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Saturday, June 27, 2009
[ONA] Candy☆Boy Ep8 aka EX02
[Posted @ 2:15 PM]
\O/ I'm back in Singapore and guess what, Candy☆Boy Ep8 aka EX02 is outtttt!

O_O! *nose bleeds* Tissue... TISSUE!!!
Man, I'm so glad I got the DVDs lol, it looks like a mind-less fluffy episode =D

Get yours at, the sub's not out yet, I'll update the summary later. Meanwhile, get the raw and your fan service \O/
[Signing off @ 2:29 PM]
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Monday, June 22, 2009
Saki -咲- Ep12 - WTF was that?
[Posted @ 1:30 AM]
Hmm, I can't wait for my last paper to be over, I'm already tired of studying :< lol ahhhh this feels like deja vu. Man, anyways I couldn't help myself and went to download the subs of another mandarin subber xD I'll just download my usual when I get back. The start of Episode 12 was awesome *_* I love it. However ...

It would had been the perfect eye catch in this post :<
Hahahaha, man it looks so weird. Other than that, I have no complains about this episode I guess ... there are sure to have ups and downs in the quality in the animation, but this lol, is just so obvious that I went 'WTF was that!?!?!?!' twice [Yeah, I rewinded].
Oh well, I'm betting GONZO will cook up a meeting between Hisa and Mihoko in filler episodes or something and then Mihoko will finally get her chance to ask about Hisa's blue sapphires and red rubies praise/comment =D. Hopefully that scene will be filled with flirty words and blushes, kyaaa can't wait ahaha. For now, ON TO MAHJONG PLUZ and my studies =D.
[Signing off @ 1:50 AM]
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Saturday, June 13, 2009
IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 14 - Saki -咲- Spoilers
[Posted @ 9:50 PM]
Well, it's not friday, I forgot what I was doing yesterday ... oh right, I was studying. Oh. Anyways.

Behold. The awesomeness of Fukugi Mihoko.
Spoilers from the manga will come later, so if you don't want to spoil yourself, don't read them? xD I'll give a warning before going into bits and pieces about it.

1. K-ON! [けいおん!]
So, the last episode is next week eh? Well wiki says there's an episode 13 but *shrugs*. Based on the preview for Episode 12, an episode outta wrap everything up. It's been a fun anime, I still wanna get an electric guitar though the urge to get it now is not as great as I was watching Ep1 and Ep2 lol. *has a feeling I will forget about it* eheh.
Anyways, lol see how it goes. xD
2. Queen's Blade - Rurou no Senshi [クイーンズブレイド 流浪の戦士]
Similarly to K-ON!, Queen's Blade is ending next week as well ... lol Episode 9 has scarred me for life. At the moment of mother and son heart warming scene, I was lol-ing so hard that I almost felt outta my chair and choke to death hahahaha. Man. I don't even know why I downloaded it, I thought ... ugh, I don't know what I thought. I'm glad QB has ended, I don't think I wanna watch a Second Season =S
3. Saki [咲-Saki-]
Oh yeah, I'm loving this series even though I know nuts about mahjong except a few phrases of 'PON!' 'CHI!' 'RON!' and well yeah. Reminds me of my younger days when my aunt had this mahjong game on the computer and I was fooling around with it a few times. I had no idea how to win but hell I do know how to keep the 'nice' tiles and 'PON!' after a while lol. I still remembered my aunt told me that the 'people' in the computer will chase after me for money if I lost :< I was so scared, meanie.

Oh yes, back to the latest episode, Ep10, oh wait, let's talk about Ep9 first lol, I love that episode, it's so awesome because Fukugi Mihoko totally rocks! She's so freaking hot xD. She reminds me of Fujino Shizuru ... ahh Shizuru-sama~ *squeals* I love how she smiles after doing those 'RON!' and 'ZI MO!' phrases, *_* She totally owned the first round between the four schools. I hate how Kazekoshi got bullied later on :< oh, okay -stop- I'll leave it for later.

