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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Quiz Thing
1) Name: Aysel
2) Name Backwards: Lesya
3) Were you named after anyone?: St. Patrick, I think...
4) Does your name mean anything?: It's a Polish name that means noblity
5) Nick Name(s): Cakes, Aysel, Trycja, eirht
6) Screen Name(s): eirht
7) Date Of Birth: June Eighteenth
8) Place of Birth: Poland
9) Nationality: American, Polish
10) Current Location: Some place near Chicago
11) Religion: Unsure
12) Height: 5'4"
13) Shoe Size: Female: 6
14) Hair colour: Currently blonde
15) Eye colour: Green/ Grey/ Yellow in rings
16) What do you look like?: You would have to see me -nods-
17) Innie or Outie?: Innie o_o
18) Righty, Lefty, Ambidextrous: Righteh
19) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Bi
20) Best friends: Pookie, Chichi, Paint, Ellen, Stefanie, Stephanie, Ashley
21) Best friend you trust the most: Ellen and Pookie
22) Best friends {your sex}: Ellen, Pookie, Chichi
23) Best friends of the opposite sex: Jack, Bob, too many to name
24) Best Bud(s): Stop asking these questions
25) Boyfriend : None
26) Crush: Again no one
27) Parent(s): Rafal and Ewa
28) Worst Enemy: None... that I can think of
29) Funniest friend: Pookie
31) Advice Friend: -thinks a bit- None, i'm more of the advice friend
32) Loudest Friend: Ashley
33) Person you cry with: Nobody
34) Any sisters: 2
35) Any brothers: No
36) Any pets: A ferret
37) A Disease: Nope
38) A Pager: noooo
39)A mp3 player/ipod: iPod
40) A laptop: -nods- ^w^
41) Gaming platform ie nintendo/xbox: PS2, Gameboy Advance SP, DS, N64
42) Surround sound: Nooo
43) A Personal phone line: I dunno
44) A Cell phone: Yes
45) A Lava lamp: Yes
46) A Pool or hot tub: Pool, yes
47) A Car: Nope
Describe Your...
48) Personality: Quiet, Kind, at times a little crazy
49) Driving: I don't care for driving
50) Car or one you want: -shrugs-
51) Room: A little messy. Green walls, mostly everything is red or black. I have a chandelier ^w^
52) What�s missing?: The manga I let people borrow
54) Bed: Queen I believe
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Pretty good with my dad. My mom and I seem to brother eachother a little
Do You...
56) Believe in yourself: I guess
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: sure I guess
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yup
60) Get along with your parents: Somewhat
61) Save your e-mail conversations: No
62) Pray: No,,, but I do meditate
63) Believe in reincarnation: Yes
64) Like to make fun of people: Depends, not usually though
65) Like to talk on the phone: No
66) Like to eat?: Depend on which food
67) Like to drive: No
68) Get motion sickness: Kind of
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: Yep
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: no
71) Dream in color: Yes, sometimes
72) Type with your fingers on home row: No
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: No
What Is...?
74) Right next to you: A pair of jeans, a sketchbook, scanner, manga, magazine, printer
75) On the walls of your room: Brick, paint, paintings, masks, two calenders, and a drawing on thw actual wall of a goth lolita
76) On your mouse pad: None
77) Your dream car: None
78) Your dream date: -shrugs-
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: I haven't thought about it
80) Your dream husband/wife: -shrugs-
81) Your bedtime: Whenever
82) Under your bed: Boxes, another sketchbook
83) The single most important question: -shrug-
84) Your bad time of the day: -shrugs- Depends
85) Your worst fear(s): I don't know... speaking to a large crowd in public seems a little nervewracking
86) The weather like: Sun is out, snow on grass
87) The time?: 9:50 AM
88) The date?: Sunday, December 10th
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: nothing really
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: I dunno really o-o
91) Your Theme Song: "Opheliac" Emilie Autumn & "Fear of Dying" Jack off Jill
92) The hardest thing about growing up: I don't know
93) Your funniest experience: I dunno
94) Your scariest moment: *Shrug*
95) The silliest thing you've ever said: -shrugs-
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: Nothing
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): -shrugs-
98) The worst feeling in the world: Sadness, pain, hatred...
99) The best feeling in the world: -shrugs-
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Chinese Zodiac
Chinese Zodiac (girls only, anime pics)
 Ram1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003People born in the Year of Ram are elegant and highly accomplished in the arts. They seem to be, at first glance, better off than those born in the zodiac's other years. But ram year people are often shy, pessimistic, and puzzled about life. They are usually deeply religious, yet timid by nature. Sometimes clumsy in speech, they are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in. Ram people never have to worry about having the best in life for their abilities make money for them, and they are able to enjoy the creature comforts that they like. Ram people are wise, gentle, and compassionate. They are compatible with Rabbits, Pigs, and Horses. Take this quiz!

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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Another Quiz

Sora:: Feels sorry for you. If you weren't with the Organization, he might've considered asking you out.
