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Saturday, November 11, 2006
Kasimasi ~Girl Meets Girl~ OVA/Ep13
[Posted @ 4:50 PM]
I'm getting really lazy ... I'm thinking of changing the title of my blog ... hm.
The OP for Kasimasi ~Girl Meets Girl~ OVA is the full version of the anime tv series OP, 'Koi Suru Kokoro' by eufonius. The images were probably recaps from Ep1-Ep12 of the anime, well I'm not sure about that because I didn't watch the anime LOL.
A really brief summary.
A Christmas themed OVA, there's a Christmas party going on in Hazumu's house and Hazumu's dad as usual asked Hazumu to cosplay in a sexy Santa costume ... lol. The door bell rang and Hazumu went to get the door, forgetting she's in the Santa costume, earning a dream fantasy by Asuta. A usual setting as Hazumu hurried out to meet her friends, Asuta, Ayuki and Yasuna to school. However, Tomari's not there. While releasing butterflies in the greenhouse, Ayuki asked if Yasuna's alright with leaving the 'stage' [Meaning the love triangle relationship between Hazumu, Tomari and Yasuna]. Yasuna put on a brave front and said that after rejecting Hazumu in the anime tv series [I think], she told Ayuki that she would be able to walk alone and having Hazumu to be with her will make her too dependent and without Hazumu she would probably fall. [She probably wanted to be dependent and felt that she doesn't need Hazumu more than Tomari does. Damn, this kinda reminded of this anime title which I would NOT be listing out ...] Anyways, Hazumu tried to talk to Tomari and asked her if she's coming to the Christmas party. Tomari just went on with her training and pushed herself too hard. Ayuki encouraged Tomari to tell her feelings to Hazumu herself instead of bottling it in her.
On the day of the Christmas party, Tomari after her part-time work, lazed at home when suddenly, Ayuki appeared in front of her in a Santa costume and told her to go out. It was then known that Yasuna had planned to bring Hazumu and Tomari together by getting Ayuki, Asuta and Jump to create the perfect scene to get them together. Finally, Tomari replied Hazumu's answer by saying that she wants to be Hazumu's bride. Jump appeared, turned them into brides and created a floating church/palace with steps leading to it. Hazumu carried Tomari bridal style and went up to the floating church/palace. Then and there, both of them kissed and sealed their love to each other. Ayuki noticed Yasuna tearing and asked if she needs a lending shoulder. Yasuna smiled and said she's alright as she has two legs to support herself. And thus, the 'married' couple sat on the flying sleigh with the rest and towards the moon. - END -
It's kinda weird to watch an OVA without watching the tv series lol ... it's like running around with a gun without any ammunition. Anyways, I don't know what the anime tv series ended with but i'm happy with this OVA's ending lol. Yay, Hazumu x Tomari ending~!
Similarly, the ED is 'Michishirube' by Yuumao which is the same as the anime tv series. It's quite soothing, it's my first time listening to it.
Art: 6.5/10 [Soso.]
Story: 6.5/10 [Kinda short.]
Characters: 7/10 [Hazumu x Tomari!]
Overall: 6.5/10
![Kasimasi ~Girl Meets Girl~ Second Season!?](
Will there be a Kasimasi ~Girl Meets Girl~ Second Season !??? ... well not sure lol.
Anyways, Otoboku Ep5 coming up soon later. I'm getting way too slack and Negima!? Ep6 tomorrow.
[Signing off @ 5:15 PM]
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