This doesn't hurt as well =D.
- A bunch of RAKU-GUN Marimite doujinshis.
1. [Wings of Yuri] Gokujou Drops - Chapter 10 & 11 \O/
1. K-ON! - OST
2. Phantom Requiem for the Phantom - ED
3. Minori Chihara - Tomorrow's Chance
Right, now, time for some Saki -咲- spoilers from the manga, please do not read on if you want to continue watching the anime in suspense or something.
Okay, this coming episode 11 will be the third round between Kazekoshi's Bundou Seika [1st year], Kiyosumi's Takei Hisa [3rd year], Ryumonbuchi's Kunihiro Hajime [2nd year] and Tsuruga's Kanbara Satomi [3rd year]. LoL, this is the chapter where I start to have Hisa x Mihoko vibes xD.
*Throws in a few Hisa x Mihoko fan arts to seal the deal*
It's so cute to see Mihoko going 'Ozmg, isn't that Ueno-san!? The only person that had my panties all twisted and dripping wet-' uh, sorry. was reading shiznat smut lol. Anyways, apparently Mihoko knew Hisa from before and thought she moved or something when she dropped halfway in the middle school competition 3 years ago. Now Hisa's back in the game with a different surname and Mihoko's very worried for Seika who's about to play with her.
By the end of the third round, Seika pretty much lost the points Mihoko chalked up in the first round. By then, I'm starting to worry for Kazekoshi =( Kiyosumi [Nodoka and Saki], Ryumonbuchi [Touka and Koromo] and even Tsuruga [Momoko and Yumi] have awesome line ups at the 4th and 5th player. Tsuruga is quite lucky, the players were pretty much left alone in the first three rounds. It's quite sad to see the first three matches summed up in a volume and a half, need more screen time for Mihoko :< lol. Anyways the whole of Volume 4's about Nodoka's match with Kazekoshi's Sumiyo, Ryumonbuchi's Touka and Tsuruga's Momoko. By then, Kazekoshi dropped to the last position, Ryumonbuchi at third place, Tsuruga at second and of course Kiyosumi at first place =D. Oh yes, Invisible Momoko is an interesting character xD, well basically she's 'invisible' kinda and has not much presence so she could jump in and steal the points away while Nodoka and Touko compete with each other.
I like how Tsuruga slowly make its way on top stealing the crumbs left by the Three Giants who were too busy going head to head with each other. I guess Tsuruga can be called the Dark Horse in the competition xD. As for Kazekoshi, well, the Fallen Giant I guess haha, I still feel sad for them :< a sad neko-Kana makes me unhappy. Well the last round, 大將 [Chapter 34-50 and still going] Amae Koromo makes her appearance and with the electrifying sparks coming out from her eyes scaring Saki to bits lol. Saki was reminded of her sister's presence and thought there's no way in hell she's going to win, that was until Nodoka came and motivated Saki with her ... huge. boobs. uh reminding her about their promise to proceed to the nationals.
Oh yeah, it's interesting about the visual of 'drowning' the players in raising level of water as Koromo chalked up points and winning game after game. By Chapter 42, Kazekoshi's Ikeda Kana lost all her points, yes you heard right from the 142,000 down to 0 lol. Both Koromo and Tsuruga's Kajiki Yomi were 'attacking' Kana and Kana was very depressed and almost got eliminated. [I almost cried =(] Saki helped Kana by sacrificing some of her points to her \O/ and rejuvenating Kana's fighting spirit. Oh by the way, Yomi's seiyuu is Kobayashi Yuu [Setsuna from Negima] lol, I was like, OZMG!!!! SECCHAN hahaa.
Oh, I like Momoko x Yumi as well lol. Hasty edits from the manga.
Hmm okay where was I ... ah yes seems like the Kiyosumi players have weird habits while playing mahjong lol, Yuki gets her power from tacos, Mako with her super memory by taking off her glasses, Nodoka and her penguin resting under her boobs *cough*, I don't think Hisa has any bad habits ... besides making Mihoko cry I guess hehe. Saki took off her socks =O, apparently she plays better barefoot as it reminded her when she was younger and that she played best barefooted. With new found confidence, Saki started winning the games chalking up small wins with very little points lol, pissing off Kana and the rest who were waiting for huge wins. Little did they know, Saki's merely warming up to a huge win at the end and well caught the eye of Koromo who started striking back in the latest chapter, Chapter 50 again.
Man, that was interesting lol, I was reading it in the library and kept reading chapter after chapter forgetting to revise for my module =O. Anyways, I'm tired and I've yet to bath =P.
[Signing off @ 12:58 PM]
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Saturday, June 6, 2009
[Raku-Gun] Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel Part 2 Script
[Posted @ 5:24 PM]
As promised, here's the script of Part 2 of Feel.
only Mandarin to English.
I DO NOT DRAW doujinshis, so I don't claim ANY credits for it. The author for this doujinshi is Raku-Gun and I'm just translating for those non-Japanese readers, so don't ban me for it =(.
![[Raku-Gun] Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel.](
Credit: Yamibo
Source Link: [PFY工作室][NGM][刹木][楽玩]FEEL
As usual, pardon me if there're any mistakes or whatever XD.
'Feel' by Raku-Gun Script Part 2;
Title: Negima! Fanbook #2 � �Feel�
Mangaka: Raku-Gun
Main Characters;
- Sakurazaki Setsuna (Secchan)
- Konoe Konoka (Ojou-sama, Kono-chan)
- Negi Springfield
- Kagurazaka Asuna
- Konoe Kokoemon (Oji-chan)
-... for sound effects (SFX)
*...* for signs etc
@...@ for small text or hand writing text
###... for long lines (Double bubbles)
(...) for translator's notes or explanation
