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myOtaku.com: Afro Jones

Friday, March 25, 2005

People... Read
Ha.. it seems some people have read my trap card now they have to double up on the episode tomorrow.

Episode 8

(Two days later)

Inuyasha: What�s the point of carrying me like this!?

Maxwell: Stamina.

Xenos: Durability.

Vynd: Plus, we need to fight you for more experience and fighting technique.

(They untie Inuyasha)

Inuyasha: It�s about time you guys pay for what you did.

Xenos: It materialized, you cannot win.
Maxwell: Grunts take initiative!! (Strikes Inuyasha�s sword with his axe)

Inuyasha: Whoa! Trying to make me lose balance huh!

Xenos: Here you go!! (He dashes and thrusts towards Inuyasha)

Inuyasha) Too slow!! Iron reavor soul steeler!! (He attacks Vynd)

Vynd: I�m on defense. (Twirls his Bo staff around and gets knocked back)

Maxwell: Must be a pierce attack.

Inuyasha: You guys are gonna have to be a lot faster than that!!


Kagome: Ahh� how long does training usually takes?

Hannah: About four days.

Miroku: It seems like this place has gotten a lot quieter.

Kagome: Yeah, isn�t this supposed to be a time when merchants gather to sell things?

(Sango runs in)

Sango: Kagura is attacking!

Hannah: Time for some action�

Miroku: You�ve never faced someone that can control the dead.

Kagome: That would explain why it�s dark so quickly.

Patricia: Seems like we�ll have a fight on our hands, be ready for anything.

(They run outside)

Kagura: It�s about time you guys got out here� I was beginning to worry that you were all already dead. Mawahahaha!!

Kagome: What did you do to the villagers?

Kagura: I killed them of course!! Now my zombies� kill!!

Patricia: I can�t believe she killed all these people so quickly.
Kagome: What do you want from us anyway!?

Kagura: I want the shikon jewel.

Hannah: (Building rage) I�m sick and tired of chit-chatting to some demon that won�t listen� I�m killing everything on this field and that�s that!!

Patricia: Mhmmm.

(They both gash the same enemy)

Sango: Unlike you guys, I could hit multiple enemies� Hiraikotsu!!

Miroku: I can do the same� Wind tunnel!!

Kagura: Hah!! (She stops the wind tunnel from working)

Miroku: I knew that would happen....(He does the ability second attack and spears through multiple zombies with his staff)

Kagome: (Uses three arrows at once)

Kagura: *Thinking* Damn�when did they become so powerful.

Patricia: I bet you didn�t see this coming!! (She creates a mass surge of fire and blasts it like a wave)

Kagura: Its too bad its just fire� (She uses, �Fuujin no mai� and penetrates through the fire)

Patricia: (Screams)� I-it hurts!!

Kagura: I�d suggest you�d all just give up!

(A mysterious figure appears)

??: (Laughs loud and annoying)

Kagura: Why the hell are you here!? (Damn� this thing will ruin everything)

Ramia: I�m Ramia� I�m possibly the best incarnation of Naraku and I�m here to keep a watch on you.

Kagura: I don�t need a Seeing Eye dog!

Ramia: *Giggles* Okay� I�ll be that for you then.

Kagura: Why you!!... (She attacks Ramia)

Ramia: Owww� what did ya do that for!?

Kagura: Go away!!

Ramia: But I didn�t get my turn yet� watch this!! (She arrogantly attacks Miroku and miroku counter attacks)

Miroku: I don�t see where you�re going with this.

Ramia: Aww man� this sucks!!

Sango: She�s distracted� Hiraikotsu (She hits Kagura behind her back)

Kagura: (Falls to the ground) That�s just what I get for not paying attention.

Hannah: Are you ready to finish this battle Kagome?

Kagome: (Points an arrow) Ready�

Hannah: Soul Implosion!! (They attack Ramia)

Ramia: What�s this *squints*� (She disappears into nothing)

Kagome: (Looks shocked) uhhh�that was pretty mean.

Kagura: (Frightened) I must retreat and get stronger zombies� (She retreats on a feather very fast)

Sango: I got her!!

Miroku: There is no point, we can�t catch her.

End of episode 8

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