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Monday, May 16, 2005
Loveless Ep2
[Posted @ 10:07 PM]
You know i was wondering, i got 14 titles waiting for me to put up everyday, it's pretty tiring and i'm quite outdated in some titles, for example Gundam Seed Destiny, the latest is like Ep30 le and my blog's like up to Ep23 only! 7eps away! So i was thinking of juz blogging 7eps straight so tat i could catch up more or less and push back the finished titles. But first let's catch up on the new titles first k? Here's Loveless Ep2 screenshots.
Ok, i typed this out while watching the ep so it's pretty detailed.
Ritsuka is in a doctor's room, talking about stuff then he went home. Later his mum went kinda bonkers and tried to kill Ristuka. But that's not all, his mum tried to kill Ritsuka because Ritsuka is not Ritsuka anymore. [Confused? Me too LoL] Next day, Ritsuka came to school with a bandaged hand. During class, Yuiko apologized for yesterday’s incident, because she mentioned that Ritsuka looks like a different person when he smiled. Then Ritsuka was kinda pissed. [Probably because Ritsuka knew he's not the same person anymore and didn’t want to admit it] Yuiko kept disturbing the class by asking Ritsuka to forgive her.
After school, Yuiko wanna walk home with Ritsuka but Agatsuma Soubi was waiting at the school gate for Ritsuka. LoL, the first thing Soubi said when he saw Ritsuka was 'Ritsuka, I missed you.' Haha, I almost puked out my water. Then Ritsuka gave Soubi the photos they took and Soubi mistook the envelope containing the photos to be a love letter. [Haha] Then Ritsuka asked Soubi to explain the incident that happened yesterday, Soubi told him that those people were the ones who killed Ritsuka’s brother, Seimei and he would kill them for Ritsuka if he told him to, then he ended with a 'I love you.'
Ritsuka ran back to his home, then later in the night, Soubi knocked at his room's window. Then Ritsuka was trying to access some programme on PC Seimei left. He typed 'Beloved' in the first try, but it’s wrong then he tried using his real name, 'Loveless' and went in. He saw the words left by Seimei, that he was murdered by 'The Seven Moons' and left him his fighter, Soubi. Ritsuka realized that Soubi was just following Seimei’s instructions and that includes the 'I love you' phases, hence was pissed. Then Ritsuka told Soubi that loving someone should come from the heart not because Seimei asked him. Soubi didn’t seem to understand and kept repeating that he loved him.
Back at school, Ai and Midori aka 'Breatheless' on orders from 'The Seven Moon' to pick Ritsuka up again. Then Soubi arrived and fought them. Soubi seemed to be losing in the mist of the battle and Ritsuka took the damages for him. [The sacrifice gets the damages in place of the fighter] Soubi then kissed Ritsuka then he had this 'Butterfly-flying-around' [Pretty chessy] power thingy lol, really, then bam, Ai and Midori lost. Soubi kept saying 'I love you' to Ritsuka till Ritsuka was kinda sick of it and broke down. [Say too much and it becomes an insult lor]
Ritsuka's back at the doctor’s room, then Ritsuka asked doctor what it's like to love someone and how they could say 'I love you' so easily. The doctor told Ritsuka that to love someone, firstly, you should love yourself and asked if Ritsuka has someone he likes. Then the doctor told Ritsuka that she likes him, Ritsuka became excited and asked her to take pictures with him.
Ok long summary lol, let me relist my anime blogging list. First, we'll finish up new titles like Loveless followed by Gokujou Seitokai, Tsubasa Chronicle and Ichigo 100%. Old titles with, Gundam Seed Destiny, Naruto, Negima and Tsukuyomi Moon Phase. Finished titles [As in finished in RAW] Jinki : Extend, School Rumble, Gakuen Alice, Mai Hime and Devilman Lady. Ok there are 13 titles mentioned above, so what's the last? It's either i rest or reblog the most outdated title or put up Girls Bravo or best, nothing at all LOL. Which is doubtful. Uh how abt manga special then? Hahaha. It's Anime/Manga afterall.
Ok i'm downloading TRC Ep6~ So time to watch Ichigo 100% Ep5 ... lol i must finish screenshoting the new titles, so cya.
[Signing off @ 10:25 PM]
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
Girls Bravo 2nd Season Ep7
[Posted @ 7:24 PM]
It's boring so i decided to post now lor, besides i'm in the study room again hahahaha, last night we slept in the study room also. It's ok, juz tat i dun sleep till tat late. I slept at 3am then woke up at 10am which is pretty unusual. Here's a special Girls Bravo 2nd Season Ep7 screenshots~
In this ep they are playing some 'Cosplaying Mahjong' sorta hahaha, quite funny la. It's not ur normal Mahjong with sticks, round circles, northsoutheastwest on the titles but things like 'Rub' lol, 'Wearthis', 'Wearthat' i forgot le actually lol. Kosame was like having so much funny as ya can see from da screenshots lol, except last screenshot. LoL. Anyways, quite low on the 'Kirie-sama hugging' ... hm hm. Ok i wanna go watch DEEP BLUE SEA~~~ Hahaha i think i watched it 3 times le ba, one on movie then twice on TV. Keh. But smart sharks are so much fun. I know it started le, but in front is always so boring and i more or less know wat happened in front le hahaha. So i'll go watch when they go underground and got stuck below and the shark goes killing! hahaha. I think 8pm ought to do it heh.
