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Monday, April 17, 2006
Just Beings -- >> RonxHermione Fanfic future
Okay... We started a new one. xD
All characters belong to J.K.Rowling.
Rays of a noon sun speckled the orange-ish red hair of a tall man who was casually leaning against a wall just outside a side alley. He had his lengthy arms crossed loosely against his broad just and his long legs casually crossed at the ankle. All together, he looked like a loose, comfortable guy. On the outside he looked like it was just normal for a man to hang out by a movie theatre all casually cool like, not waiting on anybody. But underneath... The guy was anxiously awaiting a very dear friend.
His sienna brown eyes watched boredly as an elder couple scooted along across the street and then his gaze wondered around to the shops around. The small surroundings were nice, clean and pleasant to look at. Nothing strange or disinteresting things at all. They held his attention for a little while. One leg moved only to be covered up by the other as he switched posititions. True, the guy had come a little early.
It never hurt, right?
Hermione had, by chance, run into an old friend of her parents, a nosy woman who never quite understood where it was that her friends' daughter had been throughout her adolesence. Frankly, she would never understand, because nobody was going to tell her. Either way, she tried to pry whenever she saw any member of her family, even if she was having dental work done.
Well, the point is that she'd been held up. Not long, mind, but long enough so that it annoyed her. She always made it a point to be disgustingly punctual, and she have to arrive especially early for this movie. Her date was a bit of an oddball when it came to things that were mundane and normal, and she therefore gave extra time to get situated. (She almost giggled, imagining Ron's retelling of the cinema visit to his father. Mr. Weasley would be delighted to hear the tale.)
She was walking at a bit of a hurry, even though she wasn't quite late yet. She certainly didn't want Ron to think that she'd uped and forgotten, and leave him alone for any amount of time with any large bunch of muggles. She passed by his chosen waiting alley, realized that she'd just seen him, and doubled back, smiling this time. She had, in her eyes, a look of slight fascination, and checked her watch. "You're early." Her voice was in between astonished and impressed, and she got up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek. "Hello."
The bushy-haired woman soon had her hand at his elbow, tugging slightly. "Lets go, then. I'm sure we can get good seats."
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Strange as it Seems She's The One I'm After -- Chapter Four

Harry had decided to shower after dinner, leaving Ginny, Ron and Hermione downstairs in the sitting area. He could smile lightly about all of the things that Ginny could tease about, and decided that he'd definately have to ask about their time later. For now, though, he just felt it good to wash. (He'd been using Ron's shampoo, but, on a whim of odd fancy, decided to use Ginny's this evening.)
Hermione sat on one side of the sofa, book resting calmly against the top of her thighs as her knees were drawn up slightly. She wasn't, though, paying much attention to her book. At the moment, her fondness was focused on a conversation going on between herself, Ginny and Ron. (This meant, of course, mostly Ron and Ginny's arguement about the worth (or lack thereof) of The Weird Sisters' anti-ministry music campaign with radom interjections by the bushy-haired witch.)
"Well, I think it's not doing so much to bring the 'rebel culture' together as to force it collectively apart from the wizards who are trying to be united under one image." She'd given another two cents as she turned a page of her book, her eyes once again moving over the new page.
Ginny shook her head, leaning back on her hands as she sat on the floor. "Yea," She said, though her mind was still thinking it over. The girl always kept her mind open to what ever her dear friend Hermione said, for half the time, the bushy haired girl was on the right track. It was unusaul to actually have the living room all to themselves for once.
Ronald was sitting on a chair, his fingers tapping against the arm rest as he thought over the discussion also. However he was getting some what bored of agrueing with the two when the redhead knew that women almost always beat him in any talk that had a debate. Might as well just try and see their point of view, along with his own.
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Strange as it Seems She's The One I'm After -- Chapter Three [or whatever]

All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and the whole story written here is fiction from the Harry Potter books.
