Monday, September 3, 2007
I really hate this tag thing.
I've been Tagged by Len23 (the damn ducky )
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged
1 I'm afraid that I dont know how to feel.
2 I can sing Fairytale by Michael Wong, the chinese version of the song, I also can sing shunichi Miyamoto's True light in japanese, form memory, also Chrono ending and beginning theme songs.
3 Lennies (len23) nickname ducky originally came from Ashley (Bleeding Wraith).
4 I'm the kind of person that has trouble keeping friends because I'm forgotten over the summer.
5 I remember things that are only important in a extremely small amount, and forget everything else.
6 I can remember whole definitions from the dictionary, but not what I ate for lunch.
7 I'm secretly clingy.
8 My dad has checked back into drug rehab for a number of times, the most recent being 2 days ago, he also got fired.... Again.
Poeple I shall tag.
1. Innocent Heart 2. Vampires~Romance 3. Ekedo 4. Epocolypse Seer 5. Empty Inside 6. Bleeding Wraith 7. Shippou123 8. Sesshomaru434
Alright now that that is done I think I'm gonna head off to bed, so on that note I shall leave Ya'll with a simple poem written on this very night.
The petals pink with rosy delight
Against the full moons glare of night
But my eyes see not the blossom as it falls
For my mind is back with you in the halls
Bound by duty we shall never be
If olny my stubborn father could see
The way I smiled the day
The to you I gave my heart away
Now all I have is our place to remember
The rotting wood of cherry blosseoms in December
The month of which you were last spied
through my tears as I cried
For every Cherry Blossom that falls
I seem to be trapped with only more walls
Fom you my love, reflected in only a minds memory
Like cherry blossoms, December will be the death of me
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