Oh i was reading Sunday Times juz now and the Gen Y section was saying like blogging 'unlawful' things, they can sue u and stuff. Then say the wat safest place to blog is ur Microsoft Words. I was like lol then where's the pleasure of blogging? Blogging is because you want PEOPLE to know ur feelings, not only yourself. That's what make blogging so 'special' rather than keeping a diary. Cos u can type out ur feelings and everyone will know cos they read abt it. Isn't tat fun? Yeah right. Luckily i dun go to politics or racism haha. Moi theme's Animes/Manga heh, so i have proof on whatever i say and whatever i feel cos i read it. watched it and it's all in black and white. I dun like to tok abt politics cos it's not funny to insult, they'll sue till ya pants drop. Racism, nope, i'm very open minded i dun discriminate. Everyone's human. 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears, 1 mouth.
So animes/manga is a pretty safe topic to tok abt as long as i back up my opinions and dun insult the companies and stuff. Well, if they dun do a good job and people complain and they sue the people who complain, how can they improve right? OH YEAH, which reminds me! 6 releases by Chuangyi English Department on 17/04/2005!!! YAY!!! Fushigi Yuugi - Genbu Kaiden #1 is finally out YAY!!!! Guyver's licensed is being re-newed, actually i dun really like guyver's art but the story's ok lor, my bro likes it, so yeah haha i like pretty art haha. Tsubasa #7 yay, so fast #7 is out le, catching up the Japanese/Mandarin version which stops at #9. Love for Venus is finishing up soon, last vol is #12 if i'm not wrong. Heh, 2 more volumes~ Fruits Basket #9!!!~ Ayame on da front cover YAY hahaha he's very wacky, my fave character in Furuba~ I love the way he and Shigure 'love' each other hahaha.
Mirmo Zibang! #3 out too, i didn't really watched the anime, but the anime's art is really nice, quite similar to the manga itself, it's worth the watch but 9am is tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo early for me LOL. I'm lazy la hahaha 11 is fine but 9?! God, no. Hahaha but i used to wake up at 9am to watch One Piece and Digimons lol. Besides subs is not really my cup of tea, hahaa wah there are like 149eps of Mirmo Zibang up to date sia ... 2002 till now, can fight with One Piece ... haha ... It's quite funny the manga, my bro likes it alot too hahaa. I like the humour inside and Mirumo's =O expressions. I think there's alot of seasons in the anime lol can fight with Inuyasha le hahaha, the manga is still on-going at Volume 7 ... Manz, i never thought the anime got 100+eps i thought like maybe only 24eps lol then maybe kids central will rerun on a later time but no, it has to be more than 100+eps!!! LoL.
Hahaha ok cya it's 8pm byez
[Signing off @ 8:02 PM]
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Naruto Ep129/130
[Posted @ 11:30 PM]
Ok short post tonight. Here's Naruto Ep129/130 screenshots.
First of all, Naruto finally caught up with Sasuke yeah, and Sasuke past starts playing, abt his father, his brother, Itachi and beginning of Itachi's madness. Itachi's rebelling against his father ... kinda haha. Then got how Sasuke felt being compared to Itachi all the time and their father always hold Itachi in high regards and Sasuke as nothing or taken for granted until Itachi kinda 'rebelled'. Then we see their father noticing Sasuke for what he is worth. Yeah, tat's all i remembered.
As i said, it's going to be a short post, it's raining + thunder now so i might juz go off anytime ... anyways i went to my aunt's house to see her baby. The baby i mentioned last time, where i suggested we named her Andeline hahaha, my aunt didn't use it, instead she used another name i suggested again hahaha, J something i dunno how to spell le. Then her bro also start with J so double J ahaha. Her chinese name quite difficult to write sia, so many strokes. She's quite cute la. Heh.
Ok i'll watch Naruto Ep134 later, downloading Magister Negi Magi Ep17 and Tsukuyomi Moon Phase Ep17 now. Ok short post, cya i'm tired. Hahaha.
[Signing off @ 11:45 PM]
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Ichigo 100% Ep2
[Posted @ 9:58 PM]
Ok, i'm playing Kannazuki no Miko Ep2 now haha, it's like my background music. I dunno why, i like to keep playing Kannazuki no Miko Eps ... while typing. It's not the first right? Haha, here's Ichigo 100% Ep2 screenshots~
First of all, let me explain why screenshot 1 looks so strange. LoL, cos i accidentally deleted the screenshot once again [It's also not the first time] and i had some smaller pic of it somewhere so ... i juz cut and paste the sides onto it hahahahaa, sorry la ... Ok, basically Ep2 is juz abt Manaka being happy to study with Aya then juz then Tsukasa knows that Manaka is studying with Aya, the top student and wanted them to study together as well. Well, alot of stuff happened. [Mostly to Manaka's advantage, see screenshot 2] Yeah, so later Manaka's friends, Ookusa and Kojima joined in the study gathering and Kojima's [Screenshot 3] love interest changed to Aya haha, after being rejected by Tsukasa. Later Manaka was like telling Aya that it would be great that they go to the same high school [Izumisaka seems to be the only high school to have a film club] and they can create movies together and stuff. Then Aya also applied to go to the same high school, Izumisaka when she actually at first wanna go Oumi Girls School. [It's a high ranking school] Yeah at the Izumisaka high school entrance exams day, Manaka saw the without spects Aya [Kawaii! Very different from the spects Aya] and was distracted thinking useless stuff blah blah like why she chose to take take Izumisaka high school entrance exams when she say she wana go Oumi blah blah. Later, while toking to Manaka, Aya, couldn't take the pressure of wearing contact lenses in her eyes, ran out crying. Manaka thought it's because of him, which is BLEH! LoL. Ah, Tsukasa saw it too and got jealous i supposed. I dunno, i forgot le. Hahaha.
