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I've loved anime since we got cable in Arizona and I could actually watch it. XD
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Grenadier, Air, Fruits Basket, Fate/Stay Night, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
[ Holy No Postage! O.O ]
Holy wowness!
I don't even want to look at the date on my last post cause I know it was forever and a year ago! lol
So a lot has been happening, working a ton, doing dairy princess pageants, getting cheated on, registering for college, working more to get money for college, moving into a dorm with FIVE other girls and only ONE bathroom and two of these roomies are complete pigs mind you....
*sighs* Wow... there was more spread out in between all of that but these are pretty much the highlights of my life. lol
The whole college thing is working out pretty well, I'm excited for the next semester, not the weather....but the classes. =)Apparentally it FREEZES up here in Logan, Utah... It's already freezing and there isn't even snow on the ground yet... I'm scared... O.o
So... I don't know if my layout got messed up, if it's my different screen or if it's always been this way, but it looks off center to me and it didn't before when I first put it up... x.x
I guess I'll have to retrain myself how to do layouts again. lol
Well I'm kinda tired and I have an early class, but I promise I'll stop by more often now!!
Talk to you all later!!
Ja mate ne!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
[ Holy hectic ]
Wow, holy cow.
This has been so freakin hectic. I can't even believe it's almost coming to an end too.
This Saturday I'm moving up to my dorm room in Logan and I'm so nervous. I'm not packed at all, but we're going to do all of that today.
Yesterday I spent the day with a couple of my friends up at the Gateway Mall. It was fun. I'm glad I got to see them one last time before I moved. Heh.
We went and saw a movie, Transformers, because ONE: that movie is Wicked Awesome and TWO: Paul and Ashlee haven't seen it yet, so you know we just had to have them watch it! =)
After we left the mall I took Ashlee to my house and we dyed our hair. ^ ^ Mine was already dyed, but we put this pinkish color in our hair. Ash has one BIG chunk in her hair and I have a couple little streaks in mine. It looks cool, but I started freaking out a little while ago because I wasn't sure if it still looked good or not. After all my hair is now black on bottom, white-ish-blonde on top with bright pink streaks. hehe
Sounds way crazy, neh? =)
Ooooh! The end of this month is my 18 birthday too! Yay! I'll finally be legal and then I can go to clubs and stay out past midnight without getting in trouble by the cops. ^ ^;;
*sighs* So yeah, this whole month I've been scrambling to fit in time with friends, get ready for school, work two jobs and finish a class assignment. @_@ I've been so busy I haven't even had the energy or time to read the last Harry Potter book. And what's even more sad about that is my own MOTHER has read the book. T_T
*mega sigh*
But yeah, I'm really sorry I haven't updated more often and I always promise I will again, but I don't. I'm sure now that I'm going to a new school though, that I will update more often.
So I'll talk to you all later hopefully!
*mega hugs*
Bai Bai!
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Friday, June 8, 2007
[ School is OUT ]
Woohoo!!!!! School is finally over! I'm so freakin happy. I'm all done with High School and never have to go back!!! Bwahahahaha!!! XD
Graduation was way awesome! I loved it, except the guys kind of ruined it by throwing beach balls among themselves...>>
The graduation party was so fun, we went swimming and then there were tons of blow-up things to play on, sumo-wrestling things, obstacle courses, and the wall sticky things where you run/jump/then stick on the wall.
The party was so much fun, I got sick though cause I got really dizzy on this ride thing. lol
Um... lets see. I participated in the Tooele County Dairy Princess Pageant and it was way fun. It was rigged though cause one of the judges was an aunt to the winner. I still got a prize for my academics though. ^ ^ I was happy to be in that pageant, I learned a lot.
Oh!! And the boy that I told you about in my last post. If you can even remember that long ago. Well, he ended up breaking up with Meagan and then he asked me out. lol So I'm going out with Alix now, but the REALLY sad part is that he's in Alaska now! It's so sad, he won't be back until like Monday. I think I'm gonna go insane without him here. X.X
*sighs* Hm.... What else has been going on lately..... Hm... Hm... Hm......
