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Eden or The Sinner Mansion
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Bounty Hunter
Real Name
Aion Sinner
Ripped the 'queen's' head off and started a state of panic back home
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Chrono Crusade, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Fruits Basket, Samurai Champloo, Saiyuki (all of it), Hellsing, Gravitation, Yami no Matsuei, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, FMA, Full Metal Panic, Outlaw Star, and many more. I just have to make up the list.
to become a voice actor, like my role model, David Kaye
writing, drawing (I suck at full views), acting
I can sing, write, and freak people out without working hard XD
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 18, 2006
They're back! The dou I was so happy without, the two creatures that once plagued my home, the two children that drive me to the point of insanity, my little sisters are going to land in two hours with my father. I don't mind him coming at all; in fact, I'm thrilled he's going to be here, but why did he have to bring them back?! TT__TT This means I'll be gone from the internet again until I get the other computer up and running... That's a lot of work. Oh, I've decided to cosplay Leon from KH at NekoCon, and no one is going to change my mind. And, I'm going on a manga/anime fast... so I have money for the November convention. These next few months are going to suck like a dick. Anyway, I have to go get my future brother-in-law and go get the terrible twosome. Damn it! ... Again, I don't have time to edit, so get over the typoes. Ja meda.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I know this is late but I failed that dumb knowledge exam because I didn't know ow far you have to be for a turn to turn on your turn signal. Wow that sentence could be confusing... Anyway, I just got home from work like two hours ago and had a LATE dinner. I had to close the store and 'zone' till 11pm. GAGH! I HATE zoning, but I gotta do it. I told my HR (Human Resource) bosslady I wanted to be a cart attendant. Sean, the major cart attendant, said that I could try, but I shouldn't get my little newbie hopes too high. Ian, another attendant, is determined to convince me to stay cashier, but I WILL show them the newbie can do anything the newbie put its mind to. Yes people, I just called myself an it. I have no idea why! -__-() Anyway, I got to go to bed. If their are typoes, sorry; I'm not editing tonight. I'm tired... ja meda.
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
It is time... Time for me to get of my lazy ass and get my permit. You know your sad when your g/f has her permit before you, and your almost a whole year older! -_-()(<-- That's a sweat drop btw.) Anyway, the benift I have with this is that I only have to wait a month for my lisence. :D (I'm eighteen...) So yeah, Mom and I are going today. As so as I finish this post actually. It's sad that my place of work is behind the Department of Motor Vehicles. I'm late enough as it is, so I only have one thing to ask of you people that are actually reading this: Should I buy the series FAKE? Anime or manga, too? This is a once in a blue moon guys; I'm asking you all the comment! GASP! Oh, and another thing, so maybe it's two questions: SHould I cosplay Leon from Kingdom Hearts? SayaYuma wants to be Aerith... Anyway, I got to go, so ja meda! XP
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Don't Kill Me For Getting A Job!?
Sorry I haven't been posting in forever. I've been working at Target since mid July, so has SayaYuma. I better not find flames on her site. My free time is almost zapped! I barely get to talk to my angel! TT_TT She has to call me at night, and we talk well into the following day. (That means we talk after midnight. Usually, we talk till 2am at the latest.) I have been bored at home though, so I made playlists for my original RP characters. SayaYuma says I waste my time doing it, but I think it's pretty cool to listen to music that tells our stories. And now she's trying to make a playlist for Hakkai from Saiyuki, so haha! Each of them is a little over an hour long, and all four have 17 tracks each. My new virus thingy is dumb as an doorknob. Stop popping up with the wrong alerts! It's not looking for the virus in my computer that I already know is there. Argh! I have to close all windows! F*** this s***! ...sorry... I got to go. Ja meda.
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Parent/Child relationships suck >XP
Yeah, well, the title says it all. My mom and I had another fight. Gawd, my dad is so much more level-headed. I told you guys that my parents are divorcing... right? Well, my sister's are out visiting him in California, so I'm still with my mom for the summer. It's been quiet for a while, but we had a fight over a movie. SayaYuma, Big Bro, and the awesome Shop Cat Oobin (and twin) rescheduled our plans to see Pirates 2 from this past Friday to Monday, today. Well, Mom was less than thrilled; I got over it. (It's SayaYuma, of course I got over it.) Anyway, Mom's friend from Tailand is coming back here from New York by bus. Go Greyhound! 11pm into the most creepiest part of this state. Mom doesn't want to be on the 5am news as a murder story, so she wants me to go with her; she wants a man's protect. (Stop kidding yourself, Aion. <_<) Yeah, so, Mom figured a 7pm movie would be too late, so she said to take a raincheck. AAAAHHHHHH?! MISS A MOVIE WITH SAYAYUMA AND MY AWESOMELY ADOREABLE TWINS?!?!?! IS SHE CRAZY?! ...sorry for the caps... so yeah, we had another bad fight. I called SayaYuma and tried to see if we could changed the time, but she reminded me that the movie will let out by at least 9:30pm; that's plenty of time to get back to the evil bus station to pick up Mai (<-- Mom's Friend). I swallowed my pride and spoke to my mom calmly. SHe agreed to let me go, and she'd pick me up after. I'm still a little urked, but I'll get over it by the end of my playlist. X) Anyway, I have fanfics to proofread, so I got to go. Ja meda.
