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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Strange as it Seems, She's the One I'm After -- A Ron and Hermione Fanfic roleplay'd/written by a friend and I

All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and the whole story written here is fiction from the Harry Potter books.
In this story, we have Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley attending the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour and discussing the issue that they ahead of the trio; finding the Horcruxes.
Along with finding themselves loyal to Harry's side, they also may have found a different loyalty to each other. o.o! Dundundun.
My friend has taken on the role as Hermione and anyone else that appears next to her post. While I have taken on Ron and most of the Weasley family and anyone else needed. It is still in the works (a.i. we are still roleplaying it =3), so make sure to check back once a week or so.
Updated daily.
Hermione Granger, smartest witch of her year and this close to being a dropout of sorts, sat under the shade of an awning. One of many spread out over the Weasleys' yard, this particular spot was going to be used when dinner was finally served. She was just sitting idly, trying not to wrinkle her dress robes (deep red this time) too badly. She was smiling lightly, watching the dancers nearby. She was especially fond of Harry, ingaged in a friendly dance with the Bride's little sister. Like many in the wizarding world, the young French girl admired him greatly.
Ron had disappeared a little while ago, as had the twins. Hermione wasn't sure whether she ought to be pitying the youngest Weasley son or not. It was hot, though, and she was in the shade, so what did it matter if he was here or there. She conjured up a glass of clean, clear water. She'd wait until dinner for thicker drinks. She was having fun just watching everyone else.
Indeed the three boys had disappeared for quite some time. But it being such a celebration in such a time, nobody really seemed to mind if they even noticed. After a good twenty minutes more, the tall Ronald Weasley in his own dress-y type robes. Or at least as dressy as he would allow his mother to pick out. However, his robes weren't the only thing he was a wearing. A broad grin poke out almost as bright as his hair as he sat down across from Hermione, after winking at Harry.
He was smiling so brightly, Hermione's smile couldn't help but slide a little wider. "And, pray tell," She leaned forward over the table, looking critically at him even through her smile, "What horrible tortures have your older brothers been putting you through?"
With a slight smirk, the boy sniffed a bit, leaning back in his chair. "You don't want to know," was all he said, giving her a sweet grin. And when dealing with Fred and George, Ron was sure that Hermione knew she would find out soon enough what was going on.
"I'll leave it at that." She said shortly, hoping that it wouldn't come back to bite her later. She took a quick, deep drink from her conjured glass, setting it down again and tapping her fingernails against it just to keep her hands idle. Looking toward the sectioned dance area, the band that Fleur's parents had paid for was just finishing their latest song, Harry was bowing playfully in Gabrielle's direction and the little blonde was curtesying politely. Another smile issued forth from the bushy-haired Hermione.
She turned back in her chair, fixing Ron with a determined look before speaking, in a decently clear voice, "Want to dance?"
Ron was a little startled, but nodded almost eagerly. "Yes, actually, I would. Just," He stood up, holding out a hand for her in a gentleman like. Either the previous year had matured him, or he was working hard at being oppisite of himself for the wedding. "Try not to mind my two left feet so badly. If you remember the Yule Ball at all."
She accepted her hand, rolling her eyes at the memory. "You didn't dance at the Yule Ball." She corrected primly, "I don't think you ever moved from one spot." A bright smile again. Although Ron had been almost intolerable at the Yule Ball, she was oddly fond of playfully teasing him. "And you do so have a right foot." Even after she stood, her hand lingered in his. Inwardly, she was trying to make a point. (Whether the message was for herself, him, or the others around she wasn't sure.) She was pretty sure that she and Ron had arrived that a very particular point with one another, and it was now up to delicate operation to determine where that led.
The next song had already begun as they walked onto the designated, grassy area. Attention, thank God, was being drawn away by Fred and George, who had returned and were waltzing gracefully with one another and making silly comments now and again.
Ron shifted his gaze a bit, hoping his shudder was mainly an inward thing, as she had took his hand. He watched Fred and George for a moment and then got into the Waltz with Hermione almost expertly, or trained like. With a bit of a shrug, he looked down at her. "Yes, I have got a right foot, but it doesn't always work. And that's why I didn't dance. Not to mention who I was with." He knew for sure that his twitch was visible.
