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Sunday, May 3, 2009
Candy☆Boy Ep7 Finale [Maybe!?] Out On 8 May 2009
Edited on 3 May 2009;
[Posted @ 5:33 PM]
Evil. Pure Evil. They knew I was going to BUY both the DVDs. EVIL. ALL OF THEM. EVIL!
![Candy☆Boy Ep7 Finale [Maybe!?] Out On 8 May 2009.](
The covers for Candy☆Boy Volume 2 DVD are out, we have the 'Lovely' version and the 'Friendly' version. You know, those darn DVDs ain't cheap! :< 6800 yen each ... which is around S$102!!! Two DVDs for S$204 =A= Oh well, hopefully there will be discounts for pre-orders [10-20% will do!] and I will definitely buy BOTH of them xD. I've a few books I want to buy as well hmmm.

So maybe, Episode 7 is not the finale after all huh, *got a feeling that it will be a cliff-hanger* ... Oh I was too engrossed on the Episode 8 that I missed this '「サイン入り奏抱き枕カバー」プレゼント応募券' ......... Wait a moment. Is this what I think it is!? A Kanade Hug Pillow!? Somehow I think it's a ticket or voucher to win an autographed Kanade Hug Pillow ... or something.
Man 24 June ... 52 days moar!
[Signing off @ 6:00 PM]
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Candy☆Boy Ep7 Finale Out On 8 May 2009
[Posted @ 7:20 PM]
I guess this is old news by now ... short update!

Anyways, woots! Off to proofread my essay -.-
[Signing off @ 7:22 PM]
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Answer Is ... Stefanie Sun's World Tour Concert 2009
[Posted @ 6:02 PM]
OZMG! OMFG! *Squeals like a mad fangirl for about 30 minutes*

I've already purchased a ticket (S$168 Seat) through yanziunlimited ... so glad I managed to slot my way in lol. I think the official ticket release is on April 16th, so book your tickets through Sistic Singapore on that day xD.
Oh yeah I have some random rants about the animes I've been watching for the past ... 2 weeks at the bottom of the post =). Please share your comments about it as well xD.
I was just browsing through the forum last night and I was like 'OZMG! CONCERT!' *clicks thread* 'OZMG! Deadline is on 13th April!' I stared at the clock and its around 1.50 AM, Tuesday [Brisbane Time] so it's still 11.50 PM, Monday [Singapore Time], I was like ... =A=!!!! *yelling/screaming/shrieking at Skype VC* Thinking back, it's so funny lol.
Anyways, the first stop for Stefanie Sun's concert is at Taiwan as usual, the best seats selling for NT4800 each =O which is a whooping $214 in Singapore Dollars =A=! Wow. Speaking of Wow lol, I'm so freaking lucky! I thought I was going to miss it lol, but I will still be in Singapore on 11th of July~~~ HAHA Heaven got EYES! HEAVEN IS ON MY SIDE!!! *Chuckles devilishly* Hmm, school starts on 26th July, probably drag it till like 25th before going home or something lol.
Oh man, xD happy happy mood tonight and days to come as I count down to the day of the concert. This will my additional motivation to OWN this semester!
Random anime rants;
Oh, hmm I've watched Queen's Blade... lol yeah and has continued to watch Episode 2 as well ... uh no comments lol. *whispers boobies milk nuking* muahahaha.
Oh, I've watched K-ON! too, AND YOU SHOULD TOO! >:| Currently hooked on the ED, 'Don't Say Lazy' xD 'please don't say you're lazy, datte honto wa crazy~' Love it. Episode 1 made me wanna watch Episode 2 but ... somehow halfway through Episode 2, I was experiencing this flashback of watching the anime Hyakko again =A= ... I felt the story was becoming draggy and *gulp* boring =O but the last part saved the Episode :< It was a close shave.
Ah, also Episode 1 made me wanna go learn the Electric Guitar LOL, I've been thinking of learning to play a guitar since I was uh 16 I think [After my O Level back then]. But I was just plain lazy, got into poly and forgot all about it till now lol. Hmm, must remember to purchase an electric guitar when I get back \O/
Next up, SAKI! Amazingly, despite GONZO's attempts to butcher the anime with Magical Nanoha-like scenes in the OP, I enjoyed Episode 1 and 2 a lot. The Nodoka-Angel reference in Episode 2 was ... tolerable as well lol, somehow it kinda highlights Saki's impression of Nodoka. Hm so yes, I remembered the scene where Nodoka 'slams' her body [andboobs] on her bed in Episode 2 as well =A= I think I cringed. I was like '... Doesn't it hurt!? =A=!!!!' *whispers* I think her boobs are made up of silicon =OO LOL =x.