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
So I'm a few days late...
I did post a lot last time, so you people who actually read anything here can't kill me too badly. SayaYuma gets back today, I'm glad cause I kinda missed her. Okay, I really missed her; she just urked me with the whole garter thing/tradition. You see, she caught the bouquet at the wedding reception, so the guy who catches the garter has to put the garter on the chick who caught the flowers. Damn it! Well, it's suposed to be good luck the higher you put the garter, and this guy must be pretty brave... She told me she was scared out of her mind or something, but I was so pissed that another dude - I don't know for that matter - had his hands on my girlfriend's thigh!!! Big Bro had to take the phone from me so I didn't say something stupid into the phone. I've been listening to a lot of "Next Contestant" by Nickelback. You should look it up, for those days you get over-protective of you partner... >_< Grr... my bat blood is boiling. Yeah, that's the latest and greatest in my boring life so far. Then again, Big Bro and me had fun shooting his posters this morning with Nerf guns. I stayed at his house last night cause my mom and me had a fight. We even wrestled for one of the guns; it was a blast! Anyway, yeah, I don't know what else to say... well... ja meda.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Informationi | Aion Sinner is a restricted area. Authorised personel only |
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Gravitation personality results
I took a personality test at this web site, and these results were tied for first. I think they cover my two sides. I guess you all can ask SayaYuma about it later, no?

You're a guy that always appear silent and cold.
Hardly you trust in the others, only you know what had built
these "barriers".
Only a few really knows you,
and these know how much you're precious.
You're a person that returns a little affection with something ten times bigger!
On the other hand, if someone hurts you, you'll return the same hurt, but bigger!

You're the best friend that someone could desire.
Protecting, always ready, and you push yourself to keep everything you believe in.
You're a mature person and you know your targets!
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GAHH! Don't kill me yet?! I'll explain
Ok, I'll be posting more often now. The evil Runescape/AIM sister is in California with the nosey, butt-in sister visiting my dad for the summer. End result: THE COMPUTER IS MINE! I'm very happy; those two chicks are scary sometimes. Well, I was left home alone for five days, and SayaYuma loved that, as did my guy friends... haha sorry honey. Now, today, she's leaving for a wedding in South Carolina. She tricked me into staying on the phone till 11 last night. My mom kept bugging me cause she wanted to call my snobby grandfather and his new, 10 year younger wife. :D Yippy! Not that I hate Vicky or anything, I just lothe my grandfather. I don't want to annoy you people who read my boring posts, so I'll leave it at the fact that he married Vicky four months after my grangmother died. >_< MOVING ON!!! Yeah, SayaYuma won't be coming back till Saturday night, so I don't see her until Sunday. TT_TT Oh, the separation anxiety... for her. She can't talk to me the whole time. I feel bad, but there's nothing I can do. I still love you, SayaYuma. Oh, new anime for my update: Outlaw Star. Yes, I know I'm behind, but Big Bro lent it to me when I was in recovery. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that; I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled the last day of finals (since I didn't have to go in). He won't shut up about ice cream now. I swear, he's such an ass! Since no one tells me off about my language, I just won't type the "F" word. Anyway, back to Outlaw Star! Gene is so much like my man Gojyo from Saiyuki; is he like a reincarnation or something? If he doesn't get a move on Melfina - that's not rape - I'll take her. SayaYuma, I'll keep to your condition: look but don't touch. I might break something... her heart. You know I'd never cheat on you. I'm not called a loyal dog for nothing. Yeah, so - if you didn't already figure it out - I like Melfina out of the chick trio; Suzuka is cool with her wooden sword, but Aisha... guys I am a dog. Cats aren't my thing. Sorry Sebi. She's an annoying loud-mouth, and she voices what everyone's thinking, claiming it was her idea. Can't she just sit down and shut up?! Anyway, I like Suzuka's calm, cool, collected personality; it's a big plus. Still, Melfina's my girl. Maybe she reminds me of SayaYuma: sweet, innocent, looking for her place in the world... yeah. Wow, I need to post more often! Ok, I'll post tomorrow. ja meda.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'm not dead... just computer deprived... T_T
Yeah, you all know my little sister is a Runescape-addict, but now she's discovered AIM!! Curse the creator of such an evil that keeps me from the computer for several more hours! Even at midnight, she's in chat rooms... damn it... T_T Sorry to the people who've been nice and visited my small part of the internet... Thanks for the comments - even if most are from SayaYuma - I feel as if people accually care to talk to me. I feel kind warm inside... Ack! Mushy me! SayaYuma says she likes me masculine, so I have to be more manly for her. I do believe emotions are important - not in Evangelian though, (-_-) Shinji was a pain! Anyway, I'm in the middle of another plot burst! That's my term for when I have a massive brainstorm for stories: original, fanfics, or just rps. I made up the coolest necromancer ever, but I'd probubly bore you guys into never coming back; if not, let me know and I'll fill you in. The character goes allow with the Aboreson series by Garth Nix, I think that's the guy. Anyway, Kaa-san (Mom) brought home food! so I'm going to induldge in this once in a month treat! Ja meda!
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