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(azn)Student=study, study, study! its never gonna end...
Real Name
people call me "Isa" (e-sa) it also means the # 1 in tagalog
1st Place in Tae Kwon Do Tournament(Sparring[muhahahaha])<(why was I laughing there??) , getting this far into life
Anime Fan Since
8 years old...*sob* i miss the young me...
Favorite Anime
Doraemon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Naruto, Ranma 1/2, One Piece, My Neighbor Totoro, Angelic Layer, Grave of the Fireflies, Alice 19th, Negima, Crayon Shinchan, Snow Fairy Sugar!^^Kawaii!
get a black belt, make my parents proud, umm...geez this is hard....i don't really know what else to do...
draw, video games, play the piano, guitar, cello, take pictures, surf the net, hula, sleep, laugh
i can play da piano, cello, and guitar! WHOOT! And I'm a intermediate in hula and an expert in sleeping
Ello!! Kamusta na kayo!! ako ay pinay!!! Welcome to my page!

Come in! Eat, relax, and...Enjoy your stay!

Friday, November 9, 2007
today was just plain sucky..............poo....nothing spectacular, nor anything extremely horrible, but small bad things clouding up my sunshine.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
It's been a while....
Well, here i am junior....
This year has a whole lot of change. I'm usually flexible in these situations, but the changes were just too extreme and too many!
No more orchestra.*sigh* Mr. Theiman retired and so did many other teachers who made up my memories as an underclassman. Mr. simmons is gone and we're stuck with new strict one. She annoys the hell out of me. I guess the biggest change though is not seeing him everyday anymore. Joseph...Jojo...i miss you. In the beginning of the year we kept in touch, but now he has his own and different social group. We got into a fight too about how he doesn't want to show how we know each other at his college so he ignores me and deleted me from his friend list on facebook. Okay that may sound a bit lame, but who would actually do that?! That's just cruel and it shows a great sign of our friendship ending....i miss the old him. I miss hanging out with him, being there when he's not well. I miss those days before orchestra practice when we would go to the chapel. I would practice piano as we talked about random stuff. The last time that happened, it was close to the end of the year. I was about to graduate and he mentioned something about wanting to smoke because other people do it and graduation...I pushed him through the hallway when I told him, "I don't want you to go."
Jojo: From this world, or from here?
i miss him so much
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Long week
Sorry, I just had spirng break and it felt like torture with the winter like weather out there. It even snowed on night! I can't believe its actually spring. Well, today we were to get up extra early in the morning drop my mom at the airport and go to school. But here's the catch. I don't have school today!!! We had drove up to our school's entrance when a line of teachers snuggled in their coats held up signs that read, "NO POWER, NO SCHOOL" I'm sorry for my dad. He had to hear me screaming in joy for the next 10 mins. So I'm at my aunts just hanging out.
The highlight of my spring break was when my family and I went to a Bayanihan. There was filipino dancing, food, and contests. Like who ever could eat dried mango the fastest won a pack of dried mango and whoever did the otso-otso the best won a t-shirt. The who production was by Georgetown University students. The reason we were able to go because my sister was accpeted to GU^^ We were so happy.
My fav was the sayaw sa bangko. It was a diff. coreography from what i've seen before. It actually had a story of a boy and two girls fighting to dance with him. It was real cute^^
i'll see if i can post any videos or pics from bayanihan. If any of you guys here about it, i highly request you to go. It doesn't matter if you're filipino or not, its a very beatiful and entertaining culture learning expirence.^^
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Monday, March 26, 2007
feeling what now?
Is this a first? Am I really feeling....annoyed?? Joseph is actually starting to get on my nerves. The way he actually pays attention to me in the hallways like were best buds. I still have that hate feeling in me. I hate how he ignored me for 3 months and now just suddenly notices me. He hasn't talked to me like this even when we went out. I feel like he never takes me seriously. I think that's what i hate the most. He mocked me on how i told him about my feelings in the long teen drama conversation a few posts back. I sometimes what to smack his face. I wish i never felt like this. The way I forget all my pain of the day when around him. I'm so stupid enough to think he actually cares what i'm telling him. He always waves at me now and then stands there with that stupid smile waiting for me to entertain him or something. I honestly have nothing to say nor does he. He has more to tell his real friends then he does with me. Why the hell does he always stand there expecting something and just getting in the way??!! He's starting to get annoying. He never cares about what i say. I'm a joke to him.
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Okay Dokay^^
Everything is okay now. We're talking again. And to add on to the good news. I'm doing better on getting my homework done the night b4 its due!^^ yay! No more early morning procrastination for moi! After this moring I said to myself, "So that's what sleeping is!" I'm aiming for 6 hours of sleep tonight^o^
in art class i was in a bit of at stump. I was making a collage about happiness with a faded background and now I'm stuck on what to put on the me here peeps. What makes you happy? What is the happiest thing in the world?
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