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Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hyakko Ep4
[Posted @ 9:00 PM]
XD woots, a combi of Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 XD.

Torako got pushed down by Nene XD. Scoop! Scandal!!! *snap snap snap*
Screenshot these cos the mediaplayer thumbfile function doesn't do this episode justice.
This episode is full of win, the flow is way better now, lol I like the scene where Torako was taunting Tatsuki's 'small serving' of spaghetti and it flashed back to the scene where Tatsuki was preventing Torako from pressing the 'big bowl of combo button' XD. Hmm, ah I also loled at the Ayumi licking ice-cream scene lol [It wasn't in the manga], glad to see that the anime expressed it better and funnier here.
o_o Suzu gropes Ayumi. LOL, I like how Nene's expression was Lupin-ish when she was about to pounce on Torako. Of course, my favourite, Torako's sketch of oni-Tatsuki XD lol, it's just so funny hahaha, especially when Koma did the fold LOL. [I've tried doing it on the Singapore dollar LOL, it's ... totally funny XD.] Torako was like 'Sorry (Laughs).' LOL.
Next episode, Chapter 5 and 7! Ushio appears! And we have a guy in love with one of the girls! Guess who!
[Signing off @ 10:00 PM]
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Candy☆Boy Ep4 Out On 7 November 2008
[Posted @ 8:53 PM]
Hm, I know I'm late and I'm sure you guys know the news already, woots, another episode Candy☆Boy in 2 weeks!
I'm glad that it's airing on 19:00 cos I can totally enjoy myself after my 8am exam paper that morning lol, for dez episode, I will work hard!!! *_* (burning).

Source; candyboy.jp
[Signing off @ 8:54 PM]
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hyakko Ep3
[Posted @ 12:31 PM]
XD woots, a combi of Chapter 4 and Chapter 9 XD.

LOL, with the appearance of Andou Nene, this episode made me lol a few times. Oh yeah, Nene's bi ... and I don't mean BI-cycle XD.
Hopefully this pace will continue for the next few episodes, a chapter in the first 10mins and the next in the second 10mins. I have a feeling that the producers are sick of adding their own filter scenes and went 'Oh, to the hell with it, we'll just have two chapters in one episode.' XD.
Hmmm, I see that the chapter with Torako meeting Ushio have been pushed backwards, probably in a flashback since they've cleverly covered Ushio's face in the 'Torako Skipping Class' scene lol.
>A< bloomers ... Nene proclaimed that when she's Student Council President, she will shorten the girls' skirt by 5cm ... so vote for her now!!!
The robotic [Mecha-Torako] scene's pretty good, I see some attempts of making it ... uh 3D or something. Yi-yiyiyiyiyiyiyi lol.
Episode 4 looks interesting too ... hmm Chapter 3 and CHAPTER 6 LOL, my favourite chapter XD. Hope they kept Torako's sketch of Tatsuki in it, I'm so gonna lmao. Please look forward to it =].
[Signing off @ 1:04 PM]
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hyakko Ep2
[Posted @ 8:16 PM]
o_O lol.

*GASP* The Negima Baka Rangers have taken over Hyakko?
Woots, appearance of Touma! XD ... it's short but ahh, better than nothing. LOL, Torako's such a sucker for punishment >A< !
Hmm, the first part of Episode 2 basically covered the whole of Chapter 2 in the manga but added in their own action in tennis, basketball, tea ceremony, calligraphy, flower arrangement and finally football club ... lol. Anyways, each ended with Torako either smacking Tatsuki in the face or tackling her lol.
Ya know, somehow Suzu reminds me of Mikoto from Mai HiME lol.
WOOT, I can't wait for the next episode, appearance of the Ookami (Wolf) Nene!!! Put on your yuri goggles cos it's when the real fun starts ... well not really lol.
Random rants;
Tired ... just finishd my part for my group assignment and starting on another individual assignment on contract terms and market entry ... hmm. Ah I'm halfway with Chapter 2 of Weise Frau lol ... the editor gave me a kick on my arse by editing Chapter 1 XD. Hopefully, you guys get to read Chapter 1 soon =].
