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Thursday, October 26, 2006
NB im reading ur story oh god i love it!! the yaoiness!!! yur gonna give me an effing nosebleed!!! its really good so OPEN MINDED PPL go read it NOW!!!!! *forcefull advertising...* OMG and the wut happened to Sasuke!!! ooo scary... and poor Whatesname!!!! T_T but in the back of Nejis car..! HAHAHAHA 0.0 Deidara and Sasori!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! and all the ppls are sitting there like WTF...? go read the story if u wanna no so bad!! but like i said, OPEN MINDED PPLS ONLY!!!! its yaoi and yuri so... and then the other ppl who dont no wut that means are sitting there like, wtf..? pm me if u dont understand, kk? DONT YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT FLAMING ME!!!!! btw NB, wut a GREAT way of celebrating 400 reveiws i love it!! Spanky 4 the story!!

Still a very huge and proud Yaoi Fangirl srry ppl who arent!! FLAME ME AND DIE!!! COME ON I DARE YOU!!!
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okay ppls Namines getting a kitty!! yay kitty! hes all orange and white... Namari wanted to Name it Cloud u no, after Cloud Strife but my little sis wouldnt let me so his name is sherbert! also ppls, plz look down and see the very sexy pets!! the bottom one is my fave!!
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
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i getting off now... gods so tired... Narutoblackmail i was reading yur story it got so sad!! with the Gaaras mom and then Neji and Hinata and then Sasuke and... its really good though i wish i could write like that... falling asleep while typing... gods...
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pets! yay!!
And the bestest pet ever... THE ALBINO LIGHTBULB
Remember the lightbulb thingy?! well we had this math question about a lightbulb and a glowstick and i started laughing and my teacher thinks im crazy but i thought about the joke thing and so i made this and named it after u Donny!!! all the ppls who are stitting there like, WTF?, its an inside joke so srry if u feel left out!!!!
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Danm homework
more stupid effing homework!!! GOD!! its like all the teachers plan to kill us by giving us tons to do all on the same day!! yesterday i had no homework and now i got 2 things 4 math i gotta do and 2 things 4 sciene!! but on the plus side i can copy off Namari 4 science at recess cause i have it after lunch!! =) math yeah... not so much...
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Monday, October 23, 2006
I hate homework
i really do. In fact im doing my hw right now i gotta finish my socail studies project cause its due 2morrow =) and i still gotta do my algebra but ill proably copy somebodys 2morrow cause im too lazy 2 do it myself, although my French partner is probably really pissed at me cause i copy their homework 2 much... oh well
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Im Boooored
im boooored cause Kaites screaming and ive got nothing 2 do cause katie'll kill me if i look at NB's yaoi so i gotta wait till i get home....
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
and i still dont no wut i wanna b 4 halloween...
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chain letters
Yeah i no no they're annoying, but some r really cute! take the one i got 4 example!! it was a cute little poem about friends so i sent it 2 a friend of mine. well they got all pissed and wont give me a b-day present cause i pmed them a stupid poem about friendship!!! GOD!!! its not a big deal!! IT'S A POEM!!!!!!!!!!!! they made me cry.... T_T and thats right person!! i no yur gonna read this sometime!! its gonna get 2 u somehow!! thats right feel very guilty!!! then be afraid!! i am not a person to fuck w/ and u no it!! (sorry if the f-bomb offends ppl i cant say it with meaning any other way)
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