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O.o Meh
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Um..Being able to write decently. Becoming good at RPing. Being able to keep myself entertained for large ammounts of time.
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came out? XD
Favorite Anime
Bleach/Full Metal Alchemist/Naruto/Outlaw Star/DearS. Manga: Aishiteruze Baby,Futari Ecchi, Bleach, Naruto, Ai Yori Aoshi.
Find a goal...::Sigh::
Anime, Reading manga sometimes,Writing, Singing...Rping.
Giving Advice, though I may be somewhat cruel when giving it. Singing, Rping, Writing(Poetry mostly).
| Aikou no Shinzui

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Current song:
Ever The Same - Rob Thomas
We were drawn from the weeds
We were brave like soldiers
Falling down under the pale moonlight
You were holding to me
Like a someone broken
And I couldn't tell you but I'm telling you now
Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you so we both fall down
Fall on me
Tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you forever in me
Ever the same
We would stand in the wind
We were free like water
Flowing down
Under the warmth of the sun
Now it's cold and we're scared
And we've both been shaken
Look at us
Man, this doesn't need to be the end
Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you so we both fall down
You may need me there
To carry all your weight
But you're no burden I assure
You tide me over
With a warmth I'll not forget
But I can only give you love

Saturday, August 20, 2005
The day after.
Hey everyone!
Well let's see, today's Saturday, and Friday Steffanie and I went to KennyWood. It was awesome! ^^ We rode a good amount of rides, and got more then wet!
Well, considering we rode the Raging Rapids three times, which well...soaked us. >> EACH TIME. Well, not me the first time. But the other two did...The first time we went on it my bottom half got completely soaked.
My leather wallet is now faded into an almost blue like color. Hah...It was in my pocket each time. Luckily my money is fine. XD
Let's just say after a certain ordeal, Steffanie needed to plot revenge against me, so she made me go on the Volcano...It was a ride that went around in quicky circles while at at angle,and eventually went completely vertical. I HATE GOING VERTICAL...Or atleast did. I was scared for the first 20-30 seconds or so, and I was a little bit throughout the duration of the ride, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be, and by the end I was pretty much enjoying it.
It was such a long day though, I got up at 5:30; took a shower; got dressed; brushed my teeth; then she had to get ready. We left; Went to McDonalds, got two McGrittles or whatever for her, and a cinnamon roll and 6 apple pies for me; The apple pies were for the trip, though...well atleast for the most part. XD
The bus trip was suppose to be four hours long. Our driver must have been a maniac, because we ended up their in less then 2 1/2 hours, or around that.
I'm sure I could say more about my day, but I'll end this post now...well, soon.
Friday was a great day. ^^ Thank you for taking me Steffanie, it wouldn't have been even 1/10 as much fun if I wasn't with you.
I love you Steffanie. ^^
Take care everyone,
PS. Sunburn ain't too bad. :P Wish us a happy Two months! It was on Friday! XD
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Been a while, I know.
Hey everybody, how're you all? I know I haven't put written an entry in here for a long time, but I've been busy,if not lazy. >>
Everything is going pretty damn good for me right now. Not many complaints at all..A few minor ones, but they can't really be helped so I'll just have to put up with it. It isn't too bad thoughl, no no - not at all. ^^
Steffanie are still together and quite happy about it, I do believe. ^^ It's rapidly approaching our two month mark, which it will be on friday the 19th. ^^
Oh, hehe. On the 19th, which happens, as you know, to be our anniversery(sp), her sorority in College is going to Kennywood park in Pennsylvania, and we're going with them! Well, she's taking me. << It wasn't to much, though. 10 bucks for the bus seat, and $19.50 for the actual park. We're leaving home at like...hmm...7:00 AM or so? << It's about a four hour drive...Then we'll be back at around 2:00-3:00 AM. XD THEN she's staying the night again...
Brilliant, isn't it? Plus it all happens to fall on our two month. Hehe, it's awesome.
I really do love her. ^^ More then I could ever tell or show her, which is unfortunate because it'd be astounding, but oh well, right? ^^
That's all for this entry, leave a comment, rant, bitch, lecture, whatever you want.
Take care all.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Poem. o.o
Venus' Essence - Ryan McConnaughey.
Your fingers are titillating,
as they roam my body.
Do you know just what you do?
Temptation growing faster;
More swiftly as I lay a kiss at your lips.
They're just so soft and perfect.
Our auras come in contact,
as I gaze up into your eyes...
