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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Strange as it Seems, She's The One I'm After -- Cont'd Chapter Two

All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and the whole story written here is fiction from the Harry Potter books.
Updated daily.
Harry couldn't help it. As soon as Ginny dissolved into giggles, he followed suit. She was leaning on him and he'd taken to supporting himself on the doorframe. He was trying to quell his own fit even as Hermione, now flushing furiously, began to recover.
"Ginny!" She exclaimed, not so much worried about Harry and his gossip-powers. Ginny was the one she needed to worry about. "Wraps, Ginny! Keep it under them!" She was glaring at the both of them now, though not too harshly as to frighten. (Besides, she was still as red as a cherry.) She quickly took the other girl by the shoulders, "Oh, just... Think about what could happen if your mum or, God forbid, the twins found out!"
She looked out into the night, gesturing large and vague, "Oh, I'm sure we'd never hear the end of it!" She wasn't so worried about Mrs. Weasley, who often seemed to know more than she let on, anyway. The twins, though... There was no end to the glee that Fred and George could extract from the situation!
Ginny left the side of Harry, though resentfully, to quickly grab onto Hermione. "As if I'd tell those couple a log-heads," She gave off already with the knowledge that nobody else had. And as time was sure to go by, she'd most likely be like that for a long time. Or at least until it slipped from her rosey lips. "So," The girl wiggled a red eyebrow with a sly grin. This all too good for her. "If we hadn't so rudely came out, would there have been more snogging?"
"Ginny!" Ron raised a hand to shield his eyes, as if the very sight of the of Ginny plotting away was like a blinding light. It was bad enough that Hermione and Ron hadn't got to tell the two on their own terms, but Harry seemed almost as glee'd as Ronald's sister was acting. Turning his hazel eyes on Harry, he gave a look for a while that could very well pass as a Hermione glare. "Yea, you two, keep it between us four for a while," Though he had stopped glaring and his tone was a bit lighter than he's expression, Ron was still very much serious.
"For how long? As long as you kept it from us? Speaking of which!" Ginny threw back her ponytail of red hair, out of her way and placing her hands on her hips gave the two a deathly flat stare. "How cruel of you to hide this from Harry and I. We practically all grew up together and shared so many things, but you guys, my kin! just decide that we're better left in the dark? I don't think so. How about you, Harry?" She turned her own hazel eyes upon him, smiling slightly.
Oh, she was going to use this to her advantage alright.
Keep it between the four of them? Ron was looking oddly serious. It was almost unnerving, "'Course, mate." He said steadily, the giggles fading away when it became evident how serious the young Weasley was. To Ginny's sudden tirade, suddenly turned upon his opinion, he merely nodded enthusiastically.
Hermione, naturally, was the first to offer explainations about the nature of the whole thing. "It's nothing personal, of course." Her blush was slowly fading by this point, "And you're not better left in the dark, but it's just..." She didn't really know how to finish. "It's delicate, I suppose." Tada. Thus ended that lamest conclusion to the greatest arguement that never really existed.
"Ha, delicate..." Ginny repeated, thinking this over. Her own relationships had never really been delicate, but more out in the open. Even her's with Harry, however much she wished it could have lasted longer. Though, it wasn't officially over, she supposed as the girl took a slow over-look of Harry. And she was completely and utterly fine with that. Clearing her throat though, Ginny smiled, back to normal and clasped her arm through Hermione's. "Well, I think it's wonderful. I always wanted a sister." She gave Harry an evil look, knowing he'd mention Fleur.
Ron was about to mention Fleur himself when he saw the darkly glare she gave to Harry, no less. Then the whole sentence got him and he sighed, hanging his head a bit as he opened the door. So much for working things out with Hermione. By the time him and her got all things sorted, Ginny would have already picked out the brides maids dresses (assuming she had her way).
"Let's go inside, I'm starving," Ron said with a tired sigh, eyeing Ginny vengefully while holding the door open for them. However she didn't seem to care for she had something to hold over him from this moment on. So, she walked in, linked arms with her new bestest friend in the whole entire world, practically on cloud nine (whom she and Harry stole from Ron so cruelly). And what a wonderful greeting they got for from the kitchen came the wonderful scent of the Weasley's mum's cooking.
The redhead boy followed in after Harry, closing the door behind him. "Boy, how could you ever put up with her?"
"Sister?" Hermione said hushily, "Oh, but we're not..."
Harry cut her off, though, looking a bit miffed, "But you've got--" He was silenced with one of the fiery girl's particular looks of order. You know, the one that screamed 'shut your trap, you'. He could tell that Ron had been silenced by it, as well, as he'd probably been thinking the exact same thing.
To Ron, scowling and holding the door open, he only answered, "Easily. I s'pose that, since I'm not her brother, she doesn't intentionally try to drive me bonkers."
She was being practically dragged inside, shooting Ron a somehow apologetic look in passing. At least Ginny had promised to keep quiet, but no doubt she'd use the fact that she knew to her advantage. At least dinner was ready and warm and waiting, but Mrs. Weasley, entering the kitchen, had afixed the group with a very odd look.
Oh, sweet Lord! How long had she been within view of the door? Hermione stood up a little straighter.
The plump, red-headed woman saw her youngest first, arm and arm with Hermione. Ronald and Harry were still over by the door. With her wand, she moved a large dish over to the table. Harry and Ginny looked absolutely elated and Ron and Hermione had clearly been recently mortified. With a small smile that, hopefully, didn't reveal her suspicions, she piped up cheerily, "Supper's ready, you lot. You get first pick in seats."
Of course Ginny took this once in a life time luck as to pick a seat for both her and Hermione. And then, she so kindly placed Harry right next to herself and then Ron next to Hermione. Clearly, Ginny had dubbed herself queen of decision making and was planning on having her way. The red hair was absolutely the right color for this dominating girl.
Ron, having been forced to sit down right away, smiled slightly while keeping a watchful eye on his mother. She surely knew something was up because her overly happy expression nearly always appeared when she found one of her supiscions correct. And who knew? Maybe she had been watching at the window during that whole time.
The girl sat in her seat, bobbing her head in a new found energy. Ginny didn't recall seeing her mother spying out the window before her and Harry had arrived with such a flash. But the girl did know a few things that her mother had been guessing at, for Ginny herself was constantly pondering the same thing. However, the youngest child never let her mother knew that they were thinking alike.
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