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I've loved anime since we got cable in Arizona and I could actually watch it. XD
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Grenadier, Air, Fruits Basket, Fate/Stay Night, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Oh wow... this week has been the most tiring week of all. I can't believe it, I get enough sleep and yet I wake up feeling as though I didn't get a wink of sleep the whole night. *yawns*
This morning was the ACT test, and if you've already taken the ACT test, then you know that it's so entirely boring, plus I didn't even get a chance to sleep in this morning. I don't know how well I did on the test this time, but at least I finished it all the way instead of missing 15 math problems like last time. ^^;
Oooh, and it's the winter tree festival again and it's getting kind of stressful cause I'm the chairman for the Key Club tree and such, not to mention the other 3 clubs that I'm helping out with. *sighs* We totally forgot to get a tree skirt for our tree and so I brought this old one of my family's and it looks so stupid. T_T I'm going to go and find the other one we have and take it to the school on Monday and switch them out, cause the stupid one is kinda dirty too... I dunno what's on it, but it looks kinda yucky.
So many things are coming up soon, like Christmas shopping, final tests for the end of term, clinicals for my CNA class, final projects, and so much more. It's getting kinda stressful, maybe that's why I'm always so tired... Hm...
Right, well. I really don't know what else to say at the moment. I just thought I'd check in and give a little shout out so you guys didn't think I died or something. Hehehe... ^ ^;;
I'll be sure to check your updated sites once I post this.
Ja ne tomodachi's!
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

ZOMG!!!!! O________O
I just barely realized that I hhad accidentally deleted all my posts! O.O
Gomen ne! Thank you Angie for pointing that out to me. ^ ^;; I totally forgot.
I would have posted earlier, but everytime I go to post, it's like 2 hours away from the time change on the Otaku and it bites, I could wait till 10:00 and then post, but I really don't feel like it.
Sorry I haven't been updating this last little while. I don't remember when I last did, or even what it was about (cause I deleted it... -_-) Hehehe....
But anywhoodle, I've been really bust with school stuff lately. I actually almost missed a whole day of school this Monday because I was sick. I was so mad, but luckily I was able to make it through my 4th period - thus keeping my perfect attendance in tact. ^ ^
Geh, this week has been horrible I swear. Sunday I went with my mom to her friend's house - who is from India - and they decided to bring out the snacks, well I decided to try some and OMG! It was SOO disgusting, just thinking about it makes me sick, but that set off my stomach virus that I didn't know I had and I was throwing up all day long, it sucked. That's why I didn't go to school for my first 3 classes is cause I still felt sick.
Now it feels as if I have a cold, and I had muscle cramps in my lower back this morning so I couldn't stand up straight very well.
But the good news on top of today is I finished all my class presentations that I missed on Monday and actually did a great job on them all! ^ ^ Plus I got my English portfolio back today and I got a 98 on it! WOOT!
Not to mention, I got one of my Yearbook pages done today too! I'm so proud. ^ ^
Well, as you all know, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I am actually having family come over to our house this time instead of going to their house's. I hope well all have a great time, I don't really like being with my family sometimes, specially cause of the rumors they've spread about me recently... *shrug* Meh, whatev.
*sighs* Well, I'm going to be taking some of my medication and that'll just zonk me out so I'm gonna just go now. I hope you all have a TERRIFIC THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!!!!!
Ja mate ne!!
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