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• 1991-03-07
• Sitting in the corner of my circular room.
Member Since
• 2004-11-26
• editor, graphic/web designer, writer, illustrator
Real Name
• Katrina Alexis (aka: Akemi Kimiya)
• Been casted for several plays/musicals, I've been in the newspaper, and I'm typically a good student.
Anime Fan Since
• since sailor moon aired on cartoon network O.o I was the biggest fan of that show...
Favorite Anime
• Full Metal Alchemist and Furuba
• To write the next great american novel; become a teacher
• Writing, drawing, acting, singing, computer graphics
• I'm an okay artist, singer and actress. I'm excellent at writing, and I am a great listener, as well as a talker!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Choir Concert
So, my life has been full of drama, but luckily enough it seems to have died out with one simple phone call. Thank you, mother. <3
Sarah seems to have fallen off the edge of the Earth. Not sure if I should believe the rumors saying she is in the hospital, or the ones saying she is in Florida. I'm thinking Florida, because you are not issued into the hospital for a week for a simple case of anemia. O_o
My Choir Concert was last night. It was sooo much fun. Of course Dona Nobis really stunk, but we had only started learning it the week previous and never really went over it enough for the whole class to comprehend it. Even I had trouble picking up on it, and I normally learn my music fast. o.o;;
After performing Dona Nobis with the Band, the choir left so the audience could have a short intermission. Then it was back on stage. With African Gloria. And my solo.
Oh my gosh. If you guys could only see me offstage. I chugged a bottle of water and crunched on a cough drop right before we stepped out of the curtain because my throat gets cloggy. xDD And it was all for nothing, because I didn't get close enough to the microphone. >>;;; Though, Mumma said that she could hear me all the way at the back (softly, and with a strained ear but she COULD hear me) so that must mean I am loud enough without much help from a mic. x.x
That was embarrassing.
Then next was Durme. Lauren messed up on her Soloooo.
As alwayssss...
Sasha sounded fine, except that the mic was really crummy and kept sabotaging her solos.
Then came the finale! :D
Island Noel. We all ran off stage, took our shoes off, put hats on, put leighs on and danced! It was uber fun! :D
To those who went to see the show, did you like it? :3
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