Hmm, what else ... ah yes, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood~ Episode 1 was a total blast! I enjoyed the OP a lot [It freaking made me cry lol] and the ED was cute. The animation is awesome, hmm interesting how this remake of FMA took no crap from the manga and first anime lol and created its own Episode 1, it's pretty awesome I should say. I've yet to watch Episode 2 yet ... it's in my folder now \O/
Gotta go for dinner, hungry xD.
[Signing off @ 7:35 PM]
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Friday, March 20, 2009
IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 13
[Posted @ 6:57 PM]
Hmm, nothing unusual happened in my life recently, just trying to study, catching up with family (We can always find something to talk about), thinking of what to eat/prepare for lunch every single day, lazing around on my bed, going out for grocery shopping and chatting/voice-chatting with TS members on skype. Yep, nothing unusual.

Huh, I should had made this post on March 13th lol *points @ IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 13' ...*gasp* Friday the 13th =O.
Oh well, I'm being totally random. Been looking up for yuri anime titles to watch this season ... Maria-sama ga Miteru Season 4 is ending soon. TAT Touko-chan~~~~ *Hugs* I'm so looking forward to Ep12 ... and Ep13 [END], hopefully it'll be wonderful conclusion xD.
Of course, I've placed the Box Sets of Marimite Season 2 and Season 3 in my shopping cart already xD, just waiting for a few mangas to come by in May. By then I'll be back in Singapore, ready to watch them all. I've yet to open the Season 1 DVD set yet lol, going on a Marimite marathon when I get back. *Shrugs* It's only for a month ... so I doubt I can do much ... hmmm.
Here's the list of anime titles probably with some GL undertones I'm looking out for this season;
1. Queen's Blade - Rurou no Senshi [クイーンズブレイド 流浪の戦士]
2. Saki [咲-Saki-]
Regarding, Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana, I'm sure you guys knew about it by now that both titles just got the green light for an animation production \O/, there's no official site for Sasameki Koto animation yet.
3. Sasameki Koto [ささめきこと]
4. Aoi Hana [青い花]
Hmm, let's start with 'Queen's Blade' ozmg oppai galore haha, I supposed the anime will be different from the manga 'Queen's Blade - Hide & Seek' by Nanzaki Iku?
Hmm, there are some characters in the official site I've never seen before in the manga. Oh well, I'll probably be watching this when it's out xD. The manga seemed to be up to Chapter 8 and Volume 1 of the manga is already out. I'm considering adding it in my shopping cart ... Should I, or should I not?
Next, Saki, lol have anyone of you watched the PV for it yet? It's so wtf half-way through it lol. It started out, ohh sweet, a flashback, oh school girls, panty flashes, ohhh misleading the rain scene, ohh mahjong and then WTH magical schoolgirl-like transformation scenes!?, Nanoha-like battle scenes!? and no, oh it's just a game of mahjong LOL. Go watch it if you don't believe me xD.
Alrighty, next, Sasameki Koto, *pumps fist in the air* I hope the animation will be awesome xD, go read the manga which is currently scanlated by Dynasty Scans first, for now it's kinda draggy, filter-like and 'WTHWHYDONTHEYJUSTFREAKINGCONFESSTOEACHOTHERALREADY' in a way. But yeah it's awesome lol.
Ah, Aoi Hana, I'm kinda confused by the story but it's great to see a GL title being animated =). The relationships seem complicated compared to Sasameki Koto or Girlfriends since we know the two main leads like each other but they just won't give in =A=. In Aoi Hana, I think it's more than just that, *shrugs* I'm really just confused lol.
To speak the truth, I'm surprised that Aoi Hana got animated, I'm not sure how popular Aoi Hana is in Japan but ... compared to Hayate x Blade or Girlfriends [Or I'm just bitter lol] ... Aoi Hana has a relatively smaller fan base? Well, that's how I think anyways.
What else? Octave to to animated next!? *Squeals* I will be totally excited at the prospect of one of TS's projects being animated haha xD. I mean Hyakko was being animated already [And it's a pretty good successful I should add].
There're news that To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou [A Certain Scientific Railgun] will be animated.
I've read Chapter 1 and it seems rather promising with the bath scene grope lol but *shrugs* it might be action-packed in later volumes. I'm downloading the chapters right now so ... see how it goes xD.
This looks pretty interesting too, Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~ [うみものがたり ~あなたがいてくれたコト~].
Click here, scroll down and press play to watch the PV. The animation looks gorgeous and more info on the story here.
Whoa, this sure is a long post lol, last but not least;
Yukino and Kanade from Candy☆Boy figurines TAT I want them~~~ lol. Guess that's all I have tonight, see ya on the next update.