Hermione merely took the seat that Ginny had assigned to her, smiling warmly and nervously at Mrs. Weasley and setting her cloth napkin in her lap. When the motherly woman's back was turned, Hermione shot the Weasley daughter a soft glare, followed shortly my sticking her tongue out.
Harry grinned at this, happy to take the seats that his (once) special girl had chosen for them. He was going to have fun simply watching the events unfold from their recent discovery, whether he participated in them or not.
Mrs. Weasley, meanwhile, had gone over to the stairwell and yelled, rather loudly, for the only other member of her family in the house. Charlie winced, even from where he was writing back to Romania, and came quickly bounding down the stairs. (He'd been taking a good vacation ever since Bill's wedding, and was rather enjoying the time with his family. Grim though it may be, these may be the last bits of quality time that he'd have with any number of them.)
Of the stockier variety of Weasley, Charlie was proud to be the strongest of his brothers (and father). (He couldn't be the tallest, after all.) He tended to need lots of nutrition, and therefore enjoyed dinner-time emmensly. Grinning easily, he sat down at the foot of the table, looking brightly at the younger siblings and friends. There was a pause, before he spoke to break the silence that they were letting off. "What're you lot being so quiet about?" He looked specifically at Ginny, who looked rather gleeful despite her silence. Picking up a spoon, he pointed at her with the utensil, "Especially you. Usually you don't stop talking... ever."
Ginny was about to give the older man some of her mind when she was roughly kicked under the table. With a slight wince, she gave an irritated smile to Charlie. "I was being quiet for your sake, dear brother," She teased, waving her hand airly. The girl flung her red hair over her shoulder, dramatically of course. "So, now that you have been here in silence, I can chatter on." She blinked happily and leaned on Harry, trying to find something conversational that could effect both her audiences is. Plus her mother.
"So... Anyone hear about Neville lately?" She queued up, looking back forth from her younger friends to Charlie. Surely this gossip would get a good listening to.
Ron shrugged slightly, ignored the wince his sister had given at his ruthless kick. Surely she would have spilled if he hadn't taken some kind of action. Leaning on his propped elbow, the boy twirled around his knife on the table idly, boredly listening to whatever it was Neville did these days. However he had a feeling it would somehow add up in some horrible way. The boy kept giving sideway glances at his mother and whenever it looked clear, he'd look at Hermione.
"...And so!" She went on, after having describe his taking over his families affairs with the help of his grandmother and whatnot. "He just might happen have his eyes on certian someone we might just happen to know. You guys will never guess, however." She grinned mysteriously, giving her friend and brother a meaningful look. Then, with a sort of cough as Mrs. Weasley paid more attention to them, pretended to just be skiddish and happy-go-lucky.
Charlie merely rolled his eyes in obvious disbelief of her words, choosing to tuck in now that his mother had set a good meal in front of them.
She didn't raise verbal question upon Ron kicking under the table, but shot him a questioning glare. That just wasn't nice. Ginny had already promised to keep her mouth shut.
Hermione ate politely, listening to Ginny intently and catching Ron's looks from the corner of her eye. Neville seemed to be doing alright, but it was the information that Ginny gave last that most intriqued her. Neville had taken fancy to someone? Better yet, someone that they knew?
The bushy-haired girl seemed to muse on it for a moment, fork twirling idly in her hand. "Luna Lovegood?" She asked modestly, her eyes alight with speculation. They did seem to have taken to each other in at least friendship, the only loyal members of the D.A. beside the four youngest at the dinner table.
Before Ginny answered, however, her mind had started on it's own track of thinking. "They do seem well-suited." An impish smile appeared on her face, her own embarassment long forgotten. "Both a little spacey..."
The redhead girl was in utter shock, even her mouth ventured to drop slightly. Narrowing her hazel eyes slightly at her bushy haired friend, Ginny sniffed indifferently. "How'd you guess?" Raising a red eyebrow, the girl thought for a moment. "He told you, didn't he? And here I thought it was something he confided in me!" She had that slight 'woe is me' tone and pouted moodily at the food.