It's great i remembered this much le. Heh. Ok, what did i do today? Basically nothing lol. If not i forgot le argh, haha Oh, i'm downloading Naruto Ep134 and Gokujou Seitokai Ep4~ Woot! I still haven't download Heaven's Prison V1 C8 yet, i can't seem to connect in rizon but other irctoo and irchighway can le lol. So i didn't go dl, so i wait for BT to come out. Lalalala, oh i forgot to say something last night lol. I was watching this show on channel5, called 'Within the rock' i think, i hope i dun get the title wrong hahaa. So damn funny, cos we see at the last few parts and dunno the front parts and stuff. When i watched the show, there were like this 2 guys and 1 girl going around in space suits, so i expect they're in space doing some stuff.
Then later 2 guys were outside like a cave place, trying to start a car and suddenly a browny monster came and growled and stuff, threw one of the guys off the car and went 'Arghhh~~~' and stuff like wat monsters do haha. The monster's ugly, all i could say. [Duh, it's like all monsters' ugly!] Ah then they ran off and stuff. Later they are making this drilling stuff to drill the monster ... i was like poor monster. Then there was this sudden shot of this red planet and i think of Mars. Then i was like tat monster must be a Martian ... then stupid people go up there and kill Martians for fun? Hahaha, then i was like the Martian so poor thing do nothing but stay in Mars then people juz go up there and drill a hole into it hahaha. The way the Martian die also so funny hahaha, the drill went through it and that's not it folks!
The drill went through and blood splat out like someone throwing tomatoes at your faces and splat out against their space suit glasses. Hahaha so funny. It's not juz a few splats of blood but alotttt hahah splat splat here and there, i was like whoa, poor Martian lol. Aiya later we know it's not a Martian la, it's a planet call wat Gallieo's child or watz then it's going to crash earth in its Orbit and stuff then they placed bombs in the planet to change its course so that won't crash the earth. But i can't help but feel sorry for the poor 'Martian' hahaha, innocent party. Kill me and boom my planet, if boom my planet to change course ok le mah, still need to kill meh hahaha. Aiya, but it's funny the way it splat its blood around lol.
Oh yeah, the 'background music' juz finished, it's like KnM Ep3 le, Ep4 starting soon!~ LoL, poor Chikane-chan, at first can't save Himeko from da Oorochis. KnM Ep4~ wooo~, ok i've got to watch Ichigo 100% Ep5, Gundam Seed Destiny Ep29 and Gokujou Seitokai Ep3 tonight! Oh yeah, forgot to say, i'm in the study room, ahaha living room's too fucking hot, i wana air-con! Study room got air-con muahahaha, and my two bros were playing Hidden and Dangerous ... gun shots everywhere and 'Arghhhhh', means death hahaha. So funny. Ok cya it's 10mins in advance. Hahaha cya
[Signing off @ 10:50 PM]
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Gokujou Seitokai Ep1
[Posted @ 10:04 PM]
Whoa must hurry, it's a new title tonight! Gokujou Seitokai Ep1 screenshots coming right up!
Ok, i was distracted for a moment there, but now i'm back! Yes first of all, Miyagami Gakuen has a student council who has alot of power [And i mean ALOT], and they are known as Gokujou Seitokai! First up, the Gokujou Seitokai's President, Jinguji Kanade. Vice-President of the Assault side, Kinjou Nanaho. Vice-President of the Informations side, Ginga Kuon. In the Assault side, we have Hida Sayuri, the Kendo girl. Tsunomoto Rein, the loves-gambling girl. Izumi Kaori, the 'funny' one lol. In the Informations side, we have Katsura Seina, the ever-smiling girl. Kutsugi Kotoha is supposed to be secret but i got her name from anyways LOL. But yeah she is supposed to be secret agent. So most of the time we see Kuon and Seina. Besides that, we have the Driver, Manabe Cindy. Ichikawa Mayura, the accountant. Randou Rino, the secretary. Last but not least, the main character of the whole show, the puppet, PUCCHAN! LOL.
So after introducing to ya the characters, let's go on to Ep1! Randou Rina is a transferred student who came to Miyagami Gakuen on the recommendation of a person called Mr. Poppiet [I forgot the spelling but around there la] LOL. LAME NAME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ok, ehem, forgive me. Yeah she has this weird puppet, called Pucchan from the start of ep1 le. Yeah when she arrived here, she found that her apartment in which she's supposed to stay got burnt down. So she decided to go to Miyagami Gakuen to look for some place to stay. She slept in front of the school gate instead haha. Cos of some ... ehem problems which i forgot lol. Ahhh, the Assault team was trying to catch this person who had been burning houses recently la, then one of the Assault team member, Kaori and Rino kinda kaput together i think and Rino blacked out. I think argh. LoL. Yeah so later, Kaori and Rino became swore enemies, well to Kaori only la. Hahaha cos they are in the same class and Rino was appointed as the class rep instead of Kaori. On top of that, Rino was given the position as the Gokujou Seitokai's secretary. [That explains screenshot4] Sayuri's the one on screenshot5 haha, she's useless with out spects ... which Rino accidentally stepped on. But later, Pucchan saved the day! LoL, he used 'BURNING!' to knocked off the person who was burning the houses. Hahaha. So damn funny, Rino's =O expression hahahaha. Yeah all ends well when Rino awoke to find herself lying on the lap of the student president, Kanade-sama~~ Hahaha..
