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In the monkey that eats your nuts!!!
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Obsesser, fangirl, headbanger, phycho, etc.
Real Name
Momo-chan! ^o^
I know a little Japanese. ^_~
Anime Fan Since
Before I was a disgusting little embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
Too many to type in this little space.
Start a j-rock band with Zakuro, become a psychatrist, move to Japan, and help people all over the world. ^^
Writing, drawing, music, computers, singing, hanging out with ZakuroIro, practicing Wicca, and learning Japanese
I can decode dreams! ^^
| Aimai-Kagura
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Hail ze Hizumi-sama!!!
Current Mood: Hurty
Current Song: Beautiful Dirt by Dir en Grey
Konnichiwa, minna! You are probably wonder who it is on my background, icon, and enter sign. Why my little darklings, this is darling Hizumi-sama of D'espairsRay. Isn't he just adorable? ^-^ He's a great artist and so are the rest of the people in D'espairsRay! He is my favorite of all, but Zero comes pretty close. Naughty chibi hentai. ~_^ I know I asked you guys to vote for the subjects I gave you, but only two people voted. TWO PEOPLE!!! *shoots herself with traquilizer* I am calm now. But I decided to screw it and I went with D'espairsRay. If you don't like it, too bad. You should have voted.
Ow... I hurt so bad... I hate the evil red demon. I shall beat it with a stick once I can get my fat butt off of the computer chair... I hate periods. *eats chocolate- no I just kid ^^*
I don't know what to talk about, nothing really exciting has happened to me lately. You guys are so lucky. Heheh, time for pictures.




Behold the D'espairsRay pictures and adore... you shall adore them!!! Okay, later.
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
I am sad. And I will not eat Green Eggs & Ham.
Current Mood: Sad
Current Song: Jesus Christ R'nR by Dir en Grey
Only defectiverose13 checked up on my site yesterday when I updated... *sniffs* Please make me feel loved and read yesterday's post. I'm already sad because I miss my doggy. Please make me happy.

+Shiyume doesn't want to eat Green Eggs & Ham+
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Gomen ne!!!
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: The Final by Dir en Grey
Konbanwa, minna!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really focusing on my Japanese and my religion. I've also started drawing and writing a manga about me and what I do while waching anime. My family reviewed it and they are somewhat disturbed. ^-^
I've been watching a lot of Johnny Depp movies since I was so impressed with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. So far I've watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, From Hell, and Sleepy Hollow. I really wanted to watch Ed Wood but stupid Blockbuster didn't have it. >_< I've also made a list of Johnny Depp's movies I haven't seen... there are about 20 movies. XD For all you Johnny Depp fangirls out there, here's a really good site that has everything about him and his movies. Click here to go to Behold and adore. ^^

Have you guys watched Criss Angel: Mindfreak? It's a really spiffy show about this guy that is a street performer and he's really good at it too. You're a little skeptical because it's on TV and there are all these Special Effects these days, but it's still pretty cool. And he's really hot, so that's always a plus. ~_^ They were talking about him on VH1's Best Week Ever (another great show) and it was hilarious. They were imitating Criss Angel at the beginning of the show when he screams "MINDFREAK!!!" It was so funny, I loved it. ^^ Um, if you guys like Rob Zombie, he's also doing a stunt with Criss Angel tonight... whatever. *shrugs* Aw, crap! He's got a girlfriend!!! >_<