Passion growing further and further,
until I couldn't, and didn't want to wait any longer.
But so many things had ran through my head,
thoughts such as "I want it to be for everything, not for nothing.";
Or "I don't want it to be regretful." but after high consideration,
and contemplation of feelings and help from some Deja-Vu,
I found my anwser and went with what my heart said.
You took what was the most sacred to me,
and I gave it freely.
Earnestly, with conviction that it'd be truly alright.
You let the dove inside of me go.
I regret nothing. I smile at the though of making love to you.
Knowing it was for love through and through,
my heart then melted into you.
Though it had already been pre-heated.
I regret nothing,
and can only smile when I think of my love for you,
and how you love me too.
I'm glad:
that we have eachother.
That our love compares to no other.
That it's true,
and safe.
That we have in mind, the same fate.
Atleast I think we do...
That is to say:
Someday take eachothers hands,
and place on it, a ring;
Live happily with eachother,
as long as we live;
and to raise a few kids,
and have fun;
Live easily, and chase the sun;
Let our love grow, deeper and deeper;
Essence of Venus.
Dreams come true,
don't they, dear?
Can a dream of never ending,
true and honest,
pure and secured love and romantic relationship,
exsist? With commitment to eachother and our love,
and all the more we offer to eachother,
this relationship is like no other.
I'm happy, needless to say,
and I hope you are too.
Nothing comes close to you.
You can take my breath away,
and slide off of me, all my worries.
This isn't a fable,
just a recently created story;
That tells of two lovers,
with passion for eachother in their hearts,
that never ever wished to be torn apart.
I love you, and forever will I.
It's sealed to my soul;
You are my soulmate,
the one that the Gods did indeed create.
I know fo sure,
that your the one I'll forever adore.
Hope you guys enjoyed it, especially you Steffanie! ^-^
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Another Attempt at Describing my love for Her.
Heh, I love your scent.
It brings back nostalgic thoughts,
and feelings.
Sweet aromas fill my nose,
through the trees, the wind blows,
sending a cool breeze to my back;
The memories come back.
How funny, I think,
as I stand,
how anything can remind me of you.
Of which I'm glad.
It's all so true,
my love for you.
Purest as can be,
my intentions;
My love;
My thoughts, well nearly,
but perversity can't be controlled completely.
My hand feels so bare without yours;
My lips feel so dry and withered without yours;
My heart would feel empty without your love,
you fill it up.
It's hard to hold back the emotions I feel,
as my love grows deeper still.
Feel my heartbeat,
though it might increase at your touch,
an angels stroke might be too much.
Placid memories bring a slight grin,
no matter where I stand.
I'll love you forever,
forever, true...
My love for you has no comparison,
and runs far deeper then my complexion.
I want to someday say "I do."
Hell, I'm already fully comitted to you.
Eventually I wanna lawfully tie the not,
and be able to spend hours in bed just cuddling,
like I'm a teddy bear or something.
Will it happen? Damn I hope so.
Will my dreams come true? Only if you come too.
Will happiness forever emerge from you? Only if you'll someday too, you say "I do."
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Hey guys.
Well, work was alright -- kinda slow -- but alright.
Today wasn't too bad at all. I got to see Steffanie, and we went to the park.
She is indeed the most Beautiful; Sexy; Adoreable; Cute; Teasing person -EVER!- (That isn't to say she always -tries- to be teasing. She just is. << In general. She could do nothing and still tease the ruddy hell out of me. )
Sexual frustration is beginning to have a large affect on me lately. <.< Hehe? Not as if I can help it...Everyday it's getting wooorse and worse. Bah.
"The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it." - Steffanie. Some very true words..Heh. I MIGHT JUST! Rawr...Very very tempted. <.<
I really love you, Steffanie! I could think about you all day, and all night forever without getting bored at the ideas that would creep their way into my mind. >.> I could be with you forever and still want more. You always exalt happiness within me. Or find a way to, even if you don't try.
If I could put words into what I think about you, the words I say wouldn't compare to your true majestic nature. Though I certainly try! But the only words that -really- come to mind are I Love You! Which I very very very ::Continues for a while. :: very much do! I love you, to me means that you look past the persons faults, and see them for themselfs. That you have a natural chemistry, and bond with someone. You can see their perfection behind their faults. You are passionate about them. I could continue but yeah.
I love you so much dear! I can't wait until I can hopefully see you tomorrow! (Today technically.) I love you!
Take care all,
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