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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Amazon Japan and US Purchases January 2010
[Posted @ 2:32 PM]

Purchases from Amazon US: Your & My Secret #1-#5, Tetragrammaton Labryinth #6, Venus Versus Virus #7, Hayate x Blade #4-#5 and last but not least Strawberry Panic! DVD LiteBox [5 DVDs Inside].
More rants below about purchases from Amazon Japan in this post as well.

Finally got my copy of Little Little xD
Purchases from Amazon Japan: Little Little, Hanjuku Joshi #2, Yuri Hime Wildrose #4, Gokujou Drops #3, Ruriiro no Yume, Yukemuri Sanctuary, Honey Quartetto, Girlfriends #3, Octave #3 and Shitsurakuen #1.
I've read all 5 [On-going] volumes of Your & My Secret [Boku to Kanojo no XXX] already, highly recommended even though it's a gender-bender kinda romantic comedy ... more of the comedy side xD which attracted me to it in the first place. I've yet to read Tetragrammaton Labryinth and VVV because ... I've not read the previous volumes yet =A=! All my books are still packed in boxes back at my jungle. Currently I'm living in a ... uh farm lol, renovations in the jungle will only be completed after ... Chinese New Year [February] or later? No idea.
Moving on, Hayate x Blade #4-#5, I've finished reading #4 and halfway through #5 xD It was an awesome read, guess I finally caught up with the scanlations, hopefully the publication catches up with the Japanese version soon [11 volumes =o]. I've not opened the SP DVD yet ... =P later when I feel like it.
On the Japan purchases side, YES I FINALLY GOT LITTLE LITTLE!@@##!!! The good news is that Little Little didn't end at Chapter 6. There are two more chapters, 7 and 8 ... a sweet ending I guess and the bad news is that it could do without the guy :< and oh, finally a dialogue too =O
A sample page from Chapter 7;

A sample page from Chapter 8;

First dialogue ever.

It was a sweet ending =D cute moments here and there. Now, on to the big guns. Gokujou Drops #3!!! Sample pages from each chapter after the latest scanlation Chapter 20. Do not read on if you don't want to spoil yourself ;D
Spoilers ahead!!!

Phone se-- I mean a cute phone kiss =P

The caged princess was found.

Said caged princess gets horny.

I like this page.

The truth behind Komari's necklace. Looks like Yukio is the boy-lookalike kid from Komari's flashback. Phew, spare me the family disputes.

A back to usual happy ending!?
There's more, next up, sample pages from Honey Quartetto [ハニー★カルテット] by 所ケメコ [Tokoro Kemeko] about ... Ninjas!? Seriously, I don't really get what was happening lol.

This page is funny xD

A cute ending for our leading characters.
Yuri Hime Wildrose #4 \O/, a cute short story by Nanzaki Iku [The mangaka who did those Mai HiME, ShizNat Doropanda Tours doujinshi you so fondly know of].

An older/younger pairing *_*

A cute yankee short contribution by Takahashi Itsumi [The mangaka who did Itoshi wo Tome].

And also Mikuni Hadzime [The mangaka who did your favourite Gokujou Drops].
Last but not least, Yukemuri Sanctuary [湯けむりサンクチュアリ] by 天野しゅにんた [Amano Shuninta] which revolves various pairing in an onsen setting.

*gasps* My idol.

*gasps* A girl I admire.

*gasps* I like this pairing best.
Random rants;
Went to Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City last week and I had the chance to visit the famous Cu Chi Tunnels =D. It was that time that I realized that I was fat :<

I wonder how they survived crawling or squat/walking around this small, enclosed and dark space.
That's all for today, I have to rush to look at the renovations in my jungle. *runs*
[Signing off @ 3:26 PM]
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Monday, December 28, 2009
A Guide on How to Play Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o Series Games
[Posted @ 8:30 PM]
For those who are new to the Hanabira series or still don't know how to extract the game from WinRAR. Now is the time to catch up on the previous 6 games =D.
Hope the guide helps, if you have any more problems, post your comments on this post and I'll try to help you as soon as possible =D.
Problem 1: I understand that many has data/system error warnings whenever one clicks on the hanaX.exe to start the game, AND/OR
Problem 2: Boxes/Weird wordings for lines during gaming.
As most systems' default language is English, my solution is to change the system's language so that the program - hanaX.exe can be displayed in Japanese.
Step 1 - Extract the files/folder from WinRAR;

Step 2 - Go to Control Panel, Regional & Language Options;

Step 3 - In Regional & Language Options, Advanced Tab;

Step 4 - After Restarting, Click on Hana7.exe;

Step 5 - Click START to Play the Game;

Step 6 - Hanabira Game, Load/Save Screen;

Step 7 - Hanabira Game, Extra/CG Screen;

Step 8 - Hanabira Game, System Screen;

Step 9 - Hanabira Game, Game Screen;

If you're playing the Mandarin/Chinese version, the solution is the same, change the language settings.
HOWEVER, there IS an easier/faster way that requires no restarts, I've tried it and it does work on Hana7.exe [Not sure about the others]. AppLocale by Microsoft which is a launcher application that makes it possible to run non-Unicode (code page-based) applications in a locale of the user's choice. It works for Windows XP but not really supported for Windows Vista [You can try installing though].
You can also play the Mandarin/Chinese and Japanese game at the same time lol without restarting to change the language settings.
Enjoy the game. A happy belated Christmas and a happy new year to all =D
[Oh, I've also missed Shizuru-sama's 19/12 birthday =A=, happy belated birthday to her as well!]
Oh yes, almost forgot, その花びらにくちづけを あなたと恋人つなぎ [Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o - Anata to Koibito Tsunagi] Animation coming soon!? Source from Ichijinsha.