Did he just twitch? Hermione brought the proper hand up to rest on his shoulder, turning to face him more directly. "Padma? Oh, I always thought she was very nice." She shifted her hand in his, beginning to count the beats in her head. "Put your other hand on my waist." She commanded softly, distractedly. The way Ron was talking, she'd probably have to lead. (At least at first...) So, counting until she got up to pace, Hermione began to step withing the beat of the slow music. "True. She wasn't the girl to asked..." Hermione's smile was impish now, and her gaze fell over to Fleur, paler than ever dressed all in white. "She's your sister-in-law now, Ron." Eyebrows quirked up at him, "You lucky, lucky man."
"Bleh," Ron tried not to glance over at the duo. "Yea, who would have thought, eh? But I guess after that werewolf attack..." Ron fell silent, placing his hand on her hip like he was told. After a while, he picked it up and got to leading.
Hermione wasn't really sure how to reply to something like that. Bill, his grin helping to distort his face even further, was the sort of hit-close-to-home kind of victim that made you realize just how close the war had edged. (There was Dumbledore, of course, but she didn't want to think about that.) He was starting to lead, and her mind was able to wonder a little farther. "It'll get worse." She said, barely audible. "Before it gets better, it will."
Ron gave off a crooked grin, "What? Their life together?" It wasn't exactly the moment for a joke, but just sort of slipped from him. As much as he liked being slightly the prankster like Fred and George, this wasn't the time at all for jokes. Ron peered at Hermione through lazily narrowed eyes, trying to read her face but that was useless unless she was yelling at you or crying.
"I know..." Going silent again, partly because of Fred and George who decided to dance near them at that time and partly because Ron didn't know what to say. Instead, he pulled her a tad bit closer to himself. That was as comforting as he could think of without words.
Oh... dear. Whether conciously or not, Hermione was now sharing a personal bubble with Ronald Weasley. Upon his reconing, even! Though her mood had turned from light to dark, she was still wary of what was around her. Fred and George were dangerously close to them now, still throwing witty banter back and forth.
Not ready to grow her cheeriness back yet, she waited for the twins to pass before leaning forward slightly to rest her forehead on his collar. "Ron." She stated simply, determined to get to the point sooner rather than later. There was a war coming, after all, and they'd made the concious decition to jump into the thick of it. "Where are we, exactly?" There was an awkward pause, "I mean.. Well, in terms of us."
Ron's eyes had been watching Fred and George warily until this sudden... Break through at which they looked down at the hair of the girl in his arms. "Oh?" It came out as a sort of manly squeak, but he quickly tried to cover it. "Us... I see." But did Ron see?
Resting his head comfortably on her's, he sighed lightly, still dancing along. "I honestly don't know. What do you want to do?" That was a bit insensitive of him, but Ron thought maybe, just maybe lying that he knew exactly what do wasn't the best idea. Not with her.
He had rested his head on top of hers, but she'd lifted her own soon after, afixing him with a deathly serious look. Not that he'd been joking or anything but, surely, he couldn't thought of something better to say. Something that would prevent their years worth of beating around the bush. Tone light, yet not airy, she spoke again. "I... I have very particular feelings for you, Ron. And I don't really know what to do, honestly. But... Maybe we ought to get everything between us taken care of before we lose the chance."
Ron sniffed a bit, not wanting to discuss this fully out in the open at the moment. It was after his brother's day, not that Ron cared too much. So, he quietly lead her away from the dance area, his hand holding her's. By the time they stopped, Ron had taken them not too far from the party, near a garden. How typical, Ron thought idly, blushing a bit from embarrassment.
Turning to her, taking her other hand in his, Ron stared down at her. The words would come to him, he just knew it. He'd push them if he had to. This was the chance and Ron Weasley wasn't going to let it pass them by easily. "Hermione... I'm glad you said something. Really, I am. I wanted to say something to ever since the last week of school, but I couldn't..." This wasn't exactly what he had in mind, but maybe it was getting to his point? "I have had feelings for you for a while now. A long while."
They weren't dancing anymore, and she was quite glad of it. The stepping while trying to see through the hammer of elation that had just hit her would surely have sent her into dizzy spells or something. She wanted to shout victory over the monster named Hesitance and wrap Ron into the most meaningful hug that they would've shared to date.
Hermione controlled that urge, however, her happiness embodying itself in a grin. Her hand was still in his, and she held onto it a little tighter. "Good." She stated simply, cheeks beginning to turn pink as she cast her eyes to the grass in an uncharacteristically shy movement.
But... Oh, no. Hermione had really never been in a relationship before. Sure, there was Krum, but that was pretty much a one-sided affair. Viktor was a very nice man, but Hermione, perhaps even that long ago, preferred Ron easily. She didn't know where to begin, actually. There weren't books on this sort of silly thing. (None that were factual and accurate, anyway.)
