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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
School, Stress and letting off some major STEEEAAM
I'am SO not looking forward to today. >:(
My homeschool teacher/Grams was talking about jobs yesterday. Because that is what our Math book is about.(findinga job etc.,) And so she mentioned we work somewhere DISGUSTING. So I told her different. She wants us to work at McDonalds!!! I told her I didn't want to and she was like ' Then where do you want to work!?!??!' I was so angry...>>>:((
Anyway I told her I wanted to work at ELectronics Boutique(EB games) and she started to rev her FRIKKIN' engine and tell me what a horrible choice I'd made. >>>:((
Not that exact wording but she is the type who thinks shes always right. She isn't my MOTHER though so she ISN'T going to CONTROL my LIFE. I'll work where I want to!!!
She even offered to DRIVE us to McDitz to work. -.- Disgusting.
-anger explodes-
Also the manager at EB already promised us applications when we turned 17. I sooo want that job. O.O
The reason I want this job so bad is because we are having tight funds right now. My mom is stressed out and I want to help her. Sure there are things I wouldn't mind getting myself but I want to help her most. I'm allowed to do that right? In my own way? Without getting pushed into something I don't want to do?
I really wish I could take my moms stress and throw it under an eighteen-wheeler but that isn't going to happen.
Oh, I may as well say this too. i come from a divorced mother and father. Father was a drunken idiot Mother saved us from nasty fates. We moved from Arizona, him and his parents in February of '98 (or March can't remember I was really small) Back to Florida we came to live with my Mother's parents. Grams and Grandpa are to completely different people. If not for him and my mother and sisters I would have gone uncontrollably insane.
(iam insane though O.-)
Well thats some of my life right there. As of now we have moved out. After 6 gruelling years of torture, misery, despair, and lecturing. To our own home and no more stress.
The house bill is costing over 700$$ a month now and my mom can barely pay it. It used to be 400$$ but our Dad actually was sending child support almost a full year so It went up because our mom was getting good income.
-kills government that controls these things-
Just pray with me that I get this job, my mother's stress goes away and I survive 1 and 1/2 years more of school.
I was going to talk about something fun and exciting this time but I had to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading if you did. ^^'
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Monday, March 12, 2007
I have today of because its some sort of holiday.
My Gramma told me to 'be ready for tommorrow' so I will...tommorrow morning!!! (I'm so bad)
Oi. I've been all over Maplestory lately. Ever since I got that Bamboo hat. Well, actually my little sister (Orochisnake here on MyOtaku) Has been all over it.
I love the game so much I have to admit...its actually FUN to WATCH people play it. Sad thing is there are alot of NOOB hackers and they tend to b in all the good experience spots.
-no duh-
So here I'am today. Sorry about the late update but hey....just remember I'm not going to be gone for good. So I'll admit something else....I've already had three accounts here but deleted them all becuase I got bored. O.O Not this time folks! I'm here to stay! Even if I go on a Gaia craze or continue my Maplestory craze I WILL UPDATE no matter what!!!
The next chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist better come out soon. O.- I'm having Crimson Alchemist withdrawal.
-CONSTANT CRIMSON CRAZE- AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! He looks so good in a four button suit....^^' The only reason I got obsessed with Deidara was cause he blows stuff up to. And hes so cute. :P
-insane giggle-
Ichimaru is my favorite for bleach to. Please watch this.^^
(should've watched it before):PP
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Friday, March 9, 2007
What I've been doing the last two days
Yataiii~!! Finally got to go outside and play around. We climbed our tree and tried to get on the roof. xP I almost had it but I have weak arm muscles. xDDD BUT I got my mom to take a picture of me dressed as Deidara and as soon as the film gets developed I may post it for you guys to see.
-Still not sure if I want to post my face all over the internet though.-
But as of today I've been playing Gaia all over the place!!! And to the ones who told me thier account name I'm sending you a request. Expect it from Zolf_Kimbly. Also I have multiple accounts so I may send a couple requests instead. (I'm gonna bombard you--!!!) Heh heh.
Maplestory. I. Love. It. I've been playing for almost half a year and have only achieved the great level of...24!!! I got it today so thats why this update is sooo late.
