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myOtaku.com: ajikan

Monday, March 5, 2007

   no home...
my mom hates having had me and my sisters. she hates my dad. i feel that she has gotten so materialistic since she moved to the US. Before when i would ask her what she wanted for her birthday she would say kisses and hugs and now its just louis vutton and rolex. Everytime i spend money on a shirt she looks dissapointed. She wants to kick everyone out of the house..She doesn't want to see my face again...i remember when my mom said the word, "i love you" and up to now they're still just words to me. I need help...i feel alone. I don't know what to do.
ello! thanx for reading todays post!^^ Now u gets a treaty weety! Yays! To bad I can't give it to you for reals...so don't fuss over not getting a real prizey wizey! just do DA HAPPY DANCE! lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaa....okay i'm ending this. or should I move onto another subject...i love bubble tea....mango bubble tea...coconut bubble tea...lychee bubble tea....*Slurp *chew *chew *chew. I've recently hooked on Pita-ten. The characters are so kawaii and plus ppl say I'm a lot like misha and shia^^ tehe...OKay Dokay! time to explore the world now. bibi now!

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