Actually i dunno why i laughing so much when i watch ep1 lol, cos of Pucchan ba aha, the way he toks and stuff. LoL, so funny. I like humour with straight faces. Like they are telling a joke but they give straight faces hahaa. Really more funny that way. Cos you dunno if they're joking or not hahaha. I like. Another anime title to keep me happy muahahaha. Hey why are the funny titles regarded to Gakuen? LoL Gakuen Alice, School Rumble [Life in a Gakuen], Magister Negi Magi [Also life in a Gakuen] I guess school life sure is fun huh. Poly life sucks. Haha.
I juz read Gekka no Kimi V3 C9 juz now! WOOOOO LOL, Shuu and Hazuki finally. did. it. Hahaa [You shld know wat i mean right? If not, forget it] Hahaha, i mean that couple sure is sweet ahhh, the way the story twist and turn, damn good! Especially when it relates to the Tale of Genji. So ... heart-wrenching, so right, soooo cool! Lol, i like scandals! SCAANNNNDAAALLLS~ Hahaha ok i'm nuts now. Very nuts. 5mins more... ok wat do i need to type what do i need to type ok ok, ok eh yes, uh ... yes i watched Loveless Ep3 juz now and typed up the summary already. Going to watch Ichigo 100% Ep5 later. Lappy ... must hit 2GB! Currently, still downloading GSD Ep29 and MSN Ep16 ... argh why Ep16 so slow. Ok wat else, yes going to dl Heaven's Prison V1 C8 from Animewaves later woo~ Nice art. Actually soso la. and and, yeah nothing more. Cya then!~ Inuyasha time!!
[Signing off @ 10:59 PM]
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Devilman Lady Ep17
[Posted @ 9:24 PM]
First of all i juz wanna post a MSN conversation with SW over here to explain my short posts on wed-fri.
12:47:13 AM | Stop DCing Stupid MSN Juz Cos I Had My IRC On | | | : hey i think i know why my posts are shorter during wed-fri cos i need to rush to watch animes, so i juz type quickly lol
12:48:23 AM | Stop DCing Stupid MSN Juz Cos I Had My IRC On | | | : GOD I JUZ READ A GSD SPOILERS.. sob
12:48:41 AM X~*- @YaMi YoRu@-*~X-> phew~ : ...... dun tell me about it
12:49:02 AM X~*- @YaMi YoRu@-*~X-> phew~ : hm~~ that's an xplanation~
12:49:14 AM | Stop DCing Stupid MSN Juz Cos I Had My IRC On | | | : lol
Hey it's easy to know who i am right lol. Yeah, so on with tonight's screenshots! A long time no see Devilman Lady Ep17!
Ok, let me recall what happened in Ep17 ... hold on while i get a drink. Ok i got distracted juz now, lol i went to watch the tv when my mum called me to see them like introducing Korea's stuff yeah lol. They were showing how to make Kimchi.. woo i like it quite alot. Ah ah ah, yes Devilman Lady Ep17 lol, ok Jun went on her life as usual, as a model, but her expression are getting better, more [evil] lol. Like going to eat you anytime woo. LoL. Then i forgot. Then uh a guy, a beast actually, he killed his mum, plz look at screenshot 3 lol, cos his mum kept nagging and won't stop. Hahaha, MUMS ARE YOU LISTENING TO THIS?! Don't nag your child all the time! They might kill ya!! LoL. Ok fourth screenshot, oh i think Jun was sent to some experimental room, Asuka wasn't there to stop the 'mental torture' of living in an enclosed space so Jun went nuts. I like screenshot 4 alot, reminds me of Ceres from Ayashi no Ceres. LoL. Some jerky guy, i forgot his name from AnC had this poster of Ceres smacked right in the middle of his office haha. Kinda funny. But i like tat pic of Ceres alot alot alot!~ Here's a pic of Ceres.
Yeah, then Jun saw the 'human' poster version of herself then was in great pain and slashed [awww] it. Then she ran out of the do-do room. Then the people attacked her and stuff, later Asuka came back and hugged Jun, Jun cried in Asuka's arms, relaxed and became human again.
Yeah,, so after explaining why wed-fri posts are so short, i won't type much more than this already huh? Hahahaha, it's like only 10pm now ... 1hr more to Inuyasha starts. Hm ok, let's see, yeah i downloaded four scanlations this afternoon via HTTP lol. First up! Kayono smut! Otoko Hime to Mahou no Lamp Story 2, it's abt this female [sexy, long haired, D-cup ... lol] assassin sent to kill this doctor. But the doctor is soooo handsome and kind and blah blah that the assassin fell in love with him ... then her master came to kill the doctor instead and failed and happy ending. Uh, it's ok-ok. The art's nice. Better than last time. Hahaha.