[Signing off @ 10:00 PM]
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Saturday, March 7, 2009
[ONA] Candy仚Boy Ep6
[Posted @ 1:30 PM]
This was my reaction when I logged in to NicoNico expecting to watch Candy仚Boy Ep6 yesterday.

Huh, guess we have to wait till March 13th ... NOT, HAHA Mandarin subs to the rescue!
Hmm, quite a serious episode towards the end there. 'A future that is not too far from us.'
Episode 6 continued from where Episode 5 has left off - Kanade handing up her art/sketch assignment to her teacher after re-doing it while Yukino's waiting outside the room with a cup of hot liquid. Kanade told Yukino that she was lectured by the teacher who bitterly commented that she's worried of Kanade's future. Yukino told Kanade to reflect on her action, saying that because of Kanade's silly ways that they're unable to enjoy their holiday week and in addition, Kanade almost had to repeat a grade. Kanade was like 'I've already aplogized ._.' Yukino continued telling Kanade to be careful as she often lacks planning ahead and might go the wrong way. Kanade replied that Yukino too and brought up the incident where Yukino borrowed 7000 yen from her last year lol. Speaking of which, Yukino has yet to return back the money too. Yukino looked away and said that it's because of that month was Valentine's Day ... Kanade cut in saying that it's free isn't it, courtesy of Sakuya and Yukino still looks the same even after eating all that fattening chocolate huh.
Yukino tried to make excuses and pick on each other's weaknesses, like Kanade's huge collection of toys, such a waste of money huh. Kanade replied that they're presents from the underclassmen ... A moment of silence. Kanade then admitted that she lied, she bought them herself lol. Yukino nodded and said that it's good to be honest and that she'll return Kanade the money after they get their allowances. Kanade replied that it doesn't really matter, Yukino can return the money anytime she likes. Both of them then smiled at each other xD. Since Kanade had already submitted her assignment, they'll be able to go somewhere next sunday and they had to buy a return gift for Sakuya as well. 'Anywhere else you would like to go?', Kanade asked, Yukino replied that she doesn't have any place she wants, as long as it's with Kana-chan~ Ah yes, Yukino reminded that they have to buy a new noticeboard as well and Kanade said that they could go to the supermarket and buy one tomorrow. Yukino added that then next time they could buy that an egg won't crack even if dropped from the fifth floor new ... Before Yukino could finish her sentence, Kanade pinched her cheeks lol scolding her that she hasn't learn from that huh and it'll be better if Yukino return back the money fast. Yukino was like 'Didn't you say that any time's fine~!? Why!?' Kanade told her, 'Oh that, I lied.' LOL.
The next day, Kanade and Yukino were looking at the brochure of the new dormitory and that a single's room can accommodate two persons. Yukino felt that it's a pity that there's no double-deck beds this time. Sakuya commented that there's no such thing as double-deck beds in dorms anymore and even so it must had been forcefully customised. Looking at the blueprint of the dorm and spotting a whole floor level with only a room number, Kanade questioned Sakuya ... 'Could that be ...?' Sakuya nodded and said that 'That's mine and Kanade-senpai's love nest- I mean, new home, isn't that obvious?' LoL. Sakuya started to daydream, 'Ahh, come spring, Kanade-senpai and I will be able to start a new life together~' Like 'Welcome back, Senpai~ Do you want to bath first? Or do you want me first? And, M-e?~' Kanade was like 'There's something wrong there -.-|||' Etc etc of Sakuya's daydreaming scenarios of her and Kanade 'A drunk Sakuya + King sized bed in the room'. Sakuya even added that she had prepared a single room for Yukino and if she don't mind she can move it too. Besides, Sakuya added that she doesn't mind how people see it lol, with that Sakuya brought up the dorm contract and asked Kanade to stamp her seal on it.
Kanade was like 'Why is my name doing there? I don't understand ...' Besides, Kanade dropped the bomb on Sakuya, saying that she had already submitted her application along with Yukino. Sakuya was like, 'Doesn't the application intake only start tomorrow?' Yukino answered that that's only for newly enrolled students isn't it? As they will only know about their results around this time. Kanade added that besides, they submitted their application a month ago lol. But Sakuya wasn't listening anymore but frozen like a block of ice LOL. Just then the bell rang, it's time for them to go to their classes but Sakuya was still standing there and Kanade had to drag her to her class lol. After school on the train, Yukino was telling Kanade that Sakuya was still at that frozen form [Rather than swimming, more like a floating jellyfish lol] even during their swimming class that she got worried and told Sakuya to go home early lol. Kanade felt a little sorry for Sakuya and wondered why is she feeling guilty even though she did nothing wrong lol. Yukino added that besides, Sakuya will probably be fine by tomorrow and she'll send a new Kanade photo-antidote to her. Kanade was like 'Yu----ki---chan!?' Yukino giggled nervously and said that Shii-chan mailed her, asking when are they coming back for the spring holidays.
