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• 1989-08-29
• Ningenkai
Member Since
• 2005-06-06
• Student
Real Name
• AJ
Anime Fan Since
• I've loved anime since we got cable in Arizona and I could actually watch it. XD
Favorite Anime
• Yu Yu Hakusho, Grenadier, Air, Fruits Basket, Fate/Stay Night, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha.
• Making anyone smile.
Friday, June 8, 2007
[ School is OUT ]
Woohoo!!!!! School is finally over! I'm so freakin happy. I'm all done with High School and never have to go back!!! Bwahahahaha!!! XD
Graduation was way awesome! I loved it, except the guys kind of ruined it by throwing beach balls among themselves...>>
The graduation party was so fun, we went swimming and then there were tons of blow-up things to play on, sumo-wrestling things, obstacle courses, and the wall sticky things where you run/jump/then stick on the wall.
The party was so much fun, I got sick though cause I got really dizzy on this ride thing. lol
Um... lets see. I participated in the Tooele County Dairy Princess Pageant and it was way fun. It was rigged though cause one of the judges was an aunt to the winner. I still got a prize for my academics though. ^ ^ I was happy to be in that pageant, I learned a lot.
Oh!! And the boy that I told you about in my last post. If you can even remember that long ago. Well, he ended up breaking up with Meagan and then he asked me out. lol So I'm going out with Alix now, but the REALLY sad part is that he's in Alaska now! It's so sad, he won't be back until like Monday. I think I'm gonna go insane without him here. X.X
*sighs* Hm.... What else has been going on lately..... Hm... Hm... Hm......
Not a whole lot, but with work I've been doing a ton of graveyard shifts lately. It kind of sucks cause I can't do a whole lot during the day because I'm sleeping, but I'm working 12 hours at a time so I'm getting lots of money. ^ ^ Plus, working the night shift means you don't do as much and you aren't forced to take any hours off because there aren't that many people working at night.
Tonight I'm bringing my DDR and I'm going to have the nurse and some of the CNA's play with me. lol It'll be so much fun cause they're like all older.
So yeah.... I'm super bored right now.
I think I might go to bed soon though, so I will let you all take a rest from reading my stupid post. lol
See you all later!!!
Ja ne!
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