Ok Next! [Tsugi!] Stroke Material - My Fuckin' Lover V1 C3. Ok the title might seem you-know-wat [Hentai la] and stuff, but no! The art inside is rather mild. Can't even compared to Shinjo Mayu's lol! Shinjo Mayu's more explicit sia! Hahaha. So far the story's very humourous, cute and funny! There is this guy, Kaname, who's a greatttt big player before he met this super cool girl, Yumi-sama, the president of the student council it seems. LoL. It's really a sweet and funny title, not you-know-wat at all lol. So stop making tat disgusting face you are making now! Ok, nothing.
Oh there's this new release! Gekka no Kimi V3 C9~ Kayyaah, the art's nice too, the story's nice too! I think i got mention it before somewhere in my previous posts. It's a greatttt title! LoL. No! i go search my archives! LoL FOUND IT! LoL. It's on Monday, January 31, 2005, titled: Confirm die, i tell ya ...
So Juz Click Here
Yeah, so the third scanlation is from Lililicious, i haven't unzip it yet. Later ba. I'm downloading Magister Negi Magi Ep16/17 and Gundam Seed Destiny Ep29 woo. Speed is really damn slow lor. I dunno why sia. I need to watch Loveless Ep3/4 later haha and write up the summary. Lappy no space!~ Hey, i'm writing quite alot today as well. I had this horrible thought juz now, what if some company licensed Ichigo 100%?! Animewaves will not continue it anymore... NOooOOooOOooo. Ok relax. Forget it.
Kayyahh speaking of Ichigo 100%, i read V15 last night, Satsuki is still as daring [and sly] as ever haha. If i'm Manaka, i'll choose Satsuki over Tsukasa, Aya, Yui and Kozue anytime! Hm, actually it's tough to choose between Aya and Satsuki ... but Aya's too ... mild lol, so i'll go for Satsuki in the end. But Manaka seems to be heading to Aya .. but then to Tsukasa .. but then Satsuki .. WAT DA?! LOL! Forget it. Really. I'll choose Satsuki, cos she's a great and out-going girl. Plus i like her smile, juz attracts me heh. The rest, not tat much. Ok enough i'm bored, i have nothing to say. Cya.
[Signing off @ 10:33 PM]
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Mai Hime Ep23
[Posted 10:52 PM]
I better start typing now cos it's Mai Hime day lol. I got tons to say abt Mai Hime i guess XP. Here's Mai Hime Ep23 screenshots!
For a moment i forgot everyone's name except for Shizuru, Natsuki, Mai and Mikoto lol. I was hm, who's tat mummified creature ... OH MIYU! LoL ... then next who's tat girl who headbutted my Shizuru-sama ... OH Haruka! Hahaha, then next who's tat eating mud? Oh Shiho lol. It's been a long time kids! Haha. Ok, ok, i forgot le. LoL, time to see screenshots! Oh got it, Midori was trying to get sleeping Miyu out, and Mikoto was sent by her Ani-ue to stop her. Mikoto failed, Miyu awoke and ran away. Then Midori's defeated, her child died, so MIP also faded away. Back to the exciting part! Haruka, Yukino and Shizuru square off! Natsuki comes along, Shizuru's shocked and asked if Natsuki had heard them and tried to touch Natsuki's cheeks. Natsuki remembering wat she dreamt and Yukino's words, backed off, screaming, 'No!'. Whoa, tat one yell Shizuru broke down completely. Her tears were streaming down but then she looked back at Yukino evilily, and i mean VERY EVILILY lol. She then waved her Naginata at Yukino. Brave [and Stupid lol] Haruka moves Shizuru's Naginata away and ask her to fight one to one or something around there i forgot i'm not sure. LoL.
Hahaha the best part! Shizuru sniggers and summoned her child. 'Kiyohime' WAHHHH SO DAMN COOL! [The cam zoom up to her lips, and 'Kiyohime' kayyyaahh!] Then Kiyohome, [A kinda three-headed snake show up from behind] So cool! Haruka's expression was so funny hahaha, she was like force laughing like , 'Ha-ha..-ha-ha, SO WAT?!' Hahaha. Yukino was like 'Shut up plz!' Natsuki can't sit there and see them fight right, so she tried to stop Shizuru but she's too insane uh i mean too preoccupied. So Natsuki tried to call for Dhuran but nothing happened. Leaving with no choice, Yukino called Diana to protect her MIP, Haruka. Diana attacked Shizuru but was turned into sushi instead. Diana was defeated in a matter of seconds and poof! Haruka's gone! But at least Haruka goes in style lol, she headbutted Shizuru first then threw her student council hand-band to Yukino. Manz, Shizuru looks so out of character here, she was like sniggering after Haruka went poof and said something like poor thing or wat not sure and walked off to kill more himes to protect her Natsuki.
Scene changes to Nagi hugging himself and say 'Scary~~~~' at Shizuru's actions lol! So cute hahaha. Every action of the himes were filmed on TV for Reito to see. Midori's in the hospital and Mai still thinks of the [jerky] Tate. Oh god, i forgot the nun's name, uh Yukariko? Yeah, Yukariko, i dun really like her. Bleh. So yes, Yukariko tries to kill her beloved Ishigami but failed la. Shiho tells [jerky] Tate to meet her in the park while Tate goes shopping and Tate agreed. While walking out of the hospital, Tate saw Natsuki being hurled in and went to visit her. Natsuki woke up and they tok some [useless] stuff abt Mai.