Not a whole lot, but with work I've been doing a ton of graveyard shifts lately. It kind of sucks cause I can't do a whole lot during the day because I'm sleeping, but I'm working 12 hours at a time so I'm getting lots of money. ^ ^ Plus, working the night shift means you don't do as much and you aren't forced to take any hours off because there aren't that many people working at night.
Tonight I'm bringing my DDR and I'm going to have the nurse and some of the CNA's play with me. lol It'll be so much fun cause they're like all older.
So yeah.... I'm super bored right now.
I think I might go to bed soon though, so I will let you all take a rest from reading my stupid post. lol
See you all later!!!
Ja ne!
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
[ New Events! ]
So there's TONS of stuff that's been happening to me, but not a whole lot of it was TOO important so I'll just highlight all the details. :)
I was force-ably placed in charge of the Yearbook booth at the Spring Fling, I was uberly pissed, but it ended up being SO MUCH FUN!!! XD
My friend got Strep throat and I had to disinfect a lot of my stuff and throw away my favorite chap-stick. T_T
I'm like totally in love with this guy at my school and just found out that he's dating a friend of mine. X.X Love sucks.
My friend, OJaganshi's mother, is getting married on Mother's Day.
And the biggest event on my mind right now is:
I'm participating in a beauty pageant!!
This little home-town beauty pageant is called the Dairy Princess Pageant. Sounds stupid I know. Who wants to be a princess of dairy, but you get scholarship money and it's just a step down from Miss Tooele and two steps down from Miss Utah.
I'm so excited, there's only like 8 girls running and it's so weird. There's a cheerleader running and she's more nervous about all of this than I am! O_O I think it's so funny. My dress is so pretty!! When I compete I'll have to show you pictures because I love it so much!
Um... oh yeah!! And there's two more weeks left until I check out of school! I can't wait! Then there's graduation which is on the 31st. It kind of sucks though, cause we only get 8 tickets. T_T
How the crap is someone only going to use 8 tickets??? I honestly don't know. I wanted two of my friends from in Salt Lake to come, but one of them might not be able to, and I don't know if I can hold a ticket for her. X.X
Sadness is my life sometimes.
Anywhoodle, I dunno what else to say right now. hehehe.
Sorry I don't update like at all anymore. I suck, I know. T_T I'm sorry.
I'll see you all later!!
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Monday, April 2, 2007
[ S P R I N G B R E A K ! ! ! ]
Hello there everyone!!!
Well, as you all have probably guessed, it's finally Spring Break! YES!!!! Bwahahahahaha!!!! I'm so excited, finally a break from school longer than a couple days.
One of my best friends in the whole wide world is taking me to Mesquite, Nevada with her and her family this Thursday until Sunday! I'm so excited! We get a hotel room, by ourselves, away from her family. Her parents are staying in a completely different hotel and her brother and his friends are staying at her grandmother's house. hehehe
We're so lucky! We get our own room and hotel to ourselves! lol
*sighs* Hm... what else... um... Well, my problems with my friends are... somewhat calming.... I dunno how things are gonna turn out. *sighs* Hopefully they all turn out for the better, right?
Um... Well. I'm gonna get going. I'll let you all know how my lovely Spring Break is going or has gone. hehehe.
I'll talk to you all later!!
Buh bye now!
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Monday, March 26, 2007
[ What a week... ]
Wow, I believe my little subject thing explains it all. Heh... *sighs and scratches head* Jee... where to begin..
Well, I've been having a pretty hard time lately... It's starting to lighten up, but only ever so slightly. And it's like, if it gets better in one area it gets a little worse in another area. *sighs*
Let me tell you about what's been going on though. That way I don't sound like I'm nut-so or something. Hehehe...