I'm so happy lately because my mom and I are getting along a lot better than we used to. ^-^ It makes me so happy because for a long time I've tried to be friendly with her and now I've finally succeded. I'm so happy about it. Speaking of family, last night my father had a dream that my brother and I were buried alive (in tupperware. o.O) and he also pet my dead dog... but he was alive in the dream. We miss him. I miss coming home to someone who will never yell at me or say mean things to me. I miss someone who will sleep with me every night. I miss coming home and to tell all my secrets to. I miss him so much.
I have decided that I should start thinking about changing my background and I want you guys' output on it. Here are your choices-
+Nine Inch Nails
+Dir en Grey
+Itachi & Sasuke
+Random Anime background
Please, please, PLEASE vote on what you want to see because I can't decide by myself. PLEASE!!! Okay, thank you, minna. I shall leave you be. ^-^
+Shiyume, Squirrel Master+
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Monday, August 1, 2005
The End of the World!
Current Mood: Annoyed
Current Song: Beautiful Dirt by Dir en Grey
I think the world is coming to an end... seriously. I'm contradicting everything I used to like and everything I do like... like example, I'm beginning to hate the following things that I relied on- Hot Topic, Fuse, "Goth", soft American music, etc. I'm beginning to question everything except for Wicca, it seems that my world has turned around. Curse you, puberty!!! Being a teenager sucks... (*cough* Angst! *cough*) Ah, well... I still have Wicca to count on. I'm sure of that, at least... I love my religion. ^-^

Today I was really bored and I made some different things out of clay. I made a candle holder, a heart, and an incense burner out of the "Sculpey" clay, but I haven't put them in the oven yet. My brother started laughing at me and I just glared at him. Then he made a dog with a really big head and the head fell off... heh heh. Serves him right. It's not wrong to like to make sculptures with clay if you're a teenager! Neiher is carving people out of soap!!! XD

Ah... so beautiful...
"Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy!"- Willy Wonka

I gotta get off so my dad can work, but whatever. You're not missing anything good out of my life. Later, darklings.
+Shiyume, new age angst+
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Mr. Wonka is being unreasonable...
Current Mood: Joyful
Current Song: Obscure by Dir en Grey
Konbanwa, minna! Gomen ne, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to update yesterday, but I was at bloodandtears's house. We went to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1st time for her, 2nd for me.) ^-^ I liked it even better the second time. Her dad thought it was creepy because of Johnny Depp and whenever Deep Roy was dressed as a woman (Doris... *snickers*), but he still liked it, especially the part about cannbalism (sp? Never mind, no one can spell around here). You should have heard her whenever he screamed "Don't touch that squrriels' nuts! He'll go crazy!" She's as much in love with him as I am. ^-^ No wonder, he is a lovely man.

Children... *twitch twitch*
However, before we went to the theaters, we went to TJMax because she wanted this pair of really big sunglasses (like hide-sama's). She bought two pairs, one blue, and one maroon. I think they're very pretty, but I still want sunglasses that resemble Willy Wonka's goggles in the television room. That would be the feces. (Please don't ask... -_-;) ^-^ Whenever we went there, we looked around in the "accesories" department (which is really perfume, makeup, and bath products) and they had Urban Decay and Hard Candy makeup! I love Urban Decay, but Hard Candy is pretty cool too. If you want to visit them, just go to or, their official websites with all of the cosmetics. They are awesome. ^^

Obey the huge glasses!
After the movie, we ate at Taco Bell around 10 p.m. (Don't you just love late dinners? ^-^) and we discussed the movie. Bloodandtears thought I was weird because I didn't want the jalepeno (sp?) sauce on my quesodilla, but I hate that stuff! It looks and tastes like barf! I hate any sauce, it makes me sick to my stomach. XP But it was still fun arguing with her over the jalepeno sauce, wheather it tastes good or not. We were also tempted to wear the sunglasses into the restaraunt (still 10 pm, mind you) but she couldn't see anything without her real glasses. I hope we get contacts soon... -_-;

Why I put the logo up, I do not know why... o.O
OMFG, I watched the music video for Obscure and I think it is Dir en Grey's best music video ever! Kyo-sama is so incredibly kawaii and kowai (scary) in that music video that I just want to give him a big ol' hug! I don't even mind if he pukes on me... I would be honored. ^^ But anyone who hasn't seen it, you need too. You may be disturbed by it, but I think Kyo is deliciosly surly and atractive in that music video. And Totchi is a vampire thingy! It's great! ^-^ And Die tears out his heart and eats it... yummy. *licks lips* XD We also watched the making of Obscure, Filth, Gackt playing dress-up (hehe...), Kyo dancing to Toxxic by Britney Spears *shivers* (but he was WAY hot in it *nods*), I'll Be There For You j-rock style, and she forced me to watch some W-inds (a Japanese boy-band) music videos, and I was getting ready to kill myself. I mean, they're cute and all, but I HATE boy bands. *curls up in little ball*

