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myOtaku.com: Aidan the Wookie

Thursday, November 24, 2005

   Exams = OVER!!!
Yay! My exams are over!!! Grr I just wrote and entire post, then Internet Explorer stuffed up and it was gone! But back to my exams, and the lack thereof that the future holds.
I had maths today, and I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but still, it was good because it was the last one.
Then after the exams, I met up with this dude Todd who gave back all the electronics I had lent him plus THE ENTIRE SERIES OF HELLSING ON DVD!!! ^___^
So now I'm about to go watch it. I wonder if I could watch it all without a break... Interesting to try... Well, I can't wait any longger! I'm off. Love and peace!!!

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