Ron shook his head, chuckling slightly at how silly gossip really was. However food was there and good reason to be even more quiet than he already had became. Truthfully he was residing inside himself, trying to get all his thoughts together. It was like trying to tie down gnomes.
Harry's own eyebrows quirked. Neville and Luna? He'd never noticed anything beyond vague friendship between them, but he had to agree that they're attitudes seemed compatable. He exchanged an odd sort of 'pfft, women' look with Ron and lean back in his chair, eating politely while the girls chattered.
Hermione's eyes were suddenly brighter, and a grin split her face. "He didn't tell me," she promised her red-headed friend, "I guessed, that's all." She took a sip of chilled tea, brushing her hair back in the oddly girly manner that Ginny tended to draw from her. "They did spend an aweful lot of time together, and they seemed to find a mutual respect in being the remaining loyals to the D.A."
Then, continuing casually in a manner befitting her thoughts on Neville Longbottom, she laughed lightly. "He had taken a small fancy to me a few years ago. I don't know how to feel about being ousted by Luna." She was only speaking in jest, though, and hoped that nobody would take her words for true-heart. It was a well-known fact that, while she enjoyed the company of 'Loony' Lovegood, Hermione could only stand the daffy blonde in small doses.
Ginny smiled once more, perfectly reassured by her friend. "Yes, I guess they spent a little time writing each other for a summer or two," The girl rubbed her chin thoughtfully, leaning back in her chair carefully. "You know, I thought that you and Neville would be kind of cute together. But, Luna does seem to have that...Sort of cleverness alike with Neville's... I suppose." The redhead smiled thoughtfully over at Harry and then at everyone else as she reached for a muffin.
Ron shrugged lightly at the look Harry gave him, having nothing to be able to do about this gossipy ways of women. Instead he watched Charlie for a while, in thought about what he did momentarily. His family did seem to have interesting way of choosing jobs and they all seemed to be so important in one way or another. He then supposed what him and Hermione were offering Harry was important, somehow. But really, did the two even know how to not be loyal to their friend?
That seemed an impossible thing to do...
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Strange as it Seems, She's The One I'm After -- Cont'd Chapter Two

All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and the whole story written here is fiction from the Harry Potter books.
Updated daily.
Harry couldn't help it. As soon as Ginny dissolved into giggles, he followed suit. She was leaning on him and he'd taken to supporting himself on the doorframe. He was trying to quell his own fit even as Hermione, now flushing furiously, began to recover.
"Ginny!" She exclaimed, not so much worried about Harry and his gossip-powers. Ginny was the one she needed to worry about. "Wraps, Ginny! Keep it under them!" She was glaring at the both of them now, though not too harshly as to frighten. (Besides, she was still as red as a cherry.) She quickly took the other girl by the shoulders, "Oh, just... Think about what could happen if your mum or, God forbid, the twins found out!"
She looked out into the night, gesturing large and vague, "Oh, I'm sure we'd never hear the end of it!" She wasn't so worried about Mrs. Weasley, who often seemed to know more than she let on, anyway. The twins, though... There was no end to the glee that Fred and George could extract from the situation!
Ginny left the side of Harry, though resentfully, to quickly grab onto Hermione. "As if I'd tell those couple a log-heads," She gave off already with the knowledge that nobody else had. And as time was sure to go by, she'd most likely be like that for a long time. Or at least until it slipped from her rosey lips. "So," The girl wiggled a red eyebrow with a sly grin. This all too good for her. "If we hadn't so rudely came out, would there have been more snogging?"
