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Sitting in the corner of my circular room.
Member Since
editor, graphic/web designer, writer, illustrator
Real Name
Katrina Alexis (aka: Akemi Kimiya)
Been casted for several plays/musicals, I've been in the newspaper, and I'm typically a good student.
Anime Fan Since
since sailor moon aired on cartoon network O.o I was the biggest fan of that show...
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist and Furuba
To write the next great american novel; become a teacher
Writing, drawing, acting, singing, computer graphics
I'm an okay artist, singer and actress. I'm excellent at writing, and I am a great listener, as well as a talker!
Your Power Color Is Indigo

At Your Highest:
You are on a fast track to success - and others believe in you.
At Your Lowest:
You require a lot of attention and praise.
In Love:
You see people as how you want them to be, not as how they are.
How You're Attractive:
You're dramatic flair makes others see you as mysterious and romantic.
Your Eternal Question:
"Does This Work Into My Future Plans?"
Friday, December 22, 2006
WTF HE CAN'T FLY!; Gift exchange, too!
Alright, so I was hanging with Mario last night and we were watching Rudolph the red nosed reigndeer.
Yeah, so that's no big deal, right? Sounds pretty dull?
That hour was filled with the most hilarious sarcastic comments I have heard or thought up in quite some time.
"Why do they call it a SHINY nose?! I'd be like: What's that BULBOUS PIMPLE doing on my NEWBORDS muzzle!!?"
But the best part had to be towards the very end.
Yeah; You know the Island of Misfit toys?
You know the bird who says he can't fly?
The elf pushes him off the sleigh at the end.
They stared at eachother for like, five seconds, and then the elf PUSHES him OFF!
Anyways, so tonight I was at Mar's again and we decided to exchange gifts since everybody was there!!
Mario got a tshirt, a necklace, car decours, and a model from me.
Lindz got a really pretty necklace from me.
Benny got two ben ten toys from.... Ms Wood who gave them to me to give to him....
Mr Wood got a bottle of hair re-growth pills... (aka: Mike and Ikes!)
And the family got a gift card to Family Video and a movie theatre set with popcorn holders and drink glasses. =D
But their gifts to me were so much better.
That family knows me so well!
Effin aye. I've wanted them for soooo long! =D
And I got a cute little stuffed bear with: ZOMG! A 25 effin dollar gift certificate to DOTS! <3 LOVE IT!!! =D SO GETTING THE SWANKY DRESS AND PRETTY UNDERWEAR I SAW THE OTHER DAY!! =D YES!!!
Then I opened Mario's gift.
It was so beautiful. <33
A small, gold heart necklace... It's just so pretty. So simple. <3
I can wear it with anything. (which is probably the point)
I was so excited about it, I just could have RAPED him. n_n
Thank you soooo much, Mar!! I love it! <3
So, that's my exciting day!
With love,
Katrina Alexis
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
I suck at life.
....rawr. I so suck at life.
I have lost yet another contest. [rolls eyes]
And I am so sick of hearing how I always mess up everything from my mother.
I know she doesn't notice it, but it's critism like that that messes with me.
My gawd.
Other than that, nothing interesting is going on. ._.
I suck at life!
PS. Why do I write in these? No one cares to read them. O_o;;;
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I have finally realised just how happy I have been since monday. It really feels good to be able to breath easy again and to know I can trust someone. I really appreciate the effort they have put forth trying to deal with me and my need for open communication.
Though, I do believe I have become a bit sadder-but-wiser relationship wise. I'm just being very... cautious about everything now a days. I've had too many promises broken, but I do feel as though I can trust this time.
Anyways, we have already started finals for Choir Class. It's so much fun! All we are doing is a creative response for two different songs. As of now we are working on Brahams requeim and I am writing a short story about how it inspired me.
A fairy and an elf fall in love; but the elve's clan is against INTERSPECIAL relationships, so they ban the elf from the forest. The lovers find eachother again, and go to get married, but then the preist STABS THE ELF! HOW MESSED UP! But it's okay! The Elf is healed by the Fairy's tears!!...then the Fairy dies of breast cancer. :(
Yep. I came up with that all on my own. Haha, me and my sedistic mind.
