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myOtaku.com: AiMe

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Call me a dreamer...
because dreams are what bring imagination to life.

Hello and welcome!

I want to give you a little insight to my work. Whatever you see is original art that usually just comes out on its own. I start to sketch something and then the picture bursts out. So I don't really have a set plan on how I want the art to turn out.

Unfortunately I haven't mastered the coloring part... so, most of my work will be in black and white. Unless I feel brave enough to try coloring my art (which is highly unlikely).

I do not copy or steal or claim that which is not mine. I believe that the light of each person is within each of their work and to see each personality and each individual touch brings inspiration to my heart and pencil.

I love to express myself in my drawings and stories.
SO please be nice and don't steal my work. I put a lot of sweat and tears (and eraser marks) on each piece and would not like other people claiming my art as theirs [Common Courtesy] :D

Thank you and enjoy my manga!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

   I have decided to submit more art.
Today I sat in front of my computer and read some messages I received asking about more art. I thought real hard about it because I have been very worried that people would try to steal my work and claim it as their own. But I came to realize that if I just kept my art to myself I wouldn't get any insight or pointers from other artists.
So, I have decided to submit more art, starting today. I will try to make sure that at least every week, I will post something new I have drawn. Maybe then, I can develop better skills.

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

   Awww yeah baby!!!
Today I found out that Anime Expo is going to be having specific hours of their 4 day Expo exclusively for Reviewing Submissions.
Yay. This means a lot to me because I draw manga for fun and hope someday to be able to become a manga artist as well. (Well, actually I was hoping I could be like the infamous Yuu Watase but this time American).
This can be my one-in-a-lifetime chance to show them what I've got as a manga artist. If I can impress them then there is much hope for the future in manga. If not, then my manga will have to wait awhile until I can get my career going.
Alas, I am going to be putting a lot of my efforts into this chance to impress the judges. I am currently working on a submission that will hopefully seal-the-deal so to speak.
I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope

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Monday, April 17, 2006

   Art is never done
One of the things I enjoy learning about anime drawing is that you can never get to perfection. Anime is constantly changing and so are the artists. When I first started drawing anime I thought that my drawings were really cool. But now that I look back at them they really weren't. Thats why the best thing to do when you start is to keep working on it over and over and over again until you've reached your own perfection. I cannot believe my eyes when I look at drawings from 2000 and compare it with my drawings from today. I sometimes wonder how the hell did anyone think my drawings were good or cute for that matter. Its funny though, to watch the evolution of your art...
Thanks to my family for supporting my weird but now great art.

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Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Naruto Guy Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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