Aidan the Wookie
Hello everyone. My name is Aidan Lloyd. I'm 15 years old, I live in Ashwood, Melbourne, I go to Huntingtower School, and I'm not afraid to post personal information on the internet.
I know that sounds quite similar to what Tom Sennett said, but I don't care because it's true and, hehe, I know where he lives.
But anyway, yes, I am Aidan. I like to post love and slander all over the internet, especially here and here.
I like lots of stuff, and most of the animes I've seen. If you think I'm as cool as I do, add me to MSN or AIM.
Oh yeah, sign my GB =commands you= cos if you do I'll add you as a friend.

Sunday, February 26, 2006
Hi Everyone...
Hi everyone... Yeah... I haven't really been here much, which is sad, cos I really like this site. I'll try to come here more often from now on. It's been tricky, what with school and everything... It's my New Year's resolution to be a better student, so I've been having to spend a good deal of my internet surfing hours doing homework instead.
Well, like I said, I'll try to come back as often as possible, but if I don't (cos I can't make any promises) you can always email me at, cos I usually answer emails.
Well, until next time, I hope you all are having great lives and haven't completely forgotten about me. =hugs all= Love and peace~!
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Haibane Renmei
Hello everyone! How are you all? I'm good... Has anyone here seen an anime called 'Haibane Renmei'?
=sigh= I've watched about half of it, and I'm not entirely sure what the whole thing is actually about. Afu (who lent me the DVDs) says that I'd understand if I'd just stop thinking so much, but that just makes it more confusing... Is there anyone here who can help?
Also, the first person to read this MUST MUST MUST leave a comment, because that person will be my 200TH VISITOR!!! =high5s them=
And now, I'm gonna go try figure out HR again... Byebye~ =wishes love and peace to everyone=
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Back Again?
Back again, you ask? Yes, yes indeed I am! Hee!
As of today, there is internet in my new house, and not just any internet, but faster, better internet then my old one, so I'm happy...
I'm glad that I can talk to you all again... It's been toooo long...
And now I'm off to do reuniting stuff with my internet... Whatever that means...
=hugs all= Love and Peace~!
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Byebye again -_-
Hey everyone. I've got some bad news... My internet has been disconnected for good, so I'm not gonna be able to come to this site for a month or two. I'll miss you all, but not that much, because you can all EMAIL ME! ^_^ I can check my emails on my phone, so it's all good.
Anyway, as soon as I get the internet at my new house I'll come back, and until then... Take care everyo~ne!!!
Love and peace and hugs to all,
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Hi Everyone!
I know it's been a while since I last updated, but I've got a good reason! ^^'
You see, for the last few weeks, I've been in the process of moving house. It has been sad, and has also left me with shockingly little access to a computer.
The thing is, we've got a new house, and I live there with my big sis, but until we've gotten rid of the other house, my mum, little sis, and computer stay there. Thus, I only get internet when I come to visit. -_-
Anyway, I've got the internet right now, and I will have for a little longger, so I'm going to answer as many of your messages as I can. Which is what I'm gonna do now.
So until next time, love and peace to all! =hugs everyone=
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