[Signing off @ 8:32 PM]
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Friday, October 10, 2008
IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 9
[Posted @ 3:42 PM]
Hmm, I haven't been updating in a while ... o_o

1. Hyakko Ep2
Just watched Episode 2, some might find the pacing slow and boring, well I think the producers should combine the short chapters in the manga into an episode or something. Other than that, I've nothing but compliments for the background scenes, animation and seiyuus =]. Seriously, I can't help but feel sorry for Tatsuki here, I would had broken all ties with Torako LOL.
2. Vampire Knight Guilty Ep1
Woots, second season, Kaname-sama~~~~!
[Sauces from yamibo.com and Tokyo Toshokan]
1. [Eunos Press] Kona Kaga (Lucky+Star)
2. Candy Boy Doujinshi - Candy Case
1. [AQS] Mahou Sensei Negima Chapter 222
2. [Dynasty] Bakuretsu Tenshi Chapter 8
3. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime S Vol 3 - A Person Who Draws People
4. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime S Vol 3 - Kakera
5. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime S Vol 3 - Konohana Link Chapter 2
6. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime S Vol 3 - Momoiro Toiki
7. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime S Vol 3 - Otome Stay Tune Chapter 3
8. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime S Vol 3 - The Two of Us, Together Under the Sky
9. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime Wildrose Vol 2 - Greenhouse Secret
10. [Dynasty] Yuri Hime Wildrose Vol 2 - Neko ni Naritai
11. [Dynasty-TEA] Sasameki Koto Chapter 2
12. [EMS] Hen Chapter 72
13. [Wings of Yuri] ES Vol 2 - About the Punishment
14. [Wings of Yuri] ES Vol 2 - Long Road
15. [Wings of Yuri] ES Vol 2 - Some Glittering Day
16. [Wings of Yuri] ES Vol 2 - Water Garden
17. [Tranquil Spring] Hyakko Chapter 1
18. [Tranquil Spring] Octave Chapter 1
19. [Kotonoha-Lililicious] Sweet Blue Flowers Chapter 18 & Extra
20. [Aerandria-OB] Private Prince Chapter 15 <- Not Shoujo-ai but it's a nice josei smut manga XD lol.
21. ールコマシァ Vol 12 [Yuri Hime Vol 12]
22. ールコマシァ Vol 13 [Yuri Hime Vol 13]
1. Hyakko ED & BK
Translation for Tranquil Spring;
1. 14 Juicy - Chapter 3 [Translation 2% Done]
2. Weise Frau - Chapter 2 [Translation 2% Done]
3. Passionate Electric Waves - Chapter 2 [END] [PR Done]
--> Yeah, I know I'm slow, but will speed up after my exams >A< !!
Okay, I'm going to go whiny from now on;
Saw a comment somewhere which pisses me off, yeah, Little Little, as quoted '... has no fucking dialogue or textboxes at all ...' and yes we could be distributing raw, but the problem is, we're not a fucking raw provider. Otherwise, thank you for the constructive comment, we will improve on it.
Meanwhile, Chapter 1s for Hyakko and Octave are out. We。ッre always striving to improve our translation quality, if there。ッs something that is missing or just plain awkward, please direct them to TS website or ... well here's fine too if you're lazy XD lol. Comments/criticisms and compliments [Yes especially this] are always welcome =].
Here's a butter cookie [well, bread] for those who likes Little Little as much as I do;
Random rants;
XD, its my birthday today woots. Here's a photo of my pathetic attempt at making a chocolate ice-cream milkshake and a birthday 'feast'.
LOL, pathetic no? Sigh, just two more months. *Rush for 3 more assignments*
[Signing off @ 4:25 PM]
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Friday, October 3, 2008
Hyakko Ep1
[Posted @ 2:16 PM]
As mentioned, Tranquil Spring will be translating Hyakko the manga, it's currently in the QC-ing status and we should be releasing anytime soon. Meanwhile, please watch the anime, it follows the manga quite closely and added some of its own elements to stretch out the minutes and scenes.