After a moment, which may have been shorter than the long, horribly-tensioned pause that she felt, she lifted her face to him again, her smile softened and, if truth be told, a look of slight confusion on her face. "What now?" She asked. Though simple wording, the question was really much more complicated than that. Should they kiss or something? Would they start dating? Would they be fine with simply the acknowlagement of these feelings? Oh, it shouldn't be so analytical!
This was a little tricky. Ron knew what to do at the moment, but he wasn't entirely sure he could. With Lavander it was different because he was never really friends with her before hand, but Hermione was different. She was his closest friend, nearly always the one he turned to for help or just when he needed someone. Ron even wondered if he still could kiss someone.
He had to try, for the sake of possibly never having this moment again along with both of their feelings. Letting it just end with only spoken words didn't seem just. Likely enough, the Weasley's ears were probably turning pink at the tips as they usually did when he was nervous around Hermione. Leaning in (and ever so slightly downwards) for the 'kill', as people put it so harshly, Ron nervously pressed his lips against her's.
Whether it was the nerves inside him or just the warmth of her lips, Ron didn't know but he enjoyed it very much. After seven years of waiting and constant bickering back and forth between them, it had to have been a mark in history, for it was in Ron's heart and all that they had been through during those seven years seemed to make the bliss more intense. Ron was ready to take it a step farther, wrapping his arms around her when a noise catch his attention. "Apparently we weren't the only ones with the garden idea..." He mumbled, pulling away as he watched a familiar (broken up) couple heading their way.
Well, hello there. Wordlessly, amazingly, with no negotiations or arguement, Ron had taken steps to quiet her wondering and worrying mind. She couldn't grasp whether his movement had been too fast or in slow motion, but she was suddenly tilting her face up to return their first kiss, the corners of her lips remaining turned upward in her warm smile.
While she had kissed Viktor one or two times, this was entirely different. This was a more genuine, no regret on either side, been-waiting-for-like-ever kiss. Half of her insides turned into butterflies while the other half turned to goo. Harry and Ginny in the middle of the common room had nothing on her and Ron in the Burrow's garden.
Though, lost in their little moment as she was, Hermione couldn't help but wonder if she should mind that they were right where anyone could find them. Ron had slipped his arms around her shoulders. (Oh, how dreadful it would be if someone like Mrs. Measley caught them snogging! Or worse, just maybe, Fred and George. God knows what would happen if the twins got ahold of a sight like that!) However, there was a sudden noise, a dried twig snapping or something, that brought them immediately back to the present.
She didn't know whether to be annoyed at the disturbance or not. True, it was probably good that they'd been stopped... paused... early on in their, um, 'activities', but nobody likes to be interrupted during pivotal moments. She frowned just slightly, letting go of the redhead as he broke from the kiss. It was Harry and Ginny, coming around the corner of the house.
Great. Had they seen anything? It figures that they hadn't worked out just what and when everybody was to know of... them. Now blushing furiously, faced the prospect of prying eyes and nosey, teasing questions, Hermione stepped away from Ron, painfully aware of how awkward this must appear.
"Hello," She said cheerfully. Oh, two intruding friends could do nothing to diminish her glee at this point. "Finally decide to break away from the party for a bit?"
Ron coughed or cleared his throat, glad that Hermione had taken the jiff of what he was actually going to do. Step to the side. There were still a few things that needed to be worked out before they could tell anyone, even Harry. "'Ello, Harry! Nice dancing out there," Ron said as smooth as he could, grinning friendly. Before continueing, the redhead quickly rubbed at his ears which he was sure were a bright red and then stood awkwardly to the side, rubbing his elbow as he often did.
Ginny released her arm from Harry's, almost as quickly as Hermione had jumped away. This was supsicious on both sides, however the two Weasley's weren't sure who thought what for anything. "Ah, Hermione! We were looking for you," Of course that was semi-true. The girl had wanted to find her friend, but had highly doubted she'd be in the garden. With Ron, of all people. Suddenly her hazel eyes widen a bit. "You two weren't fighting, were you? Not on such a lovely occasion, right?"
That was a good excuse to use, but Ron wasn't sure it would be suited. Not with both his and Hermione's feelings on the line. So, he wouldn't agree that we were or weren't without some kind of O.K from the girl a little ways beside him. Kicking at the grass slightly, the Weasley boy grinned at the two oppisite of him. "Have they cut the cake yet?"
