myOtaku.com: Akatsuki Chaos
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Friday, April 6, 2007
YAY! I'm not sick anymore! I knew it was just stress! I feel alot better now except I woke up in the middle of the night with a bloody nose and got up to another one this morning. Lucky me! When I get a bloody nose my Mom and Grams are like 'let it run!' But did you know if you snort out the blood clot it stops immediately? Well I do. And I always do. (nya-ha-ha)
Well I was online at my Maple Story market, its called Basil Market, And I sell what items I have in my Maplestory inventory that I actually have. And I noticed that I actually SOLD something. Wow. SO I contacted the guy who wants the item and hes on the other side of the United States!! I'll go ahead and say it...he lives near CALIFORNIA. thats far away from me!!
From ChristianOtaku:
I have a Gaia account...many. I have over 20 characters but I only play about 11 of them. My main ones are Zolf Kimbley' and Crimson47 as of now. I look forward to your friend request!! Ha, ha.
For Easter my Mom got me a huge SOLID CHOCOLATE bunny. I can't wait to eat it! Do you guys eat tail or ears first?
'Fools don't corrupt power,
power corrupts fools.'
-My quote!!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Over-stressed me
Isn't it interesting that how easy it is to get sick when one is stressed? I felt it coming on last night around 10:50 or so. My throat started to feel kind of scratchy. Lucky me. I wake up this morning with barely any energy but someone managed to get my alarm. How do I know when I'm actually getting sick? Well when I had pnuemonia for two weeks about a year and a half ago, every time I would try to sleep my mind would start computing something. Like, I'd be able to actually PLAY pinball when I had my eyes closed. Shows my mind is working way to much I guess. So last knew I knew because in my dream....I was editing profiles for Gaia. Changing table coding and switching Background codes. I know it sounds difficult but it isn't. But thats how I knew I was sick. So the stress finally got to my body even though I've been trying to ignore it so I wouldn't ge sick. Oh, well I guess thats what I get for thinking to much. ALso the only reason I'm able to type this out right now is because I told my Mom and she gave me Tylenol, 'bubble gum' flavor. Yeah right.
Well there sin't really much else to say right now because I haven't really done anything improtant in the last 12 or so hours from my last post but I will answer a question I was asked.
From Alphonse13:
I plan on just being a Sheriff of sorts to start out with. So I can get used to the career then I want to gradually move my way up. Seeing as though you are interested in MP has me kind of interested now as well. I may try that out if my Sheriff job doesn't work out or something.(Is this an okay answer?)
Well since I'm pumped on Tylenol I'll be able to visit everyone today. But if I wasn't feeling good I would come after you guys anyway.
"I like a man that sticks to his intentions."
-Zolf Kimbley(FMA)
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
'Spring Break' is over
So now my 'Spring Break' is over. Back to work. At least I know I'll be getting out around the begining of May or end of April time. Time seems to be dragging now we are getting close doesn't it?
I had a dream last night. A horrifying one. I dreamt I was back at my Gram's house(not Granpa's) and we were still being homeschooled! It was today in my dreama dn somehow I slept through my alarm and didn't do my homework!!
I woke up after she caught me and my sister trying to do it real quick. How scary. It was around 5:30 when I woke up to so I went ahead and GOT UP to do my work. Pretty funny way to get me motivated huh?
MAPLESTORY. YES! My sister got her next job advancement!! Shes a spearman now and her new attacks are really awesome! Since shes on a lower level right now though her attacks are kind of slow. They are cool anyway! YAY for her!
So I just thought to tell you guys this. If you haven't seen my dream is to become law enforcement. it just so happens that almost everyone around me (in different families) has the same urge as me! One of these people is a really awesome guy named Robert. Hes doing the training in a couple months! Whats cool is that he was to young to buy his own gun so his older brother had to! Hes only 20 and hes going to be a cop.
-sighs dreamy like-
Isn't that awesome guys? If any of you are drug running or mafia you'll say it isn't.
I can't wait now!!! I'll tell you guys more about it if you want. Like the training and stuff id you ask. :D
Also one last thing. Do you guys like my new site look? If it annoys you I can change it or something. :DD
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
6:30 in the morning here
I'll go ahead and get it over with. MAPLESTORY. Everyone loves it here I bet! I've finally hit my Level 31. Got my new outfit and my next job advancement! I'm a Bandit/Theif now instead of a Rogue/Theif. Yay, me! I'd like to add real quick as well. I have characters in every area so I can find you guys wherever you are!
My life. So I got up at 6:00 this morning so could get some stuff done. Also because I had to go to the bathroom.
ANYWAYS tommorrow our 'Spring Break' of two days is over and our piling up of work begins anew. Please look forward to more ranting and raving about how much I HATE my schooling.