LOL mouseover! I can't remember how many times I've repeated that scene, it's just so funny when Torako had this 'ozmg, this feeling of burning pain' expression.
'It's broken, it's broken, aaaagggrrrhhhh, it hurts!!! It hurts woooaaahh!!!'
-Insert sudden random line-
'Oh, be aware of above.'
LOL, random, but ftw opening.
The OP, 'Suppin Rock [スッピンロック]' by Mana Ogawa is pretty catchy, I kinda like it especially at the Torako jumped out of window scene. It's just so smooth, that scene's basically the heart of the manga. Link to offical Hyakko website.
Hmm, I'm really lazy to type out a summary lol, I've still got 4 more assignments to go, so just go watch Ep1 raw or Mandarin sub. Oh well, let me sum it up in one sentence.
Torako, Suzu, Tatsuki and Ayumi got lost in school and this episode is about how they found their way back to their classroom not without ending with Torako delivering a powerful left-handed punch on their homeroom teacher's stomach. -END- LOL.
One thing I've noticed that the background scenes were very well done [both in the anime and the sketches in the ED], I think the production team had hired some professionals to do them up? Man, they were awesome. The animation and character designs were also true to the manga, kinda makes me feel like I'm reading the manga in full-colour and animated lol.
LoL reminds me of Utena. Ahh, I can't wait for the other funny characters to appear ahhh XD. I particularly like the interaction between Torako and Tatsuki [For comedy relief] and later Torako and Touma [Put on your yuri goggles], XD.
Hmm don't forget, Torako and Suzu me [The master and the loyal dog], Torako and Ushio [Gangster combi] and many more perhaps. I'm not particular fond of Ayumi and Hirano Aya's 'hyper' pitch in the anime doesn't help much too lol. Aaanyways, the ED, 'Namida Namida Namida [涙 NAMIDA ナミダ]' by Hirano Aya, it's not bad, good for listening once in a while ... lol 'My lonely heart is my, zour lonely heart.' -Insert confused akayuki-
If you don't watch da anime, Torako will let you have a taste of the fatal 'Left-handed Tora-Power Punch'!
Next episode's about baseball, tennis and ... uh how to dress up like a tree?
[Signing off @ 3:22 PM]
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
[ONA] Candy☆Boy Ep3
[Posted @ 2:00 PM]
Onsen~ Onsen~ Onsen~

Saku-chan's obsessed about going to the onsen [hot spring] with Kanade-senpai lol and as you can see, her imagination is pretty wild. *grins*
Episode started with Sakuya snuggling against Kanade in the two-seated row of the plane as the seats in the economy class is 'closer' lol. Meanwhile, Yukino, on the middle row of the plane, was happily munching on the gift [the banana-flavoured cream puffs] they're supposed to bring home lol. As Kanade's lecturing Yukino for eating the puffs, Sakuya was commenting on Kanade's soft and chubby arms LOL. Kanade immediately blushed and told Sakuya to stop it. Yukino replied that they're going to share the puffs anyways so it doesn't matter. Kanade fumed and pinched Yukino's cheeks, saying that Yukino's going to eat everything anyways. Kanade added that she won't care if Yukino puts on weight like what happened last new year's.
Sakuya told Kanade not to worry as she have already prepared a gift for her family and continued that first she will meet her parents and inform them of her relationship with Kanade-senpai lol. Kaname mumbled, that they're only a senpai-kouhai [senior-junior] relationship .... but of course Sakuya wasn't listening and mentioned about going to the onsen and touching every inch of Kanade-senpai ... heh heh heh *drool* [lol].
