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Monday, October 17, 2005

   School Post of Boredom
Well i am sitting in my computer class at school rotting due to boredom. Lets see....we just got out of history and we had a CRAP load of work. I mean like it was pathetic and ridiculous....anyways enough complaining.

Im not going to be doing much today...I have to watch my sister though and that is going to be death. My mom owes me so much money from watching her she owes me like 25 dollars now.

I am probably going to update some more art this wednesday, not now though because wed. is the next time i will be near a scanner. (Grandmas house) lol!.

Well I guess i should be doing some work in this class.....or maybe not i am contemplating. Oh well...i had a dream last night that Madalyn broke up with me and left me for some muscle guy that was rich.....it was depressing. I think i am going to be ok though lol cause when i walked into school she demanded me to give her a hug and she told me i love you and gave me this big smile ^_^. So...im glad she wont be leaving me for some muscle guy that is rich lol...well that is the end of this post. Hope you guys have a nice day.

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

New art...and Post
Well on my coming back i have put 3 new pieces of art up for you guys to go check out. One of them is even in color......with my prismacolor markers. Well i just got back from my grandmothers...i also found out that i have a long lost sister tonight....I wont reveal her name..but yeah we have like everything in common......she was definently suppost to be my sister lol.......anyways though this day has already been really cool i have learned how to do some new things with my site...and everything is just getting better. Lets see Madalyn wants me to draw a couple of things for her...so that is probably what today is going to consist of....I already gave her one of my best pieces of art -_-lol. Im just glad she likes it ^_^. Lets see....im not going to church today so i will probably lay around to.....oh and i will play ITG (In the Groove) and DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)...other than that my day should succesfully consist of nothing....oh and i may do something new with my site we will just see...Well guys talk to you later check my art out on the way out....

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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hey guys....I have missed all of you guys...well alot. Anyways remember that computer problem i said i was having well i just recently got it fixed and here i am...^_^. Im glad to be back i hope all my past friends can accept my apologies and please visit my site again....you know i will visit yours. Im happy to be back.

Lets see ill attempt to give you guys a real update lol ^_^. I am currently at my grandmothers...we are going to Michaels today YEAH! I am coloring my art now with Prisma color markers they come out pretty nicely. They are really expensive and have been keeping me broke though (3.79 a marker)They are really good though. Oh school is kicking my ass i am wanting to make it into a good law school so i am trying to get all my grades at 97's or higher and so far i have exceeded. ^_^. Man guys i really missed you all well i hope you guys come and see this post....later

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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

For whoevers sites it seems like i haven't visited i promise i have for some reason my comp is having a problem loading the comments box but i have checked out all of your sites. Just wanted to let you know.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Daisuke in color
Well guys i put up that daisuke pic in color now....i think it came out way way better than the first one i colored...for whoever remembers that one (hopefully no one does). Anyways though just to let everyone know i finally hit my vote number goal it was 100 and i now have 111 so i would like to thankyou for anyone who voted on my art or commented. So yeah ^_^. Well i hope everyone is having a good day. Im sure i am...i am right now...what im trying to say is it is today lol i am just still up. (Im tired) Alright well im going back home tom. and my comp is having some problems with aol so i may not be on. So i would like to apologize right now for any friends site that i do not visit. I will go and revisit as soon as possible. Well later guys i have to go to bed...

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Monday, August 1, 2005

Attempt 2
Well i tried drawing Daisuke from dn angel once more......he didn't really come out the way i wished but please go check him out and comment and rate. You guys know i always appreciate it ^_^.

Anyways...i am so bored...i think im going to go watch adult swim soon..or read dn angel. Ok well anyways I am going to try and submit some more art later on today. I am eating over at my grandmothers house tonight...she cooks good. Oh and my mom is almost done with her finals and then she will be a nurse. yay for sheila (my mom). Ok well im just talking about stupid crap now talk to you guys later.
P.S. If anyone feels like talking pm me. I will be home most of the day lol.

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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Well as you can see my BG has changed once again...im bad at keeping one thing up. Lets see what else...oh im working on getting some pics up on my site. I am not going to be doing much today just kickin it and going back home.....to a messy room that my mom is going to make me clean
-_-.....Well guys just wanted to know what you thought of the new BG. I am going to try and post something up today...but if that does not happen than i shall post some new art some time soon. ^_^.Oh and about putting those pics on my site.....well i have uploaded my pics that i want to put on my site....and i have uploaded them to a site that allows me to put the art on my site....Question is how do you get it from that site to my site...(that was confusing lol) Anyways if you can help please comment or pm thanks

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Friday, July 29, 2005

Safe house goes over the mountain lol
Alright this is truly great...Ok for anyone who dosent know what a safe house is its sort of like a "shelter" It is made out of steel and it is really heavy. Well this house to the right of me is getting built and they had to put one in. Well its on the back of the truck and this guy comes over with one of the machines to lift it (Like those things in home depot) and tries to lift it....well it falls over and there are like 10 people out there and all there heads just sort of fall with it lol like followed it fallling down. Then they were all trying to lift it and stuff when a guy finally realized guys this is steel we can't lift this so then they used the machine and there half way at the house and the machine stalls...lol....ok everyone lets give a short prayer for construction people.......God please help construction people to be smarter and have more patience....
-Next..i put a new piece of fan art up of Rukia. Go check it out if you want. Ok i have to go later

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Well i just finished a new piece of fan art of Sasuke. The shading alone took me 2 1/2 hours. I think it came out pretty good prob one of the best detailed drawings i have ever done. Anyways PLEASE go check it out leave comments and rate it that is always apreciated. I want to know what you think ^_^ Anwyays Later...oh and hope you enjoy ^^.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

First i woudl like to say i have 2 new pieces of fan art up one of Hinata (inspired by my cousin Aarick) and one of Kero.
Anyways wow have i been busy i have had so much family over this past week. I want to apologize for not visiting sites as much as i should and etc. It is just i have been very busy. What have you all been up to? I havent been really up to much just "tending" to relatives lol ^_^. My mom failed another test at school today so she is super pissed and i got cussed out ^_^ that was about the only interesting part in my day anyways i have to go and make my sister some dinner so later.
p.s. Does anyone know how to make it wear just my backround pick shows my inner backround gets in the way and i want to know how to take that away. Please pm or comment.^_^ Thanks.

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