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Sunday, June 18, 2006
I have pocky...
{Music: 'Heien no Ato, Ame [Live]' Ayabie}
{Current Mood: rather confused... and I don't know why}
{Working On: Absolutly nothing... maybe I should change the layout on my site}
....but almost all of them are stuck to eachother. What a shame . Other than all that crap, today my birthday, yay! ... it's also father's day ... so my sisters and I made a shirt that says "Scratch my back."
...yes, I did copy and paste this from DeviantArt
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
Random---> Fanlistings---> Artwork & Other
   Artwork & Other I added another drawing, but it kinda suck. I'm working on fixing it up, especially the hands. I still can't draw hands.I'm also working on some other drawings. Other than that, I'm going to the movies with a friend in an hour... I thought I had more to talk about.... I guess not.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Music List Thing
... I too lazy to post anything else up today...
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Age:: Close to 15
Zodiac Sign:: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac:: Ram
Height:: I don't know... but i'm pretty short
Weight:: not sure
Eye Color:: Changes from gray and yeallowish to all green
Hair Color:: purple
Shoe Size:: 6
Jeans Size:: I don't know
Blood Type:: I think A
Siblings:: 2
GPA:: Can't remember
Tattoos:: None
Piercings:: ears
Hobbies:: Drawing, cartooning, daydreaming, reading
* Favorite *
Food:: depends
Movie:: Memoirs of a Geisha(book was better), Phantom of the Opera(book was worst)
Band:: Nightwish, Malice Mizer, Moi Mois Dix, Within Temptation
Song:: I have a lot
Color:: Light Blue, White, and Black
TV Show:: I don't watch TV that much, but probably House or something
Pizza Topping:: Cheese
Subject in School:: Art, English, and Biology(it's so easy)
Political Party:: Moderate... I think
Radio Station:: I don't listen to the radio
Director:: Tim Burton... but I usually don't pay attention to that stuff
Month:: October and June
Season:: Fall and Spring
Day:: Tuesday, Friday
Holiday:: Halloween and Christmas
Soap:: dunno
Weather:: Cloudy, sometimes wit rain
Store:: Borders... I read too much
Flower:: Rose and Lily
* One * Or * The * Other *
Pepsi/Coke:: Green Tea
Underwear/Thong:: Underwear
Book/Movie:: Book
Magazine/Newspaper:: Magazine
Rain/Sun:: Rain
Hot/Cold:: Hot
Fall/Spring:: Fall
Summer/Winter:: summer
Conservative/Liberal:: neither
Eggs/Pancakes:: Eggs
Letter/Email:: E-mail
Play/Movie:: Movie
.....ah, just some pointless crap
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Another poem and some other things
{Music: 'Byakuya(True Light)' Miyamoto Shunichi}
{Current Mood: Surprisingly Happy}
{Working On: Manga, Research Paper -_-, Poems, R-D-V Fan' contest}
On Monday a guy drove into my fence, through my backyard, and into my neighbor's fence almost crashing into his house. The driver also brought down a 16 foot tree. Most likely we have to pay for the damages...
Other than that, I have posted up my latest poem. I tried posting it up earlier, but it wouldn't work(I hope it works this time.) it's called The Bitter Truth (for lack of better title)
My cat is very troublesome.
She would chew cables. She sure is dumb.
When I finally had enough,
I made a decision that was quite tough.
I came to a house that was burgundy red,
Where people said, lived the dead.
I open the door, expecting gore.
But what I saw was a little more.
A woman in long white clothes,
Covered her shoulders down to her toes.
I told her that I wanted to get rid of my cat.
She said once it happened, shell never come back.
I told her it was fine
And that the cat was mine.
She then asked me why.
So I began to lie.
Shes old, I said
And almost dead.
I want her pain to go
I thought the women would say no.
Then her eyes lit up from my lies
And to my surprise
I began to tell her the truth of my cat.
I said it was fat;
That it ate so much,
Its back would hunch.