_..._ for emphasizing (Bold, Italic letters...etc.)
[�] thoughts (Square boxes, fluffy bubbles)
+...+ for Using Original Japanese Word
{�} Translation of Original Japanese Word
/Page 15
Setsuna: !!?
Setsuna: Wargh!!
Konoka: Kya!
/Page 16
Setsuna: --- That �
Setsuna: That was dangerous �
Konoka: Ahaha, yeah it was. Even your wings came out.
Setsuna: Ojou-sama, are you alright?
Konoka: All thanks to you, Secchan, I�m fine.
Konoka: I know this is an inappropriate time for me to say this but I really wanted to see an expression of Secchan being scared.
Setsuna: I was terrified alright, to suddenly do that �
/Page 17
Konoka: Do you mean it will be better if I had told you what I was about to do before hand?
Setsuna: No, I am not talking about that!!
Setsuna: @How should I explain this?@
Konoka: Secchan, you �
Konoka: Really think too deep and too much.
@Saying it�s your mission, duty and all.@
Konoka: If I am not by Secchan�s side, then there is no reason for me to continue living in any where I go.
[I �]
/Page 18
Konoka: If you make me attend the Omiai, I will not attain happiness, you know~
Setsuna: Eh!?
Konoka: Well then, what are you going to do?
Setsuna: No matter what �
Setsuna: It�s definitely not my intention to cause Ojou-sama any sadness.
[At that moment, I understood. The reason for my existence �]
Konoka: Un, you mentioned that before.
Setsuna: But � my duties are to wait upon and protect Ojou-sama �
### � Um � I �
[The reason for my existence is because of this person.]
Setsuna: � �
/Page 19
Setsuna: --- I�m sorry �
[I �]
Setsuna: Me � me too �
Setsuna: If I am not by Kono-chan�s side, I won�t be able to continue living � �
[It was only when I am by this person�s side,]
[Was I able to breathe.]
/Page 20
Konoka: You are not supposed to apologize when you say that �!
Setsuna: ---
Konoka: � � Any more reasons for you to run away?
/Page 21
Konoka: Mou~ Secchan, Ecchi~
Setsuna: *in a husky voice* Ojou-sama �
-Slips in
Konoka: Ah~
(akayuki: I wish ;_; Sorry for the momentarily lapse lol, let�s continue.)
/Page 21
Konoka: --- More �
Setsuna: Eh?
/Page 22
Konoka: Let�s do more, shall we?
[My thoughts stopped.]
[Even the simple act of breathing �]
[Feels like I�m going to forget about it.]
/Page 23
[However, the amazing thing was that,]
[I don�t feel like I�m suffering at all.]
Konoka: Oh---
Konoka: That was beautifully concealed---
@Such a big thing too.@ (akayuki: Oh my, my thoughts raced lol)
Setsuna: Um � can you please don�t stare at me like that �?
Konoka: Eh--- Why---?
Setsuna: @To stare like that �@
Setsuna: � What should we do �? From now on �
Konoka: Un--- you are right.
### We can�t run away just like that as well.
/Page 24
Konoka: In any ways, we better go apologize to Oji-chan first.
Setsuna: Ah, me too, I�ll accompany you.
Konoka: @Hmm~ Secchan, before that, you have to conceal that blushing expression of yours.@
Setsuna: @S-sorry.@
Konoka: @You�re cute anyways, so it�s alright~@
Setsuna: @� �@
Konoka: Ne.
Konoka: Let�s go together.
/Page 25
*After that, let us listen to their grumbles.*
Kokoemon: Konoka ran away---
### Such a troublesome grand-daughter---
### Setsuna didn�t return as well.
Negi: I- � Is that so?
### I see.
### That is troublesome indeed---
Kamo: What are you doing, Aniki? {Big brother}
### Even the old man too �
/Page 26
*This is the postscript.
I supposed Konoka went to her Omiai after all�?
I have been thinking about it while I was drawing �
This time I tried giving up the usual cute drawing ways and tried my best in adding some �erotic� scenes in the appropriate settings. That was a failure � It was after all a futile attempt.
In any ways, what has it turned out to be � I�m really sorry.
I�m tired.
Ah, I hope Konoka�s Kyoto-ben doesn�t sound weird here.
I was afraid that it will turn out to become Kansai-ben or something.
I was really sleepy � Perhaps I haven�t been sleeping for 2 to 3 days �
Thus I was afraid that I might misspell or miswrote some words.
Well then, thank you very much for reading with me until the end.
Until we meet again, Gokigenyou.
堀井貴介 (I have no idea how to translate this into romaji, if I�m not wrong, it�s �Horii Tattokai�)
/Page 27
- End of Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel Part 2 Script -
Anddd, we're done. Thank you for the kind comments =) Now I should be off to study or something T_T exams suck.
[Signing off @ 5:47 PM]
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I'm So Fucking Pissed.
[Posted @ 12:23 AM]
There's this boiling anger in me that refuses to cool down even after an hour, so I've decided to blog about this crap. Hopefully by the end of this post, my anger will simmer down.
I don't know, I just felt pissed that Chuang Yi [An English & Mandarin Manga Publisher in Singapore] changed the quality of their paper just fucking like that. Come to think of it, I think they changed their paper for My Fair Lady and Fushigi Yuugi - Genbu Kaiden as well and perhaps some other titles I can't remember since I'm not NAO fucking home to check every single fucking book my family bought for the past year.
I did felt a book was considerable lighter than I was used to but didn't think much of it because I was happy to read manga [The physical thing] again after ... what, a year? Perhaps that time, the paper were still in the 'reasonable' stage and to the hell of it, I just didn't notice. Perhaps I was distracted with the family problem thingy. I'm angry at myself for not noticing but then, even if I did, what can I do?
But this. Doing this to my Vampire Knight manga. This takes the cake/pie whatever.