"Ginny!" Ron raised a hand to shield his eyes, as if the very sight of the of Ginny plotting away was like a blinding light. It was bad enough that Hermione and Ron hadn't got to tell the two on their own terms, but Harry seemed almost as glee'd as Ronald's sister was acting. Turning his hazel eyes on Harry, he gave a look for a while that could very well pass as a Hermione glare. "Yea, you two, keep it between us four for a while," Though he had stopped glaring and his tone was a bit lighter than he's expression, Ron was still very much serious.
"For how long? As long as you kept it from us? Speaking of which!" Ginny threw back her ponytail of red hair, out of her way and placing her hands on her hips gave the two a deathly flat stare. "How cruel of you to hide this from Harry and I. We practically all grew up together and shared so many things, but you guys, my kin! just decide that we're better left in the dark? I don't think so. How about you, Harry?" She turned her own hazel eyes upon him, smiling slightly.
Oh, she was going to use this to her advantage alright.
Keep it between the four of them? Ron was looking oddly serious. It was almost unnerving, "'Course, mate." He said steadily, the giggles fading away when it became evident how serious the young Weasley was. To Ginny's sudden tirade, suddenly turned upon his opinion, he merely nodded enthusiastically.
Hermione, naturally, was the first to offer explainations about the nature of the whole thing. "It's nothing personal, of course." Her blush was slowly fading by this point, "And you're not better left in the dark, but it's just..." She didn't really know how to finish. "It's delicate, I suppose." Tada. Thus ended that lamest conclusion to the greatest arguement that never really existed.
"Ha, delicate..." Ginny repeated, thinking this over. Her own relationships had never really been delicate, but more out in the open. Even her's with Harry, however much she wished it could have lasted longer. Though, it wasn't officially over, she supposed as the girl took a slow over-look of Harry. And she was completely and utterly fine with that. Clearing her throat though, Ginny smiled, back to normal and clasped her arm through Hermione's. "Well, I think it's wonderful. I always wanted a sister." She gave Harry an evil look, knowing he'd mention Fleur.
Ron was about to mention Fleur himself when he saw the darkly glare she gave to Harry, no less. Then the whole sentence got him and he sighed, hanging his head a bit as he opened the door. So much for working things out with Hermione. By the time him and her got all things sorted, Ginny would have already picked out the brides maids dresses (assuming she had her way).
"Let's go inside, I'm starving," Ron said with a tired sigh, eyeing Ginny vengefully while holding the door open for them. However she didn't seem to care for she had something to hold over him from this moment on. So, she walked in, linked arms with her new bestest friend in the whole entire world, practically on cloud nine (whom she and Harry stole from Ron so cruelly). And what a wonderful greeting they got for from the kitchen came the wonderful scent of the Weasley's mum's cooking.
The redhead boy followed in after Harry, closing the door behind him. "Boy, how could you ever put up with her?"
"Sister?" Hermione said hushily, "Oh, but we're not..."
Harry cut her off, though, looking a bit miffed, "But you've got--" He was silenced with one of the fiery girl's particular looks of order. You know, the one that screamed 'shut your trap, you'. He could tell that Ron had been silenced by it, as well, as he'd probably been thinking the exact same thing.
To Ron, scowling and holding the door open, he only answered, "Easily. I s'pose that, since I'm not her brother, she doesn't intentionally try to drive me bonkers."
She was being practically dragged inside, shooting Ron a somehow apologetic look in passing. At least Ginny had promised to keep quiet, but no doubt she'd use the fact that she knew to her advantage. At least dinner was ready and warm and waiting, but Mrs. Weasley, entering the kitchen, had afixed the group with a very odd look.
Oh, sweet Lord! How long had she been within view of the door? Hermione stood up a little straighter.
The plump, red-headed woman saw her youngest first, arm and arm with Hermione. Ronald and Harry were still over by the door. With her wand, she moved a large dish over to the table. Harry and Ginny looked absolutely elated and Ron and Hermione had clearly been recently mortified. With a small smile that, hopefully, didn't reveal her suspicions, she piped up cheerily, "Supper's ready, you lot. You get first pick in seats."