Kanade told Yukino that the teacher is holding classes during the spring holidays and if she could, she wants to stay during the holidays and attend the classes. Yukino seemed fine with the idea but they had to tell Shii-chan about it. Kanade was like 'Uh couldn't I get mail her or something.' Yukino was like 'Ka-na-chan!' Kanade went, 'Okay okay.' Meanwhile, Shii-chan was drawing on the whiteboard, wondering when her sisters are coming back, only to get a call from Kanade that they're not coming back. Judging from Shii-chan's lack of response when Kanade called, she's definitely not happy about it. Kanade went on to explain why she has decided to go for school spring classes rather than spend even more money on Arts Lab lessons. When Shii-chan asked if they're not coming back for the whole spring holidays, Kanade hesitantly added that they might come back but ... *Squeaking noises in the background* Shii-chan cancelled whatever plans she had on the whiteboard and wrote a big 'Onee-chans are idiots!' on it instead lol. Shii-chan then offered to tell their father about it, said goodbye and hung up.
Kanade, as dense as ever, didn't realised Shii-chan's disappointment over the phone lol and had expected Shii-chan to whine and complain more about it. Yukino hoped Shii-chan's not forcing herself to conceal her feelings again and proposed that they should find some time go back. Kanade added that even though she's happy, Yukino don't have to stay back for the spring holidays along with her. Yukino said it's okay since she has some club activities and she's retiring from the club in May so it'll be like extra training. Besides, Yukino seemed worried about Kanade's choice of study and that it's better for Kanade to attend preparatory courses [Cram School?] or something. That way, the chances of Kanade getting into the Arts university will be higher. Kanade explained that the school and preparatory school basically teaches the same thing anyways and if she fails to get in, she'll try again next year and work part-time to get into the preparatory school.
Yukino then commented that it will be great if she and Kanade could be together forever. Kanade was like 'What are you talking about? Of course we will be together.' Yukino added that 'To proceed to another grade together. To graduate together. To work together.' But, to submit that work Kanade had on her noticeboard, [The sketch of the Chibi-Kitsune Yukino lol] Yukino can't help but worry for her lol. Kanade was like 'Mou, you're a meanie, you don't have to keep repeating it, right?' Yukino continued that it will be better for Kanade to go for preparatory courses but Kanade was worried about the financial burden they had to take if she should attend. Yukino then offered to work or something to get the money for it so that Kanade can go to preparatory school and together they'll try their best this year. Kanade was stunned by Yukino's offer and she could only say, 'What was that about?' -Cue ED-
Ahhh, guess life's not all play anymore, they have to think of the future especially now that they're graduating from high school soon and go on to University. Yukino finally shines as an Older Sister here lol. Interesting episode I guess.
[Signing off @ 3:09 PM]
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
Candy☆Boy Ep6 Out On 6 March 2009
[Posted @ 5:50 PM]
A short update, remember to watch Candy☆Boy Ep6 on 6 March 2009 via Niconico =w=

Ah I just opened my Candy☆Boy DVD lol and I found some kinda code to this year's Animelo Concert 2009 lol ... Oh well, not like I can use it or something o_o
That's all I guess xD.
[Signing off @ 6:14 PM]
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Sunday, February 1, 2009
Fourth Anniversary of IchigoYuri
[Posted @ 9:28 PM]
Wow. It's been f-o-u-r years, I have my ups and downs but I guess this is pretty good that I lasted this long. I've made wonderful friends online and experienced cool stuff (but somehow I can't list any).

However, I have no motivation to translate, blog or even watch any anime these days ... I've been catching on Maria-sama ga Miteru Season 4 episodes but I just can't bring myself to watch them ... why I wonder. Is this ... a symptom of growing up?
Hmm, I wonder if everything is foreordain ... I'm really moody and emo these days ... due to family matters and despite that I still have to go back and finish my studies at Australia. I won't let anything stop me from graduating there and wearing that 'Square Hat', well unless the airplane I'm on crashes or something haha (Watched too much Air Crash Investigation and Seconds from Disaster).
Anyways, I'll probably continue blogging when I'm back in Australia, somehow I've learned to let everything go, there WILL be heartache and tears at first, but I'll come out stronger than ever, I will make her proud and be a person who lives her life with no regrets. I will fight, fight and fight to keep her going, like what happened in my dream, I'll never let go and never give up until it happened. At least, she will be happy and will never see the tears and blood I suffered from holding on.