Just then, Yukino said that there's no onsen near their place while Kanade grumbled that even there is, there's no way she's going in with Sakuya, it'll be like a lamb in a tiger's den [dangerous]. Sakuya was stunned for a moment, probably didn't believe what Kanade said and went on rambling about onsen, open-aired onsen and started making solo dialogues, 'Saku-chan, your breasts are really huge, lemme touch them.' 'Iya~ Senpai~' and one thing leads to another, heh, heh *nose bleeds* LOL. While Sakuya's busy daydreaming, Kanade apologized to Yukino for everything but Yukino said it's okay, besides *revealing the earring on her left ear*, as long as she has this, she's fine with it. Kanade blushed and smiled. [Awww~]
As they reached their destination, Sakuya's appalled by the rural and dodgy feeling of the place [o_o as expected of an Ojou-sama]. Man, this reminds me of the time I went to my friend's place in Gatton lol, takes me 1+ hour on train to get there and 1+ hour on bus to get to the station [Which was closed -.-||] and there're only 1 taxi in the town lol. Sakuya suggested that they not go to their home and go to an Onsen instead LOL, of course Kanade refused and Sakuya started whining about it. Just then, Shii-chan appeared and threw a snowball at the whining Sakuya's face [lol great aim]. Shii-chan greeted Yukino with a smile but her face apparently fell when she greeted Kanade and glaring at the clutched hands of her twin sisters.
Shii-chan wondered out loud if Kana-neechan did something stupid again leading to that tag-along there. Sakuya replied that she's not 'that' and questioned who's the small squirt. Shii-chan retorted that Sakuya's small too lol. Kanade introduced Shii-chan as their sister, Shizuku and ... *fumbles* she's in First-year Junior School? Shii-chan's not pleased that Kanade forgot her age and mentioned that she heard from Yuki-neechan that she even forgot her birthday a while ago. Yukino looked away from the glaring Kanade, suggesting that they better get going lol. Sakuya whispered to Kanade saying that her sister's impolite ... no really mean lol. Kanade kinda agrees saying that basically Shii-chan's a nice kid but with the exception of Yukino, she's treats everyone like that.
When they finally got to their spacious home, only to find out from Shii-chan that their parents are not at home. Yukino commented that it kinda doesn't feel like coming home, Shii-chan protested that she's here isn't she! A while later, they made themselves comfortable and they presented Sakuya's expensive gift along with the gift the twins had bought. -Insert script-
Kaname: 'Hey, Yuki-chan saa, what is this?'
Yukino: 'Hm, what?'
Kaname: 'No, I wonder why are there only three of these?'
Yukino: 'Ah, one for Father, one for Mother and another for Shii-chan.'
Kaname: 'Ah, oh I see, I see I see hahaha.'
Yukino: 'Hehehe.'
*Pinch Yukino's cheeks*
Kaname: 'What's so funny huh!? What is huh!? Geez.'
Kaname: 'You're like this every time, how about my share huh? Kora kora!'
Shii-chan then got up saying she's going to prepare dinner, Kanade got up to help and went along too. Sakuya then asked Yukino to show her Kanade's room lol. Sakuya started pouncing around the bed 'Fuaaa~ Kanade-senpai's bed~ There's still such a strong sweet smell~ Ah, senpai's chair~! Senpai in a sailor uniform, kawaii~ Yukino-senpai! I want this, I want this!' Yukino's starting to get worried at Sakuya's unstoppable actions and that she might get blamed for this lol.
Meanwhile, Kanade and Shii-chan overheard the thump thump noises upstairs and Kanade wondered if Yukino can handle Sakuya lol. Shii-chan commented that Kana-neechan has started calling Yuki-neechan as Yuki-chan huh ... Shii-chan added that Kanade used to call Yuki-neechan at the time at home. Kanade can't really explain that so Shii-chan suddenly changed the subject asking about school lol. Kanade replied that she wants to get into an Arts University even though it will be difficult and if she still fails after repeating a year, maybe she'll return after that. Shii-chan replied hm, then you'll be returning in two years lol. Kanade was like uuhh, don't say that, it's inauspicious. Shii-chan answered that the painting that Kanade gave her doesn't look alike at all. Kanade was like uuhh -.-|||
Kanade then asked Shii-chan about school and going out with friends or something ... Shii-chan replied that no, it's cold outside. Just then, Yukino entered the kitchen, when Kanade asked where's Sakuya, Yukino replied that she's resting in the guestroom, probably tired. Shii-chan blamed Kanade for using the money and also for forgetting her birthday, adding that she deserves it. Yukino tried to ease the tension asking Shii-chan about school again. Shii-chan said she told Kana-neechan about it already. Kanade replied that Shii-chan doesn't like it when it's cold outside. Yukino then offered to lend her cotton pants to Shii-chan and assured that it's warm and stuff.