It doesn't take a bloody rocket scientist to see which is the better quality one.
Yes, the anger in me is still boiling, so I'm continuing this rant.

Sadly, even the Ran x Julia 'bookmark' doesn't satisfy the raging tiger in me. Btw this is Volume 7.
Apparently, Volume 7 was printed using, I quote, "Environmentally friendly wood-free paper, ensuring durable and quality prints for a pleasant reading experience." And yes, indeed, I can see and touch the 'quality' and 'durability' of it. It's smooth to touch, not scratchy, it doesn't smell and it doesn't look yellow-ish. This volume cost SGD $8.50 and was released on 05 Aug 2008 according to the website.

Here's Volume 8. Squint your eyes, you can see through the 'awesome' yellow-ish quality paper right there. Aww, isn't it a pretty sight?
Now, Volume 8, as you can see, the 'tag line' was conveniently gone from the page, does this mean this was not printed on durable and quality paper hm? The least I can do is to give credit to CY for not lying. Thank you for not lying, you do have some moral. Anyways, this volume cost SGD $8.50 as well and was released on 06 Jan 2009 [The height of the impact of Global Financial Crisis (GFC)]. Oh, that explains everything then hm?
According to their forum, a forum-er has pointed out the 'quality' of the paper as well so we got this reply;
"Due to some recent issues we�ve had regarding the supply of paper, we�ve had to relook into alternative sources of paper that is of comparative quality to the overseas products in the market and while keeping our prices of manga available at competitive prices. We are still keeping tabs on the feedback from our customers to decide how to fine tune our future course of action to try and find some kind of balance, so we do appreciate your input very much.
We hope you�ll continue to support us, and thank you for your feedback.
For future feedback and other queries, we would appreciate that you direct them to our email address :
Team CY"
Yes, you better be keeping tabs on the feedbacks, cos I'm sure not a fucking happy camper right now. I don't even fucking mind if you increase the price to SGD $8.90 like the new titles or even $9.50, JUST GIVE ME MY QUALITY AND DURABLE VAMPIRE KNIGHT MANGA PLEASE.

Which do you prefer, the top or the bottom?