Of course Ginny took this once in a life time luck as to pick a seat for both her and Hermione. And then, she so kindly placed Harry right next to herself and then Ron next to Hermione. Clearly, Ginny had dubbed herself queen of decision making and was planning on having her way. The red hair was absolutely the right color for this dominating girl.
Ron, having been forced to sit down right away, smiled slightly while keeping a watchful eye on his mother. She surely knew something was up because her overly happy expression nearly always appeared when she found one of her supiscions correct. And who knew? Maybe she had been watching at the window during that whole time.
The girl sat in her seat, bobbing her head in a new found energy. Ginny didn't recall seeing her mother spying out the window before her and Harry had arrived with such a flash. But the girl did know a few things that her mother had been guessing at, for Ginny herself was constantly pondering the same thing. However, the youngest child never let her mother knew that they were thinking alike.
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Strange as it Seems, She's the One I'm After -- Chapter Two

All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and the whole story written here is fiction from the Harry Potter books.
Updated daily.
It was later, late in the summer season, that Hermione found herself in the Ministry of Magic's extensive library. It was large and silent, and Hermione was leafing through an ancient copy of Hogwarts: A History. True, she'd read it a million times, but this was different. This rare and beautiful book was a first edition, full of things that had been cut out over the years. This included an extensive piece on the Four Founders, of which Hermione found keen interest, especially when it came to the matter of Rowena Ravenclaw.
She'd found a couple of portraits, copied over from the actual paintings, of the intelligence-valuing woman, but she'd been very fond of jewelry and the like. For being a historically sensible woman, she sure was clad in a ridiculous amount of decoration. Hermione was jotting down various things that seemed significant, hoping to find something seen in all of the dipictions of the woman or actually written about in the text.
You couldn't check things out from the library unless you had a certain level of certification. (It was only by Mr. Weasley's string-pulling that Hermione and the others were even able to get in here at all.) So, Hermione had been spending a rather large amount of time in here lately. She'd been impressed at the library's size and content at first, but even she was getting to the point of grumbling and walking away to find the information they needed in some other form.
Even now, as she'd laid her quill down again, her eyes felt heavy. Still, they continued to move back and forth down the page, stubbornly searching for the answers that the whole world needed desperately.
Shaking himself free of dust and cobwebs, whilest sneezing quite a few times, the redhead boy came up to Hermione Granger from the back door, a small bag in his hand. "Blimey, every time. Still working, I see? Here, mum sent over something to snack on." With a faint flush, he set the bag down and took a seat across from her.
Staring at the book before Hermione and then her notes, the Weasley easily admired how many hours of reading the girl in front of him put into research. Truthfully, Harry and Ron wouldn't be able to get very far in the quest of the wizarding world without Hermione Granger. She was like the backbone, that nagged sometimes.
Ron's sneezing actually startled her, and she just slightly. She was terribly glad to see him, though, and grinned for it. Truth be told, she was getting absolutely tired of looking at nothing buy old pages all day. The brilliant colors that composed Ronald Weasley were a more than welcoming change in the seeming black-and-white of the Ministry's endless isles of books.
With a curious look in his direction and a small, satisfied smile, she lean forward to peek curiously into the packaging and Mrs. Weasley's care package. Pumpkin cookies, happy and orange and begging to be nibbled on, greeted her cheerily. With a small, "Ooh." and an impish smile, she grabbed on up in her fingers and took a little bite. Her eyebrow quirked when she discovered a box from the Weasley's Wizarding Weezes inside. "Drop by the twins' place?" She asked, taking another bite and marking her place in the large book.
She'd take a break. Everything was pushed to the side.
"Oh, those," Clearly Ronald had been waiting for her to ask about the curious box. "The twins sent it over for you actually. They said you might need it before they locked up the items." After pulling the cookies out and then the box, Ron carefully set the box in front of Hermione. Inside were some of the magical pranks of the more serious kind, the very ones Harry had yelled at the two men for selling to Malfoy.