Well.. it all started when my best friend and I had a little argument, apparently the "little argument" was a lot more serious than I had thought. It was the "straw that broke the camel's back." My friend suddenly blocked me from everything without warning and refuses to talk to me. According to my friend's girlfriend, she pretty much hates my guts and I honestly haven't a clue as to why. *sighs*
Then another friend of mine has also stopped talking to me. He's not like mad at me or anything, at least... not that I know of, but he just hasn't spoken to me in like a month or two.
Not to mention I had to work everyday last week, yet another friend is mad at me because I'm *talking* to her EX-BOYFRIEND that SHE dumped!
She was so mad at me that she left work an hour early, leaving me by myself working a hall that I haven't EVER worked by myself and can't work by myself. Then she cussed me out to her ex-boyfriend. GAH!
Not to mention, her ex-boyfriend seems to REALLY like me and I don't hardly even want to be friends with him. He's coming on WAY strong and it's kind of freaking me out. I dunno what to do about him. *sighs*
I've been so stressed out lately. It's like everyone is either getting mad at me or my life has just suddenly been sat on by a ton of elephants. T____T
I was going to update sooner, but all I would have done was rant and after I thought about it, me ranting would have only made things worse for me because people mentioned and their friends would have seen my post.
Kind of like another post I put up on a different page. I ranted on there (forgetting that I had tried to add a couple people who were mentioned in my rant) and the next day I saw them on my friends list. My heart literally dropped into my stomach when I saw it. I didn't know what to do or say, just because I knew that had just made EVERYTHING ten bazillion times worse. *sighs*
After that week was over I spent the whole weekend at my boss's house, (she was out of town) with one of my friends who's been by my side throughout all of this stuff. I would tell you what all we did, but I'd rather not. Heh...
But yeah.. I just thought I'd post so you all knew that I didn't die or anything. My friend Luzka was all worried about me because I hadn't been online so I just wanted to make sure that you weren't worried either.
I'm going to make sure I post on all of your sites as well. I have to make sure I know what's been going on with all of you guys. :]
I'll see you all later.
*hugs you ALL*
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy late Valentine's Day peoples!!!
*gives you all hugs and kisses*

I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day. Mine kinda REALLY sucked, but that's okay because yesterday (the day AFTER V-Day) was the coolest ever! ^ ^

Apparentally I haven't updated here in a while like I said I would, so I guess I should fill you all in on what's been goin on! XD
I got my job at the nursing home for like real now. I dunno if I've already told you that or not, but there's this guy that works there with me. His name is Mike and he is SO CUTE!!! *squees* He's super cute and funny and nice and sweet and probably one of the ONLY good kids that I've actually fallen for, which is uberly awesome. 
I made him a really cute Valentine's Day card, inside it said "I hope your day is as sweet as you" and I got a bag of SweetTarts Jelly Beans. I got him to come to work and pick them up and he was all embarrassed and he looked happy and just so uberly adorable! I was happy for the rest of the day! I couldn't even go to sleep last night because I was so excited!
Oooh! And my mom is going to be getting a new job like today or something. She was offered a position as some sort of office management or something and she'll get paid the same, but get home at least 4 hours earlier! That means I'll actually get to see her right after I get home from school instead of right before I go to bed. I'm so happy for my mom, she'll get more sleep and more time to relax with this extra time at home. 
Hm. Hm. Hm... What else is there.... Um.... I dunno what else there is! Geh! 
Well, I haven't a clue what else I need to tell you guys about at this very moment. I promise to keep you updated on the whole Mike thing though! *giggles* I hope me and him can become a little more than just friends. 
I'll see you all later!!! *hugs you all*
Ja mate ne!!