A slightly bigger version;
Not sure if it'll be an animation series [13-24 episodes!?] or just a 1-3 episodes OVA, nevertheless, ozmg it's an animation! =D I look forward to it! I'm sure it'll be a R-18/21 rated one xD.
Anyways, random rants of the night;
I've just bought Yurihime Wildrose #4 [;_; please arrive soon] and ozmg, #5 will be out on 18th February 2010!? Along with Octave #4 and a new series by Morishima Akiko お江戸とてシャン. Doesn't seem to be fully-yuri related though.
[Signing off @ 10:33 PM]
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
[Game] Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu
[Posted @ 12:37 PM]
Long name as usual, I could never memorize all the names. OZMG AND THIS IS THE SEVENTH GAME! New couple in this game =D
その花びらにくちづけを あまくてほしくてとろけるちゅう
[Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu]

Fast post, just came back from Brisbane and I'm using my laptop in the living room ... with tons of people hovering around. No chance to play the game at all lol. Looks interesting though xD, teacherxstudent pair ... kinda a bit young for my liking though, would be better if Runa's older.
Some CG pictures over here Digiket ; Fuguriya.
I think you need to use a proxy to surf Fuguriya's site. I think you can download the game at Yamibo and Nihonomaru Network. You gotta register in Yamibo though, look at my post to see how to.
Enjoy! I'll update my gaming thoughts ... when I get the chance to play it xD.
[Signing off @ 12:47 PM]
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Friday, December 4, 2009
IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 17
[Posted @ 3:19 AM]
I just watched Kämpfer Episode 10 and felt that it deserves to be mentioned in this post. Episode 9 was freaking awesome as well especially at the end, totally unexpected.

Spoilers ahead!
OMG! THE EVIL KAEDE IS HOT LOL [The Kämpfer version of Akane's hot as well xD]. At first, I thought, 'Oh. Another irritating good-two shoes.' but after Episode 9-10, I've changed my mind. Kaede-sama~!!! <33 She even has her own harem to boot! I doubt she suffers schizophrenia, she's just pure evil >=D a wolf in a lamb's coat. Wow, I didn't expect that she'll be a villain, thought she'll just be a key to the 'Moderator' or the 'Moderator' herself but not in a manipulative and bad way hmmm.
So after that I went to read the manga version of Kämpfer, more or less the same with some changes and additions here and there. Chapter 15 seems to be the latest chapter and hanged around the School Festival arc [Ep 6 of the anime?]. Not sure if the development will be the same as the animation as it finally seems to be entering the climax and interesting part of the series. It almost felt like a 'Mai HiME' moment, 10+ episodes of fan-service, nonsense fun and then BAM! The plot starts to kick in.
At the beginning of Episode 9, that scene where Kaede smiled at those girls walking by, I was like ... 'That smile kinda look evil ...' and thought it's just the stupid animators' doing a shitty job again. Like this;

But towards the end, after saying that she'll support Shizuku-chan, Kaede suddenly turned ... feral which made me go O_O The scene whereby she cornered Natsuru, accompanied by the BGM and that evil expression Kaede had as she cajoled Natsuru to go with her was totally awesome xD

Finally it hit me, Oh Kämpfer HAS a PLOT! Haha. Somehow it felt too late, will they be able to wrap this up in ... 2 episodes?
Basically, it's confirmed that Kaede's the Moderator and apparently has hypnotic abilities but somehow a kiss could break away the hypnotic state hmmm. Kaede's actions are getting bolder, from the previews, she will reveal her true nature next episode, perhaps psycho Natsuru to her side once again and then final showdown in the last episode? Can't wait to see how everything unfolds \O/
Now to random anime thoughts;
Sasameki Koto is starting to get into the pace I think, the hand sign conversation between Sumika and Ushio is funny xD depicted the manga's version well maybe better (y). The scene where Azusa was crying was well depicted as well, glad to see the pacing speeding up. Sadly, it has only 13 episodes ... hmm I wonder where will they stop ...
Shin Koihime Musou; hmmm can't remember what's it about ... oh yeah Ryuubi finally got her back sword only to lose it again ... and that's about it I can remember haha.
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun; Episode 8 was awesome, <3 headdesking Kuroko haha, at least I thought her voice was irritating but after a while I got used to it and thought it sounds interesting and distinctive now =D. Episode 9 sure felt like a filler episode, the battle scene between Kuroko and that bad guy really took too long, too much yabadaba talking and all.
Kiddy Girl End; Episode 6A was ... interesting hahaha, 6B was =O and some parts were disturbing ... like Dia asking for more milk ... and stuff anyways, it was enjoyable.
Hmm what else ... that's about it I guess, cya next time. I should really sleep early hmm.
[Signing off @ 3:50 AM]
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Monday, November 30, 2009
A Guide on How to Register in Yamibo
[Posted @ 7:34 PM]
To those who care and wants to explore yamibo more, I present to you; A Guide on How to Register in Yamibo and where the important boards such as Images Board [For Mandarin/Chinese/Japanese Manga] and Resources Board [Download Shoujo-ai/Yuri Related Manga or Anime] are found. It might be faster if you go directly to the forum than to wait for someone to post it ;D
Step 1 - Main Page;

