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Soon...soon...and I write well, I guess.
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Shaman King, FLCL, Deathnote, Bleach, FMA, Naruto and MANY more
write a best-selling book, get a job reviewing video games.
writing, video games, music, anime, manga, martial arts
writing fiction and poetry, reviewing anime and video games.
| AK the Twilight
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/15/07:
I really like this song. Definitely a great song from their first album.
Which 30 Seconds to Mars Song Are You?
Result Posted on 10/26/06:
One of my all-time favorite writers is Poe, not just because he writes dark, but because there's so much depth in his writing. "The Raven" is amazing.
 | You scored as The Raven. the crow... this shows that you might not feel like you have a true grip on life. you may jump to conclusions to make you feel safer which don't last.
The Raven | | 81% | The Sleeper | | 69% | Annabel Lee | | 44% |
Which Edgar Allan Poe poem are you? created with | |
Result Posted on 10/26/06:
Hmm...this surprised me, but I can understand it.
| You scored as rock lyrics. you are the writer of rock lyrics!! you express yourself by writing the words down on paper in hopes that one day they will be sung on the radio so that everyone could feel wat you were feeling that day!!
rock lyrics | | 75% | novels | | 63% | script writer!! | | 63% | you cant write at all!!! | | 25% |
wat type of writer are you?? created with | |
Result Posted on 10/13/06:
Yup. ^^
What type of gamer are you? (with pics)
Result Posted on 10/13/06:
Out of all the weapons, I feel that I can rely on Hand Grenades the most in RE4. Throw, then go boom! ^^
 | You scored as Hand Grenade. You are a Hand Grenade. You like to slip in out of nowhere and kill when the enemy isn't suspecting. You're quite powerful but you miss easily.
Hand Grenade | | 75% | Red 9 | | 67% | Flash Grenade | | 67% | Incendiary Grenade | | 58% | Hand Cannon | | 58% | Broken Butterfly | | 58% | Rifle | | 58% | TMP | | 50% | Chicago Typewriter | | 50% | Shotgun | | 50% | Mine Thrower | | 50% | Blacktail | | 42% | Rocket Launcher | | 33% |
What Resident Evil 4 Weapon Are You? created with | |
Result Posted on 10/11/06:
Man, Kilik rocks. Staffs rock. Yeah, this result rocks. Saying "rock" alot rocks.
Result Posted on 10/10/06:
Awesome quiz, awesome result. T-Blocks rock.
What Tetris Block Are You?
Result Posted on 10/09/06:
Ah, my favorite character from my favorite anime. Well, favorite male character, cuz Anna just plain rocks. ^^
Result Posted on 10/09/06:
Man, I like this song. It convinced me to buy Hybrid Theory.
what linkin park song are you?
Result Posted on 10/09/06:
I have no complaints here. :)
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