Ron watched her face intently for her expression when she saw the stuff, and because he hadn't seen her face for most part of the day. Running a hand through his hair casually, Ron leaned forward in his chair even though no one was really there in the library with them to see what mysterious Weasley's Wizarding Weezes waited.
"The blackout powder?" She questioned, leaning inward a little more. She undid the lid, lifting the ebony, paper wrapped powder from inside. She didn't really understand why she'd need it, persay. Maybe it was the twins' idea of a teasing joke somehow. Clever as it was, last year came to mind and she frowned quickly.
There was one more item in the box, an unglitched copy of the telescope that had given Hermione a shiner last summer. "Oh ho." She stated frankly, giving the object a sceptical look and carefully replacing it. She popped the rest of her cookie into her mouth, chewing and shallowing as she mused on some random piece of information.
Both of them leaning over the tabletop... The corners on her lips turned up and she quickly pecked the end of Ron's long nose. "Well, that was nice of them." Even though she was smiling, she sounded playfully doubtful.
With a wrinkle of his nose, Ron smiled and leaned back into his chair, turning a slight pink. Even after getting pretty much everything out into the open with her, he still couldn't help but blush. "I'm sure it will come useful sometime, eh?" He motioned at the powder. Everything happened for a reason, right? After all, that's what the three had found out during the years.
Putting his fingers in a steeple, watching her look over the telescope he tapped his fingers against each other amusedly. Though, Ron knew it was getting late and he should probably be getting Hermione back to the house to rest, even if she refused.
"Maybe." She said breezily, taking up another cookie and starting on it. She was careful not to get any crumbs anywhere, these books were too precious and delicate to get dirty in any way. Flipping a few pages, her eyes were looking critically at the pages.
"I'll have to come back tomorrow." She deduced, shutting the large text carefully and pushing all of her notes into a pile that she began to roll up together. "What time is it, anyway?" A small charm sealed the roll of papers and they went swiftly into her bag with her quill. She simply set the book aside, knowing that it would be waiting upon her return.
Well, that was easy enough. "I'd say alittle after eight o'clock," Ron smiled with a sigh, instead of a yawn. Watching her pack up everything, Ronald looked around to make sure she hadn't left anything important. "So, did you find anything interesting today?" Of course she had. Everything was interesting to Hermione and whether that was good or bad, Ron would never know.
Standing up, Ron collected the former contents of the bag and carefully set the Weasley's Wizarding Weezes box back into the bag also. Momentarily he thought over the gifts that twins had given Hermione.
"Not particularly." She said flatly, standing as well and grabbing up her own things. "I can't even tell that I'm getting any closer to figuring anything out." She sounded dejected, put-off easily by the fact that she didn't know what she wanted, needed, to.
With a soft sigh, she pulled the strap to her bag over her head and hooked her arm into his. She was actually looking forward to the evening after being cooped up in the library all day. Even for a rabid bibliophile like herself, there was a point when enough was enough. Thoughts of whatever Mrs. Weasley had prepared for dinner were very inviting indeed.
That brought her to a small problem that had been brewing in the back of her mind. She'd been staying with the Weasleys for practically the whole summer. She loved it, and them, truly. They were like family. Hermione couldn't help but feel, though, like she was just using up their space while doing nothing in return. She didn't fancy feeling like a mooch.
The coming weekend was set aside for Godric's Hollow... Maybe she could talk to Harry about rooming with him or something? Would that be just as bad? Oh, well. Forget it. She'd find something soon enough.
"So," She stated, using her conversation-voice, "What'd you do today?"
"Ah, well," He said, patting her hand gently while thinking of what could be something exciting to tell her. There wasn't too much he had actually done that day that would be close to even worth telling even a granny with a bad ear. With a slight frown, Ron looked at Hermione sheepishly, "Just helped Fred and George in the shop, actually. Harry and Ginny came along also. Funny thing... We ran into Percy. Quiet literally." The boy gave a short chorkle at the thought.