If I could let you touch the paper, I bet you will bloody throw the book on the ground (despite how you love the series) and stomp it.
I hope you [CY] very well re-print Volume 8 and any other titles that were printed in the infamous 'Kinda Mandarin Quality' paper on quality and durable paper cos I'm not going to fucking buy any lousy quality paper manga from you any fucking more. I don't pay a premium price to get this crap. I just checked with my family via MSN and I asked them to stop buying as I will personally check every single book in the store before purchasing it when I get back.
Lookie here, I'm even willing to pay to buy a re-print volume. I'm not even thinking of boycotting, cos well I have no choice -_- [Affordable and quality prices] and I'm happy. But this one, is going out of hand and I have to voice out my opinion on this. Man, this completely spoils my mood that I can't even read Volume 8 properly. I tried to read but whenever I held and touched that light and scratchy piece of junk, I just get so pissed.
Well anyways, I sent an email to CY, I don't expect any flowery explanations and crap, I want action. I want something to be done. I sure don't hope something as screwed up as this happens again.
Phew. Okay, I do feel a little better.
[Signing off 2:01 AM]
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
[Raku-Gun] Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel Part 1 Script
[Posted @ 7:23 PM]
\O/ in celebration of the KonoSetsu pactio kiss, I bring you, what else but a KonoSetsu doujinshi! This is just the script for Pages 2-14 [+ Cover] though, I'll continue Part 2 [Pages 15-26 + End Cover] next weekend perhaps?
Thank Jessie/RotemChan for kicking my arse requesting this xD.
only Mandarin to English.
I DO NOT DRAW doujinshis, so I don't claim ANY credits for it. The author for this doujinshi is Raku-Gun and I'm just translating for those non-Japanese readers, so don't ban me for it =(.
![[Raku-Gun] Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel.](
Credit: Yamibo
Source Link: [PFY工作室][NGM][刹木][楽玩]FEEL
As usual, pardon me if there're any mistakes or whatever XD.
'Feel' by Raku-Gun Script Part 1;
Title: Negima! Fanbook #2 � �Feel�
Mangaka: Raku-Gun
Main Characters;
- Sakurazaki Setsuna (Secchan)
- Konoe Konoka (Ojou-sama, Kono-chan)
- Negi Springfield
- Kagurazaka Asuna
- Konoe Kokoemon (Oji-chan)
-... for sound effects (SFX)
*...* for signs etc
@...@ for small text or hand writing text
###... for long lines (Double bubbles)
(...) for translator's notes or explanation
_..._ for emphasizing (Bold, Italic letters...etc.)
[�] thoughts (Square boxes, fluffy bubbles)
+...+ for Using Original Japanese Word
{�} Translation of Original Japanese Word
/Page 2
[If I should say,]
Asuna: Konoka?
### She left in the morning already.
@Speaking of which, Negi is gone as well.@
[That my heart is pulsing,]
### [My blood is circulating]
Setsuna: � I see.
Setsuna: Thank you very much.
Asuna: Ah? Leaving already?
Asuna: Why don�t you wait for a while? Perhaps they will be back by then.
### You are not busy, aren�t you?
[And I am breathing---]
Asuna: Setsuna-san?
/Page 3
[Just think, what made all of that possible?]
Negi: Erm--- Konoka-san.
/Page 4
Konoka: What is it, Negi-kun?
Negi: I� Can I really do it?
@This kind of thing �@
Konoka: Hm, you are right, if Oji-chan {Grandpa} finds out about this �
### And if things go horribly wrong, there�s a possibility that Negi-kun will get fired from his job.
Negi: !?
Konoka: On top of that, you might get turned into an ermine.
Negi: !!?
Konoka: Ahaha, I am just joking.
### It wouldn�t happen, don�t worry about it.
Konoka: In any case, I am the one who involved Negi-kun in this �
Konoka: It is not his fault,
### � � Even though we did such a thing.
/Page 5
Konoka: Please forgive Negi-kun,
## Secchan.
Setsuna: The Headmaster is looking for you,
### Ojou-sama. {Mistress}
Negi: Setsuna � -san.
Konoka: Ah~Ah~ such a pity.
Konoka: The free time I have been trying to hold on is gone just like that.
@To think I was musing that it was rare that you didn�t come.@
/Page 6
Konoka: Well then, Negi-kun, thank you for your hard work,
### Dismissed!!
Negi: Eh, just like that!?
Konoka: There�s nothing we can do, it is impossible for us to escape now.
### It was because of my own willfulness that I dragged you into accompanying me, for that, I thank you.
Negi: What do you mean by your own willfulness, Konoka-san---
Setsuna: Ojou-sama.
Setsuna: Please make haste.
Negi: Se-Setsuna-san, you too!
### You knew Konoka-san hates Omiai--- {Japanese Arranged Marriage}
/Page 7
Negi: Isn�t � it �
### Um, Eh?
Negi: � Er---m.
Konoka: Oji-chan is getting angry?
/Page 8
Setsuna: No ... just that the other party has been waiting for a while,
### So I was thinking that perhaps we should hurry �
Konoka: Ah I see. Sorry to trouble you, Secchan.
### After all, it is a rare holiday for you.
Setsuna: It is okay, the reason for my existence is to wait upon you, Ojou-sama.
### No matter what kind of orders I am given, I am aware that it is all for Ojou-sama�s sake.
Konoka: [� Really, she�s so stubborn.]
/Page 9
Konoka: � � �
Konoka: For my sake � is it?
Setsuna: ?
Konoka: Secchan.
### What do you wish for me to do?
Setsuna: For you to do � is referring to?
Konoka: Un--- to be specific, I am referring to something in the future.
Konoka: Do you wish for me to obtain happiness?
Setsuna: Of course.
/Page 10
Konoka: Even if it is given to me to by someone else,
### Even if it is not what I considered to be happiness?
Konoka: My own happiness,
### I wish to choose it for myself.
/Page 11
Setsuna: --- I
Setsuna: As long as Ojou-sama obtains happiness,
### I will be content as well.
Konoka: Therefore---
Setsuna: After that,
/Page 12
Setsuna: I will be Ojou-sama�s shadow and continue to protect you until my dying days. That is my duty.
Setsuna: We should go soon,
### Ojou-sama.
/Page 13
Konoka: � No, it is not that �
/Page 14
Konoka: --- In other words,
Konoka: If I don�t say anything you would assume that I have given up?
Setsuna: Eh?
Konoka: There is a loophole, Secchan.
Setsuna: !?
- End of Negima! Doujinshi #2 - Feel Part 1 Script -
I just love cliffhangers, don't you? =P
[Signing off @ 7:27 PM]
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Finally, An Official KonoSetsu Pactio Kiss!
[Posted @ 6:17 PM]
According to yours truly, Mahou Sensei Negima! Season 1 animation's KonoSetsu Pactio Kiss doesn't count, Mahou Sensei Negima! Life-Action's KonoSetsu Dream Kiss doesn't count, Negima! Neo's Anniversary-Of-Being-Friends-4ever Kiss doesn't count as well.
This Passionate Pactio Kiss in Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga COUNTS. Know why? Because there's TONGUE ACTION INVOLVED! *GASP*