Basically there are only 3 steps, the rest are instructions on how to navigate around the forum.
Step 2 - Register as a Member Page;

Step 3 - Successfully Registered as a Member Page;

Step 4 - Main Page, Signed in as a Member;

Step 5 - Member Profile Page;

Step 6 - Back to Main Page;

Step 7 - Members' Discussion Board / Saimore Yuri 2009;

Step 8 - Images Board;

Step 9 - Mandarin/Chinese Manga Images Board;

Step 10 - RAW/Japanese Manga Images Board;

Step 11 - Resources/Downloading Sources Board;
ANddd, that's pretty much it, if you have any questions, please feel free to post a comment, I'll try to help out as much as possible =D. Man, I must be bored outta my mind to do this lol. Maybe I should do a few summaries from Yuri Hime #18 ... idk
[Signing off @ 7:46 PM]
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Monday, November 23, 2009
[Morinaga Miruku] Girlfriends Chapter 27
[Posted @ 1:33 AM]
*gasps* Girlfriends Chapter 27 raw is out at yamibo as usual. Go read them now!!

A kind member in yamibo provided a loose translation in Mandarin of the chapter, click read more if you want to be spoilt ;D
Recapturing from the previous chapter, Akko confessed to Mari, this time making sure that Mari knows that Akko is romantically interested in her. So Akko went 'Please go out with me!' but Mari went '!?!?!' and ran away =A=
I'm glad Akko chased after Mari if not I'll be very pissed :< Akko managed to catch up to Mari and she was going 'This seemed to happen before too ...' [Referring to Mari running away from Akko and leaving her behind alone] Mari replied that it's because Akko said something weird again. Akko's words after that were pretty strong, saying that is it strange that she likes Mari? Is it because they're both girls? Akko continued that even though she felt that it was strange in the first place as well but she can't help it because now her 'like' is similar to Mari's 'like'. Mari thought Akko was pitying her or trying to be a friend and told Akko to not to go through such great extents to pacify her or something. However, deep down, Mari's really happy that Akko said that to her.
Akko is slightly angry that Mari doesn't believe her. In Mari's mind, she doesn't believe that things will go so smoothly and that Akko will respond to her feelings. Mari stammered that because Akko doesn't know what 'going out' means or that it's possible ... Akko replied that they won't if it's possible or not if they don't try right? Besides, Akko added that she thought that they were already going out lol. Mari's reaction was huge cos she didn't realized it. Akko said that it's because that Mari told her she likes her and that they kissed ... Mari thought it was just a friendly kiss and Akko did that to her other friends too ... Akko replied that she won't do that with Sugi or Tamamin anymore.
Not deterred, Akko asked Mari if she would believe her if it's not a kiss between friends? Akko confessed that she wasn't sure she could be friends with Mari when she first spoke to her but they did. Akko declared once again that she likes Mari and wanted Mari to like her even if it's just a tiny little bit. She wants to be more than friends with Mari and she will be very happy if it really happens ... and thinks that she's being simple-minded. I guess Akko's passionate confession appeased Mari's fragile heart and she finally accepted Akko's confession \O/
Akko was so happy that she hugged Mari and Mari was embarrassed because there were people around them. Unconcerned, Akko leaned in, seemingly wanting to kiss Mari, Mari was going 'Now!? Here!? There are people around ...' :< and the phone rang damn. The others were looking for them so they went back. In Mari's mind, she realized that Akko's hand is not trembling anymore and that it might be because of her which she added that she's just dreaming about it.
On the last day of the school trip, Mari yawned and the rest teased Akko that it's because of her snoring lol and that Akko slept like the dead. Mari then recalled what happened last night ... Taguchi and Kuno went out leaving Akko and Mari alone in the room again ;D They started talking about packing the luggage and that many things happened that day. In Mari's mind, Akko's statement about a kiss not between friends popped out. Mari frantically thinks that what should she do? She's not ready for it yet! Then she turned around and saw Akko dead asleep lol. And that's why Mari didn't sleep a wink last night. Mari blushed and added that it's not because she's waiting for it or something and chastised herself for thinking too much weird stuff.
However, Mari added in her mind that it can't be help ... because she likes Akko. The girls then bought both matching omamori (Japanese for Amulet). Akko then lead them to a store selling hand phone straps/key chains whatever it is and they bought a similar match as well. However Akko was fidgeting or rather jealous that Mari still had that hand phone strap ... whatshisname yes Harada lol gave to her. At that moment, Mari then really realized that Akko seriously really likes her in romantic sense (GJ!).
Mari started crying and Akko thought that she's sad because of the hand phone strap and said that it's okay for her to keep it. In Mari's mind, she's happy that she fell in love (or likes whichever you prefer) with Akko. So the girls were on the plane back and Mari thought to herself that things will go back to normal and which includes the relationship between Akko and Mari. Although Mari doesn't know what will happen later but she will never forget what happened that day. She would definitely never forget about it, ever.
It was an awesome chapter, no drag, no filler, Mari not only accepted Akko's confession but also understood the depth of Akko's love for her ;D I like the last two pages with them taking a photo together and Akko leaning in to kiss her even though we don't really see it but I would imagine they did *squeal* I hope there's no more angst in the next chapter, demands lots of fluff ... and Mari to accept that she can too have this happiness.
[Signing off @ 2:45 AM]
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gokujou Drops Volume 3 Chapter 18 Preview
[Posted @ 4:45 AM]
\O/ I've finished my exams! :< not very happy with my last paper argh, that ... that bleaccccccchhhh, hate her. Anyways, hopefully I can graduate this semester, I do not want to sit for ANY supplementary papers lol. Ah yes, I'm not sure why I'm still up at this ungodly hour but I'm here to bring you maor news =D about the 5 ecchi titles Ichijinsha released on November 18th 2009 ; 極上ドロップス [Gokujou Drops] by Mikuni Hazime, 湯けむりサンクチュアリ by 天野しゅにんた [Amano Shuninta], 空色ガールフレンド by リカチ [Rikachi], ハニー★カルテット by 所ケメコ [Tokoro Kemeko] and 乙女戦士ラブリー5! by 城之内寧々 [Jounouchi Nene].
I've mentioned about them in my previous Candy Boy post and do you know that you can browse Chapter 1 [20+ pages!] of each title for FREE like NAO? Go ahead and squeal I know you are doing it now lol ; I'm not sure when this free previewing ends but just hurry I guess. Firstly, click this Ichijinsha link. Secondly, click continue to read more below to well ... READ MORE lol.