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Friday, January 26, 2007

OMG!! YAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My internet on my laptop is working again!!! BOOYA!!! XD I'm so excited, now I can update normally and visit your guys's sites without time limits! XD XD
OH! And today was like a great day! I looked really good, if I do say so myself. I had a bunch of guys checkin me out today, which made me feel REALLY good about myself! (I know I sould totally vain, I'm sorry! Just ignore that part)
And then I practically finished one of my yearbook pages, I thought that I would miss deadline, but now I'm thinking that I'm gonna make it!
And! I practically got a job at the Nursing home. I just need to get my food handlers, a couple shots, turn in some papers and Vwa la!
I'm so uber excited. There's this guy that I did Clinicals with from Grantsville and he's really cute. I can't wait till I get to work with him. ^ ^
Well. I have to go feed horses real quick. I'll come back and comment on your guys's pages!
See you all later!
Ja mate ne!
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

I made it! I'm updating before the week is over!!!
I almost didn't update this week. O.O Jeezust!
This sucks so bad guys! My computer upstairs isn't letting me connect to the internet anymore! *cries*
It sucks way bad, I dunno why it's being so stupid, it's saying there's a problem with the DNS (Dail Networking Service), but how can there be a problem with the DNS if it's a wireless connection and doesn't need to dial up???
Geh! Makes me so frustrated! >< *shakes fist*
So yeah, I'm on my grammy's computer right now. It sucks way bad cause now I don't have any of my files and stuffs on here to play with. T_T
But yeah. I just wanted to update. I think my grammy is gonna kick me offline soon so I won't have a chance to comment on anyone's sites. I'm really sorry! *bows* I'm gonna make me mommy fix the comp upstairs tomorrow when she's home. But I can't guarantee that it'll work, but I'll update when it does so that you'll all know! XD
So yeah. I'll try to update and comment later!
*hugs you all*
Ja mate ne!
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Friday, January 12, 2007

Ohayo Gozaimasu!
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I would say I haven't been online, but that'd be a flat out lie cause I've been commenting on peoples sites. T_T
I guess when I feel like updating it's already an hour before the time changes and I'm like. GEH! NoooOO! I will be attacked by angry MyO mobs! X.X
Hehe.. SO yeah. I have a four day weekend this well weekend. ^ ^ My mom and grammy are going to be heading up to St. George and I'm going to be home all by myself with my dogs. Eh.. @_@
I'm glad one of my friends decided to hang out with me this weekend. I was going to hang out with OJaganshi, but she decided she didn't want to and would rather hang out with her girlfriend. *is sad*
Oh well. I'm sure I'll get over it.
Oooh! The first semester of school is finally over! Only a half year to go and I'm off to college with me buddies! Apparentally we'll be one roomie short now, her mother decided she'd pay for her cosmotology school if she stayed home so she'll be doing that.
That's okay though, she would have gotten on my nerves with her constant partying, late nights, and not caring about school.
I'm getting a little nervous though, the deadlines for applications to the school is coming up and scholorship deadlines are too. Geh. O.O
OH! And I passed on my CNA test, you're all speaking to a Certified Nursing Assistant! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! I'm gonna be getting a job at the nursing home now to get money for college. :) YAY! I'm so excited!
Hm... I dunno what else I'm missing... OH! We had to do dried flower arrangements for Floriculture and the Teacher's assistant said that mine would have one the ribbon for the best one if there was a ribbon. And her son was in that class too! The teacher even said I did a fabulous job on it and asked if he could display it for next semester's classes. I feel so special. ^-^
Oooh, and I dunno if I mentioned it before, but my mother is going to help me get a new car after graduation. I'm so excited! We were going to go to Germany, but I decided I would rather have a car.
Well... I think that's about it.... If I think of anything else I'll let you know.
Oh! And my New Year Resolution for MyO is to update at least once a week and comment more. I'm already doing better on the comments, but I have to ask that you like message me or something if I haven't updated, that way I stay on track.... ^ ^;;
I'll talk to you all later!!!
*hugs you all!*
Ja mate ne!
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