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myOtaku.com: akayuki

Sunday, August 10, 2008

   IchigoYuri TGIF Updates 5
[Posted @ 8:00 PM]
Connection was down. It's finally up now.

Meanwhile, enjoy Candy Boy theme song 'Koi no Katachi'�u���̃J�^�`�vPV by �j���m��. The PV consist of scenes from ONA Ep1 and Ep2.

IchigoYuri TGIF Updates.


1. Koihime��Musou Ep5

I just glanced through the episode looking for 'yummy' scenes lol.

2. Strike Witches Ep5/6

Still dl-ing.

[Sauces from yamibo.com and Tokyo Toshokan]


1. [Lililicious] Maria-sama ga Miteru Chapter 27
2. [Dynasty-Scans] Yuri Hime Vol 2 - Gretel Chapter 2
3. [Anon] Nanzaki Iku - Hide & Seek Chapter 2
4. [Anon] Nanzaki Iku - Hide & Seek Chapter 3
5. [�S����][�S���P Vol.13][�����܂���]噓�‚��G���Q�[�W(謊������)
6. [�S����][�S���PVol.13][�^�J�n�V�}�R]���i���ݒ�

[Sauces from yamibo.com, Lililicious, Dynasty-Scans]

1. Penguin Musume Haato - ED

Translation for Tranquil Spring;
1. 14 Juicy - Chapter 3 [2% Done]
2. Weise Frau - Chapter 2 [2% Done]

Random rants;
Sigh, I'm just tired.

[Signing off @ 9:01 PM]

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