Wanted to write a little story but my tears just keep flowing down. Perhaps I'll pen it down and share next time.
[Signing off @ 10:42 PM]
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Sunday, January 18, 2009
[Doropanda Tours] Omote Unlabelled . An Otome Inside by Nanzaki Iku Script
[Posted @ 6:37 PM]
YEAH! The Mandarin version was out last night and I've been spending my sunday afternoon translating it lol. I was doing something amazing I guess XD.
![[Doropanda Tours] Omote Unlabelled . An Otome Inside by Nanzaki Iku.](
Credit: Yamibo
Source Link: [HiME]南崎C75新刊(的草稿Copy本)
Pardon me if there're any mistakes or whatever XD.
'Omote Unlabelled . An Otome Inside' by Nanzaki Iku Script;
Akayuki’s notes:
Omote – Book Cover. As usual, a play of words here in “Omote” and “Otome”, the cover has ShizNat from Mai HiME but the story’s in the Mai Otome Universe setting.
‘A Chaotic Copy Book’ – I’m not sure about this sentence here.
*Shizu Natsu Only Book*
*Omote Unlabelled . An Otome Inside.*
[Arrow] *Title.*
Shizuru: Doropanda Tours.
Natsuki: Year 2008 . Winter!!
*A Chaotic Copy Book.*
- Page 3 -
Shizuru: Well then, Natsuki and Mai-san.
--- I’ll see you at noon break.
Mai: Yes, see you later, Shizuru-san!!
Natsuki: … Please excuse us, Onee-sama.
Mai: However … as I thought, Shizuru-san is a really charismatic woman huh.
--- @Let’s not talk about what her true character is (laughs).@
Natsuki: Aah …
Mai: A feminine appearance with a touch of elegance and that streamline and mature figure?
--- @How nice~@
Natsuki: But …looks can be deceiving.
Natsuki: Her abdominal muscles are reasonably well proportioned.
--- @And her gripping power is inexplicably strong ……@
*A vision that is saying ‘Oh~ you know quite a lot, don’t you?’ (star).*
Natsuki: Aah,
--- N-no …
Natsuki: Just that …
--- I saw it when I was w-washing her back …
*After all, you’re in charge of cleaning her room hm~ (heart).*
*An atmosphere that is saying ‘Stop trying to change the subject and tell me the truth (star)’.*
- Page 4 -
Akayuki’s notes:
Somersault Cloud – ’筋斗雲’ [Kintoun] is a skill which enables Sun Wukong in the novel ‘Journey to the West’ to travel vast distance in a single leap.
Shizuru: @What is this?@
Natsuki: @Can a person sit on it?@
Youko: I casually tried making a ‘Somersault Cloud’~ (heart).
--- @It’s a prototype.@
Shizuru: @To sit on it together with Natsuki …@
--- @Haa Haa@
Natsuki: @Ooh!@
--- @It’s amazing.@
--- @How exciting.@
Youko: Ah.
--- I’ve forgotten to mention something.
Youko: As a matter of fact,
--- Only those people who have ‘Unadulterated mindsets’ are able to sit on it, please be careful ……
Arika: Waa!!
--- What is this!!
*I like this kind of Purple person the most.*
- Page 5 -
Akayuki’s notes:
'ジパング', [Zipangu], Zipang, is actually a name of a country in the Mai Otome world and Tokiha Mai is from Zipang.
Natsuki: Excuse me, Shizuru---
--- Looks like there’s no more soap left.
--- Do we have any stock left?
-Drip drip
*Purple mind*
Shizuru: --- Eh?
--- @Ara, nice view (heart).@
Shizuru: I forgot to replenish, what should I do …
Shizuru: @Ah@
--- How about this, try this out then.
Natsuki: What is that?
Shizuru: Mai-san gave it to me just now.
--- She said it’s a souvenir from Zipang.
--- @Seems like it’s called a ‘Year-End Gift’.@
--- @Here.@
Natsuki: ?
--- From Mai?
- Page 6 -
Akayuki’s notes:
'ニオイスミレ', [匂い菫/Nioi Sumire], Viola Odorata is a species of the genus Viola and it is also commonly known as Sweet Violet.
Natsuki: … Somehow the colour of this soap looks amazing.
--- @Deep purple.@
Natsuki: It smells really good though.
Shizuru: The people there called it ‘Nioi Sumire’ in their dialect which means fragrant flower.
Natsuki: ‘Nioi Sumire’?
Shizuru: Yes.
Shizuru: The main point is that …
--- the flowering term is ---
Shizuru: ‘Viola’.
--- The meanings are the same for both names.
Shizuru: @It’s useless …@
--- @I can’t hold on any longer.@
Natsuki: @Ah …@
- Page 7 -
Akayuki’s notes:
Baka – Stupid/Idiot.
