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Guestbook Entries:

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Anime (04/03/04)

Thanks for visiting me. I like your site, it's neat.^_^ Oh and the place I get most of my gifs from is http://animegifs.free.fr/index2.html I'll add you on to my friends list too.^__^

cherrie (03/24/04)

heylo thea, i'm just stopping by to say hi!! i like your paige!!!

DeadlyNightShade (03/22/04)

hi there, i really like your site, that little marshmellow thing throwing confetti and the DJ are soo cute! ^_^ iam addin you as a friend, come sign me guest book

sangoiscool (03/14/04)

hi, i like your site, its realy cool, come check out mine and sign my gb somtime. maybe even put me as one of your friends because i have you down as one of mine.cya^^

peachgirlmomo (02/11/04)

Hi nice site! Be my friend and vote for my pics ok? c ya!

WaterGoddess (02/07/04)

Hey, I luv ur site. My friends say I'm noble too. I added you as a friend too.


Demon Fox (02/06/04)

:> AISHA CLANCLAN is my favorite person from Outlaw Star. Your site is pretty cool so is the music. Adding you as a friend.

buka (02/04/04)

sup,its me buka.thanx 4 signing my gb.im not a real good cooker,i dont really cook a lot.well im learning how 2 cook pretty good.well see ya!!!!!

animeluv (02/03/04)

I can tell that you like Outlaw Star... ME TOO!!!Have you seen all of the episodes?

Rurouni (01/31/04)

Thanx For Signing My G-Book I Hope U Dont Mind If I Add Ya n My Friends List

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