Since I'am a junior in Highschool right now we have Jr. Sen. graduation right? RIGHT. SO yesterday I get a pretty little blue envelope from my school saying:
GRADUATION PRACTICE ON *** DAY AT *** O'CLOCK. I was like WHATTHE--!! I'm not going to this crap! I hate this school and you expect me to want to GRADUATE from HERE?!?! I know it may sound stupid but I mean it. I want to graduate but not from this particular place. Sadly I don't think I have any choice. My mom didn't even answer me straight for if we had to go or not.
T-T She was like 'I don't know dear.' Sadly I don't know gets me nowhere.
-runs into distance with insanity-
wait I already did that....
-slinks back to computer-
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Naruto 348, Dreams and more Maplestory
Wee! The start of my weekend! I really don't like posting on weekends but I'll make an exception today!
Chapter 348 for Naruto came out yesterday! Run to Narutofan.com to download the manga for free guys! I'm pretty sure you have to sign up though but please read it! It was such and awesome chapter! Also three new characters have been entered into the story.
One named Shigetsu. His weapon of choice was to take the sword from Zabuza's grave.
Second one is Karin. She worked for orochimaru in one of there bases watching the prisoners. She is a whore who went after Sasuke in this chapter.
Third is Juugo. He is imprisoned in a cell with a ball on chain on his right ankle. Kishimoto may have tried to make him sound gay speaking of 'which type is better? Boys or Girls? Definately guys.' But I beileve he is speaking of which is funnest to kill. Reminds me of a certian someone.
The reason why these people entered the story is because Sasuke has a plan he wants to carry out and he needs an army to work it out. I guess we have a NEW Akatsuki being formed don't we? Feel free to PM some of your theories to me or write them here.
O.O I had such an awesome dream last night!!! I was like a Konoha ninja spy working for Orochimaru-sama(man was he hot) infiltrating Akatsuki and killing them. I killed Kakuzu and beat up Deidara. xDDD Lucky me I beat up my Pyro Favorite. Dang. Well I kept him alive and tortured him for information but he fell unconscious. I guess I was to much for him. I also stole his clay bags so he couldn't blow anyone up.
I also had a few lackeys and tsunade was in it somehwere but I don't remember now. T-T Poor me.
MAPLESTORY.(fu fu) I got my Bandit job!!! I only need one more level to wear my next outfit! Sadly I messed up my attribute points and redid almost 10 of them less then a month ago. At least I could right?? Well I'll be playing again today just so you guys know. Also for ChristianOtaku:
I have characters in every area but I have my main one in Bellocan. Hopefully we can play sometime?
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Friday, March 30, 2007
Yayz! She came back so happy yesterday! She only signed her application but the guy really liked her. Thats a good sign! She said that he told her 'Keep in touch!' That is so AWESOME! I can't get overjoyed yet though because she hasn't had her interview yet. Who cares though?! Her happiness is my happiness!
Also my Gramma took her for a 40 minute driving test all around our neighborhood. She has a permit but not her restricted yet. She freaked out when a car was coming down the other side of the road. When she started out from our driveway she putted downthe street at about 5 MPH it was hilarious!
MY SPRING BREAK. As a homeschooler we don't really ever have much Spring Break. We did have a THANKSGIVING break last year because our cousin came down...(a whole week O.O)...BUT this year we had NO Thanksgiving week. A couple days If I recall....we did manage a Christmas break as well. that was surprising long as well. So how long is my Spring Break lasting....??
...3 days. Today because my Granpa can't take us to the Academy. Monday and Tuesday ONLY because my Mom has those days of for th doctor. Woe is me!!!!
At least I have one thing happy on my mind! Besides the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and Naruto manga(I think Anko is coming back!!)I'v gone up yet another level on MapleStory! Oh no! I'm speaking of MapleStory again! Is that what you think? Too bad!(jk) I think everyone here needs to play!! I'm sure you would like it. Heh heh...
Oh yeah and if I hadn't said yet. The Fullmetal manga comes out every 12th of the month and Naruto every week Wednesday or Thursdays. Unless the people get lazy hese are the dates they come out.
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Job and thank you. You guys rock!!
-Drum roll please-
TODAY. My big sister is going to go try out an interview at the vet. Please pray/hope it will go well and she will get it. I'm consciencious myself becuase shes so nervous. I encouraged her that she'll be fine and not to worry and I think it made her feel alot better. Getting advice from her middle sister at least.
SO thank you everyone who gave me advice/encouragement it was loads helpful and brought a smile to my face.
-usually I can only smile if something sadistic happens-
GothicNarutoFan - I have nowhere to sell stuff let alone raise money.
