::Stereotype Survey:: |
Created by xpunkchicx9790 and taken 56 times on bzoink! |
::Prep:: |
Do you shop at A&F? | no |
What about Hollister? | no |
Aero? | no |
Do you say the phrase 'like' a lot? | no |
Is your weight ultra important? | no |
What about your hair style? | not realy |
Is your favorite color pink? | i think not |
Do you spend excessive hours on your hair and make-up? | no |
::Goth:: |
Are you a loner? | yes |
Do you give a shit what other people think? | not realy |
Do you like vampires? | they are fun... |
Leather boots? | no |
Trentchcoat? | *smirk* |
Is black your favorite color? | yes... |
Is the world stabbing you in the back? | probably, let me go check... |
::Punk:: |
Do The Ramones kick or what? | who? |
Does plaid enter your wardrobe often? | no |
Lots of bracelets and studs? | yes, black spiked bracelets... |
Converse or some other skater shoe? | what? |
Red or black? | black |
Lots of band shirts or no? | no |
Do you pull of the rugged look quite nicely? | no |
::Emo:: |
Is Blink 182 awesome? | sure. |
Do you feel depressed all the time? | yes, i guess |
When two guys kiss each other, do you find that hot? | absolutly! |
Do you like that sexy emo hair style? | what? |
Do you HAVE that sexy emo hairstyle? | no |
(Guys) Do you wear tight clothes and lots of eyeliner and like it | that's hot... |
(Girls) Do you like guys who wear tight clothes and lots of eyeliner? | no. long black dresses do well... |
Does your hair pose as a fashion statement or a coer-up? | no |
::Poser:: |
Do you cut yourself, then later show it off 'accidentially' for attention? | no |
Do you wear prep labels and walk into Hot Topic? | no |
Do you paint your nails black and go to cheer practice after school? | no |
Do you pretend to know rock bands but really you have no clue who they are? | no |
Do you just knick the skin or cut so deep you can't stop the bleeding?(cuts | only when my colection slips during cleaning... |
Are you hated by most goth/punk/emo/skaters? | probably. |
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