Curses.... I can't think of anything else to talk about... *scratches head* Oh yeah! I read this article on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today in Entertainment magazine (July 8th edition) and it had the most kawaii picture of Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. You could see his utsukushii viole(n)t contacts and everything. ^^ It talked about how they thought the movie wasn't going to succeed, how Gene Wilder was talking smack about the new one, how Johnny Depp was picked for the part and who else tried (Marilyn Manson.. 0.0), Tim Burton's childhood, Tim Burton's stress with the upcoming movie The Corspe Bride (which I can't wait to see!), and much more. I don't want to spoil it for you too much. I thought it was funny around the end of the article whenever Johnny Depp was smoking a cigarette but still in costume... I can just imagine Willy Wonka taking a smoke! ^-^ Hehe! ^^

*twitch* Fangirls...
Alright, I'm done... for now.
"Good morning, starshine! The earth says hello!"- Willy Wonka
+Shiyume in Candyland+
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Willy or Edward?
Current Mood: Confused
Current Song: Opening song for C & C Factory
Konnichiwa, minna! I hope you like my new background, I do. I think it is rather adorable. I don't know why, but I think Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka is the cutest gaijin that I've ever seen... *ponders* I wish there were a real Chocolate factory owned by Johnny Depp. That would be spiffy beyond belief. Eh, sorry, I've gone off into my own little wonderland. ^^; I also feel like Veruca Salt because I want a Oompa Loompa and a nut-shelling squirell. I also want the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory video game for either Gamecube, PS2, or Gameboy Advanced... (I have way too many game consoles... -_-;) it would be nice to have it for Gameboy Advanced so I can take the digitized Johnny Depp with me any where I go! ^-^

I want an outfit like his...
On the subject of Johnny Depp, I cannot decide which one of his movies I like the best. I can't decide between Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands... so hard! ToT Both of them are pure genious!!! Some of the other movies of his I like are Secret Window, Pirates of the Carribean, From Hell, and Sleepy Hollow. Don't get me wrong, all of his movies are fantastic. I'm sure that all the Johnny Depp fangirls will agree with me, ne, WicanGoddess? ^_~ Oh, dear... am I becoming one? 0.0 Oh, well. Nothing wrong with being obsessed with an actor older than my dad.... Right? ToT

Look, it's Willy the homicidal maniac! ^-^
I read the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Willy Wonka was much nicer (than Johnny) in the book, but he had his moments. He was still eccentric as ever, but he was also well mannered, like Gene Wilder's version of Willy. The newest movie is much more related to the book, but the older movie has some relatives to the book as well. Like the fruit-flavored wallpaper and the bubbles that make you float. I wonder what snozzberries taste like... must be yummy if they're from Loompaland. ^-^ I wouldn't like to eat green caterpillars, though. XP If you haven't read the book, I suggest you should, since it is rather short but delightful nonetheless. It is only 155 pages long (counting the rather large illustrations) and I read it in a day.