I've screenshot the steps if you guys can't read moon, well I can't as well but then it's better to save you guys the trouble of going ... HOW DO I GO TO THAT PAGE? -inserts raging anon- Even though it's quite easy to do it. I can't link that page directly, it doesn't load when I click on the link from yuri amagasa. Oh yeah, enable your pop-up cos yeah it's opens another window when you click on it.
Step 1;

Step 2;

Step 3;

Yeah I know the pictures looks blurish and I'm lazy to open PS to resize it so I used paint. By here I don't think anyone will be reading this anymore and I don't blame you xD. Run along, go read all the Chapters and come back to me ;D
Anyways if you're still reading ... SPOILERS ALERT!!!!! SQUEALS lol Gokujou Drops~~~ I'm sure I'll grin wolfishly whenever I see someone squirt mayonnaise on something or someone lol. Guess this volume finally touches on the childhood flashback of Komari eh? Some reckon it's Yukio's sickish brother ... and she sure does look angsty at that last page when she saw that necklace =O Omg, I want to buy it now but ... I want to wait for Yurihime Wildrose Volume 4 coming out on December 18th \O/
湯けむりサンクチュア looks interesting ... heh it's only Chapter 1 and someone got some already xD. I might add this in my shopping cart. Hmmm, 空色ガールフレンド looks interesting as well, a love triangle, nuthing much in C1 except some cute 'No! She's mine!' grabbing and passing of notes. Next, ハニー★カルテット, ohh it's weird, felt like deja vu lol, art looks very similar to 空色ガールフレンド anyways but better since it has a finger cut licking scene lol. But this is short, just 18 pages. Lastly, 乙女戦士ラブリー5, omg, this HAS to be read last lol, S&M, cosplay, lacy costumes ... right in the first few pages xD. I see a few recurring characters, that oneshot S&M teacher etc from Yurihime Wildrose hmm.
That's all for this post! Enjoy =D
[Signing off @ 5:46 AM]
PS: Just realised that it's Chapter 18 for Gokujou Drops ... oh well but it's 'Chapter 1' in Volume 3 lol.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Candy☆Boy Manga
EDITED @ 11/11/2009:
[Posted @ 3:46 PM]
Short update, Candy☆Boy Manga Chapter 1 is out on COMIC FLAPPER (コミックフラッパー). Tsundere Yuriko is scanlating it and hopefully we'll be able to see Chapter 1 out soon =D [Seems like she has already translated it and it is in the cleaning/editing process.]