-applauds self-
Compared to other people on levels 50-170 I'm nothing though....+.+ But looking on the bright side of things I'am only one level behind to getting the item I've been after for awhile.....
I know it sounds lame but its really cool. Heh heh. The quest I had to do took forever as well.
Yeesh. Anyways about my schooling today. I go to a school(actually called an academy)every Friday instead of staying home. So we went......and we DIDN'T EVEN HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!!! i DON'T KNOW WHY EITHER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
About the rest of my life....I'm doing good. Got all the quizzes and tests done for now.
-Prepares for Tuesday-
But there is some good news!!! The next Chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist comes out this monday. >.<
And my favorite character better be in it!!!
So now I'm done writing your eyes out now. Talk later guys!!
![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/mad_bomber_kimbly/BrownBambooHatSprite.png)
This is just a 2-D version. It looks cooler then this though. :D :D
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Wee! I got all my work done with plenty of time to spare!!
For those of you who I haven't told thousands of times I'll tell you what I mean. Every morning I get up at 6:00 to my cell phone alarm and rush out to the kitchen to do my homework. My Grams comes at/or after 8:00 everyday. I get up in time of course but usually end up taking at least 10 minutes to do my work. Why do I get up at 6:00 to get work done in 10 minutes so I can have 1:50 minutes left to sit around and do NOTHING??!
Being the geek I'am I get on the computer until my Grams calls. She lives less then 2 minutes away so thats how we can work homeschooling into her schedule. Plus it keeps her busy becuase she can stress-out really easy. ^^
Other things:
Obsessing over Gaiaonline right now. I have like...18 characters on that awesome site. xDDD (shh! Don't tell anyone!!) They have these new little items out called 'Mimzy'. A mimzy is actually from a movie coming out later this March. It looks pretty cool. If you guys want I'll post a link to the trailor here.(or next post) Well I'm of to Gaia now! To get myself 18 darling little Mimzys!!
-hugs Mimzy-
-runs to Gaia-
![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/mad_bomber_kimbly/etc/mimzy.png)
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
So I have a book report due in two days....but haven't even started the book. The ones my Grams(teacher)picks for me though are dull, lifeless and...
I mean boring.
-rubs eyes and yawns-
I wish I could pick my books but with my sweet collection of awesome anime and manga she is sure to not except it. Maybe I could use one of my FMA novels? She couldn't say anything about that could she...? Yeah she could...nevermind.
Ah well. At least I got my homework done this morning but with the threat of a quiz hanging over my head I doubt its still good.
Well enough of my complaining.
(Even though thats all I can say about my homeschooling.)
Nothing else I can think to say....xDDDD. That is soooo funny.
My DeviantArt account name is Crimson47 just so everyone knows. Feel free to message me as long as
you tell me who you are. |
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I made an Origami bird for my twin sister and she liked it. YES! So far I've made 13 birds in all. I've gotten in the habit of making paper cranes lately.
Its so fun once you get the hang of it. Why am I so obsessed over origami right now? DEIDARA! Just kidding. I've been obsessed with origami since I was little. Just needed the right inspiration, yeah. :P
Even my usually grumpy-
homeschool-teaching Grandmother thought my skills were great.
Oh, just so you know if you want to try making some origami cranes I suggest starting with a 5" inch. Its easiest to start with a bigger piece of paper.(hehe)
GAH! My sister just tricked me! We are watching Court TV right now and Divorce Court is on. A commercial came on and she screamed 'BOOBIES'! And I accidentally loooked. Course it was nothing but I was just reacting to the tone of her voice. She uses that one when she wants me to see something.....just wait...I'll get her back. Wait....shes going to read this!!
Look away! >X0 <> |
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Monday, March 5, 2007
Its me!
Whats up people? I hope everything is good for you guys. This week has been pretty good for me so far. Except for the fact half my family is sick.
On a happier note one of my many Aunts came down for a few weeks from Pennsylvania to spend some time with us. We haven't seen her in like....4 years so we've been having fun. its also kept me out of some of my homeschooling time.
We went out to eat and stuff it was fun.
So what about you guys? Life treatin' you good?> |
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