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myOtaku.com: albino black girl

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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albino blackWolf (04/26/05)

Hi there, albino black girl =P Thanks for coming to my site, so your new? Cool. Give a howl if you ever need me~

melike2pley24 (04/26/05)

hey i really like ur site and ur avi...come visit me and sign my gb

Hiei-San (04/26/05)

Hi ya! Thanks for signing my gb! Your site is coming along pretty well I'd say. It's nice to have you aboard the otaku.Oh, and the answer to your question, you have to let the picture download a bit since it's new.
Byes! =^-^=

shorty2486 (04/25/05)

Hey, pretty cool site. just saw that you signed my gb. THANKS A BUNCH! Feel free to stop by my site anytime, read my posts, add comments or pm me anytime as well.

cheza382 (04/24/05)

well..interesting site..i like the color choice..drop by my site sumtime and sign my gb too k...buh bye...im adding u as a friend..


kittykatangel (04/24/05)

thanks for signing my guestbook.
your avatars awsome!

ThisGuy (04/24/05)

Whoa so your new then. Well stop by and add me as a friend. Your av. is so freakin' funny! L8r.


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