lot like his!
Will look at all the suggestions and do something else, too, later. Maybe someone from Furi Kuri/Fooly Kooly/FLCL.
Thanks again and odaiji ni (take care)!
-Aerio |
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
ore o omedetoo!
Well, I am psyched. I was surprised by a brand new scanner-printer-copier from my mom when I got back from a week-long trip in Colorado, snowboarding. Mum usually gets me stuff when I go away.

I am momentarily inspired to draw by this scanner, by new anime DVDs and by some other artists. But what?
All ye who look upon these words, please give me a suggestion as per what to draw!
Odaiji ni, minnasama!
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