Then [jerky] Tate yelled and ran off. He's off to kill himself it seems. Sorry, i need to control myself. Jerky Tate forgot all abt Shiho and left her stranded in the rain. HE DESERVES TO DIE ASSHOLE! Relax. Ok, back to Mai, Mai goes to the church and Yukariko's child is waiting for her. Natsuki goes back to her appartment, but no, uh Nao is waiting for her. [LoL, i forgot Nao's name too!] And did a S&M game with her. LoL Nao really likes tying Natsuki up. Poor Shiho is still waiting. Mai's getting brainwashed [suckered actually] into her desired world. [Yukariko's child, Vrus's power is the ability to make people see illusions, so Mai is suckered into seeing the world Mai actually desires.] End.
WHOA, long summary there! I covered the whole ep! I think lol. Cos i had the whole ep screenshots with me hahaha. Ok i'm nuts. Ok i'm downloading [Why am i reporting wat i'm downloading everyday?! Dunno.] Hahaha Yeah, same as last night la, then i downloaded Ichigo 100% V15 manga scanlations! Yeah! I haven't read it yet. Manz, ok going to watch TRC Ep4 now, i watched Naruto Ep133 this afternoon. Manz they really slacked off the art lol. Sasuke looks so disgusting in some shots. LoL. I was juz downloading the scans from Shoujomagic from IRC but no! IRC keeps disconnecting and MSN keeps disconnecting too! Then i'm pissed. Cos when my MSN disconnects and IRC disconnects, my bittorent can't download and it slows my downloading process! So i closed IRC for now and wait for HTTP [Hopefully] to come out. Yeah nothing more, cos it keeps disconnecting i didn't do much downloading. Kaoz! Hate it! I read Zettai Kareshi #3 halfway yeah, i haven't even opened the plastic cover of my Love For venus #9 yet. LoL.
Whoa, i juz saw the 2 ending single for Magister Negi Magi's out! [Click! Save as target, open!] I'm still looking for Ichigo 100% TV OP and ED, lol i realized tat the ones i download are not the OP and ED from the TV series, i think it's from the OVA. LoL but i like them very much, so no worries lol. Argh, i'm trying to download the OP and ED of Ichigo 100% TV from a mandarin bittorrent web but download till 83.2% it stopped and no seeds around. God. I hope tomorrow can finish ba. Ha. Besides, it like OP+ED=7MB, so i dun think is the full version. I'll juz have to wait ba. Ok gotta go watch TRC! No space! Hahaha cya
[Signing off @ 11:45 PM]
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Jinki : Extend Ep11
[Posted @ 10:36 PM]
Ok, i was juz moving my mattress, pillow and bolster over to my mum's room. Why? Cos it's so fucking hot! My room's aircon is not working and stupid weather is so hot, i wanna juz die. Hahaha, ok here's Jinki : Extend Ep11 screenshots.
Ok, let's see what happened in Ep11 ... oh yes, everything is revealed in this Ep, [Duh, it's like the second last ep, dun say now when are they gonna say?!] so we know tat the evil villian is called Kokushou, a [little] boy who fell in love with one of the lady doctors. Actually he's juz a perverted little kid who goes around hugging her to get near her breasts. Ok i made tat up to explain screenshot 1 lol. But tat's how i see it la. And one rainy and thundery day, little pervert kid bought back a bouquet of flowers to give to the doctor. Ok her name's Akana! Hahaha, then yeah he saw Akana breaking down, saying she dun wanna lie anymore or something like tat i forgot. Then asked Genta to hug + kiss her. Little pervert kid got mad. Little pervert kid angst. Little pervert kid raped a girl, [Think she's Shizuka] who went to console him. Later little pervert kid is not satisfied, little pervert kid tries to kill Genta. Little pervert kid failed and killed Akana instead.
Ok, Genta is Ryouhei's father, so naturally Akana's Ryouhei's mum. So after killing Akana, little pervert kid is not happy, little pervert kid goes bonkers, tries to make a clone of Akana. In this case, we now know Akao is a clone of Akana. Since little pervert kid raped a girl, which i strongly thinks and confirms is Shizuka who is Aoba's mum, Aoba is considered half sister of Akao, also known as the other half of the devil. Confused? Yeah. Kinda, but it's ok for me. Hahaha. Oh yes, Shiba's a clone too, so when Akao killed Shiba, Shiba's soul goes back to Akao and Akao was reawaken as a fully halfed devil and goes around destorying the city. Anyways Aoba returned from somewhere i forgot, cos she wanna reunite with the other half of the devil and save the world blah blah. In this ep, the hugging between Rui and Aoba is nothing but fan service, it's juz displaying their friendship. Bleh. Whoa, this ep's summary sure is long. LoL.
Ok, i had quite a trip today, since u witnessed me typing here, u are reassured that i came back home SAFELY lol. It's not my spirit typing here, yes i'm sure. LoL. Ok, i reached the MRT station at around 3.15pm lol, sat 64, 5-6 stops, saw Miramah Hotel, turn left, saw SPC Petrol Station, look straight and i saw Gallery Hotel up in front. So i crossed the road, walked up, go down the stairs, walked straight to the service counter, asked where the hell do i collect my teddy, given instructions to turn left and open the door after the escalator and walk straight out, so turn left and open the door after the escalator and walk straight out and saw the Mercy Xchange counter. So i walked in, said my hallos and told the lady there tat i'm here to collect my teddy. She asked if i made any reservations and i said yes. She asked for my name. [My Name] lol, then she went through a list of names then i told her my teddy number, [NUMBER 40! Since i collected it already so i dun have to worry anyone going to steal my bear lol.] She said, ok, saw my name, asked me if i'm paying by cash, i replied yes and gave da S$23 to her, cashed in, placed the teddy in a nice paper bag, cancelled my name in the list, gave me the receipt, said our byes and thanks and off i go. Feeling damn glad. LOL. I'm still staring at the teddy's tag's signature lol.
