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myOtaku.com: Aj0404

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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rodger9872 (11/07/05)

thanks for visited my site and you got a cool site.i'm adding you as my friend.Z u

lilflaregymnast83 (11/01/05)

hey cool site u got here love your background and your avy
wow u r good at drawing i wish i can post some of my drawings*sighs*...
well i added u to my friends list k hope u dont mind so stop by sometimes and dont forget to sign my gb while u r there k? well ttyl

BlackfireDA (10/24/05)

hiya luv da site keep it up
plz drop down ma site n check it out oh n i hop u dont mind me addin u in as a friend n i hop u do da same

Grey Wolf (10/23/05)

Hi friend^^
I wanted to thank you 4 signing my guestbook! Sorry if it took a while -_- im just slow sometimes. But ill add ya as a friend k? Well ttyl!

Ps: I love the DN Angel backround!!

miaomiao (10/21/05)

Ni hao! ^-^ nice site you got! its text even moves.. kewl! ^-^ i also saw your artwork. keep it up. miao!


marisenka (10/20/05)

Really nice site... I have to say I liked Vivi a lot...and yeah!!... ff9 is a great game n.n. I hope u don't mind if I add you as a friend. So, take care...bye

Gold Rogger15 (10/18/05)

Kool site come see mine if your a naurto fan i got a funny vid just come see for your self well bye.

Silver Wolf Shiko (10/18/05)

Thank you for signing my guestbook! And commenting on my Hinata pic! You have a nice site yourself! Thanks again!


metal-inuyasha (10/18/05)

hey,,,thanks for signing my guestbook,,,i would add you as a friend,,but i am not a friend yet,,only some one you know,,,so in time if i think i want to add you i will ok^_^,,any who,,this one cant think of much more to say,,so i will go,,see ya

Love and Peace

BabyD (10/18/05)

Hiya!!! Cool site you got, i luv the avi of naruto and bg of Dark is awsome , he look so cute ^-^!!! hope you dont mind if i add you as a friend ^_^. well got to go now, cya laterz!!! btw your drawings rocks!!!!

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