All I talked about today was Willy Wonka and his factory... oh, well. I feel like eating chocolate now. Curse you, candy man!!!
+Shiyume is weird+
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
You smell like old people...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Songs from Willy Wonka
I decided for the theme to be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. If you don't like it, tough luck. I think Johnny Depp is adorable as Willy Wonka. *yawn* I gotta go.
+Shiyume loves the Candy Man+
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
What is insanity?
Current Mood: Relaxed
Current Song: Kyo by Kagrra
Hello, everyone. I'm finally back from the beach. The horrible beach... *shudders* There were stupid people everywhere you turned... so many tan people with blonde hair... so many people... so hot... so much sun... *twitches* I'm glad to be back home in my little anti-social little world. The best part of the beach was going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and getting $50 to spend. I got a lot of spiffy things, like a handpainted fan from Thailand, a skull candle holder with a bone-shaped candle, lots of jewelry (I'm a jewelry fool XD), and some little trinkets. Anyhow, Charlie was even better than the first movie!!! It was so great, I want a little oompa loompa of my own! ^^ Deep Roy did an excellent job and Johnny Depp did a stupendous job as Willy Wonka. He was so adorable too! ^-^ I love his hair cut. XP

Bloodandtears is back from Japan! I'm so happy that she's back, now I have someone to babble to again! ^-^ I missed her so much and she brought back so much stuff... I feel so loved. ToT She got me a bandana with maneki nekos on it, oragami paper, a tin bank with geishas on it, a small note pad with geishas on it, and a candy that resembles sushi. She also bought Shoxx and Cure (two really big j-rock magazines in Nippon) and the Kagrra CD Kyo and she let me borrow them all! She spoils me so... ToT I love her, anyway. ^-^ Domo arigato gozai masu, bloodandtears-chan! ^^ Last night we walked on the inside track @ the YMCA and babbled about what we usually talk about. Her mom laughed at me because I was so happy to see her, I started jumping up and down. ^^;

Last night I watched From Hell, a story about Jack the Ripper. The one line that I remembered the most is when he said "Men will look back and say that I gave birth to the 20th century" Did he? Let's all face it, he shakes us all to this day and no one ever caught him. When will we finally reach the brink of insanity? Will we know we are insane? Are those who are insane really insane or the remainder of the "sane" people really the people who are insane? Is there such a thing as insanity?

I finished the 7th Harry Potter book 3 days after it came out. It was so sad. I won't say anything further so I won't ruin it for anybody.
I can't decide what to do for the next layout, so help me, peoples! ToT Will I have either-
+Sasuke (Naruto)
+Itachi (Naruto)
+Sasuke and Itachi (Naruto)
+Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
+Malice Mizer
+Mana (Malice Mizer)
Please vote, I need help! ToT Thank you, minna. If you'll excuse me now, I must go now. Sayonara, darklings!
+Shiyume says "Hehenonomoheji loves you!"+
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Friday, July 15, 2005
What have I become?
Current Mood: Excited
Current Song: Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
Yay! The next Harry Potter book comes out in about 7 and 1/2 hours! Yay! ^^ Me so happy. ^_^ *blinks* God, I sound like a dork. Anyway, I'll probably go to the Midnight party at Barnes and Noble, but it all depends on my mother's decision... grrness. XP I love the Midnight parties. I know that there are tons of people there and it's freaking crowded, but you get to stay at Barnes and Noble for like 2 hours straight! How awesome is that?! ^_^ Whenever I go to the bookstore, normally I just go the foreign language section, manga section, or music/DVD section. Yayness for me! :P Now WaldenBooks is doing this "Earlybird" special thing where you wake up at 7 a.m. and party till 9 p.m. until you get your book. Ugh... too many people and social activities for too long of a time... X_X In case you don't know, I'm a complete and total social retard.
I've been listening to Nine Inch Nails for the past 2 hours... *blinks* Do you think I have a problem? It's just so good, and I've already listened to The Downward Spiral (my favorite NIN album) twice already and I've listened to Starfuckers Inc. and Please off of The Fragile. Why must Trent Reznor be such a good artist? ToT He's turning me into an American music junkie, as far as I'm consearned. T.T But... his music is so wonderful... it's like heaven... *sighs dreamily* "Oh, my beautiful liar... oh, my precious whore... my disease, my infection... I am so impure..." (Reptile) *sighs* So wonderful. I love it with all of my black little heart that "has stopped pumping and is left to decay." (The Becoming) Okay, this is really sad... I can quote Nine Inch Nails lyrics from the topic of my head. "Taste the wealth of hate in me, shedding the skin subcum defeat, this machine is obselete" (Somewhat Damaged) Oh, well. I'm "too f*cked up to care anymore." (Same as last) I can't wait until I see him in concert. I don't care what limits I have to go to, I WILL see him in concert sometime in my life. And I want to meet him personally, or get an autograph from him. I don't care even if he's in an old nursing home and is crapping himself, I'm gonna get Trent Reznor's autograph!!! Where ever you are bloodandtears, this is for you. "I am DETERMINED!!!" ^-^

