So getting them;
- 失楽園 [Shitsurakuen] #2 and #3
- オクターヴ [Octave] #4
- 百合姫Wildrose [Yurihime Wildrose] #5
- ラブフラッグ★Girls!! [Love Flag Girls!!]
Shitsurakuen is getting confusing yet interesting each chapter, the latest scanlation by Mako-Scans was awesome! Yet another lady in Sora's harem ;D 4 down, 2 to go ... hmm and Tsuki too xD The plot might revolve around sexism, portrays the XY chromosomes as evil, controlling and crazy bunch and the XX chromosomes as meek and submissive weaklings however, I don't really care as long Sora gets her harem so read this with a open mind =3
Octave, hmm seriously speaking I've stopped catching up on Octave scanlations since last year =P cos raws were not around and I have better manga out there to catch up on. We must be doing something right because the yuri world has an awesome scanner who started to purchase and scan yuri manga for all [including the lagging Octave scans]. Check out Tranquil Spring [TS] for the latest chapters of Octave =D
Yurihime Wildrose #5, \O/ not too long ago I read #4 and #5's out already hmm, the cover is getting more scandalous with each volume lol xD, hope this pass the whatever MDA when I ship it over. Lililicious and Dynasty Scans [DS] have both scanlated some of the works in it, personally I liked the one by Tanaka Rin [A new contributor]. Love Flag Girls!! by Takahashi Itsumi, the same mangaka who did Itoshi wo Tome and 2 works in Yurhime Wildrose #3 and #4 respectively. Got this just because it was rated a 5.5 at yuri_amagasa haha. Besides, the cover looks delicious *_*
Newly released;
- 少女ホリック [Shoujo Holic]
- キミ恋リミット [Kimi Koi Limit]
- スリーピングビューティーの見た夢 [Sleeping Beauty no Mita Yume]
- オレンジイエロー [Orange Yellow] - 水色シネマ [Mizuiro Cinema]
Shoujo Holic and Kimi Koi Limit are both featured in Yuri Hime #20 and both of them look pretty interesting. Momono Moto, the mangaka of Kimi Koi Limit has one of his/her work in Yurihime Wildorse #5, titled "Your Love" and was scanlated by Lililicious. A short by cute work, maybe I might give this a try. Shoujo Holic by Aoi Hana [Yeah like Aoi Hana manga lol] has a pretty art style, I've googled for this mangaka's previous works and they're all josei stuff hmm. Yet another in the awesome GL bandwagon?
Sleeping Beauty no Mita Yume by Yotsuhara Furiko is most likely a tankoubon of her various works in Yuri Hime [#13-20] . I like find them sweet, especially Zero Kelvin no Sumire [#14], the one with the vice-president [the one with slanted eyes] and Rokujouhan Shuukai Okure [#18] with the NEET and a high school girl xD.
Mizuiro Cinema and Orange Yellow by Otsu Hiyori are also likely tankoubon of her various works in Yuri Hime. All chapters of Mizuiro Cinema are scanlated by Lililicious, hopefully the tankoubon will have a special omake of Tae and Yui.
Coming soon this June;
- Candy Boy #1
- Sweet Guilty Love Bites
- フィダンツァートのためいき [Just added and lazy to add the image in]
GFFFFFFFF ... btw Chapter 32 is outtttt! Why aren't they getting it on alreadyyy!? lol Instead, Akko's worrying over her future or something like that. Imma kill Morinaga Miruku if she leaves it hanging like that ... THE HORROR! Oh well, *waits for scanlation*.
Candy Boy manga is weird. The art's weird, maybe I'm used to the anime art style and somehow Kaname is getting a little creepy... Anyways, I'm still getting this manga lol.
Both Sweet Guilty Love Bites by Amano Shuninta and フィダンツァートのためいき by Tanaka Rin also featured in Yuri Hime #20, look interesting especially the latter, boosts a private Ojou-sama school setting =o
Pondering hmmm;
- 絶対少女聖域アムネシアン [Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian] #1
- ロイヤル ストレート フラッシュ [Royal Straight Flush] by 王族BAND [Ouzoku BAND]
After Zefiberyl Translations placed Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian on hold, I'm starting to lose confidence in this manga and Kaishaku ... I'll waiting for Kaishaku to finish the series before purchasing it ... or never o_o See how it goes.
Ouzoku BAND - thanks to roro, <3 TRIP STAR xD Maybe gonna wait for them to release an album, a single's too expensive :<

Oh yes, I guess you guys should know by now that Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o 3 - Anata to Koibito Tsunagi [その花びらにくちづけを 「あなたと恋人つなぎ」] the animation will be out on 30 July 2010, that's just two months away! Uh, screenshots of the OVA
here but be warn,
it's NOT SAFE FOR WORK! The art style looks okay ... hmmm. Oh yes, there's a nice, a little NSFW pin-up of Reo and Mai in Yuri Hime S #12, I've grabbed it from yamibo, click
here to save it =D.
Ah, speaking of yamibo, a kind soul has completely scanlated
Sorairo Girlfriend [空色ガールフレンド] by Rikachi in Mandarin, well for those who can't read Mandarin ... too bad but at least you got to read the raws ;D It was cute at first and turned BL in the end lol. Those who are new to yamibo, read
this post on how to register in yamibo.
Phew, tired, it's late, oh yeah, I've updated by my
Manga Collection, if you're interested in what manga I have, feel free to take a look. Righty, see ya.
[Signing off @ 1:37 AM]