Demon uchiha - I'm actually homeschooled with an academy on Friday. I wouldn't have time to start anything like raising money.
ElvesAteMyRamen - My big sister is 21. I actually have 2 sisters one who actually also has a myotaku. My little sister is 16 like me and my twin. She's Orochisnake here. ALso I'm going to do my best to be there for my mom and big sister.
DarkWolfDemon - Thanks.
ChristianOtaku - Its okay. :D What is your characters name? I want to play with you. xD
Thanks again for the great advice guys! It really did help and I won't forget this.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Thanks to my friends who visit me! :D
Hello again guys! What have you guys been up to? Having fun? yeah me too. xD Except for of course...school. But no school ranting this time. This time I want to you guys to help me out with a little something that has been going onlately in my household. To put it plainly...
So. Our house is in the risk of begin lost. Why? Please read a couple posts down from here.
:D xD
So my mom is asking my older sister (21 as of March) to get a job to help with the finances. So this morning I got up realy so I could post today and ended up over hearing everything.
-Well it was kinda hard not to since the computer is right next to the kitchen and thats where they were talking-
My big sister doesn't want a job though..she wants to help...but she is scared. >.< She actually started crying this morning trying to explain it to my mom. I actually felt nothing though. Namely becuase I barely feel sorry for anything anymore. Or feel anything really. I want to help out as well. But i'm not old enough to have the job that was offered to me. (also read a few posts down)
:D xD
So any advice on how to help out my family would be appreciated. And/Or encouragement. Thanks guys! You're the best!
I'm on level 28 on MapleStory now. Level 31 is so close now I can almost reach out and grab it! The only thing is since its easter little monster eggs are around every city and they really pack up a punch.
I hope April 11th comes soon because thats when they disappear. Anyone else have MapleStory?
![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/mad_bomber_kimbly/majorkimbley.jpg)
Its me! This was taken yesterday. :P Maple-me of course. xD
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Everyday is a winding road
So I haven't updated in a few days. Sorry guys! Its just I've been having--
--FCAT this week and when I get home I don't feel like doing much! I'll try to update more often now because right now my schedule doesn't seem over-crowded.
I had a chance to visit some sites today and am happy to finally be up to date about my otaku acquaintances.
-i think thats how you spell it-
Also the title for this post is a car commercial I saw o TV. Volvo I think. I love volvo...the Volvo S80 is such a beautiful car.
So I may have Spring Break soon I may not. As the drum roll gets louder it seems to be disappearing more and more.
-she keeps saying 'get our hours in and we'll be fine' but does she mean it? Kinda not sure here-
Back to Myotaku. I saw on some sites that we have some Deviantart-ians so I'm going to post a link to mine as well. Check me out put please tell me who you are. :PP Not that I would think of you as a stalker or anything. haha
Well I hope you guys have a good day today/night whenever you read this post. Talk later guys.
Isaiah 53:4-6
Yet it was our sins he carried.
Our sorrows that weighed him down.
And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins.
But he was pierced for our rebellion,
Crushed for our sins.
Beaten so we could be made whole.
And whipped so we may be healed.
For we are like sheep that have staryed away.
We have left God's path to follow our own.
Yet the Lord laid upon Him.
The sins of us all.
my devart account:
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sorry about not updating for awhile...AGAIN. I've been trying to be nice and let my little sister get level 30 on MapleStory. I don't mind watching of course but after awhile my butt starts hurting from the plastic chair. As of now she is level 29.
I'm only level 25 bucause I've been letting her play but I don't mind. ^^
School has been really boring again...We are right about to finish our math book and suddenly it seems like two pages are equal to one-thousand.
Well at least my Science class hasn't been boring. Thursday we learned about the great flood going all over the earth and how it moved the titonic plates in the ground.
Geysers, craters, and mountians were formed and Noah's ark landed on the top of Mt. Ararat. The shifting of sand caused alot of stuff to move. Well, think about it. They were in that boat a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire landscape they had been on had completely changed.
Then in the process of this discussion I brought up the fact of evolution and its idiocy of 'big bang theory.'
Now. The over-obvious fact that this theory is wrong is:
Explosions DO NOT and never will CREATE a universe. Explosions DESTROY.
So I mentioned that and then added. 'Plus if the earth had been 'banged' into existence then it wouldn't have had time to super-cool for all of it to be covered in water. If the earth really had been 'banged' into existence then when the flood occured the earth would have become a big, massive, steaming oven. Wouldn't you agree? :3
What my homeschool is:
My grandmother comes, goes over what we learned yesterday. Sometimes a quiz or test. Then gives us MORE on these subjects and eventually leaves. So it lasts from about 8 or 8:30 to 9:00 or a little after. But sometimes she has to much time on her hands and stays for a little to long.
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