While Ginny's eyes widened, Harry's eyebrows quirked oddly at Ron. He held a smirk back, but couldn't resist looking slightly smug. His suspicions from the green house the prior year were reforming in his mind, though he pushed them aside for the moment. (Along with the fear that they would become unbearable or split up...) If secrecy was the way they wanted to play it, then he could play along.
Ginny asked a common question, but Hermione wasn't sure if there was any subtext there or not. She was clever, sharp as a tack. Even if she knew what Hermione hadn't revealed, they could easily talk about it later. Either Ginny would coax it out of her or Hermione would stubbornly insist on not telling until she was ready. "No. No fighting." Hemione said, "I lost my shoe while dancing and a lawn gnome ran off with it." Nice, pretty fib.
Harry nodded, taking this excuse as acceptable enough. (For now, anyway.) Cracking a grin at Ron's food-based questioning, "That's why we were looking for you. Your dad said all the food and toast-making and the like are coming up. Figured you wouldn't want to miss that..." He rubbed absently at his cheek, shrugging slightly.
"Ah, excellent!" Ron did a sort of hop jig over to Harry, dragging Hermione with him. He linked arms with the both of them so that they were a trio once more and was practically giggling like a schoolgirl. "Have us Weasley boys got a surprise in store for our newest member," And along with that came an awful huge smile.
Ginny narrowed her eyes, oh yes, she would wiggle it out of Hermione soon enough. However, her brother seemed to be running away with the two people she wanted to spend time with the most. "Wait up you oof!" Running over, her red hair (fashioned in classic wedding curls) bounced as she walked over and linked her own arm through Hermione's. "A gnome you say?" Ginny asked innocently, noting the perfectly still on shoes.
"Yes! A gnome, a very naughty one. I was just using a famous Ginny Weasley jinx on it," Ron nodded, very seriously on his behave. "You know, I think it was kin to that one Fred had a go at. Which wasn't fair on Hermione's side seeing as she had nothing to do with, that blighter..." Ginny didn't know it but she was helping covering up the two's absent rather nicely. Ron gave a short grin to Hermione and went back on to talking to Harry about gnomes and how fast they can be sometimes.
By the time they had got back to the wedding incampment, Ginny was nearly bored to tears with her brother's attempt to cover something up. She was all together glad when she was beckoned over to help serve the heavier drinks and be a slave to Mrs. Prissy-pants Fleur. But she didn't show it and was very slow at leaving the group.
Oh, yeah. Ginny definately knew. Hermione would get it for sure when the other girl got her alone. She was more concerned, however, about whatever it was that the Weasley boys supposedly had waiting for Fleur. Whatever they had disappeared for, that was probably it. AND the twins were involved. Beautiful...
Harry didn't really care how fast gnomes could go, honestly, but he nodded in the appropriote places anyhow. Ron was definately going on and on to cover for another event and, looking over at his still-on-friendly-terms 'ex', he knew Ginny knew it too. She was called away, though, leaving Harry to endure Ron's babblings about gnomes alone. (Hermione didn't count. She was obviously his accomplice.)
Hermione's eyes followed Ginny away, not sure whether she was grateful that the other girl was leaving. Would Harry give them grief while they were all three assembled...? She bit at her lip a little, turning back to the boys with a slight shrug. "Fleur seems to be having fun reaping the benefits of being sisters-in-law."
Harry, though, green eyes flashing by the wedding cake, turned back to his tall friend and, in an oddly casual air, not really listening to Hermione's off-hand comment. "So, what did you lot do to it?"
Ron shrugged and nodded towards the four layer cake. It was a beautiful cake with the normal white frosting, roses along the the side with some pearl decorations and it seemed to be charmed into sparkling somehow, then there were the dancing bride and groom on the top. The wicked smile of Ron's was fully revealed as he watched the two small figures dance across the cake. But his happiness was short lived as a familiar voice yelled.
"Fred! George!" Came Mrs. Weasley's voice from the other side of the awning. Clearly their little wedding gift wasn't as thoughtful as the three boys thought. However Ron didn't hear his name mentioned just yet, so he tried to stand so that Harry and Hermione might possibly block his mother's view. "Aw, c'mon on mom! We thought it was a gag!" "Oh yes, indeed! Even Bill is laughing!" Came the responses from the twins, grinning brightly at the cake and shaking hands while their mother and Ginny were trying to calm Fleur who had happened to convently 'faint' on top of Ginny.
"What a glorious wedding," Ron said lightly.
End chapter one
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