Riku:: Knows that you need to be stopped, and doesn't care that he thinks you're kind of cute.
Kairi:: Just mentioning your name could make her wet her pants. She's dead afraid of you. ^_^ congratulations!!
Donald & Goofy:: They say you're the best fighter in the Organization and really dangerous.
Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee: They're still pissed because you trashed the Bailey with the Dusks and Assassins, and they weren't able to stop you.
Hayner, Pence, Olette:: Don't know you very well. They're not really involved in this whole "Organization XIII" deal.
Mickey:: Will stop at nothing to destroy you. You nearly destroyed Disney Castle with Axel, Roxas, and Demyx once, and he will never forgive you.
Organization XIII
Roxas:: You were his best friend {along with Axel} in the Organization before he left. He loved you even though he was "emotionless." You were going out for a little while, but then decided you were better off as friends. Roxas really broke up with you because he was leaving the Organization and didn't want to just leave you in the middle of a relationship.
Axel:: Loved you to death, but knew you were Roxas's. Once he realized that he had to go after Roxas, he was "heart-broken" over the fact that you refused go with him even though you loved Roxas, too.
Demyx:: He's afraid of you, but you're buddies. You were thinking about starting a band together and leaving the Organization, but he got called on a mission to Hollow Bastion. You never saw him again after that.
Xemnas:: Loves the fact that you're so bloodthirsty and emotionless.
All the other Organization XIII Members:: Know that you could easily kill all of them if you wanted to, so they keep their distances and try not to piss you off.
Namine:: Isn't afraid of you. She doesn't care if you threaten her, because she knows who you are inside. She knows that you're good deep down, and that you don't like to show it, but you miss having a heart.
~You're a member of Organization XIII.
~You're bloodthirsty and emotionless.
~You dated Roxas before he left the Organization.
~Nearly everyone fears you.
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Your perfect match is
Your name is Xiann.
What the think
Demyx: She is the best!
Roxas: She is good for Demyx, just a crazy as he is
Sora: They are perfect for each other, both a little random
Riku: She's a Nobody, working for the Organization, I thought they couldn't love
Cloud: It's nice.
Axel: God damn it those two just dont SHUTUP!
^^^^^^^Your Story^^^^^^^^
You were sitting on your bed in your new room. You were new to the Organization. They had just been revived. They had the entire amount of Nobody's back, except one. Number XIII, Roxas, The Key of Destiny, he was gone. You were his replacement. You were number XIII, Xiann, The Wizened Ninja. You had been a Nobody for a while now, and with the Organization back, you finally had a place in the universe.
A sound of knocking flooded the room. You stood and went to the door. Number IX was behind the door. He had been part of the tests you had to take. Each of the Organization's members had tested you, the tests varied in style and difficulty. Number Nine's was right in the middle, but it was fun. You were under water. You had to make it to him, through the currents and dangers of the water-nobodies. It had sort of hard, but in the end it had been your favorite test.
You smiled and ushered him into your room. The walls were black, the rug was red, and you had a bed, a sitting area, an armoire, a desk, and a door leading to a bathroom. You led him to the sitting area. You sat on the dark red couch and he sat in the big black chair. You smiled at him.
"Number XIII-"
"Call me Xiann, please." Number nine smiled and continued.
"Xiann, My friends and I wanted to know if you, if you would come and train with us?" You smiled and nodded your head; you had nothing better to do! You both stood, and he opened a portal. When it opened, you were in a white training room. A man with spiky red hair was standing in the middle of the room. He was sparring with a grey-blue haired man. The smaller one disappeared and reappeared behind him. The red haired one turned and burned him.
As you were watching, you realized that Number Nine had inched closer to you.
"Do you want to spar?" Number Nine whispered in your ear. You nodded, and summoned your weapons. Two sets of nun-chuks appeared in your hands. You stood in a guarding stance. Demyx summoned his water-nobodies and sent them after you. You grabbed one and used it to kill the others. Then you charged at him. You spun around and hit him in the leg with one of your weapons. Demyx send a wave at you. You jumped, but it wasn't high enough, you were washed away, and you hit your head on the far wall. You were knocked out.
When you woke up, Demyx's face swam into focus. You smiled and he asked if you were okay. You nodded. He smiled.