Here's a teaser I grabbed from 4chan and LQ scans are available there as well, kindly scanned by Audio Erotica from shoujoai forum.
Volume 3 cover of 極上ドロップス [Gokujou Drops] is out, release date on 18 November, 2009. Two teaser pages, here and here grabbed from yuri amagasa.
There are also 4 other yuri related titles released on the same day, 湯けむりサンクチュアリ by 天野しゅにんた [Amano Shuninta] who has two of his/her works in Yuri Hime Volume 16 and 17 titled '恋愛構造式' and 'Backshot' respectively. Personally, I like '恋愛構造式' a lot lol cos of the age gap thingy and the sweet 'GODS I WANT MOAR NAO!' ending. 'Backshot' is not bad either, quite interesting for a summer's read xD. As the title suggests, it seems to revolve around different couples in an onsen setting? Awesome teaser pictures over here.
空色ガールフレンド by リカチ [Rikachi]. This I have no idea, looking at the previous works of this mangaka, most of them are under the shoujo/josei genre ... hm the artstyle looks okay, let's see how it goes.
ハニー★カルテット by 所ケメコ [Tokoro Kemeko], similarly to Rikachi, most of this mangaka's previous works are shoujo related, see how it goes as well. A teaser from the mangaka's blog looks promising *_* Looks like the shoujo-ai/yuri bandwagon is getting lucrative eh?
乙女戦士ラブリー5! by 城之内寧々 [Jounouchi Nene], had an under-rated story and a tankoubon titled 'Apple Day Dream' that was serialized in Yuri Hime back then. Perhaps the most famous or rather more impressionable stories of his/hers were from Yuri Hime Wildrose lol, Volume 1's 'From Your L-I-P-S' with the Sachiko and Yumi from Marimite look-alikes and Volume 2's 'Teacher's Pet', the S&M story =D.
Lastly, some awesome postcards or something a lucky Japanese blogger got of the 5 manga mentioned above. :< I want them too. I'm so gonna order Gokujou Drops, I might order Amano Shuninta's work as well ... hmm
[Signing off @ 4:00 PM]
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
[Hakka-ya] Hisa x Mihoko Doujinshi Script - Anata ga itemo, Inakutemo
[Posted @ 11:55 PM]
Tonight I bring you yet another Hisa x Mihoko doujinshi =D yayaya I did say I was going to translate that Yumi x Momoko doujinshi but ... I was lazy and I got more love for HxM than YxM =x