Chu – Kiss.
“Your (You) body and heart will be dyed in the smell and (colour) of Viola, Yo!!” – A play of words in the word ‘色’ (colour), it could mean ‘色’ as in colour or ‘色’ as in lust so Shizuru’s picking on Mai saying thumbs up on Natsuki been drenched in the smell and lust of Viola (Shizuru) LOL.
Natsuki: W-wait …
--- Baka …
-Nchu--- (heart)
Natsuki: Your clothes will get wet--- …
Shizuru: It doesn’t matter~
Shizuru: By the way,
--- on Mai-san’s card.
*Your (You) body and heart will be
--- dyed in the smell and (colour) of Viola, Yo!!*
Shizuru: That’s what she wrote (heart).
Natsuki: … Looks like I’ve got to have a little chat with her on where to draw the line.
--- @For the sake of my waist.@
Natsuki: But, to use this to wash my body,
--- feels like it will really dye me in purple colour.
--- @In any meanings of ‘colour’…@
Shizuru: That sounds good …
Shizuru: But, is it no good by adding me into the equation?
Natsuki: It’s not that … that it’s not good.
@It’s not good for you to wait for me in your drenched clothes, you will feel uncomfortable too, right.@
Shizuru: Well then, let me help you wash every single part of your body (heart).
@I will definitely dye you beautifully!!@
Natsuki: … I knew you would say that …
- Page 8 -
Akayuki’s notes:
Nekokami Yama – [Cat God Mountain] A location in Mai Otome Universe, used to be Black Valley but was renamed in Mai Otome Zwei.
Natsuki: Um …
--- I can help you wash your back too?
Natsuki: It’s been a while …
*Which reminds me*
Shizuru: @Fufu@
--- It feels like we’re back in our school days (heart).
Natsuki: …Your expression is slacking too much, Shizuru.
Shizuru: Ara, you’re not calling me ‘Onee-sama’?
--- Na-tsu-ki-sa-n.
Natsuki: Yes, yes.
--- Onee-sama, Onee-sama.
*It was said that the sense of smell
--- has a direct link with a person’s memory.*
-Splash …
*Everything flowed as per to Mai’s expectations.*
*Honestly speaking, it’s not amusing at all.*
Natsuki: Probably…from now onwards
--- whenever I catch a whiff of this fragrance.
Shizuru: @Natsuki and I smell so good--- (heart)@
Natsuki: I will remember all of …
--- this.
--- @Like this kind of situation or the other kind.@
@In high-spirits.@
*Meanwhile at Nekokami Yama*
Mai: … If I call this ‘Viola Soap’ I wonder if I can sell it to the fans of Shizuru-san.
--- @This.@
Mai: @Maybe I should try selling it in the black market first.@
*Such strong commercial spirit!@
- Page 9 -
Akayuki’s notes:
A brief yet not so brief summary of author’s notes.
*Frankly, I’m really sorry.*
--- By Doropanda Tours, Nanzaki Iku.
Contact Address:
I don’t know what possessed me, many things happened during December and I can’t seem to accomplish anything … I have no idea why it then became this kind of book, for that, I’m sorry. The copy for Summer Comi is also not the complete version … I will think of a solution in the next year (sweats). Can’t get myself to do up a book with solid contents, it is also due to me being in the slumps … (Cries). To all who have been patiently waiting (If there are any), I’m really sorry. (Panda Crying) Uwawa …again and again. Just to let you know, I still like ShizNatsu a lot … T-then why am I sketching Yomi!? This season, I was hooked by Ga-Rei -Zero- (Bitter Laughter) ... I-I will be better in the next year!!
I wish everyone a happy new year~~~
-END of Script-
Well, many things are on my mind right now ... but I've got to relax once in a while ... sometimes I wish I had returned back faster or in June, perhaps this matter could had been avoided or ... lessen. Oh well.
[Signing off @ 7:10 PM]
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
[ONA] Candy™Boy Ep5
[Posted @ 12:06 AM]
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hopefully, it will be a great and wonderful 2009 for everyone out there XD.

Awwww, I want to have a Kitsune-Yukino in my bed and sucking my finger too lol.
Episode 5 started with Kanade and Yukino snuggling to each other under the umbrella while it's snowing [Like a real couple XD]. Kanade asked Yukino if she's cold, Yukino replied not at all because she feels warm, snuggled to Kanade like that. Yukino asked Kanade back, Kanade replied that to be together with Yuki-chan like that, she feels a sense of happiness. Kanade commented that Yukino feels alright when she wears socks to bed, Yukino whined that her legs feel cold right now. Yukino reckoned that Kanade's warm because of the layers of fluffy fluffy 'meat' Kanade piled up LOL. Later the girls started discussing some senseless sound effect wordings, 'gami gami', ears and Gestalt ... which I have no idea about except Yukino made some profound sounding line about 'I am I, Kana-chan's Kana-chan. But by chance, fate made us together, what a beautiful thing, isn't it?'