~~~~~After a Few Weeks~~~~~
You were training with Demyx, but this time it was hand to hand combat. You kicked at him, and he pushed you. You fell down, having lost your balance. Since you had been blocking Demyx's hands by holding them off, he fell too. He was inches from your face. You pulled up and kissed him. It became more intense and you two were, from that moment on, paired up on all missions and even in your free time. It was love
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
New Jersy
{Music: 'Pizza Day' The Aquabats(this band is crazy, I love 'em ^^)}
{Current Mood: }
{Currently Reading: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd (It's homework, I finished that book, but I didn't annotate -.-}
Yesterday I came back from my trip to New Jersey.It wasn't as great as I hoped it would be -.- The ride to New Jersey is about twelve hours, but we got lost so it took fourteen hours. The hotel we stayed at for the first two nights was really crappy We were planning to go to NYC, but we got lost and by the time we'd get there, we'd be late the wedding we were supposed to go to. The wedding was in Polish, so I didn't understand much of what was happening. During the wedding, some old guy(that my family doesn't even know grabbed
my arm and made my dance with him, I'm pretty should he was drunk. We went to the other hotel, which was much nicer. We went to a beach by my mom's cousin's house. At the beach I got slapped in the face by a big huge wave and almost fell over. -.- Then we went back home... see, nothing too great. -dances- Ta ta
Oh, I couldn't help it... here's a pretty Demyx fan listing I joined

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Manga List and crap like that
{Music: 'Memories' Within Temptation}
{Current Mood: Bored –yawn- and tired}
{Reading: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle and The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd}
{List of things to do over the rest of the summer}
-Homework (no luck with that
-Art for my roleplay page
-Story Section on my roleplay page
-Redecorate my room (-sigh- no luck with that, either
-Reorganize this blog-thingy
-Roleplay some more (It’s just so fun)
-Color that Demyx chibi I drew (I love Demyx ^^)
-Get some use out of out pool
So yea, I’ll be pretty busy, well not really. It feels like there’s only two more weeks of summer vacation. So I feel like I have to hurry and get everything done. But every time I start something, I end up going on the computer and roleplaying or playing Kingdom Hearts or Harvest Moon or even Nintendo ‘64 –sweatdrop- Just recently I dyed my hair, it isn’t purple anymore. Now its blonde, but the tips are reddish, it ended up looking pretty cool. I got bored, so I decided to make a list of all the manga I have. XD Mna, my life is cool.
Manga List:
Broken Angels By Setsuri Tsuzuki (Vol. 1,2)
Kingdom Hearts By Shiro Amano (Vol. 2-4)
X-Kai By Asami Tohjoh (Vol.1)
Under The Glass Moon By Ko Ya-Seong (Volume 1,2)
Shojo Beat Magazine (Vol. 2-4)
Godchild By Kaori Yuki (Vol. 1)
Earthian By Yun Kouga (Vol. 1,2)
Antique Bakery By Fumi Yoshinaga (Vol. 1)
Cosplay Koromo-Chan By Mook
Revolutionary Girl Utena By Chiho Saito (Volume 1-3)
Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland By Clamp (Vol. 1)
Never Give Up By Hiromu Mutou (Volume 1)
Confidential Confessions: Deai By Reiko Momochi (Volume 1)
Hot Gimmick By Miki Aihara (Volume 10)
Othello By Satomi Ikezawa (Volume 6)
The Wallflower By Tomoko Hayakawa (Volume 6)
DOLL By Mitsukazu Mihara (Volume 1)
Her Majesty’s Dog By Mick Takeuchi (Volume 1)
Le Portrait de Petite Cossette By Cossette House/Aniplex (Volume 1)
NANA By Ai Yazawa (Volume 1)
Princess Ai By Misaho Kujiradou (Volume 1)
Fruits Basket BY Natsuki Takaya (Volume 1,2)
ParaKiss By Ai Yazawa (Volume 1)
Love Hina By Ken Akamatsu (Volume 1-3)
Land of Silver Rain By Mira Lee (Volume 1)
Vampire Game By Judai (Volume 1)
Death at Death’s Door By Jill Thompson (Volume 1)
Yotsuba&! By Kiyohiko Azuma (Volume 1-3)
Kamichama Karin By Koge-Donbo (Volume 1)
Category: Freaks By Gokurakuin Sakurako (Volume 1)
Evil’s Return By Hwan Shin (Volume 1)
xXxHolic By Clamp (Volume 1)
Maburaho By Toshihiko Tsukiji (Volume 1)
Tokyo Mew Mew By Mia Ikumi & Reiko Yoshida (Volumes 1,2)
DNAngel By Yukiru Sugisaki (Volume 2)
Di Gi Charat Theater: Leave it to Piyoko! By Hina. (Volume 1}
Sailor Moon StarS By Naoko Takeuchi (Volume 3)
Pita-Ten By Koge-Donbo (Volume 1)
Moon Phase By Keitaro Arima (Volume 1)
Alice 19th By Yu Watase (Volume 1,2)
Chobits By Clamp (Volume 1, 5-7)
Cross By Sumiko Amakawa (Volume 1)
Crescent Moon By Haruko Iida (Volume 1-4)
Tenchi Muyo! Alien Nation By Hitoshi Okuda (Volume 1)
More Starlightto your Heart By Hiro Masuba (Volume 1)
Desert Coral By Wataru Murayama (Volume 1)
PeachFuzz By Lindsay Cibos and Jared Hodges (WTF? Volume 1)
Ranma By Rumiko Takahashi (Volume 1,2, 28-32)
InuYasha By Rumiko Takahashi (Volumes 1-16, 18, 20)
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