Images are over at yamibo, click here to fly there. There were a few lines I wasn't sure of and sorry if it doesn't make sense or something. If anyone could read moon, click here for the raws. However the quality of the scans is not good and some of the bubbles were either cut off or blurish.
And, this doujinshi is brought to you by Hakka-ya and his/her website is; http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~hakka-ya/
-Cover & Insert-
anata ga itemo, inakutemo (Whether you are here, or not)
-Author’s comments not translated.-
-Page 1-
Girl: Hey, the 1st year over there!
-Page 2-
Girl: Seriously… everyone’s at the gymnasium already.
--- Don’t you know your class?
Mihoko: Ah…
Mihoko: I’m sorry… I have not checked it yet.
Girl: Eh?
--- What were you doing a moment ago then?
[On the day of the entrance ceremony for Kazekoshi,]
[The first thing I did was to look for your name instead of my own.]
[Among the people who were there to look at the Announcement Board,]
[I kept looking out for any sights of Ueno-san.]
-Page 3-
[Always, always.]
[From that moment on, constantly.]
[I kept on searching for any sights of you.]
[I began to fantasise,]
[If only you could be by my side.]
-anata ga itemo, inakutemo-
-Page 4-
Kana: I’m sorry!
--- Captain…
Mihoko: It’s okay, Kana.
--- It can’t be help since you’re having your makeup exams.
Kana: Uuuh…
--- I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot…
*But! It’s just one subject, just one subject…*
*There, there.*
Kana: Ah!
--- I-if you can wait for me, then, then…
Mihoko: Then,
--- Try your best, Kana!
Kana: Okay…
-Page 5-
Mihoko: Come to think of it,
--- It’s been a while since I went home by myself.
[Maybe it’s because that recently I been hanging around with Kana,]
[That there’s hardly any moment of me being alone like this.]
[When I’m alone, I would unconsciously fantasise,]
[What if Ueno-san was in Kazekoshi,]
[Would we be like this together,]
[Chatting and walking home at the same time?]
[Would she… smile at me?]
-Page 6-
[Would she
--- hold
--- my hand?]
--- I’m by myself]
Mihoko: ……… Stupid!
-Shake shake
[… I really want to see you]
[Ueno-san, Ueno-san.]
-Page 7-
Hisa: Ara?
Mihoko: Eh?
--- Ueno-san…?
Hisa: Ah, you’re---
--- You’re Kazekoshi’s Captain right?
-Page 8-
Hisa: Come to think of it,
--- During that time, it seems like you already knew me.
Mihoko: Uh… erm, I’m Fukuji Mihoko.
--- Three years ago, at a competition …
Hisa: Aah, I see.
--- I’m sorry, I was a bit confused back then and didn’t really notice anything.
Hisa: Well then, let’s try this again,
--- Pleased to meet you! (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu)
-Page 9-
Mihoko: P-pleased…
--- Pleased to meet you too. (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu)
[It’s Ueno-san…]
Hisa: There’s a shop that sells great taiyaki (baked sea bream) nearby this area, a kouhai (junior) brought me here.
Hisa: She went back first because she was riding a bicycle.
Hisa: The taiyaki is really yummy,
--- If you don’t mind, let me offer you a piece.
Mihoko: Eh?
-Page 10-
Mihoko: Ah, but,
--- The school forbids us from eating and walking at the same time after school, so ……
Random Girls: Fukuji-san really is a serious person huh---
--- But isn’t that a bit too, you know---
[I’m being like this again.]
[What if Ueno-san feels that,
I’m being annoying…]
Hisa: Ooh… is that so.
Hisa: However!
--- Let’s say that Fukuji-san is really hungry right now and if she doesn’t eat anything, there’s a chance that she might faint.
Mihoko: Eh?
-Page 11-
Hisa: If that happens, it would be okay to break a school rule because it’s an emergency?
Mihoko: Pff. *chuckles*
Hisa: Ah, you laughed.
Hisa: The Fukuji-san from before is always smiling,
--- But today, you seemed like you’re feeling nervous or something.
Mihoko: Eh?
Hisa: Is it because I’m giving out repressing vibes?
Mihoko: N-n-no,
--- It’s nothing like that!
-Page 12-
Hisa: Ahaha, that’s good then.
--- Here.
Mihoko: O-okay,
--- Itadakimasu.
Mihoko: Ah…
--- It’s delicious.
Hisa: It’s honey flavoured.
Mihoko: Eh?
Hisa: Aha,
--- Nothing, nothing.
-Page 13-
Mihoko: Erm,
--- Ueno-san…
Hisa: Ah, it’s that, it’s that,
--- To be addressed as Ueno-san was something that happened a long time ago so it was surprising.
Mihoko: Ah,
--- Your surname is different now,
--- Do you dislike it?
Hisa: Hm---
Hisa: I don’t dislike it, it feels a bit strange, I guess.
--- It was a long time ago; it’s been three years since anyone addressed me by that surname.
-Page 14-
[Three years,]
[During those three years, I kept thinking about you.]
[I never wondered if it had been a long or short period.]
[Only like this,]
Hisa: How about another one?