I hope this is a permanent pactio, it'll be like a legal marriage! LOL.
More scans of Chapter 252 here or if baidu doesn't work for you, go to AstroNerdBoy's blog.
Ending this on a sweet, 'Awwwww~' note.

*waits patiently for C252 scans*
[Signing off @ 6:29 PM]
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Friday, May 15, 2009
Doropanda Tours Doujinshi Loot
[Posted @ 5:04 PM]

Envy me, because these are all mine, baby. Well maybe not the Mai Otome Drama CDs, giving them to someone =)
Thanks to shezaei-neko, I was browsing around a week ago and saw her post on ShizuNatsu goodies and it felt like my prayers were finally answered lol. I don't think I even hesitated to get those puppies.
[Signing off @ 5:24 PM]
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Saturday, May 9, 2009
[ONA] Candy☆Boy Ep7
[Posted @ 9:22 PM]

And this made the 13600 yen worth it. \O/
Awesome, after a long wait, Ep7 is out! 20 minutes to boot! Well the first 15 minutes are kinda filters =x anyways;
Before recapturing from Episode 6, there was this imaginary scene [probably] of Kanade waiting for Yukino while she's at her part-time job and as Kanade waited, she felt all sad and lonely. There was even this flashback of them promising to be together from that first ever episode with their touching their foreheads together scene. Now recapturing from Episode 6, Yukino had offered to work part-time to get some extra money so that Kanade can go to preparatory school/lab/cram school. Yukino started rambling about how and what to go about with the part-time job and basically pointed out that Kanade really needs to attend the lab. Pissed, Kanade kinda lashed out at Yukino's ever-present concern for her and that she hates herself when she sees Yukino acting like that. Somehow, Kanade felt like she's a spoilt brat, like that time when she said that she wanted to go to a school in Tokyo [The school they're attending now] and Yukino had insisted that she wanted to go with Kanade too.
After that, Kanade admitted that the 'money problem' was just an excuse because with her going to lab and Yukino with her part-time job, there would be hardly any time for them to be together and she didn't want that to happen. Like a big sister, Yukino consoled Kanade and assured her that this 'parting' would only be temporary and besides if this ensured them to be together in the future, this would be the best. Kanade mumbled that she understood the situation but ... she wanted them to be together, now and also the future. Yukino, the ever practical one? added that she wanted it to be that way too but ... in reality, one can't get both sides of the cake. Kanade calmed down after that and apologized to Yukino for lashing out at her. Yukino smiled and said that she's sorry too for being too sudden/pushy and told Kanade to think about her suggestion.
The next day, the twins were waiting for their train at the station and Sakuya managed to revive after the previous episode and was now plastered against Kanade. Sakuya was like 'I won't let something like that make me give up!' Kanade mumbled, 'It's better to give up...' Sakuya continued that she found out that they could change rooms each year and told the twins to see her next year. However, Yukino pointed out that, they're in their third and last year ... so there won't be a next year LOL. When Sakuya realized that fact, Kanade add, 'And that's how it is.' Sakuya went into protesting/whining mood 'I don't want that! I don't want that!' and even asked Kanade to please repeat a grade lol. Kanade was like, 'That will not happen.' Sakuya continued to beg Kanade at least attend the local university and that way she could continue living in the dorm. Kanade went 'Why must I do that?' -.-
While the twins were at their respective club activities, Kanade got a mail from Yukino saying that a kouhai's [junior] introducing a part-time job to her and probably might be late. Kanade called Yukino to ask about it and Yukino replied that it's better if she does some part-time to get some money for future usage. Yukino continued that she's not 'forcing' Kanade to go to lab just because she's holding a part-time job and that the decision to go or not lies with Kanade. Yukino had to interrupt what Kanade was about to say after that because the train's arriving and for them to talk later. At a senpai's [senior] graduation [I think] and the senpai suggested Kanade it will be better to attend lab as well for better future opportunities.
Yukino came back from her part-time job with some left-over pastries and asked if Kanade wants some? Kanade replied that she doesn't feel like eating and told Yukino to keep them in the fridge. Yukino teased Kanade by mentioning that well then, she'll have the banana custard one and Kanade immediately changed her mind, saying that she'll have one, that banana flavoured one lol. As the twins were going home together, Kanade commented that it's been a while since they had this feeling of going home together and it had only been a few days. Yukino promptly apologized but Kanade said that it's not Yukino's fault but her fault. Both of them then apologized to each other. As they reached the dormitory, Shizuku [Shii-chan~~] was there to welcome them back lol. Kanade was like, 'I'm back~' and then ... '!?' 'Why are you here!?' Shii-chan replied that since the twins were not coming back for the holidays so she figured that she come over for a visit. When Kanade asked Shii-chan about her school, Shii-chan answered that she has an additional week because the school's renovating the gym hall or something.
Kanade continued to question about the transportation costs, Shii-chan sarcastically replied that she's been saving for it, unlike certain sisters in which the twins looked away guiltily. When asked about the accommodation, Shii-chan added that she's going to stay with her sisters in the dorm. Kanade was like, but it won't do to suddenly come over and stay for the week ... however the dorm manager agreed to let her stay anyways. Meanwhile Kanade stared at the paper of approval with a -_- expression lol and Shii-chan was like 'What's with that why are you here expression?' Kanade answered that she's happy that Shii-chan came over but it's better and safer if Shii-chan took them about her trip down as it's dangerous for a young girl to travel alone and they would had fetched her from the airport. In any ways, Kanade smiled and thanked Shii-chan for coming over. Blushing [probably at Kanade's mega-watt smile], Shii-chan apologized to Kanade.