Whoa, tat's a detailed description of my journey. But tat's not all folks! Hahaha, the route to my way home is not tat simple! I realized i know how to go, but i dunno how to go home! LoL. I dun wanna waste money by flaggin for a taxi so i see the bus routes stuff and sat 186 to Shenton Way. Luckily my attachment was there, and 186 goes by my worksite hahaha, it's weird to see tat HMC Building again. Heh. So yeah i go to Shenton Way, HMC Building, bus stop and sat 167, alight somewhere near my home after an hour [My butt really hurt after long time no sit bus for such long periods lol], nope i didn't go home, i sat 171 to Northpoint, Comic Connection, bought Slam Dunk #24, Zettai Kareshi #3 and last but not least Love For Venus #9!!! YEAH! I'm so happy lol. I bought Energizer MAX Dozen AAA batteries too + newspaper. So i sat 169, alight at my stop and went on home. End of trip.
So i wasted 3-4hrs on my trip today lol. But it was fun. Yeah right. So i juz read Slam Dunk #24 halfway wooo, it's interesting, Rukawa's got a swollen left eye but he's still playing. Sakuragi finally made his first shot after a hellish training! [and it went in] Hahaha. Yeah tat's abt all. I'm kinda tired. Oh i need to watch Ichigo 100% Ep4 and Magister Negi Magi Ep15 later. Lappy no space lol. Stupid downloads so slow nowadays kaoz. I'm still downloading the same old 5 titles, TRC, MSN, Gokujou, Ichigo 100% and Girls Bravo. I dun think i have any manga scanlations to download today. I'm tired to open up my IRC if it's an IRC release. Argh, juz download tomorrow ba haha. Yeah, i'm right, a Kayono [smut!] release on IRC [They always release on IRC de] from Shoujomagic. None i like from Animewaves. None from Lillicious. No news from Otenba. Oh Otenba's scanlating Kannazuki no Miko Manga, latest's chapter 2. But i already read [uh yeah lol] the raws till vol2 chapter7 ... it's been 5 months from the raws and no news. ARGH! WHY?! Then i saw some KnM Doujinshi scans from Kaishaku [Same author from the offical KnM manga] I dunno if it's scans from a doujinshi or from the actual vol2 chapter 8 onwards scans. Sigh, i hope for more news plz!
No news of GANTZ. HEY! I juz saw a Haruka X Michiru doujinshi! LoL. Juz released yesterday. Uh, IRC release again, download tomorrow ba. Ok check Tokyo Toshoukan, refresh, same, no new stuff. Checks mandarin online scanlations webby ... no new chapters of MSN out although raw's out. Hm. Argh i still can't view Chapter 83 and Chapter 84! LoL. Forget it. Uh, i think it's too long a post. So cya, i go watch Ichigo 100% Ep4 and Magister Negi Magi Ep15 le. cyaaaa
Anime Song of Da Day:
Madlax - Madlax by Yuki Kajiura
[Signing off @ 11:40 PM]
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase Ep14
[Posted 11:06 PM]
I was juz searching how the hell to get to Gallery Hotel to get my bear lol. Yeah and i think i roughly know the way ba, if not i can always count on the friendly policemen to help me lol.
[Dials 999, 'Hallo, HELP ME I'M LOST!' LoL]
Here's Tsukuyomi Moon Phase Ep14 screenshots~
I dun really remembered much abt Tsukuyomi Moon Phase Ep14 ... ok from the screenshots, firstly, Hazuki locked her feelings up and becomes Luna the next moment. It's pretty easy to know who is Hazuki and Luna, well Hazuki BITES lol and orders people around. Luna don't. Kinda like split personality lor. Yeah. Then Elfride-san sucked Hazuki's blood and got the day walker ability from Hazuki for a moment. Hazuki is not a normal day walker, but a PERFECT Day Walker lol, [Yes i laughed out loud] Yeah the Kouhei brought Hazuki around, eat ice-cream and stuff. Then Hazuki asked Kouhei why did he treat her so good. Then Kouhei [The Block-Head] said it was out of obligation. Hazuki of course got mad and ran off. I think tat's abt all. Oh yes, sorry abt screenshot 6, i lost the screenshot. Yeah i think it's no big deal. Hey i remembered quite a lot.
Ok, yeah i wrote steps to go and drew up the map, lol i'm really stupid with locations and places. Really. I mean really. LoL. I can walk all day and not find the place i wanna go. Sigh. Last week, i went to Ngee Ann City with Ms T.T to find LC mahz right, then LC's working in Watsons', then i was like, 'Ok ........... So where's Watsons'?' lol The only place i know is probably Kinokuniya. LOL. Wait a moment, i juz realized i didn't check wat time the hotel's opening and closing time lol. God, if i go there and ... i dun wanna even think abt it.
Speaking of Ms T.T and LC, It's MOTHERS' DAY TODAY [TONIGHT] YAY. Yeah i gave my mum da present. She said thank you. Yeah.
