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I've loved anime since we got cable in Arizona and I could actually watch it. XD
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Grenadier, Air, Fruits Basket, Fate/Stay Night, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha.
Making anyone smile.
Friday, January 12, 2007

Ohayo Gozaimasu!
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I would say I haven't been online, but that'd be a flat out lie cause I've been commenting on peoples sites. T_T
I guess when I feel like updating it's already an hour before the time changes and I'm like. GEH! NoooOO! I will be attacked by angry MyO mobs! X.X
Hehe.. SO yeah. I have a four day weekend this well weekend. ^ ^ My mom and grammy are going to be heading up to St. George and I'm going to be home all by myself with my dogs. Eh.. @_@
I'm glad one of my friends decided to hang out with me this weekend. I was going to hang out with OJaganshi, but she decided she didn't want to and would rather hang out with her girlfriend. *is sad*
Oh well. I'm sure I'll get over it.
Oooh! The first semester of school is finally over! Only a half year to go and I'm off to college with me buddies! Apparentally we'll be one roomie short now, her mother decided she'd pay for her cosmotology school if she stayed home so she'll be doing that.
That's okay though, she would have gotten on my nerves with her constant partying, late nights, and not caring about school.
I'm getting a little nervous though, the deadlines for applications to the school is coming up and scholorship deadlines are too. Geh. O.O
OH! And I passed on my CNA test, you're all speaking to a Certified Nursing Assistant! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! I'm gonna be getting a job at the nursing home now to get money for college. :) YAY! I'm so excited!
Hm... I dunno what else I'm missing... OH! We had to do dried flower arrangements for Floriculture and the Teacher's assistant said that mine would have one the ribbon for the best one if there was a ribbon. And her son was in that class too! The teacher even said I did a fabulous job on it and asked if he could display it for next semester's classes. I feel so special. ^-^
Oooh, and I dunno if I mentioned it before, but my mother is going to help me get a new car after graduation. I'm so excited! We were going to go to Germany, but I decided I would rather have a car.
Well... I think that's about it.... If I think of anything else I'll let you know.
Oh! And my New Year Resolution for MyO is to update at least once a week and comment more. I'm already doing better on the comments, but I have to ask that you like message me or something if I haven't updated, that way I stay on track.... ^ ^;;
I'll talk to you all later!!!
*hugs you all!*
Ja mate ne!
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