It would pee on the carpet; it missed the box.
Though its slow, its sneakier than a fox.
She stopped me there
And flipped her hair.
I asked once again, if she would take my cats life away.
She said, Yes, but you will have to pay.
I asked what the price would be.
She said, Dont worry, its almost free.
When we had everything arranged,
I began to feel a little strange.
One more thing, her cold voice said,
Itll be a week before shes dead.
When I got back it was already dark
And my carpet was a red-brown mark.
There my cat spewed up blood,
Yet it was the colored of wet mud.
I thought, Oh well, my cats just sick.
So I made coffee, nice and thick.
I went to bed
To clear my head.
I woke up to a meow,
No, it was more of a pitiful ow.
I opened my eyes
To hear some cries.
The next day,
Its fur no longer grey;
A sleek red coat.
Thick, to gloat.
It still had bad habits,
So I couldnt stand it.
Another day passes,
The cats no longer slower then molasses.
But it still had those terrible habits,
So I couldnt stand it.
On day four,
It stood at my door,
Acting as sweet as can be.
But then, I stepped into its pee.
The next day came
And my cat was no longer the same.
She was smaller now,
I wondered how?
She was perfect,
Without any defects.
Her meows were soft.
There was no pee in my loft.
She was played and fun,
She would jump and run.
I then remembered,
That she was to be to be dismembered.
I went back once more,
To that womans door.
She was there in a white dress.
So I ran in and made a mess.
Furiously, I yelled,
What the hell
The women looked at me.
I was showing you how your cat could truly be,
She said.
By killing her I asked. No, she wont be dead.
I then understood,
Like the woman knew I would.
My cat was fading away from me,
To be somewhere that she could finally be free.
I now know the bitter truth.
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Monday, March 27, 2006
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Fanlistings That Were Joined in August
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Artwork I'm working on three contest entries for school(two drawings and one poem). I'm also doing a contest on DeviantArt. On top of that, I have manga idea that I really want to do and I have two requests as well. My myOtaku It's not really important, but I changed the old layout that I have had for a few months. Bye bye teen angst layout. Today The only least bit interesting thing that happening today was that my friend Ellen came over, but all we did was fix up drawings on the computer. Earlier this month, my cat died, she bit wires and got electricuted.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Quizzes again
 You are Yukito!
Which Jrock Queen are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You should have black hair. You crave adventure, and like to stand out in a crowd. You are cynical, yet often very unaware of things.
What is your inner anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: I like black hair :)
 | You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.
Satanism | | 79% | Paganism | | 71% | Buddhism | | 63% | Hinduism | | 58% | agnosticism | | 58% | Judaism | | 54% | Islam | | 50% | atheism | | 50% | Christianity | | 46% |
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with |
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Random Thing
+- Ten people/things you like:
1. Video Games
2. Drawing
3. Computer
4. Writing
5. my gloves
6. Sonic
7. PS2
8. Snow
9. Autumn
10. chairs that spin
+- Three things that make you happy:
1. Spinnig on my chair
2. People liking my art
3. Reading
+- Ten things that you hate/dislike:
1. The cold
2. Sleeping
3. Fear
4. Wasting Away
5. Idiots, especially those in higher positions than me
6. Sports
7. Homework
8. Football
9. People that just won't stop talking
10. Biology
+- Three facts about your name:
1. My first is Polish
2. It means "Noble"
3. If you change the second letter of my name to an o then it's polka.
+- Five facts about yourself:
1. I am a girl
2. I mispronounce many words
3. I can put my legs behind my head
4. I broke my middle finger
5. I'm too quiet at times
+- Two things you expect (at least for now):
1. To die
2. My sister is going break her computer again and ask me to use mine.
+- Four random thoughts:
1. ...
2. Could there be acid snow?
3. Hello
4. Is it possible if everyone sees colors differently then eveyone else. But no one knows, because everyone is taught that this thing is this color?
+- Song you're listening to (give singer):
Master and Servent- Depeche Mode
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