Oh, i forgot to mention i received my copy of M.A.G.E 2 days ago lol. Chrno Crusade's Chrno's da cover dude. Yeah it's not bad, then there is this write up on Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, an anime i download a long time ago, watched half way and deleted in a huff. Maybe it's not my cup of tea but the story sucks. SUCKS big time. It's juz my personal opinion k? I dun dig all kinds of animes ok? This is the first anime i hated, let's say i loathed. Juz suprised that this title will pop up in my life when i was juz discussin over in Chuangyi forum how i felt abt this anime. LoL. Whoa, i even listed it in my 'Do Not Watch Animes List' hahaha, it's the first on my list, second is place is Neon Genesis Evangelion Death & Rebirth + Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion Movie. Wat can i say? DEPRESSING and SAD lol. The anime series is wacky enough and no, here comes the rebirth, death and end of eva. God. The art's ok but the story is ... too wacky for my liking.
I'm a naturally so-so ok-ok kinda person, i'm pretty open minded cos i enjoy all sorts of relationships in an anime, shoujo-ai [yuri], shounen-ai [yaoi], straight [no hentai plz] and incest [twincest]. Ok, incest, i'm STILL a little upset over some relationships lol. But hey, love is blind. Yeah watever. LoL. BUT in Kimiga Nozomu Eien, i can't take it when the guy, BAKAyuki lol goes around sleeping with his GF's best friend and his GF is in coma cos BAKAyuki was late for his date! [Ok, so wat if u are picking a present for her, u know wat is a day earlier?] So what if your GF's best friend encouraged you when you were depressed. So? Doesn't mean you have to SLEEP with her to get out of depression right? I watched till Ep3 then i couldn't stand it any fucking more. So i juz scrolled along the rest of the Eps before i deleted the whole series. All i can say, poor Haruka [The supposed GF] and poor Mitsuki [I'm sorry you fell for this kinda guy] Ok end of story b4 i get really mad.
Ok, stupid Gallery Hotel website, it's in flash and i can't get in and i dunno why, so how am i going to know when you open. Argh. I'm very kiasi you know lol. I juz dun wanna waste my trip. MY TIME is very precious ... juz 2 more weeks b4 i'm chained back to NP again. Argh 14 days aint enough!!! NOOOoooOOoooOOooooOooo. God, to the hell with it, i'll juz go there at 2pm lol. Dun open to the hell with you. [which i doubt so]Hmm, i'm in a pretty good writing mood tonight.
Oh, i watched 'The Apprentice' juz now at 10pm. So it's left with Kevin, Sandy, Jen and Kelly. As expected, Kelly went into the final 2. I was hoping for Kevin or Sandy but not Jen. And god, Jen went in. LoL. Yeah so it's fun to see Sandy and Jen argue who is better haha. Reminds me of the time where Andy was sandwiched between those two ladies in heat lol. Hahaha, Sandy lost to Jen cos Jen kept like shooting questions at Sandy and Sandy made attempts to answer them. But, i think Jen's losing hahaha, Kelly's a great leader. I trust him.
Ok, i watched Gokujou Seitokai Ep1/2 this afternoon and screenshot them along with Gundam Seed Destiny Ep28 ... it's such a TOUCHING Ep, lol it had be 28 eps for me to cry. Manz, Captain Todaka, i SALUTE you! As for Gokujou Seitokai, it's funny lol Puuc-chan~ I'm going to watch Ichigo 100% Ep4 later. I'm downloading Ichigo 100% Ep5 and TRC Ep5 along with Gokujou Ep3 and Negima Ep16 ... and later Ep17 after Ep16 is almost done. I dun wanna watch Ep17 when i haven't even downloaded Ep16 lol. Yeah that's abt all. It's a long post. To make up lol. So cya.
Oh, it's been a long time since we had Anime Song of Da Day.
Anime Song of Da Day:
Fushigi Yuugi - Tokimeki No Doukasen by ??
[Signing off @ 11:49 PM]
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Gakuen Alice Ep6
[Posted @ 11:45 PM]
Manz, these days i have no motivation to type more words anymore. I need something to motivate me! Here's Gakuen Alice Ep6 screenshots anyways.
Yeah, this Ep is not about lollipops lol. Mikan is sent to this 'Special' ability class aka Good-For-Nothing class she said. But that class is not as bad as she thought. She met this senpai, Tsubasa, he got a shadow ability, juz like Shikamaru in Naruto. He can control the shadows and ur movements, it's cool. Then he'll write some words on the shadow, like 'Hop around 100 times' and you'll do the hopping 100 times lol. So funny. Yeah the class's pretty cute and gave Mikan the motivation, like have fun all day stuff. Yeah. I want some motivation too!!!! Like strike 4D or wat lol.
Yeah, i juz watch Gokujo Seitokai Ep1, it's quite funny la hahaha, the damn puppet lol and Rino's expressions so cute hahaha. I'm going to Mercy Relief to collect my bear bear on monday yay. Hahaha. Oh Ichigo 100% Ep5's out. I'm going to download it later yeah. I'm still pondering whether to download Trinity Blood or not. It's abt vampires... COOOOOOL! Lol but my lappy can't hold on much longer. I need to buy the hard drive fast. Oh then on monday, i'll go buy my Mangas!! Woooo~ Ok i dunno wat to write anymore and i wanna download a one shot scanlation by Yuu Watase, titled 'I Won't Let You Become A Star' and i juz saw a new release! LOVE MONSTER! V6 CH39!!! YEAH! Off to download! So cya!
[Signing off @ 11:58 PM]
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