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Guestbook Entries:

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Aisha-Clanclan (04/08/06)

HELLO!!!! =^.^=

My name is Aisha Clanclan!! A Ctarl-Ctarl!! and i know your not the reall Aisha!! so you can stop lying about your INFORMATION!!!!

Mai711 (02/03/06)

u have a very nice site if u dont mind me saying so.Add me pls and sign my GB when u can and i will add u on return k?


crazykitkat (02/03/06)

i like your site. i am going to add you as a friend. have a good day.:-)

Valefore (06/16/05)

hey! i really like ur site it has very nice colors......well i added you as a friend and i hope you come to my site some time and add me as a friend also
P.S. since my username is valeforei have a couple of ffx and ffx-2 pics and i hope you like them! ^_^


KuramasGirl (06/02/04)

cool site but i have to highlight what you write to read it. Anywho, you seem pretty cool. I'll add you as a friend

shippo gal (04/28/04)

Hi! I clicked on Random member and you showed up ^_^. I like you website check out mine and sign my guestbook! Add me as a friend if you'de like ^_^

hieirlz (04/14/04)

Hi I like your website! What does JA NE mean? I'll add you as a friend, hope that you do the same for me. BYE!!

lilman09 (04/12/04)

yo come on over to my site, it wont kill ya to sign the gb. and my site fuked up so if u want to see the rest of it than go to archives

Artukei (04/08/04)

HOLY SH**! AISHA? IS IT REALLY YOU? You have no idea how long I've been looking for you! Please, say you'll be mine! Er...oh. That's just your alias. (frak!) Uh...hehe. (man, this is awkward) Well, even if you're not "the real" Aisha, can we still be friends? You sound pretty cool. And hey, if you are an Aisha fan, you should check out my WLLPPRs. L8R! (sigh, life goes on)

sesshomarusbabe (04/06/04)

hey wuz up or down? i love your site and aisha is one of the coolest characters on outlaw star!!! so hey come check out my site and plz sign my g/b and hope you don't mind if i add you as a friend.
Bi-bi ~_'

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