Shii-chan suddenly yelled out that it's not that! She doesn't care if the weather's cold or whatever. It's that the relationship between her sisters are always this good, regardless of at home or in school. 'Nee-chan are meanies', she added, 'Nee-chan who will always be together are meanies!' - END of Candy☆Boy Ep3 : The Unattainable Wall -
Ahhh, Shii-chan's jealous XD of the relationship her twin sisters share. I won't be surprised that the twins hadn't told Shii-chan that they're leaving home to study in Tokyo till they got accept and packed lol. Probably that's why she got pissed that her sister hadn't include her in marking out their futures? Highly possible that she felt left out and is kicking a tantrum over it in hope that her sisters will notice and add her in.
Poor Shii-chan, walking alone in the snow ...
LOL@Sakuya, I'm surprised that Yukino actually knocked out Sakuya, tied her up and hid her in the guest room.
[Signing off @ 4:46 PM]
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Friday, September 26, 2008
[ONA] Candy☆Boy Ep3 Out On NicoNico
[Posted @ 8:05 PM]
Its zout!! Shii-chan kawaii~~~

Updates; Aww, a short episode, barely 12 minutes, can't really understand much but Shii-chan's pretty pissed off at Kanade and Yukino for leaving her alone in their hometown. I reckon they used to go to school together but now with the twins studying in Tokyo, Shii-chan's feeling left out. LOL @ Yukino pointing out the leftover custard banana-flavoured cream puffs;
Kaname: 'Hey, Yuki-chan saa, what is this?'
Yukino: 'Hm, what?'
Kaname: 'No, I wonder why are there only three of these?'
Yukino: 'Ah, one for Father, one for Mother and another for Shii-chan.'
Kaname: 'Ah, oh I see, I see I see hahaha.'
Yukino: 'Hehehe.'
*Pinch Yukino's cheeks*
Kaname: 'What's so funny huh!? What is huh!? Geez.'
Kaname: 'You're like this every time, how about my share huh? Kora kora!'
LOL @ Sakuya being tied up with a futon ... o_o
[Signing off @ 8:09 PM]
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
[OVA] Shoujo Sect ~Innocent Lovers~ OVA 2
[Posted @ 8:04 PM]
This was actually out late last night =O, I was surprised and skeptical of the link LOL, I sure don't wanna waste my bandwidth quota on some unrelated stuff o_o.

Japanese Title: 少女セクト 〜Innocent Lovers〜 OVA 2
English Title: Shoujo Sect ~Innocent Lovers~ OVA 2
And yes, it's the real deal lol, yamibo's down so just hang on to this threadline for support XD. As usual, screenies are NSFW/M [Not safe for work] or [Not safe for minors].
I'll not post the direct link here, just go to Tokyo Toshokan and search for shoujo sect [In Japanese]. While waiting, take a look at some good screenies here, [NSFW/M!] getchu.com and milky [It's not up yet, but soon].
Be warn, what you are about to view contains mature themes and it may not be suitable for minors [Those below 18] so if you're weak in the heart, PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED. I will NOT be liable for any damages - be them physical, emotional, or blood loss from viewing. =)
If you agree, please click on the 'SHOW' button to see the link.
OVA 2 covers the simplified versions of Chapter 7 [Uggh, I kinda like the feeding scene!! But they didn't add it in the anime! *droopy ears*], Chapter 8 and 9 in the manga. The animation quality was ... well I don't know, wasn't expecting much but the close-ups were okay.
Man, I love the scene [Chapter 7/8] where Shinobu and Momoko were having a chat at the balcony and Momoko said that she haven't had her first kiss yet. Shinobu flashbacked to the scene when they were young and apparently Momoko had forgotten about their first kiss. Shinobu added that she have not fallen in love yet and confessed to Momoko that she likes her.
Very happy that that scene was animated and sticked pretty much to the manga XD, I like Shinobu's angsty expression LOL.
