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myOtaku.com: Aj0404

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Geez i keep getting this guy that criticizes my art almost as if he is just looking for something wrong. He acts like he is an excellent artist and thinks he is the best. Not in a bragging way but i am a better artist and hes telling me what to improve and where to improve. I think that is hypocritical pick the plank out of your own eye before you pick out other peoples. You know i really like this site but i cant stand artists that go around commenting on peoples art being jack asses as if they were the best. Ok well just getting it off my chest. Thanks for reading you can comment if you want. Later

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New fan art of Oichimaru please go and comment and rate it is always appreciated. Thanks

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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Well lets see my grandmother is taking me out to dinner tonight for my birthday which is monday. Then she is taking me for a "suprise" only god knows lol. Anyways i have a new piece of fan art up of oichimaru so go and check it out ^^ Comments and rating are always appreciated. Thanks

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Friday, July 15, 2005

Im sad no one has come to post on my new art.....I feel lonely lol.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005

New fan art
Well guys how is everyone. I just finished the worst piece of fan art i have ever done of dn angel its the first fan art of mine i have ever colored.....its not good but please go comment. Now there is also a new naruto one up of sasuke. So please go check them out comment and rate. I will talk to you guys later.

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Monday, July 11, 2005

3 sanin
Hey guys i jujst submited a piece of art of the 3 Sanin i hope you guys like it please stop by my fan art and rate yes or no and leave comments they are always appreciated. Thankyou

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Well had nothing to do so i decided to make some changes to my site. Let me know what you think.^^
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Thursday, July 7, 2005

I just want to send a deep apology for those who were hurt or injured in the bombings today. Things like that cant be controled but i do know that the teenagers of today are what our next generation is going to be made up of. So we need to straighten up and make it a generation that everyone will remember and not for the bad but for the good.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Praise God, one of myu pieces of art came up; although i still dont see the other pieces iof my art...but that is ok i can wait but please go and comment on my new piece of art. Also how are you guys doing?
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005

New fan art
Well i finally have some new fan art up. Yay lol! Well please go comment ^ ^. Im at my grandmothers house right now helpijng her unpack it has been hard work. Well guys talk to you later

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