Things start to go random from now on, as Yukino suddenly tripped and becomes ... a Chibi-Kitsune [Little Fox] =w=. Chibi-Kitsune Yukino exclaimed that she's hungry lol. Kanade merely commented that Yukino likes foxes, so she's a fox now huh? Chibi-Kitusune Yukino replied that even though she likes foxes but she likes Kana-chan even more! Kanade offered Chibi-Kitsune Yukino some 'ear snacks'? but she don't wanna. Kanade asked Chibi-Kitsune Yukino to buy some cake from the store near the train station. Chibi-Kitsune Yukino replied that Kana-chan had told her not to go with strangers, isn't it? Kanade was like yes, you're right, it's dangerous, so be carefuk okay? LoL. Kanade then asked what Chibi-Kitsune Yukino wants to eat. Chibi-Kitsune Yukino thinks for a while, grabbed Kanade's finger and chew-sucked it lol. Kanade smiled and asked if it's yummy? Chibi-Kitsune Yukino nodded. Chibi-Kitsune Yukino suddenly release the finger with a pop sound and asked randomly whether if Kanade studied her test properly? LOL. Kanade then woke up with a start, everything which happened above was just a dream.
But when Kanade opened her eyes and saw ... Yukino sucking her finger, she was like, I see ... lol this kinda explains that weird Chibi-Kitsune Yukino dream? XD. That morning, Kanade probably told Yukino about her dream, Yukino laughed and said it's probably because of the new PJs she bought. Kanade added that Yukino sucking her finger in real-life added on to the weird dream too. Kanade lamented that the first part of the dream was getting good too lol. Kanade thinks it's embarrassing and refused to tell Yukino about the first part. Yukino pouted and called Kana-chan stingy. Kanade changed the subject and asked Yukino why she wants to eat 'G-gamma' after she pulled her finger out of Yukino's mouth. Yukino tried to deny it but was surprised to see Kanade with the video of her whining for 'G-gamma' or something LOL. Yukino was like Ahhh, delete it delete it!!! LOL. Kanade of course refused to delete it, so Yukino threatened to give photos of Kanade's embarrassing moments to Sakuya. Kanade was like, 'Isn't that blackmail!?' lol and asked when did she snap those photos. Yukino replied that it's a secret. As the sisters were fooling around, the dorm rep [I think] opened the door to take roll call and saw them in a compromising position LOL. The dorm rep was like 'Alright, the Bakappuru are here.' Bakappuru/ƒoƒJƒbƒvƒ‹ kinda means Idiot/Stupid couple is a Japanese slang for a couple who show their affections/love for each other in front of others.
After that, the sisters starts to do their homework and Kanade asked Yukino for help in her 2nd Language homework lol. Kanade wanted to at least be in one same class with Yukino so she took up a 2nd Language. As they were chatted, Sakuya sneaked up to them with her new cellphone and took pictures I think. Kanade was like 'I should really capture you huh ...' Sakuya got up and said that Kanade's awesome because she heard that Kanade pushed Yukino down in the middle of the night, forcefully made her to play 'Come on, lick it' game LOL and Sakuya was envious about it. Kanade was like, 'I didn't do that -.-|||' Yukino tried to run away by excusing herself to the toilet but Kanade pulled her back as she tried to deny whatever Sakuya heard. Sakuya went on to ramble that she will do it until Kanade's satisfied, to please let her do it and that it doesn't bother her what anyone thinks of it. Besides, there's a sense of 'Moe' excitement feeling if someone sees it LOL. 'Today's snack will be Kanade-senpai's ... ~'. Kanade couldn't take it anymore, got Sakuya's attention and threw the packet of strawberry milk far away. Sakuya was like, Wahhh Kanade-senpai's packet of strawberry milk and chased after it. As Sakuya went to chase after it, Kanade pinched Yukino's cheeks and asked to have a little chat with her in the toilet.
After school, Kanade told Yukino to go back first as she has something to buy. At first, Kanade didn't want to tell Yukino but later told Yukino that she's going to buy chocolates to give Yukino for Valentine's Day. Kanade continued that she's giving it to Yukino for her to use it as a Honmei Chocolate [Chocolates which you give to your serious love]. [=A= ... what? It's not for her!?] Kanade wanted to keep it as a surprise for Yukino ... Yukino tapped her head against Kanade and thanked her. In their rooms, Kanade asked what they're going to do about the chocolates, buy them together on Valentine's Day? Yukino suggested that they go on a date too and that she has some place in mind. Kanade was hesitant because she got an assignment to do 50 sketches to pass up next week and she has tests on the up-coming weeks. Kanade then asked Yukino to be her model because she's used to drawing Yukino so it'll be faster and she'll be able to make the date on 14th.