Heh heh... he's so crazy. ^_^

Haha, Trent in his skimpy little shorts. ^^ (Far left)

Alas, the Downward Spiral era...

Aw... he needs a band-aid.

The kinda man your mamma warned you about... :P
I have a little quiz for everyone because I'm bored and it'll give you guys something to do. Voila.
1. Trent Reznor or Kurt Cobain?
2. Vanilla or Chocolate?
3. Black or White?
4. Earth, water, fire, air, or spirit?
5. GIR or Zim?
6. Gothic Lolita or just plain Gothic?
7. Naraku or Sesshomaru?
8. Sleep on nails or sleep on burning coals?
9. Which letter of the alphabet?
10. Wicked or Wretched? (Just because I'm listening to Nine Inch Nails' The Wretched :P)
I hope you guys answer and I hope you enjoy the quiz. I gotta go to an anti-drug session in Wonderland. ^_^
+Shiyume, your friendly neighborhood crackhead+
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Happy Unbirthday! (Unless it really is your birthday...) XD
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Somewhat Damaged by Nine Inch Nails
My, it's your Unbirthday too? What a coinsidence! Haha! *blinks girlishly* Sorry, I watched Alice In Wonderland today and I forgot how good it was! I love Alice In Wonderland so much... my friend thinks I should be Alice for Halloween, an evil Alice.. *grins mischeviously* I want a Cheshire Cat... it would be awesome to have a cat to play pranks with and have it dissapear all of the time. I think my real origins were from Wonderland since I have always been so very perculiar... *muses over fact* Despite the fact that I have never played croquet with flamingoes and hedgehogs, everything else in Wonderland doesn't seem foreign to me. Hehe, that reminds me of Hana Kimi whenever Mizuki dressed up as Alice in the Ms. Osaka pagent... hehe! All the boys were so adorable dressed up as girl! ^^ Especially Sano... *drools* Him as a Chinese princess was so utusukushii! ^o^

Tommorow the 6th Harry Potter book comes out! ^^ I'm not as into it as I used to be, but I still anticipate every book. My friend (who is a Harry Potter expert XD) thinks that the half-blood prince is Harry or Voldemort. I think it's Harry. Anyhow, my dad has this feeling that he thinks that Voldemort is really James Potter. It's highly likely, and it could be that... who knows? It's like Luke and Darth Vader... teehee. ^^ I remember I used to be so obsessed with Daniel Radcliffe (the actor who plays Harry in the movies) and I would visit websites and download pictures and soak up everything I found out about him. He's still really cute, but he's way out of my league. ^-^

He looks kinda stoned in that one, but oh, well! ^^
On Saturday or Sunday, I will be gone at the beach, and I won't update until the 23rd or 24th, so my site is gonna be boring for a long time. Gomen nasai, but there's nothing I can do about it. I shall bundle myself up in big bedsheets and huge hats and lather myself in SPF 50 so my porcelein skin will not be tainted by the rays of the sun! I worked so hard to get my skin so pale that I look like a ghost! ToT The good thing is that it's a well known beach so we can buy lots of different stuff that I can't get here, in my stupid smaller town. XD Also afterwards I'll be able to see my cousin and aunt that I miss so much. Maybe it won't be so bad after all...
I have to go and call one of my friends before she rings my neck and gets her squirrels of doom on me... @_@ Sayonara, watashi no darklings! :P
+Shiyume in Wonderland+
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