And uuhh, I opened my GF Drama CD so I won't be giving that as a prize lol no worries. Will order 2 more if there's a good response =3
Nobara no Mori no Otometachi turned out to be an interesting read, good character twist [kinda] for the supposedly boring, goody-two-shoes Ojou-sama type and I lol-ed at the cute side story in V2 xD Won't wanna spoil you much heh. All I can say 'Poor Izumi' haha. Priced at ¥420, the manga is kinda small compared to Ichijinsha's ¥900 manga, barely 3/4 of the latter's size. Oh, I also got an oldie for ¥1 haha not including shipping charges but it's still okay.
'Himitsu no Hanazono' is probably one of my first few gender bender/cross dressing shoujo-ai manga with a happy [kinda] ending whereas gender doesn't really matter between the two characters and even if Sakuya's a guy, he(she) is a hot one xD. MMmmm reminds me of another Sakuya from Kaikan Phrase. Oh, this is a true gem so I'm happy to own it.

Here's a little incentive.

And another more.
And I'm tired. Nights all! Looking forward to your suggestions and comments!