But Momoko's reaction was really grim in the OVA, she didn't even blush or anything, it's just well ... grim and angst-y [I like] lol. Ramen at a hotel o_o. Man, I don't understand the waiting for lift scene between the sensei [Hayato-sensei] and Momoko -.-||| but I do know that the sensei had the intention of staying overnight at the hotel from start LOL [Instead of her place as in the manga]. The next scene's really short of twincest and senpai [Chapter 9], focusing more on Momoko's feelings for Hayato-sensei and in the end Shinobu actually grabbed Momoko out to the hospital to visit Hayato-sensei =O. [Such selfless act from Shinobu.] ... what the hell's up with the ending credits background song [first part before the offical bgm] LOL, I was stunned for a min or so.
Hmm I remembered seeing some screenshots of OVA 3, don't really remember but I think they had the special chapter in too? Not so sure, but I'm sure they will be covering Chapter 13 lol. Till then, see you on November 25th 2008.
Oh, remember to watch Candy☆Boy Ep3 tomorrow on niconico! OZMG, 小林ゆう/櫻井 雫(さくらいしずく) Kobayashi Yuu [Also Seiyuu for Sakurazaki Setsuna aka Secchan] as Sakurai Shizuku, the little sister of the Sakurai twins XD makes her debut in Episode 3?! Ohh, there's a special interview in the offical site too ... wonder what she's saying *hints hints* XD.
LoL Shii-chan looks cute in that oversized sweater and ... huge sport shoes? Ahhh I wanna hug her~~~~! I wonder if she's wearing her sisters' clothes XD. Can't wait!
[Signing off @ 9:47 PM]
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 8
[Posted @ 3:22 PM]
Candy☆Boy Ep3 out on 26 September 2008, 19:00.
![[ONA] Candy☆Boy Ep3 Out Soon.](http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd35/akayuki11/candyboy/candyboyep3_intro.jpg)
Not much updates as yamibo was down for the past week.
Upcoming Animes;
1. Shoujo Sect ~Innocent Lovers~ OVA Ep2 on 25th September 2008.
DVD Cover 2;
DVD Cover 3;
2. Candy☆Boy Ep3 on 26th September 2008 via NicoNico. [This is safe lol XD.]
3. Hyakko Ep1 on 1st October 2008. [TS is translating the manga for this, so please look forward to it.]
1. Koihime†Musou Ep10
2. Strike Witches Ep11
[Sauces from yamibo.com and Tokyo Toshokan]
1. [Dynasty-Scans] Bakuretsu Tenshi Chapter 8
2. [Dynasty-Scans] Otoboku Chapter 7 [Yes I read traps!]
3. [Tranquil-Spring] Kimi no Kishi (One Shot)
4. [Tranquil-Spring] Mikarun X Chapter 00
5. [Wings of Yuri] GirlxGirlxBoy Chapter 6 and 7 [END] [Happy ending?]
6. [Dynasty-Scans] Yuri Hime S Volume 4 - Kakera
1. Robot Chicken
2. Doomsday
3. Shutter
Translation for Tranquil Spring;
1. 14 Juicy - Chapter 3 [3% Done]
2. Weise Frau - Chapter 2 [3% Done] XD
Random rants;
Hit by I think 3 malwares last week lol [No, I wasn't downloading any ero-games!], I have no idea where it came from, probably from me clicking this REALLY amusing email in my junkmail ... argh. Weird pop-ups WITH AUDIO [THAT STUPID BZZZZZ SOUND] started coming out from nowhere randomly and my RAM memory surged like nobody's business, stalling me a couple of times. Anyways, managed to solve the problem, thanks to the experts in majorgeek forum XD.
Woke up really early today, 6.30am ... XD and managed to finish my IBUS3306 individual assignment by 10am hmhm. Had brekky of tomato, ham, cheese sandwich and a small bowl of cereals. Gotta go print my lecture notes for tomorrow and start reading up on Dyesol, even though I did like 2 weeks ago ... lol. Sigh, I still have to research on my IBUS3306 individual assignment on International Contractual Terms for pork exports to Japan o_O||| Busy busy busy ....
[Signing off @ 4:43 PM]
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