In brighter news, I've collected a ton of interviews for my article; My critical analysis essay should be an easy write and I could not be any more at peace with myself if I tried.
Lots of... stupid things going on at home. Drama that I just don't want to deal with. Mar knows what is going on and thats how I will keep it.
Oh. Fun news!
Tomorrow, I am going to go to Oakland mall to sing a christmas song and appear on TV! :D
How super exciting is that?
SUPER. <333
Well, that's about it. Saw Eragon, Tony and Dennis were there too and had the exact same theatre! Kinda funny!
Excuse the bad grammar. It's way late for me. >> Yucky. Tired.
I want to have Eragon's male ally-towards-the-end's babies.
Thank you. And goodnight.
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Monday, December 11, 2006
Choir Concert
So, my life has been full of drama, but luckily enough it seems to have died out with one simple phone call. Thank you, mother. <3
Sarah seems to have fallen off the edge of the Earth. Not sure if I should believe the rumors saying she is in the hospital, or the ones saying she is in Florida. I'm thinking Florida, because you are not issued into the hospital for a week for a simple case of anemia. O_o
My Choir Concert was last night. It was sooo much fun. Of course Dona Nobis really stunk, but we had only started learning it the week previous and never really went over it enough for the whole class to comprehend it. Even I had trouble picking up on it, and I normally learn my music fast. o.o;;
After performing Dona Nobis with the Band, the choir left so the audience could have a short intermission. Then it was back on stage. With African Gloria. And my solo.
Oh my gosh. If you guys could only see me offstage. I chugged a bottle of water and crunched on a cough drop right before we stepped out of the curtain because my throat gets cloggy. xDD And it was all for nothing, because I didn't get close enough to the microphone. >>;;; Though, Mumma said that she could hear me all the way at the back (softly, and with a strained ear but she COULD hear me) so that must mean I am loud enough without much help from a mic. x.x
That was embarrassing.
Then next was Durme. Lauren messed up on her Soloooo.
As alwayssss...
Sasha sounded fine, except that the mic was really crummy and kept sabotaging her solos.
Then came the finale! :D
Island Noel. We all ran off stage, took our shoes off, put hats on, put leighs on and danced! It was uber fun! :D
To those who went to see the show, did you like it? :3
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Sunday, December 3, 2006
I went to Lindz' recital last night with the Wood family. The shows were amazing, especially the hiphop one! That was just... WONDERFUL. And Lindz' dance for "Show Off" was good, too.
Mar seemed... completely distant and out of it, which must have triggered my mood set to be the same. I swear that boy controls my emotions with the tips of his fingers.
Benny acted up during the whole recital. Kind of got sick of him by the end and forced him to sit down, but it didn't last long. That kid can move.
Lindz just doesn't want to be pleased with compliments. I'm really tired of hearing "SHUT UP! I HATE YOU!" come out of her mouth whenever I say how I like her outfits or that I think she did very well. [rolls her eyes]
And yet, why do I love them? Ah well. Whatever.
I didn't like dinner. The fish was bad. xP Mario ate my fries.. Benny ate my cheese sticks... I just kept getting more tired and more tired as I sat and watched Mrs. Wood chat with people all across our side of the restaurant. It was slightly boring and the fact that I had to sit next to Benny annoyed me to no end. Those were my effin cheese sticks.. I reitterate: Ah well. Whatever. No big deal, I guess.
I was happy when Mar left his car to walk me up the steps to my house to give me a good night kiss and/or hug, but my brother had opened the door and ruined that for me. Thanks Bro. Turns out he was waiting to sneak Donna into the house since he is grounded.
Once. Again. Say it with me now! Ah well. WHATEVER!
A question for j00!
Why do people keep asking me what's wrong?
Do I really look that completely and utterly depressed?
It is seriously very weird to me that I am suddenly getting all this attention... I'm not used to it.
Maybe I just haven't been radiating lollipops and rainbow sprinkles when I walk into every room.
Monday and Tuesday are the musical tryouts. I am totally hyped.
Hoping to land a lead this year... x______X"""
Well, this post has been made due to inability to stay asleep, so... enjoy my insomniac-ness!!!
With love (or something like that),
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