On the 14th, Kanade got a mail from Shii-chan, saying that she got the chocolates the twins sent her. Kanade got worried, thinking why is Shii-chan still at home, did she ... Yukino replied that Shii-chan's still having her holidays. Meanwhile, Sakuya came to school with a huge package, her gift for Kanade-senpai lol. Kanade's feeling perplexed about it, thinking that Sakuya will probably just give a small box of chocolate and asked her to go out with her. Yukino offered to help out, saying that she got a secret weapon to appease Sakuya. True to Yukino's words, Sakuya accepted the bag claimed to be a secret weapon by Yukino and left in tears telling Kanade to take care and to get well soon lol. Seemed like Yukino told Sakuya that Kanade had a high fever of 37‹C from studying too hard for the tests. As a token of appreciation, Yukino gave Sakuya a box of chocolates and a gift. Kanade asked what kind of gift, Yukino replied that it's some kind of thing which benefits the earth? LOL.
The sisters went to a fancy hotel to have a place of exquisite chocolate meal, kindly sponsored by Sakuya [Remember the voucher Sakuya gave to Yukino? Yep, that's it]. Kanade pinched Yukino for exchanging photos of her to get the voucher, Yukino said that because Kanade wanted to try the chocolate here so she asked Sakuya to get the voucher. When Kanade asked where's Yukino's portion, Yukino replied that Sakuya thought that only Yukino's going to use it so she only gave one. Kanade offered to share half of it. Yukino didn't want to, saying it's for Kanade, stuck one of her fingers, scooping some of the chocolate and offered it to Kanade.
Kanade: 'Oi, hey!'
Kanade: 'Um.'
Yukino: 'Okay, come on, Kana-chan, ahh~.'
Kanade: 'W-wait, what are you trying to do, Yuki-chan?'
Yukino: 'If I do this, you will eat it, right?'
-hesitates -
Yukino: 'Hm~.'
Yukino: 'How is it, Kana-chan?'
Yukino: 'Is it yummy?'
Kanade: 'Hm.'
Kanade: 'Un, very yummy.'
Yukino: 'That's wonderful. Do you want another mouthful?'
Kanade: 'I want.'
Yukino then suggested that they go to a chapel after their meal. Meanwhile, Sakuya's feeling a little lonely that she won't be able to spend Valentine's Day with Kanade-senpai. Seems like Yukino's 'gift' to Sakuya is Kanade's pillow? LOL but it kinda smelt sour and sweet ... lol, somehow I think it's the dirtied pillow of Yukino in Ep1 of Candy™Boy XD, the pillow which she dropped the egg and it broke on the pillow. *Checks* lol, seems to be the same colour too ... hahaha.
As for Kanade's assignment, the teacher returned the sketch book to Kanade and told her to re-do it LOL. Hence, the week holiday before the tests was cancelled because of the assignment. As Yukino was flipping the sketches in Kanade's book, Yukino said that the theme is 'Real-Life Sketches' isn't it?
Kanade actually went and sketched a Chibi-Kitsune Yukino as her part of her assignment LOL. The teacher even asked if Kanade's alright to do that sort of sketch LOL. Kanade didn't see anything wrong with it, saying that it's cute, it makes her feel like taking it home with her and that she had not dreamt of the Chibi-Kitsune after that. When Kanade started rambling, Yukino asked her if she wants to repeat another grade? Kanade apologized and said that she'll go clear her head LOL. - END of Candy™Boy Ep5 -
Awww, it's such a cute episode lol, with the random dream, a Chibi-Kitsune Yukino, misleading chocolate sucking scene .... ozmg lol. I better get to bed before this goes outta hand.
[Signing off @ 2:16 AM]
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
[ONA] Candy™Boy Ep5 Out On NicoNico
[Posted @ 12:31 AM]
Just realized that Candy™Boy Ep5 Out On NicoNico on 29th December =A=
Seems like you have to pay 315 yen via Credit Card to watch Episode 5 on NicoNico ... Blah. Oh well, I'll just entertain myself by re-watching Ep1-4 on DVD Vol.1 =w=

*Gasps* Have they brought the relationship to the next level in episode 5!?
Meanwhile, enjoy the below screenies of Ep5;
[Warning; Hot Finger Sucking Scenes]
Enjoy. Remember to support the original =w=.
[Signing @ 12:50 AM]
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