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myOtaku.com: ajikan

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

   Back on track
This week started of pretty good with a 2 hour delay from the snow over the weekend. Tehe...Joe was happy to see me.*sigh* its been weeks since i saw him so happy^^..hehe mes happy. After school we went over to Giant with a yet another conversation about being cheap and video games. I forced him to eat some sushi, which he still isn't a fan of, but has gotten over his hypothese of throwing up afterwards. I'm planning on giving him a little celebration lunch for his accptance to University of Maryland, Baltimore County. I'm so happy for him^^

Tuesday we had a good orchestra session, plus the cookies were extra great that day. MMmmmmm, soft and chewy^^

Wednesday(hey! Today!)
I had a bad start with me being late to school and all, but then lunch came. I had a great home cooked mog-mog(beefsteak)and then ate a bunch of my friends left over fries. Joe was so eager to sit next to me again^^ Tehe...i know i sound pathetic, but i was really happy he did. After lunch the day ended i face the usual group of guys who tease me. Mleh, i don't mind, kinda fun to play around. Then i'm back to the library. and i think i have to go now! Bye!

ello! thanx for reading todays post!^^ Now u gets a treaty weety! Yays! To bad I can't give it to you for reals...so don't fuss over not getting a real prizey wizey! just do DA HAPPY DANCE! lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaa....okay i'm ending this. or should I move onto another subject...i love bubble tea....mango bubble tea...coconut bubble tea...lychee bubble tea....*Slurp *chew *chew *chew. I've recently hooked on Pita-ten. The characters are so kawaii and plus ppl say I'm a lot like misha and shia^^ tehe...OKay Dokay! time to explore the world now. bibi now!

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