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myOtaku.com: Afro Jones

Friday, July 29, 2005

Episode 11C: The disgraceful Gauntlet
Pilot: Genocide
Special ability: Justice- A beam that burrows through the ground and comes back up in form of a sword. (His abilities might be modified now)
Profile: The very reason that agents cannot accept jobs directly from militaries. His daughter was slaughtered and died right before his eyes. Genocide was supposedly killed by Alex when he copied his technique and skewered his cockpit.

(Heavy Metal tries to slash him with the double saber and Genocide tries to grab the weapon but winds up dashing to the side of him)

Genocide: You�re weak!

Heavy Metal: I will kill you!!!

Genocide: Come boy�

(Heavy Metal covers Genocide in junk and goes for a strike but Genocide creates light swords outside of the junk and breaks out. Heavy Metal dodges the barrage by spinning his double saber real fast to deflect it. Genocide dashes to the right side of Heavy Metal and tackles him. Genocide attempts to skewer him by making them travel through the ground but he stabs through his right leg.)

Genocide: Its time for me to just put you away!!

Heavy Metal: You honestly think I will allow you to defeat me after bearing witness to all the innocent people you�ve murdered today!!

Genocide: Murder?... Murder!? No one is innocent in war! Everyone has the same potential of being a threat even if they do not participate directly. Now feast your eyes on my rains from heaven!! (He draws up every light sword he can create on ground to make them look like spikes on the ground)

Heavy Metal: People like you are the reason war won�t ever end.

Genocide: That�s only an opinion!

Heavy Metal: Hypocrite!

Genocide: Hypocrite? Everyone is that� now say good bye to this pitiful world!! (He sends every light sword up in the air.)

Heavy Metal: (Gets scared)� this is too much!! How did I expect to beat him? How can I survive an attack like this one�

(Heavy Metal looks up in the sky)

Heavy Metal: *He sees a mech. pointing to a warehouse* What? You�re telling me I can take shelter?

(Heavy Metal dashes inside of a warehouse as soon as he starts crashing spikes down� They hit the ground but doesn�t explode)

Genocide: Why has my attack been severely weakened? *He looks around and then he hears a voice*

??: I will not allow you to hurt him father!

Genocide: You�re dead� you can�t come back!! AM I going crazy!? Where? Where are you!!?

(While he is distracted, Heavy Metal comes from behind him but dashing from an underground garage, spins the double sided sword like a propeller. Genocide turns around and block with his right arm but, it is completely destroyed)

Genocide: � damn... I can�t focus under this kind of distraction.

Heavy Metal: You didn�t do as much damage as you had hoped you did. I�m going to put you away!

Genocide: *Thinking* Daughter� why must I not hurt him. Aren�t you dead!? I saw you die!! (Building rage and talking to Heavy Metal) after that attack, you can�t be much left� We�ll meet again!!

(He dashes by Heavy Metal and as soon as he leaves, Heavy Metal�s machine breaks apart completely�)

Heavy Metal: Damn!! Grrr!! Curse you!!

Angel: I don�t understand� why did this�this thing� took over just to save him? Usually it just wants to kill�

Next Episode:

Boss: You are too frustrated and confused to do anything right now. I suggest you�d take a little vacation.

Heavy Metal: (Growls) I will destroy Lord Talon and everything around him!!

Lord Talon: Come on punk let�s fight.

Heavy Metal: You got it!!

Episode 12:

A battle that can�t be won

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