Mihoko: Ah, okay,
--- Itadakimasu.
*Eat up, eat up.*
[Constantly thinking of you.]
-Page 15-
[I kept thinking if only you could be by my side,
--- But.]
Hisa: You have some of them on your cheek.
-Rub rub rub
Hisa: Ahaha, not there.
--- The opposite side.
Hisa: Here, here.
[Even if you’re not by my side all the time,
--- Even if it’s like this.]
Hisa: Got it off.
-Page 16-
[Even if it’s like this,
--- I’m still ---]
Hisa: … Well then,
--- I’m going this way.
-Page 17-
Mihoko: Ah…
Hisa: See you again,
--- If there’s a chance.
Mihoko: ………
[Please don’t go or something like that,]
[I can’t stay that out loud.]
Hisa: Hey, Fukuji-san.
--- Like what I’ve said before,
--- And the matter about feeling hungry.
Hisa: If you don’t say anything at all and leave it like that, you wouldn’t be able to gain anything from it.
-Page 18-
Hisa: If you want something,
--- And if you don’t say ‘I want it’.
[Something I want,]
[I want ---]
Mihoko: U…
--- U-ueno-san, erm!
--- Handphone’s email address,
--- Erm, that, please tell me …
-Page 19-
Hisa: With pleasure!
Hisa: Ahaha
--- I thought we’ll be parting just like that.
Mihoko: Uuuh,
--- You knew about it and you continued to act that way, you meanie!
[The real you is a bit of a meanie,
--- Of course, it’s not possible that it’s because of me, but …]
-Beep beep beep beep
-Page 20-
Mihoko: I’m done,
--- Send!
Kana: Captain!
Mihoko: Kana.
Kana: Sorry to keep you waiting,
--- Ah… are you sending a message?
Mihoko: Un, I do know how to send one occasionally,
--- But it’s really troublesome.
*Everyone else is so good at it.*
*Just have to ‘tatata’ and it’ll be done in a few moments…*
Kana: Ahaha.
--- That’s because Captain’s really hopeless in electronics…
Mihoko: But,
--- I’m kind of happy.
-Page 21-
Mihoko: Kana,
--- There’s a shop over there selling taiyaki,
--- Let’s detour over there for a while?
Kana: Eh?
--- I-is… is this alright? School rules ……
--- Captain’s really … towards this …
Mihoko: Haha,
--- It’s better than going hungry and fainting on the roadside right?
Kana: Ehhh..?
--- Are you really that hungry?
[To Ueno-san,]
[The taiyaki shop from before just released a new flavour.]
-Page 22-
[If you’re going to have it, next time please call me along too.]
[Fukuji Mihoko.]
Yuuki: Uh-huh,
--- Did you hook that with taiyaki?
*What, what~ Message?*
Hisa: Does it look cheap? Is that all you can think of?
-Zuuu Zuuu
Kana: Ca…Captain, calm down,
--- Is it because you just received a message?
-Page 23-
*Got it.
--- I’ll call you tonight. -END-*
[It seems like the distance between us is shorten.]
[As expected, I’m still constantly thinking of you.]
-Page 24-
--- Now.]
[In order to be closer to you,
--- I won’t just be waiting anymore.]
-Page 25-
*However on that night, Mihoko plainly just hanged up on all the incoming calls.*
Mihoko: Ahhh!
--- Why? Why is it like this!
-Urururu pi
-Du du du
Hisa: Ah---
--- It’s not difficult to imagine what happened---
-Page 26-
-End Cover-
Random rants;
Exams happening this week and next. Won't be updating till end of this month perhaps. Well, not surprising, I've only been posting a post or two for since the start of this year lol. Sigh.
Anyways! On happier notes, I've been watching anime =D
1. Kämpfer
2. Kiddy Girl End
3. Sasameki Koto
4. Shin Koihime Musou
5. To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
Episode 5 of Kämpfer makes me unhappy though :< I would prefer Natsuru to be in female form during that kiss *double pouts*
Kiddy Girl End was hilarious lol, Episode 2 was a blast, random and ... well just random, I really need some comedy in my anime xD.
Sasameki Koto ... was awkward, I dunno, somehow I was cringing whenever I hear Sumika's voice. It sounds so wrong. I wonder if it's the pacing of the words ... The OP was nice, slow but nice, I've looped it enough to like it lol.
Shin Koihime Musou ... well makes me feel like I'm watching a re-run of season 1 haha.
As for To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, <3 the OP, I've only read 2 chapters of the manga so nothing to compare there. I'm quite happy to continue watching it, I like the art style and the animation so yep.
Off to bathe and continue studying tomorrow, cya!
[Signing off @ 12:43 AM]
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Friday, October 16, 2009
[Hakka-ya] Hisa x Mihoko Doujinshi Script - Will You Marry Me?
[Posted @ 9:22 PM]
It's been a while, I spent an hour or so last night translating this, I knew there will be a lot of mistakes so I didn't post it. Went over it just now and made some corrections but I wasn't sure in some of the parts. Sorry if some of the lines were awkward or engrish xD.

