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myOtaku.com: Aiyachi

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

   Sick again
Waaaaaah! I need a hug ;-;
*runs to you then jumps in your arms*
(You: >,>; there, there?)
wah~! I su sickies
*coughs on your face*
(You: AUGH~! I have germs all over me *throws Aiyachi down*)
Waaaaaaah~! ; - ;

anyways I ate chickie noodle woodle soup
(You: eww germs ; -;)
I've read Peacemaker kurogane over and over again the last few days, ya see I made up this character for it she turned out really cool when I drew her. So like when I read PMK I'm insterting her into the story and imagining what it'd be like then (ya prolly think thats weird though ^^;) well I guess that all *sniffle*

later peoples!

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