Indeed, the two boys were being instructed by Ginny on where to take the right steps (as they were carrying boxes) and bumped straight into Percy Weasley, formerly related brother of the two younger Weasleys. "God, he's such a prat," Ron said after a moment, only his tone wasn't the usual hate filled when talking about the man.
Walking along to front doors, after saying a quick goodbye to Mr. Weasley (who was working later than ever), the two came out to the ally like way and it was fairing to be a clear night ahead of them.
"Well, he'll get better eventually." She stated, hoping that it was true. The Weasleys had always been close-knit, and having one egomaniac sour such a thing was a crying shame. Their family had fared resonably well, however, save for Mrs. Weasley's eventual outbursts about her family-rejecting son.
They'd stopped in on Mr. Weasley, and Hermione was sure to thank him again for his help in getting her and the others access to the library. There wasn't too much time for him to talk, though, and the pair quickly found themselves outside of the government building.
She took in a deep breath. Even though she enjoyed busy bustle from time to time, quiet, open spaces were definately welcome. She stretched her arms into the air, feeling for the first time all day as if she were allowed to move. "So, what now?" She asked, a prim smile marking her face.
"Hmn, home I suppose?" Ron looked down at his feet, catching a few glances at her as she stretched. He wanted to just embrace her for a while, right there, outside in the city (anywhere really) but wasn't too sure on how that would turn out. Instead, he could settle with clasping her hand gently after her stretching from the cramped library.
"Unless you need anything," He said, looking around slightly, glad to have the personal time with Hermione and being able to speak openly to her. Really, this was his favorite time of day, when he got to pick Hermione up. Even if Ginny threatened to jinx him if she wouldn't be permitted to go along.
Hermione mused on it for a moment and, after going through a mental list, could find nothing that she absolutely had to have. "Home it is, then." Again, the apprehensions about called The Burrow 'home' surface, but with a much more positive impact this time. Doubled with the fact that she was welcome was the fact that Ron now associated his own childhood home as her's as well.
Fishing her wand her pocket, she stepped forward into a more open area. A careful look around told her that there were no non-magicals to witness her next move. "Apparition, then?" She asked lightly. (Ron and Harry had just passed their tests recently, on Harry's birthday. Though he didn't pop around that Fred and George had, he'd seemed very pleased that the second time was a charm.) "Meet you outside the back door?"
She raised her wand, blowing him a kiss in playful gesture before putting forthe the oh-so proper concentration. There was that dreadful feeling of being forcefully sqwished from all sides and she was suddenly outside of the Weasley's house.
Ron shook his head, grinning at the spot where Hermione had been. Then sighing light heartedly, the boy followed suite and was at his home after a quick feeling of all awkwardness and a faint pop. "Home again," Ron stated for no reason but out of habit, like his father most likely.
The redhead ran a hand through his hair, looking up at the house as he stood next to Hermione. Someone would be out soon enough to greet them. It would either be Mrs. Weasley or the ever watchful Ginny. She didn't seem to like leaving them alone for too long, even if she did adore Hermione as much as if the girl was her own older sister.
Harry heard two pops, closely together, from the lawn. He had merely to tilt his head towards the window in order to see from where he and Ginny sat in Fred and George's old room (which Ginny and Hermione were sharing for another holiday until Bill and Fleur moved into their new home). Though they were on the upper floors of the house, he could make out Ron's bright hair which, in all fairness, could've been any of the Weasleys. It was accompanied, though, by uncontrolled locks of brown; Hermione.
"They're back." He stated simply to the red-headed girl, a smile creeping onto his face. "Wonderful. Dinner'll be soon, then." Harry, needless to say, had grown extremely fond of Mrs. Weasley's cooking over the years. Standing while trying to pat down his unruly hair, he decided to go down and greet his dearest friends.