When it's time for bed, Kanade was sweat-dropping at Shii-chan who was hanging upside down lol with a kinda scary expression. Shii-chan mused that her elder sisters look cosy together. Kanade added it's kinda cramp if three persons sleep together on the bed ... Shii-chan cut in saying, 'How nice, how nice, being lovey-dovey like that~' At that, Kanade suggested that she'll sleep on the top then but of course Yukino protested.
Yukino: 'Huhh, Kana-chan's leaving me??~~
Kanade: 'Ehh!? But, Shii-chan ...'
Yukino: 'Ehhh~ How about me~? How about me~?'
Shizuku: 'Don't you bully Yuki-neechan, Kana-neechan.'
Kanade: 'Eh!? What was that? What is it my fault now?'
Yukino: 'You know, it's coldddd~'
Kanade: 'Don't you feel strange about this?'
Shizuku: 'Well then, good night.'
Kanade: 'Wait, what was that?'
Yukino: 'You're leaving me to sleep with Shii-chan, aren't you Kana-chan!?'
Kanade: 'You know, after listening to this, don't you think that you should know the situation now?'
Yukino: 'Whatever, whatever, whatever already! I'll sleep by myself then! HUMPH!'
Kanade: 'Oh man, tell me what I should do now?'
The next day, Shii-chan's sandwiched between her elder sisters at the train station, Kanade told Shii-chan that she could only accompany them half-way through their journey and reminded Shii-chan to go back to the dorm after that and that it's dangerous to hang around outside. Shii-chan replied that she got it already and that Kanade's as bossy as their mother lol. Kanade pouted and mumbled that she was just worried about Shii-chan. Yukino added that it's Saturday so Kanade's returning to the dorm early. When Shii-chan asked about Yukino, Yukino replied that she'll be late because of her part-time job and when asked why, she added that it's something for the future or something?
However, Shii-chan doesn't seem to buy it. At the dorm, Shii-chan noticed Kanade's cram school form and went 'Ahhh.' Back to school, Kanade gave a token of appreciation to Sakuya who was tearing lol as she hugged the gift. As Kanade was about to leave, Sakuya told Kanade to make up with Yukino soon and Kanade was like 'How did you know!?' Sakuya just smiled and said that that's because she likes the usual Kana-senpai. Kanade returned to the dorm, only to be greeted with a 'Ah, the baka Nee-chan's back' by Shii-chan. Shii-chan took out the cram school form and stated that that's the real reason that Yukino's taking up a part-time job isn't it? It's strange for Yukino to hold a part-time job after all. Shii-chan started lecturing Kanade and compared to Shii-chan, the lost of time between the twins were better off than hers. Shii-chan added that Kanade should think about Yukino's point of view and that if she fails to get into the art school, is Kanade going to ask Yukino for help again? Kanade does realized that she had been selfish and dependent on Yukino and apologized to Shii-chan. Shii-chan was like, 'You're apologizing to the wrong person! You're seriously a baka nee-chan!' Like a scolded puppy, Kanade went 'I'm sowee.' lol.
Later, Yukino got off from part-time work and was surprised to see Kanade waiting for her. The twins picked a seclude [=O] spot and Kanade told Yukino that she had been encouraged by Sakuya and then scolded by Shii-chan today lol. Kanade told Yukino that she's been been wilful and dependent towards Yukino and never placed herself in Yukino's shoes. Kanade continued that regarding the lab, she has decided to sign up for periodic classes and that she's not going to be half-hearted about this and will try her best to be with Yukino. Kanade added that the lab won't be her everything and she was thinking of asking Yukino to make decisions with her and try their best together. Kanade then apologized to Yukino for giving her troubles. Yukino smiled and said that from now on, they're going to be together, ne? Kanade agreed and added, yeah forever.
The twins then ate the pastries Yukino got from her part-time job;
Kanade: 'Ah Yuki-chan, there're some crumbs on the corner of your mouth.'
Yukino: 'Hmmmmm~.'
Kanade: 'What are you doing, Yuki-chan!?'
Yukino: 'Kana-chan, help me get it off.'
Kanade: 'Ah-mm.'
Yukino: 'Mm!?'
Yukino: 'Kana-chan... just now...'
Kanade: 'Hm? What?'
Yukino: 'Mou~~! Kana-chan no baka!'
Kanade: 'Ehh? But you told me to get it off, Yuki-chan.'
Yukino: 'That's true but not that way!'
Yukino: 'Mou~~! You seriously don't understand anything do you, Kana-chan!'
Yukino: 'Uueehh?'
-akayuki burst into flames and lies in a pool of blood-
After that, the twins were in their new dorm and bed and Yukino was whining that their bed this time was smaller. Kanade was like 'Huh, as long as I'm sleeping with Yuki-chan, I don't really care.' The girls went on talking about mindless things until Yukino told Kanade that as expected she likes Kanade~ Kanade was like, you're such a meanie, Yuki-chan, surely. Kanade went on mumbling before going 'I like Yuki-chan most or something like that, so good night already!' Yukino giggled and agreed.
As for Sakuya, like the stalker she was, she camped outside the twins' room with the rest of the occupants at the hallway staring with sweat-drops on their heads lol. Sakuya couldn't stop herself from pressing the doorbell and disrupting the twins' peaceful time lol. The episode ended with Kanade going, 'You know...'
OH MY! I didn't expect that ... kiss is it even considered as one!? Judging from Yukino's blushes, I'll say that kiss is plausible! LOL. *imagines Kanade going 'OMPH' over Yukino's lips* SOMEONE SHOULD DO A FANART OF A CLOSE-UP!!!!
Oh yes, there's an episode 8 in the volume 2 DVD ... I can't wait for it!? xDD *feeling rather giddy over the sugar rush and loss of blood*
[Signing off @ 11:59 PM]
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Friday, May 8, 2009
Candy☆Boy Ep7 Out On Niconico!
[Posted @ 12:43 AM]
=OOO Watch Candy☆Boy Ep7 on Niconico NAO!!! It's 20 mins! \O/ Yay!
[Signing off @ 12:44 AM]
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