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myOtaku.com: AkimaSnow

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I'm always filled with unease when I am told to introduce myself to crowds. Now that I'm confronted with a big empty (well I guess not so empty with my rambling and digressions)white box...I'm still uneasy and there aren't even people. So. Sorry. This is all I have.

..I will leave you with this -- "But when you try to make plans, God is known to laugh" (Talib Kweli)

Saturday, July 9, 2005

   july 4th wknd
i hope everyone enjoyed themselves with the celebrations. my july 4th wknd lasted 6 days. im exhausted, to say the least. so i am going to sleep. ^_^
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Okay, so this is the only safe place (I think) where I can vent out this current frustration without further infuriating people. Well, more like person. Anyway -- I'm sure someone can relate to this. You meet someone and it seems like things are clicking. It seems like there is potential. But then something changes and as you get to know them more and more, you realize you dont actually care for them romantically. You just care for them platonically. (Forgive my spelling errors. I'm a senior in college but it doesn't mean Im a spelling bee champion.) So...you let them know. Early. Because you don't want them to hurt as much, even though it will hurt. Yes, you could continue on (I believe it's called "leading on"...) but ultimately it will have to end and it'll be a lie because for the most time you knew it wouldn't work. So you tell them early. So they can recover early. ... Well.. SEVERAL (and I do mean SEVERAL) months later, they are not recovered. And I'm not sure if it's just them being dramatic and they really are over it? In which case, I am going to continue ignoring the person because that's lame and an awful thing to do someone. I never meant for this to happen. The thing is--I expect this kind of drama from a girl (sorry, ladies, but it's kind of true. not all girls but some.) but for a guy to react in such a psychoatic manner? Over what is practically NOTHING? It makes one uneasy. Anyhow. I hope the guy doesn't frequent myOtaku. Actually..no, I hope he does. (I highly doubt it..) If you somehow find this msg and you know its you I'm talking about -- could you please stop being such a drama queen? It's not like I went into it with the full intention to hurt you. I had as much hope of success as anyone but things don't always go as planned. And you're being really dramatic over something that doesn't deserve that kind of attention and time. A break up from a 3 year relationship? Fine, then you can be dramatic. But this was nothing. I hope you realize that you are screwing up any chances of us ever being friends again because of your creepy behavior (it's unattractive. Stop it.) If this is your way of dealing with things, then say so. Don't act like everything is cool when I confront you about it.

..Okay, I'm going to go before I get really upset.

Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicJ-Pop
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

   Greetings and Salutations
My first post! (And probably one of my very few on this site. I am *terribly* lazy.) It's 2:01 AM. I have a chem lab at 8 AM so I should be asleep...but I'm nocturnal and it's hard to fall asleep :(
Anyhow, here is my hello to everyone. Hello ^_^ and good night. Because I have nothing else/better to say.

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