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myOtaku.com: Aj0404

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Shattered Peices (12/02/07)

im just skipping around sites;
and this is where i ended up.
so, must i say, you have a very lovely site indeed. i enjoy the RK bg [[=
welp; hope to see you around myO. feel free to pm me if you wish, just please for an update, i hate it when people ask me to be their friends. if we're pming, then its obvious we're friends, or are along the line of it.
also, please please PLEASE dont ask me "wat do you want to talk about?"
since im not sure. if i did have an idea, im mostly sure we'd be talking about it.
i did not mean to sound rude of i did, so please excuse me. x]
anywho, nice little chat-along that was.
cheerio =D

BasicSunshine09 (03/28/07)

hiya. I'm semi-randomly scoping sites and came across yours which is really cool lookin! i like your art too. and i like your avatar. and i like cake. and pillows. and and and- ahahahaa i just like everything! lol. okay. hope you dont mind me addin you. I'll be back to see your artwork ^^

Legacyof (08/13/06)

Nice site. I like your avatar

woodnimp15 (06/03/06)

\ /

elementangel (06/01/06)

I love your site!! It's wicked cool. I'll add you as friend. Come by and sign my GB when you have time okay. Pm me anything you wish or just want to talk. Laterz.


darkZander (05/14/06)

cool site and background.well i hope we can be friends

hiru (05/04/06)

Hiya, thanks for signin my gb n also watched my artwork. i also add u as my friend. im gonna check ur artwork some other time coz my computer is sooo lame... so sorry. well neway thanks again

- Hiru

BlackSmoke (05/01/06)

I like your site. I also like your avatar it is sweet! Stop by my site when you can:)

GhostlyNinja (04/24/06)

Thanks for visiting my site and signing my gb. Yo're site is cool. I'll add you as a friend. Ninjas Rule!!!

BLEACH767 (04/23/06)

hey thanks for stoppin by my site, your is also really awesome
ill add you as a friend

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