The images are over at yamibo as usual, click here to teleport yourself over there. You see that red characters on the cover? In a nice way, it says 'Only to be shared in yamibo, do not share it anywhere else.'
Don't wanna incur any yamibo member's fury so ...
Will you marry me?
Hisa & Mihoko
-Page 1-
Mihoko: I heard that iPS cells may enable couples of the same sex to have their own children.
Hisa: Eh?
Mihiko: Therefore, from today onwards, I will be Ueno-san’s bride.
Hisa: Eh?
--- Ehhh!?
*Will you marry me?*
Mihoko: Please excuse me if there’s anything that is not of your expectations.
Hisa: Ah, I’ll be counting on you then (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu) …
--- Wait a moment, there’s something wrong here?
-Page 2-
Author comments:
Basically he/said said hello everyone and that this is the third book on both of them (Buchou and Captain).
This is the first time he/she participated in the ONLY event and taking advantage of the momentum, he/she created this newly wed book.
He/she’s kind of sorry yet happy (If only the time will extend to another day, he/she will be happier …).
As expected, the two Buchou are the best!! The cuteness is threefold when they’re together.
If only there’s some sign of them going out, he/she will be even happier.
(akayuki: me too! xD)
Mihoko: Welcome back, Ueno-san.
-Page 3-
*Good Morning*
Mihoko: [So cute.]
Mihoko: [Ueno-san, Ueno-san,
--- I like you.]
Mihoko: [I like you so much.]
-Page 4-
Hisa: Eh … ah---?
Hisa: WAHH!
--- What happened---?
Hisa: Wha-
--- What happened?
Mihoko: … Like,
--- I like you,
--- I like you so much, Ueno-san.
Hisa: Ah--- …
--- Yes, yes.
Hisa: Good morning hm?
Mihoko: Good morning …
-Page 5-
*Already Married*
*Marr-iage *
Yuuki: Ah, it’s the Onee-san who gave me her bento.
-Deep bow
Mihoko: My name is Fukuji Mihoko, because of various reasons, I am now Ueno-san’s bride.
Mako: You did something unbelievable again huh?
--- Pretty capable eh?
Hisa: Ahahaha.
--- Not really.
-Page 6-
Nodoka: Excuse me!
--- Congratulations!
--- Right, Miyanaga-san?
Saki: Ah, congratulations …
Mihoko: Ohoho,
--- Thank you.
Nodoka: This is wonderful!
--- Right, Miyanaga-san!?
Saki: Ah, un …
Nodoka: To enable us, the kouhai (juniors) to learn from you, please come to tell us about it again!
Nodoka: Right, Miyanaga-san!?
Saki: Haramura-san is in an excited mood today.
-Page 7-
Mihoko: Ueno-san, here’s your bento.
Hisa: Eh,
--- Ah, thank you.
Mihoko: Well then, I’ll ---
Hisa: Eh, wait a moment.
Hisa: You’re going to Kazekoshi now?
--- Walking there?
Mihoko: ?
--- Yes.
Hisa: Wait a while,
--- I’ll send you.
Mihoko: Eh,
--- But, Ueno-san.
Hisa: It’s alright!
--- Yuuki, lend me your bicycle okay?
Yuuki: Sure---
Mako: … It seems like,
--- They have a pretty good relationship eh.
Nodoka: It’s wonderful!
--- Right, Miyanaga-san!?
Saki: Ah, un.
--- Haramura-san looks really happy, I wonder why …
Mako: Well then.
-Page 8-
Mako: This is the legendary loving wife bento eh …
Yuuki: I really want to see it!
Saki: I-it’s,
--- It’s awesome …
Nodoka: It’s really wonderful!
-Page 9-
Hisa: I’m back---
Mihoko: Would you like to take a bath first?
--- Or have dinner first?
-Page 10-
-Chu (Kiss)
-Page 11-
*Name Calling*
Hisa: I hope that you would use my first name instead of Ueno-san all the time.
Mihoko: Eh …
--- Um.
--- Hi---
--- Ueno-san.
Hisa: Ah--- Really---
--- If you don’t call me Hisa then I’ll just ignore you---
Mihoko: Ehhh?
Hisa: If not, call me Goshujin-sama (Master) ---
Mihoko: Ah,
--- Good morning, Goshujin-sama!
Hisa: Why is it more difficult to call by my name?
-Page 12-
*Lovey-Dovey 1*
Mihoko: Ouch!
Mihoko: Hurts …
Hisa: Did you cut your finger?
Mihoko: Yes …
--- But it’s just a small cut.
Hisa: Where?
Mihoko: [Like this~]
-Page 13-
-Chu (Kiss)
Mihoko: WHA-
Hisa: Ahaha,
--- Does it still hurt?
Mihoko: … …
--- This is different from that.
Hisa: Ahahaha---
-Page 14-
Hisa: Mi-hoko
*Lovey-Dovey 2*
Mihoko: … …?
Mihoko: !!!
Hisa: Ara~?
--- What did you think I was about to do~?
Mihoko: Uh---
-Grin grin grin
Hisa: Hm?
--- What do you want me to do?
Hisa: What is it hm ---
--- If you don’t say it out properly, I wouldn’t be able to give it to you hm?
-Page 15-
Hisa: Mihoko?
Mihoko: Uh,
--- If Ueno-san doesn’t do it, then I’ll do it.
-Page 16-
*Already Married*
Hisa: Hello there---
Mihoko: Ueno-san!?
Mihoko: What’s the matter?
Hisa: Um,
--- Somehow I felt that I should fetch you back after sending you to school earlier this morning.
-Page 17-
Mihoko: I-
--- I’m so happy …
Hisa: W-wait a moment,
--- You don’t have go so far as to cry over it …
Mihoko: It’s like a dream …
--- For Ueno-san to fetch me like this,
--- And to go back home together,
--- I’m so happy that it feels like a dream …
Mihoko: Ueno-san?
Hisa: No … how do I put it.
--- It’s like a ‘straight ball’ …
-Page 18-
Hisa: [If it continues to be like that, maybe it could become something unbelievable,
--- I’ve lost.
Mihoko: Ueno-san?
Hisa: Un,
--- Perhaps this isn’t so bad.
Mihoko: ?
Mihoko: Well then,
--- I’ll go return the keys first.
Hisa: Un, I’ll wait for you.
Kana: … Kiyosumi’s buchou.
Hisa: You are … …
-Page 19-
Hisa: You’re Ikeda right?
Kana: Kiyosumi’s buchou!
--- What do you like about Captain?
Hisa: Eh?
Kana: Al-
--- Although Captain is really pretty!
--- She’s also cute, gentle and kind!
--- It’s normal that you’ll like her!
Hisa: Hm--- you are right about that.
--- It’s more troublesome than I’ve expected.
Kana: Wha-
Kana: Wha-
--- Why you!
Hisa: Although she’s nimble at times,
--- There are also times where she will make small mistakes.
--- Nosy,
--- Unexpectedly willful,
--- Seems like a submissive individual yet stubborn.
-Page 20-
Hisa: Not used to acting like a spoiled child,
--- Is a cry baby,
--- With many many traits like this,
--- They are all cute.
Kana: [Cunning.]
Kana: [This person
--- is too cunning.]
Hisa: … and various stuff
--- like that.
-Page 21-
Hisa: Did the answer
--- meet the passing mark?
Kana: T-
--- There’s still a long way to go!
--- If it’s like this, even Kana will have a chance at it too,
--- But.
Kana: There might be a time when someone else will catch up, that’s why you have to listen up,
--- And that is to always, always,
--- Treat Captain’s everything as your most important thing!
Hisa: Ikeda-san is really cute huh.
-Page 22-
Hisa: Mihoko really dote on her hm.
Mihoko: Why did you suddenly say that?
Mihoko: But, you’re right,
--- She’s a good kid.
Mihoko: She’s really energetic,
--- Gentle,
--- Straight forward in achieving her goals,
--- And really hard working.
Hisa: ----
--- She likes Mihoko a lot as well?
-Page 23-
Hisa: --- …
Mihoko: Ueno-san?
Hisa: Ah hm,
--- I … am jealous right now?
Mihoko: Tell me about it …
-Page 24-
Hisa: After Mihoko, it’ll be dinner; I’ll be counting on you!
Mihoko: Ueno-san’s baka …
-Page 25-
Random rants;
Busy with assignments, I have like 5 more to go, 4 exams next month and I'll be FREE! \O/ Woots. Despite the pressure of assignments due end of this month, I'm dutifully watching anime each week lmao;
1. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
2. Kampfer
3. Sasameki Koto of course
4. Shin Koihime Musou
5. To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
I dropped Queen's Blade Season 2 cos I feel like a freaking pervert lol. Oh yeah I LOVE To Aru Kagaku no Railgun's OP, it's so awesome, I've been looping it since yesterday while I was brainstorming a conceptual framework for my paper lol. I can't wait for the full song to come out in November xD.
I like Kampfer a lot, I don't know why, I just like it, even though the fighting scenes were shitty lol. The OP and ED *drools* and the marimite parody at the end of Episode 2 was epic. I think I smiled so widely that I split my lips *ouch* ._.
Well I'm off to watch Episode 3, O/ cya if I'm not dead by end of this month, perhaps I'll get the script for Momoko and Yumi Saki Doujinshi by then xD.
[Signing off @ 9:51 PM]
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