Sane Angel (10/15/05)
Hello Ko-chan, hello, Akira-sama, It's okay if you don't want to be my fan.... *sulks*... Anyways, thank you so much, Akira-sama, for letting me draw your portrait, and don't worry, your modesty is safe with me.... *bwahahaha*.... Uhm..;. really, it is. Ko chan, this site rocks!!!!! I love it!... *If only Mr. Antisocial over there would lighten up*... Mmmmm. Bankotsu.....*drools*...Mmmm... Fluffy-sama... Mmmmm... Heero... Mmmm.Touma.... Mmmmmm.... Ryo....Mmmmm.... EYES!!!!...Mmmmm....Rie..... *Bishi overload**.. *is electricuted by sopping keyboard*
Mrrrrpp.... see ya Ko-chan.