Turning to Ginny once again and inching towards the door, a grin smoothly split his face again. "I'll race you." His face became impish and he darted for the door.
"Home..." She echoed after him, looking mistily over the odd house. Oh, dear. Again with this 'home' issue. Would it continue to pop up like this through the rest of the evening? Was there any way she could nip this in the bud?
"Thanks for letting me stay for so long." No. Probably not. "I know I'm probably imposing..." These are things, of course, that would do her better to tell Mr. or Mrs. Weasley, but Ron was getting it instead. Perhaps for relay purposes...? "Either way," She was trying to put resolve into her voice, "I appreciate it."
Ginny wasn't one to back down from a competition, even one as sudden as the one offered. "You're on!" She said and tried to push past Harry for the door. Though she could easily get past him for the door, the hallway would be a problem if she didn't beat past him seeing as it was a tiny hallway and stairway. Luckily, Ginny had already tied her long hair back for other things they were up to earlier.
Ron stared at Hermione blankly out in the dark, the soft light of the Burrow barely putting off enough light. He wasn't sure if he should take what she said for what it was or as an insult. The boy had always enjoyed sharing his home with his two bestfriends and often wished they could stay longer than a summer or Christmas.
"Hermione, you know you can stay with us any time," Ron said softly, sticking his hands into his jean pockets. He looked over at her, smiling. "Any time. For as long as you want. Same with Harry."
She was still looking fondly at the house, but broke that line smoothly with a soft smile. Hermione looked instead to Ron, turning to face him a taking a couple of sure steps in his direction. "Well, I did say I appreciated it." He smile had turned now, joking and trying to brush the whole thing off easily.
She reached up to him, her palm finding the hinge of his jaw to tilt his face downwards to her. Rising onto her toes, she pressed her lips against his and marveled in the fact that she was allowed, finally, to do so.
Damn it! Ginny was able to easily slip by him and into the hall. Not too discouraged, though, he followed closely behind, not daring to pass in the narrow hallway. It was only developed athletic prowess that allowed him to cleanly jump the sofa in the living room and bypass the red-headed beauty.
With a loud "HA!" of victory, he threw the backdoor open only to be greated by the image of Ron and Hermione standing too close for mere friendship. His victorious whoop was immediate cut off. It was quickly replaced, however, with a look of extreme curiousity and mocking glee. Hermione had yelped and jumped away almost as soon as the door had opened, looking flushed and frightened. "Uh, Hello there." He looked over his shoulder at Ginny, nodded toward the two and grinning like a mad-man. "Interrupting something, are we?"
It took a while for Ron to come back to earth as easily as Hermione for he looked dreamily over at the two standing in the doorway and only realized who they were when Ginny's face, hidden by her hands, was trying her hardest to hold back her laughter and Harry's mocking, friendly face. "Oh, hey guys, lovely night eh?" Was all he managed to say, after clearing his throat and with his hands still in his pockets, Ron rocked back and forth on his feet with a simple smile.
"Ohhohohoho! Not as lovely as this!" Ginny just about fell over from all the giggling she was holding back. Clinging gently to Harry's side, mainly to support herself, the girl looked back and forth between her dearest friend and brother. "I knew something was going on! Gnomes! Pfft!" Ha, did that make the redhead laugh. After the wedding, the young girl had been bothering Hermione up until. . .The night before about what was really going on and Ginny truly found what Ron and Harry had mean't the whole time they complained that their friend was a stubborn closed book.
But now that all changed due to some bad timing on Hermione and Ron's side and a stroke of luck that Harry had wanted to race. At this, the Weasley boy sighed but really what could he do? And at that, the Weasley girl finally had the ultimate gossip of all time.
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Featured Quiz Result:
Whee~! I don't know how I came out a pink rose! But, it seems to be me. Happy!
Kwee~! 'Course!